DragneelFire — Hospital Tickles

Published: 2014-11-26 15:34:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 67626; Favourites: 175; Downloads: 0
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Description Broken bones. They hurt like hell for the first couple of days, but then the doctors give you medicine that stops most of the pain. Sprains, however, were very different. When you sprained something, it hurt for the rest of your natural born life! And whenever you sprained and broke things, well, that pain was probably the most unbearable thing ever!
   Abby James had gotten used to the pain though. She had been in the hospital for almost an entire month now, mending and trying her best to forget about the horrible accident that she had been in. It was a truly awful experience that she knew would stay with her for the rest of her life. The doctors kept tell her that she was very lucky to have come out of the accident with the injuries that she had. According to them, a few broken bones and a sprained wrist and a fractured ankle were minor injuries compared to what could have happened to her. Abby got tired of hearing that, so she stopped listening to them whenever they came in to check her out, poke at her, and drug her up. All in all, the hospital was a boring place and Abby couldn't wait to be back out in the world again. 
   The only thing that kept Abby sane during her time in that horrible hospital, was the regular visits by her family and friends. Every day someone would come by to see the dumb girl that had ran into a fallen tree on her four-wheeler and got sent flying through the woods and skidding down a gravel road, then having the four-wheeler land on top of her! They never stopped reminding her of what an idiotic mistake she had made. At first it bothered Abby to relive the nightmarish crash, but now she found it funny and realized that it really was a stupid mistake!
   Abby smiled as she remembered all of her fun visits in the hospital. Today was the beginning of her third week in the hospital and the doctors had sworn that she would get to go home sometime this week. Abby was excited, but she was also kind of sad. The hospital that she was staying in wasn't close to her hometown, she had been staying with her cousins whenever the accident had occurred and thus had been rushed into their town's hospital. Over the past few weeks, Abby had gotten used to the town and enjoyed the regular visits by her cousins. After she left the hospital, she probably wouldn't see them again for a while. The thought made her a little nostalgic.
   For the millionth time, Abby looked out the window of her big hospital room, gazing up at the pretty blue sky overhead. It was always so beautiful. Abby hadn't actually been outside in a while, she looked forward to being under that vast blue sky once again.
   Suddenly, the door of her room opened up. Abby jumped with surprise and looked over to see who was coming in. No doubt it was one of those stupid doctors again, coming to tell her that she was making a remarkable recovery and that she would soon be out of this hospital and back on her own two feet, blah, blah, blah. However, the person who stepped into the room wasn't a doctor, in fact, it was the last person that Abby had expected to see today.
   "Hey," Kyle said with a nervous smile.
   "What're you doin' here?" Abby asked, the surprise in her voice quite evident.
   "Claire said that I had to come visit before you got to go home. Sorry I haven't been here before," he answered awkwardly.
   "Take a seat, cous," Abby smiled, motioning towards the chair that was resting beside her bed.
   Kyle nodded and sat down in the chair. Abby could tell that he was nervous, he kept fidgeting with his jacket pockets and looking around like a crazy guy with a gun was going to burst into the room and shoot them up. Kyle hated hospitals, that was why it was such a shock to see him here, the poor guy looked as pale as a ghost. If he wasn't careful, then somebody might think that he needed to be in the hospital!
   "So are you feeling better?" he asked awkwardly.
   "Yeah, considering that fact that I was just a big bruise a couple weeks ago!" Abby answered jovially. It was good to see Kyle again after so long, he was the only one that hadn't come by to visit her during her time at the hospital. His overwhelming fear of needles had kept him far, far away. Abby accepted that, but she still missed the big goofball. Even though he was three weeks late, Abby was still overjoyed to see him.
   Kyle nodded and smiled weakly, the poor guy looked like he as about to puke. Abby hated seeing him that way, there had to be something that she could do to take his mind off of the fact that he was in the hospital. She looked around the room curiously, trying to locate something that could possibly keep Kyle busy and keep him here with her, Abby didn't want him to leave just yet. After an extensive search though, Abby still came up with nothing, the only thing even remotely interesting in the hospital room was the TV set and that was still pretty boring! Eventually, Abby's gaze fell upon her fractured left ankle. It was resting on a soft pillow and covered with a purple cast that had the signatures of all her friends and family that come to see her in the hospital. Suddenly a brilliant idea came to her.
