Doombox-x — CDR - Emeraude Faust

Published: 2012-06-29 01:52:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 5432; Favourites: 104; Downloads: 26
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Description ♥ N a m e :
Emeraude (Audrey) Faust

♥ A g e :
17 years old

♥ B i r t h d a y :
12th of may

♥ S p e c i e s :

♥ F a c t i o n :

♥ J o b :
(For the TF2 fans out there; she also responds to the cliched "MEDIC!" shout. )

♥ P e r s o n a l i t y :
Emeraude is generally cheerfull. She is quick to trust people even though she may appear shy at first. But even though she is 'quick' to trust everyone doesn't mean that she trusts anyone right away, she might have her suspicions about some people. However due to the way she was raised she will not be extremely quick to judge people, unless she judges them for the better that is. Since she tends to see the good things in people rather than the bad. The few people she doesn't trust right away do have some problems getting her to trust them completely though...But that only occurs if there's some trauma from her past involved. She doesn't trusts circus directors in general for example.
Aside from cheerfull she's also quite modest. She'll be the first to cover her eyes if a person of the oposite gender walks around shirtless. As she wants to respect the other's privacy and thinks that it is improper for a girl like herself to look at a man's body before marriage.
Furthermore she's also quick to forgive; she believes that even sinners of the greatest degree should be forgiven eventually (except for one person...Even if it's not accepted by her religion to not forgive even the sinners. She'll never forgive that one man, not even if he's already dead. Not even if she let him die, his deeds were too cruel to ever be forgiven.) This brings her to the next, more darker part of her personality. Even though she is hestitant to raise a weapon. She won't even think about not raising one if a person of the opposite gender were ever to enter her trailer while she is in it. It would turn her into a fearfull little bunny with the strength of a lioness defending her cubs...While handling a knife which is permanently placed on a table inside her trailer; A way of self-defence...Or so it seems. It doesn't matter if said guy is a friend of hers, entering her trailer is equal to having a death wish...Or at least a wish for severe injuring (which she might heal after she calmed down.)

Emeraude doesn't really like the spotlight ever since certain events in her past. She used to love the attention her ability got when she was around 6 to 8 years old but some years after that entirely changed and she came to hate using her ability to preform or show off. She doesn't believe her ability is something that should be sold either and thus asks nothing in return for her healing.

Another and I think the last side of her personality (if I didn't accidentally forget one or two things.) Is her honesty. She's a very honest person even though she doesn't really try to be one that much. It's just that her body language and expressions are like an open book to anyone who is able to read people a bit.

♥ H i s t o r y :
Emeraude was born to a farmers couple in a small village, far away from the rest of the world where industrialisation was starting to fill the cities and fabrics. The village mainly fended for themselves but occasionally did trade with other villages and cities when the harvest in the village was less than statisfactory.
For the first five years after she was born Emeraude had a childhood like any other child born to a farming couple. When she neared age of six however, her healing powers first appeared.
Her mother had taken quite the fall from the hill near the village where the farmer and his wife often brought their sheep. The mother had hit a rock with her head and was bleeding quite badly. In a moment of blind panic Emeraude awakened to her powers and started healing her mother without even realising it; Some of the villagers and the local priest witnessing the event because they had heard the mother's scream when she fell.

For the next two and a half years Emeraude was viewed as a saint by the people; Her powers being miracles to them. She was moved from the farmers home to the local monastry where her parents ocassionally came to visit her while she started her studies and performed her 'miracles' on hurt or sick travellers. It was also here that she discovered that she could heal anyone she wanted...But herself. She could not heal her own astmathic condition , no matter how much she tried. She couldn't even heal the slightest of bruises on her own body , while it was so easy to do for her when someone else was bruised. As the years passed the rumours about there being a saint in those parts of the country grew stronger and attracted the attention of quite an amount of bad men. Many a man tried to get the monastry to sell her to them, promising them donations to the church so huge that it could've provided food and renovations for the monastry for the next 20 years at least. But they kept refusing...Until a man deceided to take Emeraude for himself. In the late evening, when the girl had just finished her routine of evening prayers she was abducted from the monastry she called home.

