DoYOUloveLaw — Chasing a Dream ~One-Shot~ (Kidd x Reader)

#fanfiction #onepiece #eustasskid #eustasskidd #xreaderinsert #kiddxreader
Published: 2015-04-30 02:00:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 13711; Favourites: 163; Downloads: 0
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          You put your favourite binoculars up to your eyes and were not surprised at what you found. You had seen the small speck of a ship on the horizon, and you knew what time of year it was. With the help of the binocular’s lenses, you saw the Kidd Pirates jolly roger flying above the sails. Excitement rushed through you because once or twice a year they would stop by your island in order to stock up on supplies. This was the day, you were going to make Kidd let you join his crew! He had always turned you down, saying things like you were too weak and that he didn't want to have to protect you.

           This time was different though, you had been training like crazy! There was no way you weren't strong enough. He had to say yes this time! You shoved everything you had with you into your backpack and started running towards town. As you ran you imagined the kinds of things that Killer would tell you, what kind of adventures they had gotten to go on and what other kinds of pirates they had met. They always went and did amazing things without you, it was so unfair!

           Once you hit the edge of town you started making your way to the docks, saying hello to everyone along the way. Some of the shopkeepers saw you and began to set out wares that they kept specifically for pirates, knowing that there was only one reason you would be running through town like that. You almost never came down from your hideout on the hill unless it involved Eustass Kidd and his crew. The townspeople had become used to pirates, the Kidd Pirates especially, since they visited the laid back island often. It was a nice quiet place for pirates to get some rest from the wild seas for a few days.

           When you finally hit the docks, you raced to the dock that Eustass always preferred and proceeded to start preparing it for their ship. You needed to show Kidd that you were capable of handling tasks like this in order to prove your worth as a pirate. As you finished that you pulled out your binoculars and looked for the ship that held your dreams. Then you noticed that the pirate ship was being followed, by marines, and that the ship wasn't heading to the docks as they should. As they got closer, you heard the noise of cannons firing. The ship started turning then, as if it was going around the island, not going to dock, but avoiding it. You wanted to help them, and as you watched the ship sail to the right side of the island you knew exactly how to do that.

           Again you took off running through town, only this time you stopped to “borrow” a bike from one of the shopkeepers, yelling that you would pay him back later. There was a cliff on the right side of the island and if you could time it right, you might be able to make it onto the ship. You sped up, making your way to the top of the biggest hill in town, using it as a ramp in order to take off at top speed towards the cliff. Once you made it to the top you pulled out your binoculars and when you found the pirate ship off the coast, you didn't even bother to put your binoculars away, only having time to drop them on the ground. Kidd’s ship was already passing the cliff, if you didn't get there quickly you were going to miss it.

           The closer you got to the cliff, the more it looked like you were going to miss the ship, but you didn't have the time to doubt yourself. There were cannon balls and bullets flying everywhere, you favourite pirate crew needed you, and you weren't going to let them down. Soon you hit the final few yards and you realized you trajectory was off, so you jerked the bike to the right and went soaring off the cliff.

           You were flying, that was the only way to describe the feeling rushing through you. The bike fell out from beneath you as you somersaulted through the air. You grabbed your backpack and pulled out your favourite pistols, preparing for the landing. You managed to land on your feet and after a moment of orienting yourself you glanced around and realized you had made it onto the ship. Only it was the wrong ship. Marines were surrounding you looking confused. You adjusted to the situation quickly, raising your pistols and beginning to fight in earnest. You heard some confused yells from the ship you had wanted to land on, them not knowing what had distracted the marines from their original fight.

           You continued your fight, hoping to impress Kidd enough for him to let you join his crew finally. You had managed to take out quite a few marines, though not as many as Kidd does with his mechanical arm, when suddenly you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head. As you fell to the ground your vision started to go black. The last thing you saw before passing out was a large shape moving towards you.

           When you woke up later you looked around, noticing you were no longer on the deck of the marine ship, nor were you chained up in a cell. In fact you were laying in a rather comfortable bed in an extremely messy room. You knew without ever having stepped in this room that it belonged to your favourite pirate captain. The mechanical pieces of metal lying around gave testament to that. You realized that you had failed, again. You had wanted to show Kidd that you could handle yourself in a fight, but in the end you had needed him to rescue you.