   "Hey," she said. Kyle looked at her curiously and she smiled and pointed down at her casted foot. "Wanna sign it? Everybody else has."
   Kyle shrugged and got to his feet, he walked down to the foot of the bed and dug his hand into his right pocket, fishing for something to write with no doubt. After a few seconds of searching, he finally pulled out a black permanent marker.
   "Um, why do you carry that around with you?" Abby inquired curiously, making small talk.
   "I...have no idea," Kyle replied as he searched for a place to sign the cast. Abby giggled at him, Kyle was so weird. He searched her cast for a few seconds, then looked up at her with disappointment. "There's no place to sign it. How many people do you know?"
   "A lot!" Abby giggled. She hadn't expected that, how many people did she know? The nurses had signed her cast too, but there wasn't that many of them, was there?
   Kyle studied Abby's foot for a second, then smiled deviously. Uh-oh. Abby knew that look, the evil gears had begun turning in his demonic mind. That was not good. Without warning, Kyle suddenly grabbed onto Abby's foot and held it still, he then uncapped the marker with his mouth and brought it down towards...
   Abby's exposed toes!
   "Kyle, d- Hah! Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Stop! I'm ticklish! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! That tihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihickles! The marker's cold! Stohohohohohohohohohohohohop!" Abby giggled hysterically as Kyle scribbled the cold marker across her toes.
   "K-Y..." Kyle muttered as he slowly wrote his name across her toes. He then stopped and started sliding the marker across the base of Abby's toes. "What comes after the Y again?" he inquired thoughtfully.
   "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! L! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! Aaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! That tickles so bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahad! Stop! Stop! Stohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohop!" Abby squealed and giggled. She tried to pull her foot away, but moving it hurt her ankle, plus Kyle was holding on to it, there was nothing she could do, she would have to tough it out until Kyle finished!
   "Hmm, I don't think that's it," Kyle said. He moved the marker down and started drawing little squiggly lines across the ball of Abby's foot, only the top of it was exposed by the cast, but that was enough to torture Abby!
   "Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Not there! Not thehehehehehehehehehehehehehere! Kyle! You jerk! Aahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Knock it off! Plehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehease!" Abby wasn't sure how much more of this that she could take! She had forgotten just how ticklish she really was! She suddenly found herself hoping that maybe one of the nurses would walk in and save her, but she quickly dismissed that thought. The nurses would probably think that this scene was adorable, Kyle tickling his little cousin's foot to make her feel better...they would eat that up. Kyle was a mad genius! Not only was he getting to mess with Abby, but he would also gain the approval of some cute nurses, and there were some pretty cute ones in the hospital. Now Abby remembered why she admired Kyle like she did--the guy was good.
   "I think I remember now!" he said suddenly, as if he had just had a great epiphany. He stopped scribbling the marker around on her foot and quickly moved it back up to her toes, where he began the slow process of writing the Y on her third toe.
   "Ah! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Not agahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahain! Kyle stohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoooop! Plehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehease! It tihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihickles!" Abby's giggles grew in volume once more as her toes were once again teased and tormented by that evil marker! Abby's toes were probably the worst tickle spot on her entire body! Kyle, being the monster that he was, knew that fact well.
   "L-E..." Kyle finished his name finally, but he wasn't done with Abby just yet. "Looks you still got one toe left, Abbs. Oh well, guess I'll have to think of something to put there too."
   "No!" Abby exclaimed breathlessly in her brief moment of being able to speak. Kyle completely ignored her protest and swiftly started to draw something on her pinky toe--Abby's most ticklish toe out of them all. Abby's eyes grew wide and for a moment she was silent, but then the flood gates of her laughter exploded and it all flooded out of her like a waterfall. "AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! THAT TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES WORSE! STOP! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! STOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ENOUGH!"
