DrakeDNAngel — Kingdom Hearts Ga EP 3
Published: 2012-01-01 03:52:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 988; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 4
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Description Kingdom Hearts GA:  Ep.3
The Radiant Garden's Princess

Kallen was walking down to were Kairi was being held captive. She was holding the laser that Zero gave her to separate Namine and Kairi. Kairi was imprisoned in Kairi's old bedroom she lived in when she was a little. Kallen entered without saying a word and walking towards her. "Wait what are you gonna do with me?" asked Kairi. "Don't talk just listen," Kallen snapped at her. "Zero wants your nobody and you better do what he says." She said pointing the laser at her.

Kallen used the laser on Kairi pulling out Namine right out of her. "STOP IT LEAVE NAMINE OUT OF THIS!" She screamed trying to fight it, but it was no use she dragged Namine right out of her. Kairi felt dizzy and tried to gain conciseness. "Namine come with me, Zero needs you," Said Kallen walking out of kairi's room. Kairi clenched her fists. She was able to summon the radiant garden key blade. "I SAId LEAVE HER ALONE!" Kairi cried out charging towards them.

"Kairi wait!" said Namine. Zero came into her room and used his Geass to stop Kairi. (Geass is the power to control people's mind and obey the person who is using its commands; it can make people commit suicide or make people turn in the opposite direction.) "YOU WILL NOT ATTACK KALLEN OT ATTEMPT TO SAVE NAMINE YOU WILL STAY IN THIS ROOM UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!" Demanded Zero.

Kairi had no choice but to obey it. "Sure no problem at all." She said walking towards her bed and lying down on her bed. Zero, Kallen and Namine walked out and they headed for the library. "Zero were are the others?" asked Kallen. "They went back to their home worlds, the fools if there not careful they'll get sucked into the darkness." "Where are you taking me?" asked Namine.

"To the library I want you to rewrite Sasuke and the others memories that will slow them down from getting other raves," He chuckled. "NO!" yelled Namine. "What did you say?" asked Zero. "I said "no" you can't make me do this, it was bad enough rewriting Sora's memories back at castle oblivion but I'm not gonna do anything like that again," Namine spoke up. Kallen took three steps towards Namine and got a good grip on her mouth. "Listen up smart mouth Sora doesn't even remember who you are in fact I don't think his nobody Roxas even cares where the heck you are 'cause I haven't seen him anywhere have you?" Hissed Kallen. "Kallen that's enough! I'll handle this," Said Zero. Zero walked over to her and calmly said "Namine I don't want hurt anyone I just want to get enough power to get my world back from the Organization XII and the Akatsuki." He said calmly. "Then why're you on there side then?" said Namine asking about his organization. Zero didn't answer he used his Geass on poor Namine. You will walk in the library and rewrite the heroes from the realm of light's memories. Namine walked in the library without saying a word. "There should be desks in there for you to do you're work," He said. When that was over Kallen couldn't help but ask "Zero who's the new guy were going to use to help us.

They heard someone entering the castle. "Ah speak of the devil here he is." "Zero, Kallen it's a pleasure to meet you," The newcomer slithered. "Yikes who this creep?" wondered Kallen. "My name is Orochimaru," Orochimaru laughed. Mean while Sora and the others were flying away from wonderland. Donald was flying the ship but Sora was very tempted to take the wheel. "Come on everyone smile remember our ship runs on happy faces." "Ugh my cheeks our killing me; you call this fuel for the ship," Mumbled Haru.

"Gawrsh hang in there were almost at the next world." Smiled Goofy. "Aw come on Sasuke smile," Said Naruto. Yeah, no thanks I don't want to be part of your stupid little game," Sasuke snarled. "Why you…" said Donald pulling up his sleeve and picking up his wand to his give Sasuke a good whack. Plue got in the middle of the two trying to prevent a fight. "Pun!" said Plue. When this happened Sora pushed Donald out of his seat. "Take a break Donald," he said sitting down. No Sora remember the last time you flew the ship. "Don't worry I can handle it…" Sora said with confidence. Then a meteor was coming towards them. "Aigh watch out!" quacked Donald. Steering the wheel to the right. "See that's what I'm talking about," Said Donald.

