Doukz — Kien, the Cosmic Kirin Captain

#captain #contest #fantasy #kirin #pirate #prophecy #scifi #space #sorryforreupload #cosmiccorsairocc
Published: 2019-10-26 00:26:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 2913; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 1
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reuploaded due to some technical errors, sorry!

Oh boy, I worked really hard on this piece to capture all the elements of his story, I hope I didn't go do too much!!

I've got a lot to explain, hmm... Oh please don't let the description discourage you from reading!! It's long because I just... Thought so much about his and his crew's backstories.. Mostly Kien, of course. I'm sorry for the length!

-to be included: additional sketches + extra information.

I'll update it more tomorrow!!

Piece description:

The piece shows Kien's ascension into his new life as a pirate. In his shadow is an oracle placing their hand upon an iron coated prophecy- his prophecy, supposedly. There are faint Kirin in the background and even fainter glowing markings, and Kien's pipe billows out dust behind him through this as both an homage to the toxic life and the dust's connection to his home planet.

In the light is his immediate future, his crew. Most of it, anyways. He now serves as a captain to a crew of stragglers that are quickly becoming his family. Still, though, the prophecy lingers on his mind... He's never been one for myths, but what if he does have a destiny? What if he can return home one day?

Kien's planet: Vishtin

Vishtin is a lush planet akin to an aesthetic dream. Fairly small, with two moons and "two" suns (another moon that just reflects a ton of light and is considered a sun by the Kirin) it has a large forests covering most of its surface. There is also an ocean and several lakes, though these are dangerous and relatively shallow. There are a few mountains, though the planet has more 'dents' and holes than it does raised land. A key location unlike much of the world's shimmery atmosphere is the presence of a large expanse of bog, once thought to be part of a long lost civilization. Now it is incredibly toxic to most life in the sense that it ruins the bio luminescence of the living matter around it. Kirins call it this phenomen "light sucking" as all afflicted Kirin have come out weaker, less vibrant, unsaturated and no longer able to glow. The bog has been named the valley of light in reference to the light it has stolen from life.

Important planet customs/plants/etc:

this is actually fairly important!

In order to document things, Kirin's ancestors would carefully cut flat sections of tree bark (trees are pretty thick), carve into it, and then coat it in finely grained and melted dust from native plants called Poru. Poru is probably the most important plant to Kirin on their planet. Like a glowing shrub, the substance shimmers with several colors in the day. It can be melted into a strong metal as well, and is the base for most armor and important documents, monuments, and sculptures. It as well is basically allergic for any non-Vishtin native species, causing them to pass out and wake up nauseous. Kirin + other native species are immune to it.

Iron is one of the only metals to be found on Vishtin as well as Earth. Here, however, it is seen as both a bad omen and ugly, because it doesn't have any colorful or shimmery components common to the planet. Therefore, it is rarely used and when it is, often in a negative way. 

While most ancient slabs are well preserved thanks to being dipped in the Poru plant, the iron records are not as well kept and wearing down.

- poru plant

Kien's Species: Kirin

Kien belongs to a species known as Kirin. Kirin are generally bright, colorful creatures with bio luminescent patterns in their fur that glow. They have hoofed feet, long manes and tails, and it's most common for them to have one or two horns on their head, from the middle of their forehead to the back. Taken from Kirin mythology I made this species bright and colorful in contrast to Kien's near black hole of a design. They get some of their energy from the light around them, which there is a lot of.

Kien, unlike most kirin, has two horns on the side of his head. To humans, this is like having your ears on top of your head- it's a mutation and considered very wrong among kirins. Originally he had been born a brighter blue gray, but he still wasn't at the level of most kirin in terms of saturation. His markings generally aired on the side of cooler colors, but glowed brightly nonetheless. He used to have an orange mane and tail, but it was destroyed in the incident.

On top of his horns and lack of saturation, he is now considered 'cursed' and 'corrupted' among his species due to the incident.

Species native to Vishtin have developed an immunity to the toxins on the planet, such as the Poru plant's natural scent/dust/"allergic reaction"

Kirin have the ability to subtly influence their environment, such as water or air. Think of water benders, but not a miniscule scale. Kien can do this with air, which is partly how he makes compressed dust darts in his pipe.

The incident at the Valley of Light, the bog:

During Kien's younger years he and a group of friends were chased by a Miklev, a large tusked beast and one of the lush planet's only large threats to Kirins. Miklev do not live far in the forests the Kirin inhabit, but the children had dared each other into the edges of the woods and were unluckily met by the hulking beast. Just at the edge of the forest is a large bog- Kien had been at the forefront of the group, and had not been able to stop in time. Falling into the valley of light, he was sucked beneath the thick black liquid and nearly suffocated. Upon fighting for air, finally finding shallow enough footing to break the surface, he came out as dark as the thick liquid around him. Losing his bio luminescent markings and his fur worsening to match, he now seems to suck the light out from around him like a black hole instead of light up the world like his fellow Kirin. Another arm seemed to grow in front of his eyes as well. According to the oracle, this is part of the prophecy.

