Dragonman32 — Dragobeastia Ch. 1-2
Published: 2017-06-06 05:24:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 7929; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description Ch. 1-2
(Next day within the evening, Drake was wearing his tattered cloak from yesterday. He roamed in the streets below the kingdom, searching. He asked almost every citizen, merchant and eve the elderly fox who he saved could not have seen the mysterious person.)

Drake(looking around): Now where could that mystery stranger be? 

(Drake kept looking around for the mysterious stranger who helped him, but with no luck he couldn’t find his savior.)

Drake(downcast): Forget it. I’m just wasting my ti-.

(Before he could finish, he heard a sound and looked forward as he saw the same person from yesterday walking in an alley. Drake run towards the alley without hesitation.)

Drake(shout): Wait! Stop!

(The stranger heard his shout behind him as he ran away, deeper into the alley. Drake kept following the mysterious being until he reached a dead end to the alley.)

Drake: What? How?!

(Drake looked around then looks up, seeing nothing but the evening warm sky.)

Drake(thought): How did he just disappear like that? There’s now way he could’ve-.

(Drake then heard a sound behind him and came out from the alley he was in, and saw a light from afar in another alley way. He walked towards the light and push the ragged curtains away. His eyes grew wide as he finally found the stranger who saved him as he grabbed his shoulder.)

Drake: Okay, look here. I was chasing you all day to find out who you are and I came here to thank y-.

(When Drake suddenly grabbed his mysterious savior’s shoulder, the hood fell backwards revealing a orange cat girl with red stripes, blue hair dashed with green bangs, and olive green eyes. Drake lets go of her shoulder as his face almost became red; his heart thumped a few times. He was in awe to find out his rescuer was a pretty girl.)

Catgirl: Oh… so you’re the guy I saved from yesterday, huh? I thought you were one of those royal guards who was chasing me and trying to arrest me for something I didn’t do, Nya.

(Drake was still staring at her with his mouth open. He was still shocked to find out it was a girl and how pretty she was.)

Drake(thought): Ny-Nya…? She’s so… so cute… and pretty.

Catgirl(cock head): Nya? Are you okay, Nya?

(Drake finally flinched and snapped out of the trance as he shook his head.)

Drake(nervous): I… I’m good! I was just… Well… I didn’t expect you to be pre- uh! I mean… a catgirl is all.

Catgirl(giggles): Nyahahaha. You’re so funny.

(Drake blushes from her cute laughter and his embarrassing answer. Later on, Drake and the cat girl were sitting on boxes as they ate fried fish.)

Elma: I never told you my name. My name is Elma, Nya. 

Drake: Elma, huh? That’s a pretty name.

Elma(smiles): Thank you.

(Drake blushes and looks down as he kept eating his fish.)

Elma: So, what’s your name?

Drake: My name? It’s Drac- Drake!

Elma: Well, nice to meet you Drake. Strange… you look exactly like the prince from the papers I’ve read.

Drake(nervous): R-really? I don’t think so.

(Emma titled her confused but ignored her suspicion.) 

Elma: Well, Drake… what brings you here around these parts?

Drake: Well… Like I said before... I wanted to come by and thank you for helping me out, that’s all.

Elma: I see. *bites her fish*

(Drake scratched the back of his head.)

Drake: So… uh… What about you?

Elma: Me? 

Drake: Yeah… What exactly are you doing around here? Also I noticed you live in an alley’s dead end?

(Elma looks down with a downcast expression. Drake flinched and panicked a bit.)

Drake(panicky): S-sorry… I guess I shouldn’t have asked you that question--!

Elma: I-it’s alright… I don’t mind talking about it. she smiles a little at him I think it’ll make me feel better to tell you the truth.

Drake: Elma…

Elma: Three weeks ago, I remember being in a village with people like me… But not by race… by something else… *grasp her bangs a little* I just can’t remember what. Because look…

(Elma lifts her bangs showing a scar a bit faded but still lingers onto her fur into her skin. Drake flinched at observing her scar and grew sadden.)

Drake: oh man… w-what happened?

