DragonGirl46 — Amaiera - Vel App

#velveteenrabbit #amaiera
Published: 2020-03-25 05:49:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 533; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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"The world is so strange, but it's wonderful too, don't ya think?"

Name: Velveteen (Goes by Vel most of the time) 
Fairytale: The Velveteen Rabbit
Title: The Velveteen Rabbit

Gender: Male
Species: Stuffed Animal (Rabbit)
Age: Appears 17 (Is closer to 3-4 years old)
Birthdate: December 25, 1922
Weight: 121
Height: 6' 4" not including the ears (About a foot in stuffed animal form)



Physical Strength: While his more human looking parts are as strong as you would expect a noodley teenager to be, his more stuffed animal looking limbs contain a surprising amount of strength. Despite not looking like it his body is capable of handling whatever his left arm is strong enough to hold or push.

Resilient and durable: Vel's body is not organic, and is held together and operable via magic. Because of this he can take a lot of physical damage in stride. His innards consist of cotton stuffing, blood pools, scattered bones and nonfunctional organs. He can of course be impaired or forced out of the fight if his body is no longer able to move well.


Fire: Or anything else that can completely destroy his body, which is the way to kill him. He's extremely terrified of fire, given that before he was brought to Amaiera he was going to be burned and he's aware that will kill him (or rather, he knows things don't come back from fire which is scary).

Lack of Knowledge: He's spent the majority of his existence around a small child. His knowledge of the world and how it works is laughably small.

Clumsy: His awkward body, mismatched limbs, and the fact that he's new to being able to move so much leaves his coordination skills much to be desired.

Becomes weaker if he loses too much of his innards: Though he can handle quite a bit, if too much of his stuffing (and whatever else is in there) gets removed he'll be considerably weaker. If enough is lost his flimsy body will be pretty useless until it regenerates.


Left arm and right leg: He can punch,kick and swing these particular limbs at targets with much greater force than his human looking limbs. When he fights he favors these limbs for obvious reasons.


Great Force: Vel pulls back his left arm or right leg and swings it with all his might at the target. This move trades an obvious tell and slow startup with devastating strength if it hits the target directly. Basically it's like getting struck with a sledge hammer but over a much wider area. The force applied is greatest near the wrist and hand and gets weaker as you go towards the elbow. For the foot, the strongest point is where the toes meet the foot for a swing and the underside of that area for a kick.
When Vel makes an attack roll, he can choose to make it a great force attack even after seeing the results of the attack and defense rolls. Vel's target has to make a dexterity roll to determine what part of the attack manages to hit them as they try to dodge. If the roll is >15, they manage to avoid the bulk of the attack, taking no additional damage.  <15, they are still hit by the stronger swing but manage to get hit by a weaker part of the arm or leg. <12 the target is knocked onto the ground by the force of the attack. <7 the target is sent tumbling/flying for 10 feet after taking the full force of the attack.

Contagion: Vel takes a deep breath and expels a cloud of toxic breath as a ranged attack. If it hits the target must make a constitution roll.
If the roll is > 13 the target only takes damage from the attack.
If the roll is < 13 the target takes damage and rolls once on the Scarlet Fever Table.
If the roll total is < 10 the target takes damage and rolls twice on the Scarlet Fever Table.
If the roll total is < 7 the target takes damage and rolls thrice on the Scarlet Fever Table.
If the roll total is < 3 the target takes damage and rolls four times on the Scarlet Fever Table.
If the roll total is 1 the target takes damage and contracts every Scarlet Fever Symptom.

Scarlet Fever Table
A character rolls 1d5 to determine what symptom they develop from the table.
If a character rolls the same symptom multiple times, the duration of the symptom increases.
A character inflicted by fever has disadvantage on constitution saving throws for an hour.

Sore throat
A character with sore throat must pass a constitution check of 10 or else be unable to vocalize on their turn. Lasts for ten minutes.

A character with headache has disadvantage on intelligence saving throws for an hour.

A character with nausea is one movement class lower for a turn.

A character with a rash feels irritably uncomfortable for an hour as an incredibly unsightly rash appears on several portions of their body.

The combat effect of these symptoms dissipates after their stated duration, but the actual unpleasant effects cease after about a day.