   "A-a-a-a-and....done!" Kyle finally stopped scribbling on Abby's toes and drew the marker away from her foot. Abby let out a gasp of relief and her body went limp with exhaustion. That was torture! Kyle smiled up at Abby as if he had just done something quite wonderful, what a jerk!
   "You're...so...gonna...get it...when I...get outta...here..." Abby threatened breathlessly. Had she been able to, then Abby would have kicked Kyle right in the nuts for tickling her foot while she was hurt, but her right leg was broken in two places and she wouldn't be doing any kicking with that one for a while, and since her left ankle was fractured and nearly broken in two, there was way she would be kicking him with that one either. Abby would heal though, and when she did...Kyle would pay.
   "Lighten up," he said jokingly. He walked back up to the front of the bed and plopped back down in his chair beside Abby, a gloating smile on his face. Abby wished she had the strength to strangle him! Sadly though, she didn't. 
   "Jerk," she muttered with annoyance and turned her attention back down to her still tingling foot. What had Kyle written on there anyway? It certainly hadn't felt like he had written only his name on her toes. Abby wished that she could see it, but that wasn't gonna happen, she couldn't bend her ankle just yet, so it would remain a mystery...unless. Abby reluctantly looked back over at Kyle, he was now distractedly staring over at the door, as if he expected someone to come in. That was strange, was he waiting for someone? Whatever he was doing, Abby was about to put an end to it. "Hey, stupid!"
   Kyle looked back at her with surprise. "What?" 
   "What'd you write on my foot, jerk?" Abby asked, pointing at her foot. 
   Kyle looked down at her foot for a second, then shrugged as if he didn't remember. "Just signed my name," he answered casually.
   Abby narrowed her eyes at him. He was playing with her. "Cut the crap, Kyle! What'd you write?"
   Kyle shrugged again and grinned over at Abby. He was really pushing his luck!
   "I mean it, what'd y-"
   "Surprise!" the door of the hospital room suddenly flew open and three nurses that Abby recognized well came rushing into the room, each one looked happy and excited. When they saw Kyle in the room, all three of them stopped and stared at him with surprise, obviously they hadn't expected Abby to have a visitor this early.
   "Oh. Are we interrupting?" Phoebe asked with surprise. She was the lead nurse around here, she was tall, cute and blonde with dazzling brown eyes. Abby had never actually met a natural blonde with brown eyes, but they definitely suited Phoebe.
   "No, what's up?" Abby answered as casually as if she were talking to her best friend. Which, in a way, she was. Abby and Phoebe had really bonded over the past few weeks. Phoebe was only a couple of years older than Abby and she always went out of her way to keep Abby cheerful and happy, she would sneak her in magazines and books to read all the time and she even showed her a trick to get the doctors to leave her alone. In all, Abby really liked the nurse.
   Phoebe eyed Kyle curiously for a moment, then answered without taking her eyes of him, "We came to take you outta here. The doctors say it's time for your ankle cast to come off."
   Abby was so surprised that she actually gasped. "Really?!"
   "Yeah! You made a really fast recovery, sweetie!" Anna answered happily. Anna was the second-in-command, right under Phoebe. She was a cute redhead with light skin and freckles dotted across her nose. She was a very nice girl, closer to Abby's age and as sweet as honey. Abby and Anna weren't that close, but Abby still liked her quite a bit.
   "Come on! We'll help you up!" giggled Morgan excitedly. Morgan was the newest nurse at the hospital, she had just arrived the day that Abby was put in here. Out of all of the nurses, Morgan was definitely the cutest, she was a brunette with sparkling green eyes and a shy personality. The poor girl was jittery as could be whenever she had been in the emergency room with the doctor whenever Abby was undergoing her surgery. The two of them had really bonded during Abby's recovery.
   All three nurses rushed forward and helped Abby up out of the bed and into a waiting blue wheelchair. Abby was so excited that she was actually giggling, after this she would probably get to go outside again! Without the stupid ankle cast she could finally be given crutches! Most people wouldn't have been excited about getting crutches, but when you've laid in a bed for two weeks straight, the idea of being on your feet again is a very exciting one. The nurses wheeled Abby towards the door, they were almost through, when Abby suddenly remembered something.
   "Hang on!" she said, stopping the nurses just as they were about to wheel her out the door. They all looked down at her curiously. Abby smiled at them and motioned for Phoebe, who was pushing the chair, to turn her around. Phoebe nodded and turned Abby around so that she was facing into the room once more. She wasn't surprised to see Kyle sitting in his chair quietly, staring out the window and bouncing his knee. The poor guy probably felt like an intruder or something. "Hey," Abby called to him.