"Aw come on I was JUST gonna steer it…" Sora smiled idiotically.  "Aggh there's are destination BREAK! BREAK!" Sora stomped on the breaks really hard. Plue fell flying onto the class window area and his nose got stuck and left a little crack on it. "See this is why you don't have a license Sora!" said Donald. "Don't be so stingy!" barked Sora trying to keep smiling. Uh guys you might want to take a look at this," Said Haru getting plue off the window. Ed and al walked over to view the odd scenery. The hidden leaf village world was covered in black dark energy. "Is it being colonized?" asked Al. "Nope more like it's just cut off, I don't think we can get through," Edward answered. "WHATTT?" yelled Naruto. "Do you think you can get us through?" he asked. "I'll try," Answered Donald driving forward. They tried but they just couldn't do it. They dark energy made everyone felt dizzy. "Well we can't get through their know let's come back later." "Uh I just remember where suppose to go somewhere." Sighed Ed. "Oh that's right were suppose to go to Radiant Garden!" said Sora. Kairi's captured there I can't let her down. "Kairi?" asked Ed. "Yeah she's a good friend of mine I promised her and Riku we'd stick together forever," whispered Sora emotionally.  "Hmph, you're all useless, Said Sasuke.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" They all roared. "You're supposed to bring us back to our village smart alike," He said very snotty like. "Hey Sasuke Sora says his friend is in danger we have to help his friend to; it's not all about you or me," yelled Naruto feeling very angry. Sasuke didn't say anything for awhile until he said. "Whatever, just go help that girl," He hissed. They all drove to Radiant Garden. When they got there all was quiet. Nobody was around at first, but they heard a hiss then more heartless showed up. Everyone prepared themselves.

Sora started nailing the shadow heartless with combos he finished them off with a spell were fire balls would circle around him and cause serious damage. Book Master heartless showed up. Naruto tried to use his Shadow clone Jutsu, but one nailed Naruto with its book attempting a 5 hit combo.  Sasuke threw a kunai to kill it off. Haru know has "the Mel force dragon sword where it blows his enemies far away using air. He used it on the heartless that made them go far away until they hit the wall hard. "I GOTTA NEW SWORD POWER!" yelled Haru with excitement.

Ed and Al finished the last few using alchemy Ed clapped his hands and plopped them against the ground they summoned giant cones that came out of the ground and destroyed the last few heartless. "Few that was close. Sighed Sora with relieve." "Excuse me Sora, why don't you bring you're friends inside over here," Said a voice. Sora looked around and saw Aeirth who was standing in front of the door way of the Radiant Garden Restoration Comity an organization home that helps get rid of Heartless easier. "Aeirth it's nice to see you again, hey have you seen Riku anywhere?" asked Sora running towards her. She nodded her head "No," "But I can show you our plan to help you on your way to hollow bastion castle." She said walking inside; they all followed her to see what she was planning. Inside they saw Cid working his computer in front of them. They turned to the left and saw Leon and Auron. "Auron it's been awhile!" said Sora walking over to him. "Yes it has been hasn't it?"  "I didn't know what else to do since our victory at Olympus Coliseum so I decided to move here," He mumbled. "He's been a big help for us since Cloud left." Yuffie added. "Oh yeah that's right hey guys have you seen Cloud lately?" asked Sora. Everyone in there were silent for a moment until Aeirth said "No but wherever he is I hope he'll be okay." She said putting her hand on her face. "I'm sure he's fine, well should we get going?" asked Sora.  "Let's go believe it!" yelled Naruto Running out the door. "Sheesh, does he always say believe it?" wondered Haru.