Quick Stitch: Vel spends his turn sewing up any tears that he's managed to pick up. He heals for 1d8. Once Per Battle
Outside of battle, Vel can go through this process while being equal parts more careful and thorough. For each half an hour he has to himself, he can do a well enough patchjob to reattach one body part or fix a lesser injury.

!Stuffed Rabbit: In a puff of dust Vel can turn back into his old self, a stuffed animal. In this form he can barely move, slight nudges are all he can manage. He can still talk and turn back into his 'real' self though. If he takes too much damage in this form he will revert back to his 'real' form unhurt but unable to turn back into that form for several days.


Attack: + 0 (Will go up eventually as Vel gains experience with a moving body)
Defense: + 1 (Will go up eventually as Vel gains experience with a moving body)

Strength:       ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦○○ | + 2
Dexterity:      ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦○○○○○○○○ | -1
Constitution:  ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦○○ | + 2
Intelligence:   ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦○○○○○○○○○○○ | - 2
Wisdom:        ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦○○○○○○○ | 0
Charisma:      ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦○○○○ | + 1

Likes: Children, playing, being read to/hearing stories, learning new things, hugs/cuddling, music, cozy clothing and blankets
Dislikes: Any harm or threats towards kids, being alone, water, fire, mud, adults neglecting their 'duty'


Vel is, in a way, much like the children he is dedicated to protecting. He is endlessly curious about pretty much anything and everything. There is so much about the world he knows nothing about and wishes to learn and experience. Because of this he has no real sense of privacy and will stick his nose into others' business without a second thought. He is an innocent being and carries both the pros and cons that come with it. The rabbit is not too difficult to trick when it comes to things he knows little or nothing about.

He has a harder time understanding the physical pain of others but even the reasons of others' emotional pain can escape him at times. When Vel has clued in to someone's distress, especially a child's, he'll become rather attentive and protective. He's a touchy-feely sort of person by default given he was basically made to be hugged and he'll be even more so towards someone in distress. If they're small/light enough he will often try to pick the person up to hold them. Now that he is not so small anymore he feels more like he should be the one doing the hugging though he will not object to other latching onto him still. 

Vel has the patience of a saint. He has spent the majority of his life being unable to move at all so he is more than capable of waiting patiently for things. There are likely very few out there that could beat Vel at the waiting game. At the same time this can make it hard for Vel to understand why others have a hard time waiting for a long time themselves. 


His first memories immediately after his creation are quite fuzzy. In Vel's mind his life truly began on the day known to humans as Christmas. The room was abuzz and the was much to take in from his spot, poking out of a stocking by the fireplace. When the small child of the house pulled him free of the stocking and hugged him for the first time, Vel knew his purpose, his reason for being. This child's happiness was to be his top, if only, priority. Of course fulfilling this was easier said than done. For though the child played with him and kept him at his side for a time soon other adults arrived and the stuffed rabbit was left behind. He was not the only new addition to the household that day.

With the days that passed Vel found he was not payed much attention to, though he found himself in other various parts of the house at least. Other toys that had come into the home looked down on him though for he had not mechanical bits and bobs. He could not move on his own nor could he make sound for his boy. Even so, one of the other toys, a much older one known as the Skinhorse, comforted him. The fact that he was old and clearly much loved gave the stuffed rabbit hope. 

The Skinhorse taught Vel something else valuable as well, the concept of things that were real. He explained to the stuffed rabbit that being loved for a long time could make one real, not something more ephemeral like the fancier toys that liked to brag. Vel was excited of the prospect of becoming real, for the Skinhorse himself had become real because of his boy's uncle. But becoming real takes a long time so Vel prepared himself for the long wait.

Velveteen's boy always slept with a toy each night, but one night the toy he slept with could not be found. Vel was quickly substituted in for it. Initially, it was not, perhaps, the most comfy of arrangements. But his feelings of missing his previous time with the skinhorse got swept aside as the boy spent so much more time with him. That feeling of purpose sparked back within him. The boy played with him, talked with him, and held him close at night and Vel could not be happier. 