(Elma let her bangs fall as she looked down at the ground, she started to tear up a little)

 Elma: My home was destroyed. 
 (Drake winced at her distraught sentence with a wide shocking look on his face. Elma wiped her small tears, trying her best to hold in her aching pain and tears. But alas, her tears rains down her cheekbones as she sniffles a bit.)
Elma(sobbing softly): It just happened all of a sudden… All I saw was dark energy raining down on us and arrows coming after it. I saw bloodshed around me as the villagers were being slaughtered by something cutting them down while listening to a harmonic song… like hearing a siren! All at once, a loud nasty noise that could make your ears bleed came after the hypnotic singing. After those things happened, a giant ball crashed through all of our buildings, completely demolishing each and everyone of them. I was under rubble before I could attempt to leave the building that was wrecked. Luckily, I was able to crawl out but I was… I was sad that one else survived with me… Then suddenly, I saw a feline figure coming towards where I was… I hid back into the demolished building before they could notice me as well as the group they were with. It was a female cat like me except she had dark armor and bat wings. She then summoned some sort of magic circle and caused small red orbs to spread and attack the village once more and left it to burn. I was surrounded by the red flames and escaped before I was engulfed by it. I ran to a safer place. One red orb hit a building next to me and the pieces from the ruin building scattered all over and one of them hit me in the head. *touched her forehead*

(Elma tried her best to wipe her tears away. Drake wanted to reach out to Elma to comfort her, but he felt there would have been nothing else to do for her at this point. Elma sighs as places her stick down on the crate and took a deep breath to relax after sobbing.)

Elma:  That’s all I can remember… I don’t even remember how I even got here... And I can never get that image out of my head… That evil look she gave as my home burned to the ground… As if she enjoyed seeing it in flames. 

Drake: Elma… I’m so sorry to hear that...

Elma: It’s okay… I’m actually glad I got it off my chest.

(Drake nods at her then looks up at the sky as it became night full of twinkling bright stars. Drake flinched suddenly and hops of the crate.)

Drake: Ah, crap! It’s late! I was suppose to train with my father!

Elma: Nya? You train?

Drake(stutter nervously): I… uh… as uh… as a knight! Yes, I train as a knight and my father is one of Lord Rairyu’s Eastern Dragon Reign Knights! He’s training me to become the new cadet. 

Elma: ah~… That explains how you can fight then.

Drake(nervous): Yeah…! Haha.

(Elma giggles at him which made him blush. He dug into his satchel and handed Elma a bag of gold coins.)

Elma: What’s this?

Drake: It’s coins. You can have it.

Elma: Nya!? Nyo! You can’t do that! 

Drake: Yes, I can. I can tell by looking at you. You haven’t barely eaten since you got here and not enough warm, comfy clothing. I want you to have it anyway.

Elma: But--!

Drake(smiles): Think of it as not only a thanks but a sign of our friendship, Elma.

(Elma blushes a little at his kind words. She smiles at him then hugs him tight.)

Elma: Thank you, Drake.

(Drake cheeks became flushed but they soon fade as he hugs her back.)

Drake: You’re welcome. That should be enough to give you new clothing, food and a place to stay in for a while. But don’t hesitate to ask me for help, okay?

(Elma starts crying again as she pressed her face against his chest, sobbing. She muffled yes and slowly stopped crying after they put their embrace on hold and waved to one another good night. At the castle, Drake was training and becoming distracted with thoughts about Elma. At the last moment,  he was punched in the face by a brawny but husky built red dragon. He stood over 7 feet tall but he was nowhere close to being as tall as Drake’s father.)

Red Dragon: Haha. What’s the matter, sire? Can’t keep up with an old timer like myself?

Drake: Ow…! * rubs his jawbone* ah… No. I was just distracted a bit.

Red Dragon: Oh~… and what were you thinking about? 

(Drake’s cheek turned pink a bit as he glances away.)

Drake: Nothing important. Thanks for training me… 

Red Dragon: It’s my privilege since your father is very busy. But about your distraction… Is it Lady Erza? She is a pretty young lady.

Drake: Wha--? No! I rather not think about her. It’s something else.

Red Dragon grins: Or someone  else~

(Drake blushes immensely as the Red Dragon laughed at him.)

Drake: Not funny, Captain Ddraig!

(Ddraig stops laughing and clears his throat while wiping his one tear from the laughter.)