   "Yeah?" Kyle asked, looking over at her.
   "You comin', or what?" she asked with a smile.
   "Really?" he asked, the surprise evident in his voice.
   "Yeah! Let's go," Abby motioned him over with a happy smile. Kyle looked unsure for a moment, but he then nodded and quickly made his way over to them. The three nurses smiled at him and Phoebe moved aside so that he could push Abby's wheelchair. Kyle nodded his thanks and the five of them quickly made their out of the hospital room, heading towards the cast-removing-place. Where that was.
   Abby was taken down a few hallways, until finally they arrived in front of the emergency room double-doors. What were they doing here? Abby wasn't undergoing surgery to get the stupid cast off...was she?
   "Doctor Smith's inside, Abby," Phoebe explained, she walked forward and pushed the doors open, allowing Kyle to push Abby into the big room. Abby was unconscious the last time that she had been here so she didn't remember it well, the sight of it though brought back some pretty bad memories. It wasn't what she had expected at all. The room was a large and round with a big table in the center, probably where the patients would lay before surgery, there was only a single person in the room, and the sight of him made Abby feel a little better about being here. It was Doctor Smith.
   "Good to see you again, Ms. James," the old guy said with a friendly smile. Doctor smith had to be in his sixties, but he was a nice old doctor and one of the only ones that Abby actually liked.
   "Hey, doc!" Abby exclaimed happily. "You gonna be takin' this itchy thing off now, or what?"
   Doctor Smith chuckled and nodded, he reached into his white doctor coat and pulled out a small, saw-like thingy. Was he really gonna cut the cast off? Awesome! Abby giggled with excitement and patted Kyle's arm to get him to push her forward. Kyle obliged like a good little doggy and pushed Abby up to the table. The three nurses helped Abby up on to the table and stretched her left leg out so that Doctor Smith could get to it. Doctor Smith smiled at Abby and pressed a little red button on the handle of the tiny saw. Immediately the little blade on the end started to spin, making a whizzing sound as it did so.
   "Ready?" Doctor Smith asked.
   "Go for it!" Abby cheered.
   Doctor Smith nodded and quickly brought the little saw down to the top of the cast. Abby watched with fascination as the saw cut into the top of the cast and began vibrating the entire thing. Her fascination ended there, however, because it was that moment that she came to a stark realization...
   "That tickles! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Stop!" Abby tried to jerk her foot away from the saw, but Doctor Smith held it still and kept her from moving it.
   "Careful, Abby! If you jerk then the saw could slip!" he warned over the loud buzzing of the saw.
   "But it tihihihihihihihihihihihickles! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! Phoebe, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehelp!" Abby giggled and wiggled around on the table. She had already had enough tickling to last her a while after what Kyle had done to her. What were the odds that this would tickle too?!
   "Just hang in there, Abby," Phoebe said, she was suddenly beside Abby holding her by the shoulders and keeping her still. 
   "Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Stohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohop!" Abby was seriously getting tired of this tickling crap. She had expected the cast getting cut off to be awesome, but instead it was even more torturous than Kyle's writing on her foot!
   "It's about to get worse, Abby. Brace yourself," Morgan warned. Suddenly Abby felt another pair of hands holding her other shoulder. She looked over through her laughter and saw that Morgan was smiling down at her sympathetically. That wasn't good.
   The tight cast on Abby's suddenly untightened and feeling suddenly rushed back into it, the sensation felt extremely strange, but Abby barely had time to register that fact before the buzzing little saw went back to work. Doctor Smith still had to the rest of the cast off. It was still attached to her foot, so he quickly began sawing away at it from...Abby's heel up.
   "AAAAAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! THAT TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES! STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE! LEMME GOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M GONNA PEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEE!" Abby exploded with laughter and began jerking around like a crazy animal. This was truly torture! It felt a million electric toothbrushes were scrubbing against the base of her foot! The nurses held Abby fast, but she was too strong for them. Abby was a farm girl, she fought things twice as strong as these little nurses every day of her life, and despite the fact that she had been lying around and growing weak, she was still strong as a grass-fed ox!