One lovely spring day the boy brought Vel outside for the first time. The vivid blue sky, dazzling clouds, and verdant grass and greenery all around was a lot to take in but the boy seemed to enjoy it so Vel quickly took a liking to it. They played outside many times on those spring days which eventually turned into summer ones. On one of them Vel sat contently atop a hill near the woods where his boy had placed him, nice and cozy in a sort of 'nest' that had been made for him. As he waited for his boy to return two somethings emerged from the woods and cautiously came over to him. Why, they looked a lot like him! But they hopped about and their noses twitched. Vel had to wonder what sort of workshop they came from to be so well made, and to even have those mechanical bits and bobs that let them move. 

"Why don't you play with us?" They asked.

"I can't my boy expects me to be right here when he returns!" In truth Vel did sort of want to play, it's not like he'd run off or something. But he also did not want to admit to these two that he had no mechanical parts, surely they would make fun of him like the others did.

"Can you jump?"

"I can! And far higher than you." Well, with his boy's assistance anyways.

They then pointed out that his legs didn't seem like they'd even work and they were right, for they were attached directly to the body with only his feet hanging free. 

They called to each other and laughed over Vel's nonfunctional hind legs as they hopped about. Vel felt a longing as he watched them. Though they were irritating him he felt a desire to run and jump as they did. To stretch his legs and wiggle his nose. But he could do none of these things.

"You don't smell right at all, you aren't even a real rabbit!" 

Vel objected feeling worse and worse. Of course he was real! His boy believed him to be, so if he wasn't 'real' already then it was only a matter of time, right?

The rabbits laughed still and they departed back into the woods. Though they had not been very nice to him, Vel still hoped they'd come back and talk to him again. But they never did and his spirits only lifted when his boy came back to take him inside. Time passed and though his thoughts drifted back to the real rabbits at times his days continued to be filled with happiness and love.

Then one day, his boy became sick. 

It wasn't the normal kind of sick that he'd gotten at times before. He was far warmer than normal and strangers even showed up in the home to, hopefully, help him. His boy was in such bad shape, that they did not play anymore. But the boy needed him now more than ever and so Vel made sure to stay as close as possible, as he found he could shift himself ever so slightly now. Maybe some day he would be able to hop too. For now he was there for his boy as he slowly got better.

 Then one day, when the boy was well enough to be out of bed, he heard the boy's parents and one of the strangers talk about taking the boy to the sea. That got Vel excited. His boy had read to him about the sea, and shown him in picture books. It was big and blue and full of more water than even a bathtub! While he was thinking about the sea he was unceremoniously plucked from the bed. The adults had been talking about him apparently but he hadn't been listening. Now he heard the words loud and clear. 

"That thing is covered in scarlet fever germs, you'll need to burn it with the other things as well."

...Burn? Burn. Burn. Burn!

He knew what burning was and the realization chilled him to his cottony little core. He knew it involved fire, and he knew fire. He'd seen it in the fireplace. You burned wood, not cute little stuffed rabbits! For the first time in his existence Vel knew fear.

That night was quiet as he sat poking out of a sack full of junk to be burned. This reminded him, in a way, of how he had come to this house, poking out of a very different sort of sack. He was going to be burned. It was all going to be over, just like that?


His boy needed him. Vel brought the boy happiness, he stayed by the boy's side all this time. He was there to comfort the boy when he had nightmares or was sick. He was there for the boy to tell secrets to, or to listen to him practice reading. He couldn't sit around and wait to be burned, he had to get back to his boy no matter what!

He twitched and nudged his body as he had learned to do previously. It was hardly anything but it was all he had. He felt moisture trickle down his face though there was no rain to seen. His tears fell to the ground and a flower that seemed to glow in the night began to grow. Vel did not notice it however and at last his movement dislodged him from the sack. He fell and landed right on the flower. The fairy flower burst and the magic seeped into the stuffed rabbit. 

Vel felt immense disorientation and then when the world seemed to stop moving he tried to gather himself. He tried to nudge himself again and found that he moved so much more. He sat up with much surprise and looked about. Everything seemed so much smaller for some reason, his body felt all stretched out too. Before he could really investigate much one of his hands moved over another thing that had fallen out of the sack. A book with a pitch black cover. The world became a disorienting mess once again.

Orientation: ???romantic Asexual
Relationship Status: Single


Often hums to himself if no one's around or while doing some menial task.

His human body is as anatomically correct as his stuffed animal body is. That is to say, not at all.

He would technically be underweight if he had an organic body, but he's got a lot less bones and fluid than a real human does.

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