Ddraig: My apologies, Prince Dracous. It’s just I haven’t seen you like this before. It’s rather interesting. And I can also tell, you don’t particular care for this wedding arrangement with Lady Erza.

Drake: Hah, you read me like a book as always, Captain. I just don’t really find her all that appealing.

Ddraig: Yeah sure… the girl gave off a standoffish first appearance in behavior, but try to get to know the girl before you blow her off… It’s better to get to know that person rather toss them aside, sire. Maybe she just had cold feet… You can never judge a person by their attitude.

Drake(nods): I suppose you’re right. Thanks, Ddraig.

Ddraig: Also… who is this other person you like? Is she cuter than Lady Erza?

(Drake blushes bright red.)

Drake: Aw, come on! Stop already! Let’s just get back to training!

(Ddraig couldn’t help but chuckle at the young prince as they continue on with their training. The next day, Drake was with Erza at the table with tea and cookies going over their wedding plans and enactments on the kingdom. Drake had sat there bored out of his mind, laying his cheek on the palm of his hand, elbow on the table which was starting to irritate Erza to a degree when she glanced up to see if he was listening.)

Erza: Dracous…

(Drake didn’t hear her. She frowns deeply.)

Erza: Dracous…

(He still didn’t hear her voice or is completely ignoring her. She grew frustrated and grabbed her fan and hit his arm. He winced and rubbed his arm.)

Drake(scowl): Ow! What the hell Erza?

Erza: I should be asking that myself. You’re very rude. I was talking to you the entire time about our future plans and you completely ignored me.

Drake(sighs heavily): Only because I’m just not in the mood for all this. I trained all night and I barely got any sleep since you woke me up this early.

Erza: Well… I apologize for the short notice, but we have much to discuss and have very little time to put it aside because of your lack of sleep. From now on, instead of training, you will come to the tea room and help me.

Drake: What!? You can’t do that!

Erza: Indeed I can. I am your fiance. Besides, your father agreed to my plea as he feels you need to stay around me at all times *glances a grimace look at him* whether you like it or not, Dracous.

(Drake quietly growls then mumbles under his breath. As the days go by, Drake sneaks away from the castle to avoid Erza and her obnoxious arrangements for their upcoming wedding, rehearsals, and the need for tea parties when they have royal balls to invite high class and noble citizens to their fancy banquets. He would hang out with Elma, steadily creating a bond between one another that made them feel they can trust and depend on one another. A month later, Erza was accompanied by Drake with a sour look and her maid, Laura, went to the shop districts of the high society. Drake just strayed farther and farther from Erza and her maid, looking at the high priced items displayed.)

Drake: Sheesh. No wonder they call her “The High Class Princess”. She likes high priced items.

(Drake then felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around seeing a cat girl with a beautiful short dress. It was Elma!)

Elma: Hey there, sourpuss. Why the long face?

Drake(smiles): Elma!

(Drake hugged her which she hugs him back. They stopped hugging after.)

Drake: I haven’t seen you in a while. I… looks down to the ground  I’m sorry I haven’t been there to see you.

Elma(smiles): It’s okay, Drake. I can understand you had knight duties.

Drake flinched: uh… K-knight duties! Yeah, right. Haha… yeah…

(Elma tilts her head confused by his nervous laughter.)

Drake: Well… I really like your outfit.

Elma: Oh… you mean this “old” thing~ ? 

(Elma twirls around and stops in front of him, giggles at her little joke. Drake chuckles at her too.)

Elma: Ever since I got that cleaning job, I’ve saved enough money to get myself something nice than that rag I wore all the time. This place really does have some nice clothes but the prices are so high. No wonder some people go broke.

Drake: Yeah.


(Drake sweat a bit from hearing Erza’s voice.)

Elma: Huh? Did someone scream Dracous? Like Prince Dracous?

Drake: Crap. E-Elma… I have to go.

Elma: Why? It’s not like someone called your na--

Erza: Dracous! How could you have strayed so far from me!?

Drake: Oh, get off my back, Erza!

Erza: Absolutely not! looks at Elma up and down And who is she? A new servant girl you’re appointing?

Elma: Excuse me?

Drake: Erza… I’ll catch up to you later.