   "Abby, quit it!" Phoebe protested.
   "Yeah, you're gonna get hurt!" Morgan agreed.
   "Don't worry, Abbs, I'm here." 
   Abby looked up through her tear-filled eyes and saw Kyle standing beside her. Yes! He was surely going to get the nurses away from her, then get that evil doctor to stop tickling her! What a hero! Kyle smiled at Abby in a warm, cousinly way, then...he grabbed onto her shoulders and held her perfectly still. No! Kyle was against her too!
   Suddenly the tickling stopped.
   Abby's eyes opened wide and she drew in a deep, relieved breath. She could breathe again! Abby looked around curiously, everyone was smiling down at her like she was had just done something very good. They all released their tight grips on her shoulders and stepped back to give her some space. Finally, it was over!
   "Well, that was...interesting," Doctor Smith said with an amused smile. Abby looked down at him and saw that he was holding her purple cast in his hands, each hand held a piece of the split in two cast. Abby stared at it in disbelief for a moment, then turned her attention back down to her now freed ankle. It was larger than she remember it being, and she couldn't really feel it, the only feeling she got from it was a strange tingly sensation, like it was asleep. She took a chance and twitched her foot, expecting to feel the breath-taking pain shoot up through her whole leg again, but to her relief, it didn't hurt. 
   "You did it, Abby!" Phoebe cheered and pulled Abby into a hug. Abby smiled up at her and nodded, a few second ago she had wanted to knock Phoebe's teeth down her throat, but now she remembered that the nurse had only been doing her job, and Abby had benefited because of it. She was now free to actually walk again! It was a fantastic feeling, even if she would need crutches, it would still be amazing to be able to walk once more.
   "Well, just one more to go," Doctor Smith said.
   "Huh?" Abby asked with surprise. One more? What was he talking about?
   Doctor Smith pointed to her casted leg and smiled at her. "You're getting both casts off today, my dear. You're leg seems to have mended enough to where you'll be able to where a boot and still walk on it. It may hurt for a few days, but you'll get used to it. Once we're done here, you'll be able to walk once more! After a little therapy of course."
   Abby stared at him for a moment, not sure if she should believe what she was hearing. Had he really just said that? They were going to take her other cast off too? And she would be able to...walk?
   "R-really?" she asked with disbelief.
   "Yes! We'll have to go through the process of cutting it off again though," Doctor Smith looked down at her cast sheepishly. "Think you can handle it this time?"
   "Will it tickle?" Abby inquired, not embarrassed at all by her previous actions.
   "Most likely," Doctor Smith nodded.
   Abby took a deep breath, preparing herself for the decision that she was about to make. "Okay. Let's get it over with," she turned her attention up to Kyle who smiled at her with reassurance. "No matter how much I beg, scream, or cry. Do not let him stop until this cast is gone. Do you hear me?"
   "Yes, ma'am!" Kyle agreed with a happy grin.
   Abby nodded at him and then looked back to Doctor Smith. "Let's get this over with."
   Doctor Smith nodded and switched on the little saw again. Abby closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, she felt Kyle's strong, yet gentle hands grab onto her shoulders to keep her still. A soft hand gripped her own and Abby squeezed it for strength, she knew that it was Phoebe. 
   "Are you ready?" Doctor Smith asked.
   Before Abby could chicken out, she nodded. "Do it."
   "Here we go," Kyle said, and patted Abby on the shoulder.
   Abby barely had time to register what he had said before the buzzing saw made contact with her cast once more and her entire world turned upside down.
   "Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I-it tihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihickles! Kindahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!" Abby giggled gently as the vibrations filled her entire cast and tickled her. This time though, it wasn't as bad as it had been with her ankle cast. That was probably because the top of this cast wasn't as close to her foot as her ankle cast had been.
   "Very good, Abby," Doctor Smith said. "Just a little bit longer."
   "Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm okay! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! Okay! Not okahahahahahahahahahahahahahahay! Stohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohop! Eeehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe! Tihihihihihihihihihihihihihihickles! Stop! Stohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohop!" Abby giggles increased suddenly as the saw drew closer and closer to her foot. The vibrations seemed to increase and the tickling became almost as unbearable as it had been before. The only keeping her from kicking Doctor Smith through the wall, was the thought of being able to walk again after this, that, and the gentle grips of both Kyle and Phoebe as they held her hand and shoulders. She would get through this.