"Almost everyday," sighed Sasuke feeling annoyed. "Oh before you go Sora the king's waiting for you at the entrance of hollow bastion." "Okay, got it." replied Sora walking out the door. They all walked outside there were no Heartless in sight so they kept on going until they reached the next area, which they had to walk up some stairs and walk over to the next area which was facing the opposite direction of were they were. More heart less showed up but when they were about to attack them one of the Restoration committee's piece of technology came out of nowhere and destroyed the heartless. Few that was way to close," Sighed Sora with relieve. "Wow what is this thing?" asked Haru feeling very shocked. "Oh I remember these are called," Sora smiled. There called "Claymore," Leon and the others made these to chase off heartless."

Sora responded with excitement. They found the entrance to the next area. When they entered. A few heartless showed up and tried to come at them Sora got out his key blade and started doing Combos then He said "It's over!" and summoned orbs spinning around him hitting every heartless in sight. Then they left for the next area.

They all entered the castle gate area with stone cracked stairs leading to a blue brick pavement platform. Hey Donald, Goofy this is were we battled that one Org.XII member "Demyx" Sora spoke very faint. "Uh yeah that was when we were trying to help Leon and the others to take out all them Heartless. Yeah this platform says it all, Hyuck!" chuckled Goofy. "I hope we catch up with the King soon," Sighed Donald. They entered the next area raven trail, but then a swarm of heartless showed up Naruto threw his Rasengan at the heartless and it killed them all with just one shot. They headed for crystal fissure. "Gees how many paths are there?" asked Naruto felling very inpatient. "Don't worry not much farther," Sora smiled. They got the great maw area out of the way and headed for the dark depths this time they didn't see King Mickey.

"WAK where's the king? I don't see him any were," Quacked Donald. All of the sudden more heartless showed up. Everyone prepared themselves for battle. Sora started off by simply waking of the giant green ball heartless.  It was about to crush Sora, but he blocked it with his key blade, and it he bounced like he was bouncing a basket ball around to give twice as much damage.

Then a Green ball Heartless span around right at Haru hoping to hit him. Haru used his Vacuum sword very lightly to stun the solder heartless when he got real close to them he used Silfarion on them. Naruto used his shadow clone Jutsu to send up the green ball heartless flying. He used Uzumaki Marriage, and destroyed it. Ed summoned his key blade and Transmutated his alchemy spear to do twice as much damage.

There were tons of heartless coming at him in different directions.  Ed spun around swinging his spear around and ton a ton of damage on all different kinds of heartless. Sasuke finish the last two heartless using his Sharingan. Everyone put away there weapons for know. How ever there was one more and it jumped up in the air about to attack Sora. "SORA BEHIND YOU!" everyone screamed. Sora looked behind him and saw the heartless. At this exact moment King Mickey slashed it away and landed on the floor acting like it was nothing. "Gosh Sora you've really improved," answered Mickey walking towards them.

Gawrsh your Majesty you're gonna help us save Kairi aren't ya? Asked Goofy cheerfully. "You Betcha!" the King smiled. "C'mon the castles right over there right?" wondered Sasuke pointing over to it. "Let's go!" replied Sora they all headed for Radiant Castle unaware of Orochimaru coming back from the grave stronger than ever. When they got to the castle entrance they encountered the big ice blocks that were kind of like stairs. "Well we gotta jump on these in order to get to our next destination," Said Sora already getting a head start. Naruto and Sasuke did it like it was no sweat. "Stay close little guy," Said Haru carrying plue. "Punn," barked Plue. "Heh, c'mon Al," said Ed getting a head start. Al was nervous first, but when he jumped towards the first ice ramp he done it without breaking a sweat. "Ha amazing!" cried out Al with excitement. When they got to the top they saw a big circular lift that brought them up to the castle. They all hopped on and headed for Maleficent's old castle. "Kairi were almost there," Sora told himself. "Your majesty where's Riku?" asked Sora.