-  pre-incident child Kien

The prophecy:

Kien is believed by the oracle to belong to a rare iron prophecy due to the resemblance in the character's unusual portrayal of two horns. Iron is considered a dull and unlucky metal like a bad omen, so having used it to coat a prophecy is seen as something inherently wrong and nothing short of a warning. There are only four vague engravings in the lumpy prophecy, with the third one too worn down to see. Because no words are present, Kien and the oracle has no idea what it means on a technical level- but the oracle has come up with the theory that his mutations and cursed body are all part of a bigger picture, trials to prepare him for either divine power or divine torment, judging by the same etching of "Kien" at the end of the prophecy featuring multiple limbs and that he will find this somewhere in their solar system.

Thanks to this idea of the prophecy from the oracle's interpretation of the iron slab led the planet to "evict" Kien, or in other words force him to leave the planet to fulfill the prophecy in hopes of him returning a god-like being or... Not at all.

Kien wonders vaguely if this was a means of removing him from his home, but doesn't let himself dwell on it.


the hat:

Of course, he has to have a hat! Instead of wearing a pirate hat, he wears an armor from his people. This headgear had to be worked on to fit his head, though because of the variety in Kirin's it was made to be easily manipulated. The gear itself doesn't have much use except for being exceptionally durable and a good stabby device if needed. The shimmer of the dust-based metal also reminds him of his home... Like his other items, he found it on the ship he left in.

The crest:

The staple symbol of the Kirin as a whole, an abstract singular horned Kirin head made out of curvy shapes adorns a saturated piece of cloth usually strung around the shoulders of soldiers, oracles, and during festive activities. Kien stubbornly still considers himself "pure kirin" (pure meaning perfectly normal, in this context) and wears the fabric as both a reminder of his supposed purpose in fulfilling the prophecy as well as a symbol of his family at home.

The weapon:

Kien had some experience with a pipe before, but never like this. Upon finding the shimmering rainbow metal in the classic Kirin head, and a few plants on the ship (a cargo vessel, he soon discovered) a bright idea hit his mind. His resourcefulness paid off as he set up a small greenhouse in the personal study and used the dust created from grinding some of the surplus Poru plant into a fine dust and smoking it from his pipe. Perfectly healthy for him, a noxious knockout for everyone else. A small scope was installed on the pipe after finding out he could make darts and shoot faraway enemies.

How it's used:

Kien isn't one for fighting. He may be lithe, but he has no muscle mass whatsoever. This twink of a goat fights with only one weapon- his pipe. By blowing out the Poru plant dust from his pipe he can effectively knock out any enemies in a room with him and leave them sick when/if they wake up- however- it doesn't work on aliens that don't breathe, are native to Vishtin (aka have an immunity to Poru), or naturally filter air.

In cases like this he can "blow around" the dust in the pipe and make a small dart out of compressed air thanks to his Kirin abilities. These darts can be blown into farther away enemies. Being so small and fragile, they can only pierce thin skin. If the creature is fully clothed, the dart will simply crumble upon impact, as well as if the creature has stronger skin like a reptile or natural armor.


His crew:

Kien's crew has amassed slowly over his few years so far as a captain. Starting with Lola and ending with Valyunn and Miri

Lola, the pink slime:

More accurately a slug, Lola is a pink creature with a bouncy optimistic attitude! Her species come from a similar planet to Kien's, near enough to his own that she ended up being his first crew member! Lola's sense for adventure led her to joining after she saw how in shambles his ship was. Lola actually has quite a lot of mass due to her planet's lack of gravitational pull- think of less than the moon. Some species on her planet actually float around due to that. Unlike Kien's planet, where Kirin are basically the only high intelligence creatures, Lola's species has been in competition for resources against a species on their home planet that is actively trying to eradicate her people due to the world's small size and lack of space. Most of her planet is covered by the 'pink sea'.


She's not very good with killing things, but she has a lot of charm! Lola is good in diplomatic situations and very good at storing stolen items under her outer gooey cloak in her tail if the operation requires stealth over gunfire. Otherwise she has a fondness for keeping the ship clean and used to cook rather... Questionable food until Aemma joined the crew.

Gyo, the bird mechanic:

No one knows what Gyo's real name is, except that they go by Gyo and are a wanted fugitive on the run. Kien can hardly believe it, considering how formal they act and how precise their words are. Gyo looks similar to a bird with long thin eyes and simple colorful patterns.