   The saw blade cut down through the cast all the way down to her foot, Abby giggled the entire time and tried her very best not to wiggle too much. She kept squeezing Phoebe's hand tighter and tighter and she was certain that the poor girl would pull away, or risk having her fingers crushed, but she never did. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the tickling once more ceased and Abby was able to breathe again.
   "Now we just have to cut if off of your foot. This cast is thicker than the other though, it will take longer. Are you ready?" Doctor Smith explained.
   "As I'll ever be," Abby nodded. This was it, the final hurdle, if she could lick this without killing the doctor, then she would be home free. The question was, could she? Would she be able to get through this without hurting anybody?
   "You got this," came a reassuring voice from above her. Abby looked up and found Kyle smiling down at her, he squeezed her shoulders reassuringly. Abby smiled and nodded in agreement. 
   "Are you ready?" Doctor Smith asked.
   Abby nodded and took a deep breath, she was ready. Doctor Smith smiled at her and quickly brought the saw up to the base of the cast, before Abby could change her mind, he quickly cut into the cast and...all hell broke loose.
   "AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! THAT TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES! I'M NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOT REHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEADY! STOP! EEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHON'T!" Abby screamed with laughter and started struggling like a mad bull. This was the most torturous thing that she had ever felt! Surely Kyle would see how much she was suffering and let her go. Kyle didn't release her. Instead, he strengthened his grip on her, making sure that she couldn't struggle that much. 
   "Hold her still!" Phoebe said over Abby's loud laughter.
   "A-a-a-and...there we go!" Doctor Smith exclaimed as the tickling suddenly stopped and the cast fell away.
   Kyle and Phoebe released Abby and she fell back onto the table with exhaustion, panting and trying to her breath back. It was over! At last it was finally over!
   "Very good. Now all we have to do is get you fitted with a boot!" Doctor Smith helped Abby up from the table and allowed her lean on him. Her right leg was still way to weak to walk on it without having something to support it, so she kept it off of the floor as Doctor Smith guided her off into another room to get fitted. Her left ankle felt weak and shaky, but she could walk on it without too much pain or effort. They were almost into the other room, when Abby stopped Doctor Smith and turned around to face the small group that had been with her through it all.
   "I'll be back!" she assured them. The three nurses smiled and nodded, Kyle smiled and waved at her. Abby returned his smile then turned around and went into the other room with Doctor Smith to get fitted. Soon she would be walking again. The thought made her giddy. Soon, she would be going home!
An hour later, Abby rushed out of the hospital, on her own two feet! The warm sun on her face felt wonderful and she couldn't help but laugh. This was the moment that she had been waiting for since she was first put in this hospital!
   "Let's go!" Abby called to her slowpoke cousin. Kyle staggered out of the hospital behind her, holding all of her junk that she had brought in during her time here.
   "I'm coming!"
   "Come faster!" Abby demanded. She turned and hobbled off, heading for the black convertible that she knew was Kyle's. The boot on her right leg was a little bit uncomfortable, but it was still better than not being able to walk at all. Once she reached the car, she quickly threw the door open and jumped inside. She was ready to go home!
   A few minutes later, Kyle finally reached the car and tossed all of her junk into the back seat. He then sat down in the driver's seat and smiled over at Abby.
   "Ready to go home?" he asked.
   "Definitely! Ignore all traffic laws!" Abby cheered happily.
   Kyle nodded and cranked up the car. They quickly pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the highway, headed for Abby's hometown. Abby smiled joyously and leaned back in the seat, the moment she had been waiting for since she had first been put in the hospital, time to go home.
   "Thanks for comin'," she said.
   "Hey, what're cousins for?" Kyle shrugged.
   Abby nodded in agreement and watched the scenery pass by outside. This had been one hell of a day, full of tickling and craziness. Now that it was all over, Abby felt nostalgic again. She was gonna miss all of her friends at the hospital, as well as her cousins and friends that she had made here. One day, Abby would return here, she knew that well, she was definitely gonna have to come back. She didn't know when that day would be, but she hoped that it would happen soon...