He's in the castle he's got a plan, he's gonna attempt to save Kairi by putting on that blindfold he used back when he was with the organization and beat Zero at his own game. Sora still looked confused. Zero is the new leader of all the people who worked for maleficent. "Really why is he doing this?" Sora wondered. Well I'm not sure, but his eyes are purple and the reason because of that he uses a new power called "Geass" a power that can brain wash anyone just by looking into his/her eyes." "Oh so that's why Riku's wearing that head band," Sora chuckled. They all entered the room with a fountain with a weird statue above it. Naruto and Saskue were shocked what they saw they saw an old villain of there's that they encountered numerous times it was Orochimaru. Naruto, Sasuke it's been long hasn't it?" hissed Orochimaru. "Y-you… I killed you…" Sasuke gasped looking very tense. "GRR I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU OROCHIMARU!" roared Naruto.

"Wait Orochimaru?" asked Ed. "yeah he's an old rival of ours," Naruto answered clenching his fists. "All of you I'm brought back to life to finally have enough power to destroy you all!" Orochimaru. "Now that you mention it a while back I swore one of these days I'd kick your butt and even take you down." Naruto laughed.

"Oh ho ho, you won't be laughing when I destroy that nine tailed fox inside you," He slithered. "Nine tailed fox?" asked Sora. "I'll explain that later," answered Naruto performing his shadow clone Jutsu. "Sora Haru, Ed, Al, Donald, Goofy your Majesty you guys should go and rescue Kairi well handle him." "But we can't just leave you here…" "Sora whimpered. Naruto's right this guy is no joke he's way to powerful even for you Sora," Sasuke spoke out. "Gee thanks," snapped Sora getting annoyed of Sasuke's tone. Sora and the others ran towards the exit to the next room.

Naruto and Sasuke tried fighting Orochimaru Naruto ran at him but Orochimaru but shot his tongue right at Naruto swirled it around Naruto's Ankle and then push Naruto right into the wall Naruto wheezed coughing put spit before Sasuke had a chance to do anything Orochimaru slammed his tongue Right into Saskue knocking him down. Sasuke was shocked at Orochimaru's strength. "I....this can't be Orochimaru his tounge......it's like tough as steel. Then after Sasuke was down Orochimaru continued to slide Naruto across the Wall then he lifted him up and then slammed him head first into the Statue thing were there was a little pond in the middle of the room.

"It's a shame I thought he was stronger what a fool," hissed Orochimaru. "Hey you leave Naruto out of this..." Sasuke gasped getting up,"

"Oh that's right your the boy who killed me in the end I tried to take over your body and you betrayed me," Orochimaru grinned.

"Heh you know at first But  I didn't betray because I was goody to shoes again it was just.... I just didn't want a freak LIKE YOU CONTROLLING ME!" Sasuke yelled charging at him trying to punch or even kick him but Orochimaru blocked every attack. Naruto slowly sat up and rubbed his head.

"How.....can this be....I thought he was dead" Naruto wondered. "....But all just have to kill him myself...." Naruto growled. Then Naruto turned a little bit into his nine tailed fox form and charged Orochimaru. He tried to punch him but he dodged his attack back the other way. Naruto got so furious with him that he just charged and began trying to punch him. Orochimaru dodged first of his attacks then Naruto but Then Naruto Punched him right in the face so hard That Orochimaru flew right into the Statue thing Orochimaru flung Naruto into and Orochimaru rammed the statue so hard he made it crack and the head broke off.