Gyo is supposed to have more foliage and far longer wing-arms, and it is unknown why they only have flightless feathers.


Despite their thin build, they do most of the heavy lifting in the crew- as well as the engineering and most anything that requires wiring/welding/etc. Kien did his own fair share of engineering on the cargo ship when he first got it, but a lot of what he did had backlash and Gyo now spends most of their time perfecting his work alongside their own advancements.



A large beast that towers over all the crew members. Valyunn is Miri's adoptive mother and resembles a Malamute if it turned into a wolf, with a hulking figure and thinner back legs. Valyunn does not care to disclose much about where she came from, but guards Miri with her life. They joined the crew when Valyunn "took hostages" of Lola and Pip in an effort to force them to take Miri and themselves under their protection. It worked. Valyunn is a stoic mother-figure who is intimidating in first impressions, but a loyal friend. They speak in a thick accent.


The crew's shield. She has an incredible defensive fur and thick skin and will often hurl herself into tough battles. Because of her side and Quadped nature she's also great for dire situations and rescue operations because she can simply prop the wounded member on their back and ride them out of danger. Her immense size makes her perfect for battle, even as a large target- but no so much for other duties.

Miri, the nymph child

Miri is most definitely part Kirin, and Kien isn't quite sure how to feel about it. Miri is a small, seven year old child who boarded the ship during a "hostage invasion" with her adoptive mother, Valyunn. The crew now keeps her under their protection- she doesn't talk much but is a sweet shy child with an interest in crayon scribbles and why Kien is so fascinating. She definitely looks up to him as a mentor and both Kien and Valyunn hate it. Miri is a humanoid with a long horn and kirin tail. She has red-orange, long curly hair. She arrived in what seemed to cultural wraps, but right now she just wears pajamas Gyo picked up somewhere


"Sir this is my emotional support child" Miri is a child, so she can't exactly... Thrust herself out into war or anything. She does rarely go out on small missions despite Valyunn's insistence that she stay safely on board. Miri has elemental "powers", but because she rarely divulges in herself and doesn't know much about her own species anyways nobody knows exactly what she's capable of. Her innocent face coupled with Lola's personality make an irresistible distraction.

Pip, the... Raptor?

Pip is an odd case. She's a reptilian creature heavily resembling that of a deceased species from earth (a planet nobody knows about, mind you), a raptor. Pip isn't a raptor, though. Incapable of speaking with her primal vocal chords, Gyo invented a headset that translates Pip's vocals into coherent sentences. Nobody knew how spunky and hyper she was until then. Pip is often ready to jump into battle wherever necessary, and if these guys knew about video games she would honestly probably be an e-girl, a lizard e-girl... Somehow.


Like Valyunn she is quick to throw herself into battle. She doesn't have the best coordination but her rough skin can take a good bulk of damage and the pistols Gyo whipped up for her work wonders as a Scout-like class. She's... Actually no just look up Scout from tf2 and replace him with an alien raptor.

Aemma, the elven operative:

Aemma is one of the few on this crew that nobody knows anything about. They're polite, but their words are quick clips and down to the point, assuming they talk at, and he completes orders as soon as possible for Kien showing a great deal of respect whether out of obligation to the crew or not. He tends to keep to himself and sometimes talks to himself in a language even Gyo's translator can't identify, implying they're not exactly from around here, as despite the crew's know-nothing knowledge on Gyo her translator picks up languages built in from interactions with other species on her planet, which seems to be big and known for trade.

Even Lola seems to have a hard time opening him up, and only Miri seems to spend full conversations talking to him.


They have clear military training they utilize in sniping. Aemma is good at close combat with knives and far away with a plasma rifle, but suffer a little when it comes to things like short but ranged weapons like pistols and shotguns, or basically anything between really close and really far away.

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Comments: 8

PktPictures [2019-11-20 18:10:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Doukz In reply to PktPictures [2019-11-20 23:39:34 +0000 UTC]

oh, thank you so much!!! :'DD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Blutintphotography [2019-11-14 07:41:41 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Doukz In reply to Blutintphotography [2019-11-15 01:06:57 +0000 UTC]

thank you!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

carlossaiyan [2019-11-13 02:50:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Doukz In reply to carlossaiyan [2019-11-13 02:55:35 +0000 UTC]

he's definitely soft, for the most part aha!

And if he doesn't accidentally knock you out with his pipe out of shock first, he'd probably even appreciate the sentiment!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

carlossaiyan In reply to Doukz [2019-11-13 03:01:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Doukz [2019-10-26 03:42:00 +0000 UTC]

o h no I hope I didn't make this too long?? I got carried away with all the stuff I came up with aaAA-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0