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Comments: 39

malachi6 [2023-07-10 21:47:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alfie49 [2016-03-11 10:24:31 +0000 UTC]

Love this!!!!! If you wouldn't mind, could you check out my story... Very much appreciated but if you don't have time don't stress, being an internet celebrity cn be pretty busy  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to Alfie49 [2016-03-11 10:53:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man, glad you like it

I'll try sometime, but I'm not a celebrity. Not in the least.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alfie49 In reply to DragneelFire [2016-03-11 22:13:24 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate it! No rush! And you are kind of a celebrity!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to Alfie49 [2016-03-12 01:41:56 +0000 UTC]

Yep. Really I'm not.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alfie49 In reply to DragneelFire [2016-03-13 22:21:49 +0000 UTC]

Ok Ok, but ur still awesome! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to Alfie49 [2016-03-13 22:47:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wolfs116 [2014-12-07 19:08:44 +0000 UTC]

Iit awsome the one of the many stories with abby to come i hope

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to Wolfs116 [2014-12-07 22:20:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

stevil666 [2014-12-06 04:00:50 +0000 UTC]

ive been meaning to comment on this.  really great story man, the best ive read in awhile.  i would love to read more casted stories from you but whatever you make keep up the good work dood ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to stevil666 [2014-12-06 06:29:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man glad ya like it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lupusthered [2014-11-27 19:09:26 +0000 UTC]

Simply awesome, though I'm curious just what did he wrote on her foot?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to lupusthered [2014-11-27 19:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Wouldn't that spoil the mystery?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lupusthered In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-27 22:00:29 +0000 UTC]

True, but part of me just wants to know.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to lupusthered [2014-11-28 00:57:31 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm...I'm not so sure -.-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lupusthered In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-28 01:37:23 +0000 UTC]

You don't have too if you don't want to

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to lupusthered [2014-11-28 01:51:02 +0000 UTC]

It's gotta stay a secret my friend

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lupusthered In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-28 22:38:34 +0000 UTC]

Even more reason for me to keep reading.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to lupusthered [2014-11-29 00:17:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lupusthered In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-29 00:55:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zeke2426 [2014-11-27 15:57:33 +0000 UTC]

I loved this story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to zeke2426 [2014-11-27 18:14:44 +0000 UTC]

Glad ya liked it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zeke2426 In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-27 18:46:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FTGenikit [2014-11-27 01:48:04 +0000 UTC]

Well done on the story making. Once again you made it very entertaining.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

lupusthered In reply to FTGenikit [2014-11-27 19:09:39 +0000 UTC]

I agree completely

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DragneelFire In reply to FTGenikit [2014-11-27 01:50:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, but this really is not my best work at all

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FTGenikit In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-27 02:23:03 +0000 UTC]

To me, it is.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to FTGenikit [2014-11-27 08:28:37 +0000 UTC]

Well that's good

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BlibblerBlubber [2014-11-26 16:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Cuteness overload but yeah, I think you shoudl appreciate your stories, not anyone can just write like you do I think you should be proud, this was another great story :>

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

lupusthered In reply to BlibblerBlubber [2014-11-27 19:07:43 +0000 UTC]

I agree

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DragneelFire In reply to BlibblerBlubber [2014-11-26 17:00:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but this one was seriously bad

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlibblerBlubber In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-26 17:01:07 +0000 UTC]

If it makes you feel any better, I liked it, especially the part where Kyle drew on her foot with marker XD I bet it said "please tickle me" or something

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to BlibblerBlubber [2014-11-26 17:09:17 +0000 UTC]

Not enough toes for that

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

rerumfontis [2014-11-26 16:42:55 +0000 UTC]

A wonderful story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to rerumfontis [2014-11-26 17:00:34 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm glad you liked it, but I think it's terrible

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rerumfontis In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-26 17:10:52 +0000 UTC]

Well an artist often hates their own work, but I enjoyed it a lot!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to rerumfontis [2014-11-26 17:31:12 +0000 UTC]

I usually like mine, but this one just didn't seem that good at all O.o

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rerumfontis In reply to DragneelFire [2014-11-26 17:34:32 +0000 UTC]

To me it had a feel of reality ... which is why I liked it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DragneelFire In reply to rerumfontis [2014-11-26 17:48:00 +0000 UTC]

All of my stories do

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