The selfish man was the owner of a freak circus and he forced her to preform with her ability. Forcing her to preform miracles infront of an audience that payed to be healed. He basicly worked her and his other 'pets and belongings' to half-death. Believing that they were his property to do with as he pleased. Emeraude lived in this condition from age 9 to 16. Not much information is known about this time because Emeraude spent most of her moments under a constant fever and asthma-attacks. The memories that are clear however was how they were locked in cages like animals instead of having been given a proper trailer and the memories she shared with Cleo. Cleo was an Egyptian woman that the circus director had brought back from his travells to the middle east and Africa. She was a beautifull lady who had the ability to charm snakes and not only that; her bites were as venomous as a king cobra's. She was also Emeraude's mother figure at the time. Protecting her in ways that Emeraude could not even realise at the time until the night of her escape. The circus director had tried to take advantage of Emeraude, only to be stopped by Cleo who had found out about his intentions. She bit him and Emeraude commited her worst sin up to this day...She let him die. Not even giving him another look as she and Cleo left the circus, setting the others free along with them.

From then on Emeraude travelled the lands with Cleo in poverty. Until Cleo died that is; as she was poisoning herself from the inside because of the cobra's venom that she was able to use. Both of them knew that it was going to happen sometime; As it had been one of the few conditions that Emeraude couldn't heal. The two of them had just not expected it to be so soon.
And so ; with no knowledge of where she was or what her home village's name even was she travelled from nameless city to nameless city. Eventually straying across cirque des reves; Where she was caught stealing some food. After much questioning she was allowed to join the circus as a healer...And that's how she ended up here. Cirque des Reves is also where she discovered her ability to revive plants and puppets/ dolls made out of natural material.

♥ V o i c e (Seiyuu)
Hanatan (This is a nico nico douga singer; [link] [link] )

♥ L i k e s :
-Felines (all kinds, big , small)
-Snakes (snakes and felines are apart because she likes them more than other animals.)
-Winter (because she gets to snuggle into her blankets.)
-Plushies , dolls, stuffed animals
-Honest people

♥ D i s l i k e s :
-Dishonest people
-Greedy people
-People who try to take advantage of her
-Men who enter her trailer
-Circus directors (not nessecarily hates them...She just doesn't trust the lot of them for obvious reasons, sorry Casper TT_TT )
-Spicy / Sour food
-Her asthma attacks/ inability to heal herself.
-The spotlight

♥ F a m i l y :
-Mother (Ruth Culotte)
-Father (Joseph Faust)
-Brother (Joshua Faust...She does not know of his excistance. As he was born after she got taken by the circus director.)

♥ R e l a t i o n s h i p s :
-Will be added as group progresses-

♥ M I S C/O t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n:
- Her hair is this long due to the fact that it's almost impossible to cut. Meaning that; Even if you were to cut it short, it would have grown back to it's former length by the next 3 days. And it will most likely keep growing like this forever. The only upside being that it's always healthy,shiny and never has split ends.
- She has trouble combing her own hair due to it being that long.
- She has a thing for animal ears; She loves petting them.
- Despite all that happened she still loves hugging, though she isn't keen on too intimate hugs.
- Though this is not mentioned in her personality; She is a huge crybaby...And kind of fears that she'd be useless to this circus. She doesn't want to live out on the streets again...Or worse; be sent to a circus like the first one she belonged to.
♥ R P m e t h o d s :
-DA chat

Emeraude Faust (c)
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Comments: 41

Mio-Neko [2013-02-22 01:19:24 +0000 UTC]

may I draw her? ovo

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Doombox-x In reply to Mio-Neko [2013-02-22 15:23:46 +0000 UTC]

sure , go ahead ^^ Do link me to the finished drawing once it's finished please~ <3

*loves it when people draw my characters >w<*

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Mio-Neko In reply to Doombox-x [2013-02-22 17:35:52 +0000 UTC]

thank you, and I will ovo

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crimsonrain19 [2013-01-22 08:08:23 +0000 UTC]

Pretty pretty <3

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Luckysee12 [2012-12-07 01:58:52 +0000 UTC]