           You got out of the bed, but before you could stand up you felt pain in the back of your head. When you reached up to feel it, there were bandages wrapped around your head. You sighed, feeling embarrassed at how badly your attempt at helping Kidd had gone. You made your way to the door, leaning against it for a moment before turning the knob and exiting the room. Kidd’s crew was running around completing their daily chores, you watched them for a moment before Killer noticed you and walked up.

           “Should you be out of bed yet? Kidd is going to kill all of us if you get hurt again.” Killer looked you over as he spoke, checking as much as he could before stepping away. You saw Kidd before he did, watched as Kidd’s eyes narrowed at you guys. It was probably exactly as Killer said, Kidd had always been a bit overprotective of you. It was just another reason for him not letting you join his crew, he didn't want you hurt. He was always talking about you needing protection. You expected him to be angry at you so you weren't surprised when he started storming over to you and Killer, what did shock you was when he smacked Killer before gently picking you up.

           “Why are you letting her out of bed? What if she fell over board? Or opened up her stitches! I don’t want to have to ask ANOTHER favour of that stupid surgeon asshole!” It was obvious from his tone which surgeon asshole he was talking about. You had heard all the stories about his most hated rival, the Surgeon of Death. Even when his arm had come off he had refused to stoop so low as to ask Trafalgar Law for help. Killer had to do it behind Kidd’s back, Kidd had willingly asked his rival for help because of you.

           Some things started to become very clear to you as Kidd carried you back to your room, this new information along with the fact Kidd was no longer looking directly at you, were both telling evidence for your new theory as to why your favourite pirate wouldn't let you join his crew. You kept this new knowledge to yourself however, no need to let go of your little secret the moment you got it. You could be cunning if you needed too.

           A few days after the incident where you learned of Kidd’s apparent attraction to you, the ship was drawing near your island. Killer had informed you that after the battle the pirate crew had needed to sail away from the island in order to avoid marine reinforcements. They had doubled back and were now sailing back to your home. You had no qualms about it, it gave you time to develop a plan to use your knowledge against Kidd. You finally came up with an idea, and it involved the mayor of your town, who had unofficially taken you in as a daughter. He had been trying to marry you off for a while, but he understood your need to be free, having had dreams of being a pirate himself in his youth. All you needed to do was get your hands on a transponder snail. The mayor had always been supported of you so you knew that as long as you could explain your predicament to him, he would go along with anything to further your dreams.

           You convinced Killer to steal you one while you promised to distract the pirate captain. You found him in his workshop, where he spent any free time he had. It was easy to sneak up on him while he was focused on his newest invention. You pounced on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He jumped, dropping his tools, once he realized who it was however, he just sighed relaxing.

            “I could have killed you F/n, what do you want?” He glanced at you before turning back to his desktop, picking his tools and going to work again. You had none of that though, you figured now would be a great time to test out your new theory. After you released his neck you quickly slipped under his arm and into his lap, blocking his work from his sight. You straddled his lap and put your arms around his neck.

            “You’re so warm Kidd~ I could just take a nap like this~” You leaned your head on his shoulder and when you glanced up to check your results, you almost couldn't contain your glee. The notorious Eustass Kidd was beet red. It wasn't just his cheeks either! Even his ears were red, that was all the confirmation you really needed, but he was actually more comfortable than you expected, so you decided to stick around. You really didn't plan on falling asleep though.

            When you woke up you were curled up in Kidd’s bed, you had been using as your own, Kidd had insisted that, as the only girl on the ship, you should have your own room. He had taken up a hammock in the crew’s quarters. Killer walked in a while after you had woken up, smirking at you while he held out a transponder snail.

           “While you were busy sleeping with the captain, I obtained the requested transponder snail.” He grinned at you as you snatched the snail from him, you couldn't help the blush that appeared graced your cheeks at his chosen words. You proceeded to kick Killer out so you could have a private conversation with the mayor as soon as possible.