Elma: Drake, who is she?

Erza: I beg your pardon, peasant. But this happens to be the prince to whom you are speaking ill of with that nasty name.

(Elma flinched and took a glance at Drake who looked away, ashamed.)

Elma: You’re… you’re the prince…?

Drake: y-yeah… I am. I’m Lord Rairyu’s son… The Prince of Eastern Kingdom, Raikouden.

(Elma just stares at him then went back to Erza.)

Elma: Okay… if he’s the prince… then who are you?

Erza: If you must know peasant girl… My name is Erza Hearthstone and I am his fiance.

(Elma flinched a bit at the sudden straight answer.)

Elma: I see. So… you’re getting married then.

Erza: Yes, he is. I hope you weren’t thinking of confessing to the prince, dear. That’ll be too sad to watch you be heartbroken.

Drake(flinched): Erza!

Erza: What?

Elma: No. smiles at them Congrats on your marriage… and Erza was it? I’m happy for you two. Dra-- I mean… your highness… thank you again for your kindness. I hope you remember me.

(Elma runs off. Drake could only be sadden by the situation.)

Erza: Hm… I’m shocked there are civilized commoners that exist.

Drake: Really Erza?

Erza: Oh, come off it, Dracous. She only made herself look like a fool trying to seduce you when obviously the poor deluded girl hadn’t realize her dream became a terrible reality.

Drake: You don’t know her that well, Erza. Leave Elma alone!

(Erza cocked a brow at him but scoffs as she turns a heel taking her leave first as Drake followed behind her. Few days later at night time, Drake had his cloak on and snuck out the back doors of his castle and went towards downtown and went around to find Elma. He had almost given up until he saw Elma with a bag of food and tried to open her motel room door.)

Drake: Elma!

(She flinched and turned seeing Drake waving at her. She glances at him, but went inside after unlocking the door. Drake hurried to her door before she could close it and held it open.)

Drake: Elma, wait!

Elma(frowns): What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be planning your royal wedding?

Drake: Elma… I just wanted to say I’m sorry I lied to you. You shouldn’t never had learn of my identity that way… I feel awful.

Elma: You should be! I opened up to you even though we were complete strangers at first, and I felt that we became friends after those couple of months… but you lied about yourself and deceived me… do you know how hurt I was? I thought we could trust each other?

Drake: We can! I… I’m sorry…

(Drake looks down with sad eyes. Elma sighs.)

Elma: It’s okay. But I really did wish you trust me enough to think I wouldn’t be friends with you… even if you were a prince or a knight… or even a poor guy living on the street.

Drake(smiles a little): Yeah, you’re right. Sorry…

(Elma smiles and allows him inside. They talked for a bit and Drake finally notices her bag all packed up and ready to go.)

Drake: Are… are you leaving?

Elma: … Yeah…

Drake: Where are you going?

Elma: Back to where I came from. I may not remember exactly where that is… but I want to at least try to find out where I came from and how I got here. And to know who that cat was that destroyed my home in the first place.

Drake: Elma, that’s too dangerous! You don’t know what’s out there! There could be thugs, horrific creatures, or even a witch.

Elma: That maybe… but I’m still willing to go out there.

(Drake thought quietly for a few minutes then stood up from sitting on the chair.)

Drake: I’m going too.

Elma: What?? No. You can’t do that! You’re getting married tomorrow, aren’t you? You can’t just leave.

Drake: Unless I postpone the wedding. Erza won’t mind (Technically I won’t mind) and besides… I can take a breather from being in the castle anyway.

Elma: But… are you sure? It’s a big step that we both have to take when we leave here.

(Drake felt a sudden grasp to his mind when she said those words. He never thought of it that way but in his mind he couldn’t really think straight to begin with but deep down his heart was saying “Go with her”. He sighed.)

Drake: Um… Elma… when were you planning on leaving?

Elma: At dawn.

Drake: Okay.  Here’s what I think we should do. If I do come with you, I’ll be here before at dawn. But if I don’t come, then you would have to leave on your own.

Elma(nods): That seems fair.

(Drake put his cloak back on.)

Drake: Elma… again, I’m so sorry. This time… I won’t let you down. I promise.