Emeraude is so pretty~! If i get accepted with Senka when Cirque des Reves opens next, then Emeraude will have to worry about Senka watching her around corners XD

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Doombox-x In reply to Luckysee12 [2012-12-07 14:42:49 +0000 UTC]

awh thank you >W<
And I wouldn't worry about Senka following her around...Infact, I Emeraude needs more female friends XD

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Luckysee12 In reply to Doombox-x [2012-12-07 22:09:53 +0000 UTC]

Augh, friendzoned XD I don't think you understood why Senka would be watching her from afar XD

I hope Senpai will notice me~

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Doombox-x In reply to Luckysee12 [2012-12-08 17:57:30 +0000 UTC]

I was figuring either because she wanted to dress up Emeraude like a little doll...Or because she wanted to be friends lol XD. I really hadn't thought any further than that. Sorry if I offended or hurt you OTL.

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Luckysee12 In reply to Doombox-x [2012-12-08 21:59:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh, no, it's fine XD I understand, i might have had a hard time figuring out why too XD

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paperplanejane [2012-08-01 09:55:17 +0000 UTC]

she is sooo cute ;w ;

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Doombox-x In reply to paperplanejane [2012-08-02 12:39:31 +0000 UTC]

thank you XD
I never knew that they had made a heavy icon like that. He looks so happy .

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kishi-san [2012-07-07 14:32:24 +0000 UTC]

ahhh she's such a sweetheart!
Doom, we gotta rp sometime ok? ;u;
Em and Kes certainly have this 'freak circus' past thing going on~

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Doombox-x In reply to kishi-san [2012-07-16 00:41:24 +0000 UTC]

...Reading Kes's past makes me think that it could've been the same circus *shot* XD I mean , the circus directors from both histories are equally brutal. Along with the being locked into cages thing and not getting alot of food and such things QAQ

I'd love to rp with you some time. Which medium do you prefer for rping?
(Also sorry for the late reply; I was on a trip to Italy since the 5th of july and didn't have any internet until today. Since I'm back home now.)

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kishi-san In reply to Doombox-x [2012-07-16 00:56:03 +0000 UTC]

heck who knows haha maybe it was!

notes, send one over if you'd like

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LightningEffect [2012-07-03 17:00:54 +0000 UTC]

Aww, she's so pretty. I love her hair, makes me think of tangled xD Her past is so sad but cute. <333

She likes sweets eh? Be sure to drop by the candy stand then~ //shot

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Macchi-Tacchi [2012-07-03 06:02:45 +0000 UTC]

baw she's so cuteeee ; w ; I love her hair asdad <3
hope we can rp sometime <3

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Fuzzai [2012-07-03 00:30:05 +0000 UTC]

She's so cute! ; 7 ;

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Mikhlay [2012-07-01 00:36:45 +0000 UTC]


Please excuse me while I go fangirling on that moe girl in a corner

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Doombox-x In reply to Mikhlay [2012-07-01 01:42:51 +0000 UTC]

Is she really that moe? XD

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Mikhlay In reply to Doombox-x [2012-07-01 13:13:06 +0000 UTC]

She is, my dear, she is u v u

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Doombox-x In reply to Mikhlay [2012-07-01 16:38:15 +0000 UTC]

thank you >w<

It's been awhile since I worked with actual moe characters (personality wise..) So I was hoping that I would've been able to pull it off well ^^

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Atobe333 [2012-06-29 10:01:56 +0000 UTC]

Ah this is the cute girl you showed me, though your main image looks like you got it squished a little by accident

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Doombox-x In reply to Atobe333 [2012-06-29 13:12:20 +0000 UTC]

yeah, it's possible that it got squished. I mean the original image was HUGE and I had to try to fit it onto this app and leave enough room for the chibi XD. It's actually not a surprise from me that it might be squished a bit.

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Yue-t [2012-06-29 07:31:32 +0000 UTC]

She is the most adorable-st girl I've seen. LOVE HER DRESS.

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Doombox-x In reply to Yue-t [2012-06-29 13:13:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. Most of the time that went into the character design was for her dress. It was so difficult to design one which didn't have too much frills and wasn't too flashy

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Yue-t In reply to Doombox-x [2012-06-29 13:14:31 +0000 UTC]

It looks quite amazing to me. ;w; I love your art. It's the best for me!