           Once Killer was gone you called the mayor, after he picked up and you convinced him that it was really you, and that you were safe, you proceeded to tell him your plan. It took more convincing than you had originally planned, apparently riding a bike off a cliff and onto a marine ship had made him worry about your sanity. However once you mentioned that it was your dream to travel the seas with Kidd and his crew, you knew you had got him. The only catch? If Kidd still said no you had to promise to actually marry the man. You knew about the captain’s feelings though, so there was no way you could lose this bet.

            The plan went like this, you tell Kidd that if you return to the island you have to marry. The mayor will find the wealthiest man on the island, to further Kidd’s jealousy. Kidd will react by taking you away to save you from your forced wedding and everyone is happy in the end. All you needed to do was deliver the horrible news to Kidd to get the ball rolling.

           You found Kidd on deck watching your home draw closer. You walked up to him, putting on your best nervous act.

           “Kidd? Can I talk to you? It is important.” You gave him the puppy dog eyes you were known for on the island. You never lost when you pulled those babies out. When you both entered his workshop, he shut the door turning to look at you.

            “What do you need F/n? We are getting ready to dock.” He watched you, waiting for you to speak, but you held out the silence for a moment to build anticipation. Then you spilled the imaginary secrets. Telling him everything, adding in all the attempts from the past just to build up the story. If the narrowing of his eyes was any indicator, your plan was succeeding. Until you heard his reply.

           “I think you should just marry the man, he seems like he could take care of you.” Kidd turned and left you standing there shocked. This was not right, he should have gone into a jealous rage and not let you step foot on that island ever again. Why would he just brush you off? Had you imagined the blushes and the glances? You sat there thinking until Killer came to get you, telling you that the ship was docked. Suddenly the idea of having to marry some boring rich man didn't seem so far away.

           As you silently walked up to the deck you had no idea what to do, this plan was supposed to get you on this ship, instead you were being sent off to marry some stranger by the man you had come to love. You had actually fallen for the captain. You stopped in your tracks, Killer glancing at you. There was still one thing you could try, but you didn't know if it was worth it. If he rejected this plan you might not survive. This would probably be the most dangerous stunt you had ever pulled,as it would be putting your life on the line.

           You turned from Killer running up to Kidd, stopping in front of him. You had about thirty seconds of courage right now, and wit was rapidly depleting, you needed to get this out quick.

          “I don’t want to marry some strange man with money. I could have done that a long time ago if that was my dream, instead I have spent all these years trying to convince you to take me on an adventure. I always thought that if I got stronger, or if I was brave you would let me join. I thought the adventures would show me who I was. That was never my goal though, I only ever really wanted to be apart of your crew, to be by your side for the rest of my life.” You paused for a moment wondering if you had the courage to finish this speech, but you had come this far.

           “I love you Eustass Kidd and I want to join your crew. Please don’t send me off to this marriage!” Before he could react you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him, after a moment without a reaction, you went to pull away. Only to be pulled closer, Kidd reached up, holding your face and gently leaned in for his own kiss. It was sweet, holding all the emotions that had been shared between you. Once it had ended he pulled away and smiled down at you.

            “As if I would give you up after that. I won’t give you up to anyone ever.” As you watched him, the cool look he had faded, replaced with an embarrassed blush.

            “I love you too. Just no more jumping off of cliffs, yeah?” You smiled, you could ,probably, accept those terms. He watched you grinning when you nodded your acceptance, he held you closer for a second before releasing you and starting to shout orders at his crew. You looked to the docks and saw the mayor standing there, and from the sad look he was giving you, he knew what the outcome had been. Before Kidd could yell to hoist anchor, having no reason to stay on the island anymore, you ran down the plank. You ran up to the mayor giving him a huge hug.

           “I will be okay from now on. I just want to have the chance to follow my dreams. I love you, and I am glad you were there for me when I had no parents.” You smiled when you felt his tears on your shoulder. He finally released you, stepping back and wiping his eyes.

           “I am glad you finally got the chance to follow the dreams you have been chasing for years, but this village is going to be a lot quieter without you so make sure to convince your captain to visit sometime okay?” You nodded, promising to do just that before running to get back on the ship. As you stood against the railing waving good-bye to the mayor, you felt arms around your waist and you turned around giving Kidd a quick kiss.