(Elma gave him a warm, gentle smile. She stood up and went up to him as she hopped a bit and kissed his cheek.)

Elma: Okay.

Drake(blushes): uh… yeah. See you tomorrow. 

(Drake departs from her motel room walking away while waving goodbye to Elma. Later that night, Drake was in his room looking outside as he thought about Elma’s quest of venturing outside the castle and finding her past. Drake then remembered his talk with his father when he was a young boy.)

(Flashback; Rairyu’s Study room)

Young Drake: Father?

Rairyu: Yes, my son?

Young Drake: When I become ruler one day… Do I get to explore other regions?

Rairyu: Well… not entirely my son. When you rule the kingdom one day, you have to stay and watch over it. Protect the people from enemies and anything that threatens us. But when I was young, I traveled some parts of the region and saw every single amazing discoveries during my travels before I became ruler of this kingdom. I even wrote them down in each book I could fit them in. *shows young Drake the books* But for now my son… You’re too young to venture out there. Read these books... It’ll give you plenty of knowledge and experience that you hoped to know.

(End of Flashback; Drake’s room)

(Drake was still staring outside at the starry sky.)

Drake(thought): I know Dad gave me those books to make me feel like I’ve been out there. But I want to see things for myself. I want to be out there exploring all of it. But if I leave, I’ll only let my father and the kingdom down. But that also means, I’ll let Elma down if I don’t go with her. I don’t want to do that too her again…

(With so many promises and the pressure weld up in him,  Drake frowns and sighed roughly as he grabbed a book near him and threw it out of frustration; towards a picture frame of him and Cyrus as children. Drake flinched from the sound of glass breaking and went over to the picture frame and looked at the photo with a grimace expression. Drake faced the picture down on the table.)

Drake: I… I’m going. I feel I should see the outside world instead of seeing them in pages from books. Plus… sweat dropped  I don’t want to get married to Erza tomorrow. My life would probably be hell if I marry that girl. It’s kind of tactless to just not show… but it’s beats being miserable.

(Drake went in his wash room and had a knife in his hand and started cutting his long gold mane to his shoulder but it was a bit spiky. Then he wore brown pants and a dark grey blue vest, and black boots. Drake packed his money and supplies in a brown bag and hopped on the edge of his window, looking out towards north seeing the sun almost rise.)

Drake: I’m coming with you, Elma. I’m going to see what the world is like out there.
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Comments: 9

BledtandDrake [2017-07-12 04:26:03 +0000 UTC]

Ah nostalgia. I was in Middle School when I first found Dragonbestia, and now I'm gonna be a Senior at college. How time flies. You inspired me, you know? In high-school I felt the urge to make my own place, similar but not quite yours. I have a prologue and 2 chapters of Kyestrah on my page if your interested. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be around on Deviant Art anymore, but whatever happens for you Drake, I wish you the best.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dragonman32 In reply to BledtandDrake [2017-07-12 05:09:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for being a loyal fans for all this years, and hope you will have a good Senior year at your College and I wish best of luck with your place Kyestrah, I will love to read your stories, when I have the time and never let real life stand in your way of do what you love, for that is what happen to me and I lost most of my urge to keep on going with Dragobeastia and well you see for yourself I am split to either end my DA or stay a bit longer!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BledtandDrake In reply to Dragonman32 [2017-07-12 05:24:32 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, I don't have much left and then you started posting again XD Guess I'll stick around a lil longer

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ViciousHedgehog95 [2017-06-06 09:37:36 +0000 UTC]

Freedom beats forced marriage, but Drake's choice will lead to huge consequences.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jsiejkd [2017-06-06 06:25:02 +0000 UTC]

Still alive?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dragonman32 In reply to jsiejkd [2017-06-06 07:01:29 +0000 UTC]

never said I was death, just TO damn busy with real life work!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jsiejkd In reply to Dragonman32 [2017-06-06 08:17:51 +0000 UTC]

Of course your not dead dead. Real life work? Plenty of time for that!:3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dragonman32 In reply to jsiejkd [2017-06-06 08:38:22 +0000 UTC]

Yeah Yeah, but not easy sometime, when you have a night job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jsiejkd In reply to Dragonman32 [2017-06-08 06:05:44 +0000 UTC]

Same here  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0