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Doombox-x In reply to Yue-t [2012-06-29 14:04:42 +0000 UTC]

T-the best don't say that , there are many other much better artists out there than me >/////////////<

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Yue-t In reply to Doombox-x [2012-06-29 14:12:22 +0000 UTC]

Well for your age, its awesome!! ;w;

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Doombox-x In reply to Yue-t [2012-06-30 09:11:15 +0000 UTC]

I'm already 18 , there are younger artists out there who are waaay better than me.

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Yue-t In reply to Doombox-x [2012-06-30 09:23:36 +0000 UTC]

18 is young!!!! ;A;

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Doombox-x In reply to Yue-t [2012-06-30 19:51:44 +0000 UTC]

Compared to some of the talented artists here...It's old XD

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FreyaBellamy [2012-06-29 07:17:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh my she looks like Rapunzel ! Saooow cute !

Everybody try to join this group (he looks so awesome...)

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Doombox-x In reply to FreyaBellamy [2012-06-29 13:16:11 +0000 UTC]

She was actually slightly inspired by the rapunzel from Disney's Tangled *chuckles* But I didn't think that the source of my inspiration would be so obvious.

And thank you for thinking that she's cute. ^^

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FreyaBellamy In reply to Doombox-x [2012-06-29 22:00:40 +0000 UTC]

It isn't that obvious don't worry !
In fact for me she looked like Rapunzel from in manga Ludvig Revolution (here a pic of her) [link]

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Doombox-x In reply to FreyaBellamy [2012-06-30 09:10:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh , I've yet to read that manga. But the style looks really interesting >w<
*goes to look it up so I can read it*

...But you're right about Rapunzel and Emeraude being a bit similiar.
Strange how that can happen while I've never seen that manga before in my entire life. XD

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FreyaBellamy In reply to Doombox-x [2012-07-01 22:37:02 +0000 UTC]

But I think this Rapunzel and Emeraude have opposite characters °w° This manga parody princesses of fairy tales so here she is hot-tempered and unpleasant...

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Doombox-x In reply to FreyaBellamy [2012-07-01 23:11:34 +0000 UTC]

I noticed that too while reading the manga. Rapunzel's story was very cute though.
And she did become less hot-tempered after having her babies.

I absolutely fell in love with it right now. I might go off reading it a second time.
(Friederike ...It was so sad... )

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FreyaBellamy In reply to Doombox-x [2012-07-02 07:22:31 +0000 UTC]

Yep Friederike seems to be the only one he really liked
Snow-White is the weirdest of all the stories but after the book is more....normal XD
There are 5 books the all of them are good (my fave is Dorothea I don't know why XD)

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Doombox-x In reply to FreyaBellamy [2012-07-02 12:26:04 +0000 UTC]

Dorothea is indeed awesome. How she sacrificed herself for Ludwig.

When he went off rescuing her I thought that he'd take her as his princess for awhile , or at least took a liking to her. Guess not. XD
My three favorite characters are Rapunzel , Friederike and Dorothea .

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FreyaBellamy In reply to Doombox-x [2012-07-02 16:12:11 +0000 UTC]

I think so, she had a really sad story too ; v ; but she was a funny character ! I never thought she would have a story as she was secondary...

Ah I guessed he would stay mean with her as Friederike seems to be the only girl he loved but I'm sad she came back as a child...her sexy look was funny with Ludwig's reactions !
Ashen was funny too and the frog princess was a cute story <3

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Doombox-x In reply to FreyaBellamy [2012-07-02 16:56:51 +0000 UTC]

Lol , Ashen with her sisters XD *Cracks up from just thinking of it.*

Perhaps he could learn to love Dorothea over the years...
Secretly I am hoping that Friederike somehow takes over a body like she did with that plant and would then try to make Ludwig fall in love with her all over again. XD
But that's just me reaaally wanting those two ending up together afterall.
And I thought her story was so sad too QAQ ...It does explain why she was able to pull off all that stuff as a witch though.

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