           “I am so glad you finally saw what an asset I am to your crew.” You smiled at him leaning into his embrace.

           “I guess you were just meant to be here, and I am done fighting fate. It is like trying to convince Luffy that meat is not a solution to the world’s problems.” He sighed at the thought of the young teen you had heard about. You were finally going to get the chance to meet all of Kidd’s friends instead of just hearing the stories about them. You were going to get to do it all at Kidd’s side. It was kind of strange that you would never need to look for the Kidd Pirates through a pair of binoculars again. It was the kind of strange you could get used to though.
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Comments: 24

Lucina-Nightshade [2016-05-30 13:46:39 +0000 UTC]

meat is the solution to the world problems!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Lucina-Nightshade [2016-06-09 22:02:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lucina-Nightshade In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2016-06-10 05:17:50 +0000 UTC]

Luffy do you agree!?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gothfoxgirl [2015-11-28 03:15:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm trying so hard not to laugh at that last bit XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Gothfoxgirl [2015-11-29 19:33:40 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gothfoxgirl In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-11-30 02:02:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dehchickwhodied [2015-07-21 09:22:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Dehchickwhodied [2015-07-22 03:55:36 +0000 UTC]

Aw thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kittybones4 [2015-05-02 19:39:47 +0000 UTC]

OH SO CUTE! :3 Love this~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Kittybones4 [2015-05-02 22:54:56 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kittybones4 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-05-02 23:15:54 +0000 UTC]

You are so welcome    

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Kittybones4 [2015-05-02 23:39:35 +0000 UTC]

So right now I decided to start trying to write a lemon..... and oh my goodness.....         
How do people do this????!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kittybones4 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-05-03 00:18:20 +0000 UTC]

Awwwwh HEHEHEHEHE I am writing a kid lemon as well ^___~ hehe you're adorable ! :3 it is pretty difficult but it will eventually just come to you   I'm sure it'll be great! Can't wait to read it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Kittybones4 [2015-05-03 01:39:44 +0000 UTC]

I want a Kidd lemon!!!!!!  
You think I am adorable now, but what I am writing is going to send my adorable butt straight to the far reaches of hell.....  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kittybones4 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-05-03 02:39:38 +0000 UTC]

hehehehe I will most definitely let you know when I finish mine   

OH is that so?! WELL now I cannot WAIT to see what your adorable butt can write!!!   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to Kittybones4 [2015-05-03 15:58:48 +0000 UTC]

I have already started writing, I hope I will finish it so I can upload it today.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kittybones4 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-05-03 16:14:31 +0000 UTC]

  i cannot wait~   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NaruNaru24 [2015-04-30 02:44:06 +0000 UTC]

do you know how happy I am right now?!

So happy I'm crying :iconsobbppz: it was beautiful, I loved it. It was amazing ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to NaruNaru24 [2015-04-30 02:49:22 +0000 UTC]

Ahh that makes me feel so much better!   I am glad you liked it! I really hope it was worth the wait! I kept telling myself it was almost done, and then when I went to write, I just kept adding more to it! It really wouldn't stop growing! I guess a longer fic is always better than a short one though!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NaruNaru24 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-04-30 03:00:22 +0000 UTC]

Shhh shhh, it was fucking perfect  
I really loves how you put so much detailed into this fic and the raw emotion that kid has for the reader made it worth the fucking wait, AND you kept him in character

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to NaruNaru24 [2015-04-30 03:58:32 +0000 UTC]

Aww don't tell me those things! I will blush worse than Boa imagining her's and Luffy's wedding... >\\\<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NaruNaru24 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-04-30 05:30:42 +0000 UTC]

then I shall make you blush till you pass out
But for real tho, like omfg, that was hella cute I could not even, so cute, yes yes

I need more kid in my life

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DoYOUloveLaw In reply to NaruNaru24 [2015-04-30 05:57:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! And I agree with you on the Kid front! There is not enough!!! He is sooooo under appreciated!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NaruNaru24 In reply to DoYOUloveLaw [2015-04-30 18:12:33 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Yesss he is! There really should be more of him

👍: 0 ⏩: 0