"Geh How did he....But I thought....He was a pushover before what happened...? I know he has the nine tails but STILL! he must have learned to control it to a point where he could use it where he can use it's chakra at unbelievable strength...." Orochimaru thought. Orochimaru got up breathing heavily. "Well I guess i'll have to get healed up now...." Orochimaru spoke. "Oh no you don't!" Naruto argued running at him. "Orochimaru summoned a portal and went in it and disappeared. Naruto clawed right through the last bit of the portal unfortunately Naruto failed. Naruto turned back to normal. "It's not fair Sasuke....." Naruto whispered. "Naruto....." "Naruto there's nothing we can do about it Our friends back At Konoha are dead..." Sasuke said. "NO! DON'T SAY THAT SASUKE! Sora's gonna clean out all the darkness at Konoha and he'll save all our friends BELIVE IT! I guarantee it," Naruto spoke out. "Whatever let's just try and catch up with Sora and the Gang." said Sasuke. "Fine," said Sasuke. "Then A portal appeared and out came a young guy with White hair wearing a black coat and a Eye band. "Ah Who are you?" asked Naruto. Riku took off the Eye band "Are you with Sora?" asked Riku. "Well yeah he's like the coolest guy ever," said Naruto. "Hmph I'm Riku i'm a good buddy of his," replied Riku. I came here looking for Sora to help him find Kairi. have you seen them?" asked Riku. "No but Sora and the others went on ahead we should try catching up with them," suggested Naruto. "Alright then," nodded Riku.

Meanwhile Sora and the other were entered a big library. there were books everywhere with a stair cast leading to a smaller selection off books on shelves. Sora and the others looked around  "Ahhh...books Al there could be an entire selection of alchemy books here," said Ed looking at one of the books. "That's correct," said a voice. They all looked and saw Zero wearing his mask was upstairs part of the library. He then walked down the stairs laughing. "Hey what's so funny?" asked Sora. "You all fell right into my trap," laughed Zero. "What sort of trap?" asked Haru. Plue was frighten for seeing Zero he recognized him from the first chapter back in Traverse Town.  

You must be that mutt who took that Rave from me well that's a shame now i'm gonna get those two back from you and well see how it works out." laughed Zero. "What do you mean?" asked Ed. "Wait have you meet Haru's dog before?" Al asked. "That question can be answered another time," grinned Zero. "Zero so your the one after the Raves..." Haru began walking towards him. "KEEP BACK!" yelled Zero. "Don't make me use my lovely assistance," Zero smirked pointing his cape showing Namine sitting at a desk with a pencil and her sketch book drawing. "Ah Namine!" Sora yelled. "Zero stop this at once," demanded Mickey. "Hm so your King Mickey huh?  Namine has the ability to re arrange peoples memories by just using that note book and pencil she can even add memories to your thoughts that never actually happened." Zero smirked. Seeing you all pinned down just make me laugh, well I hate to break this two you all but....." Then Zero got out sharp Kunai's  
and threw them all at everyone except Haru and Plue. Everyone else got knifed on each arm clothing and smashed them into the book shelfs making it almost tilt. One Knife only Hit Sora on the arm and it smashed him into one of the far off shelfs. "Guys," yelled Haru.

"Haru fellow Rave Master I know you need the Stones but I need them now," "Why would someone like You need them after what you did to them?" Haru asked. "It's simple My world has been taking over by the Organization XII," Zero answered. "Wait can't we be reasonable here? I'm sure we can help each other out I mean Sora and all of us decided to go find them as a team." suggested Haru.  Then Lelouch smirked he opened part of his mask revealing his eye and spoke . "Haru Give me the Rave Stones NOW!" Demanded Lelouch reaching out his hand. "Wait no Haru don't look into his eyes!" yelled Mickey but it was too late the Geass already got Haru in Zero's command. "Too late!" laughed Zero. Haru eyes turned purple but Haru was still there aware what was going on. Haru hand slowly moved and reached into his problem. "No......NO!" Haru shrieked. Plue tried to hop on and grab his arm and stop him from taking the first two out but Haru pushed him aside and landed in Sora's arm. "Sorry Plue." Haru whimpered. Haru's arm shaking trying to fight but He took the Raves right out of his pocket.

Then Haru was in control "Here it's yours now," said Haru. "No....Haru...." Sora spoke. "Well look at that you got two of them already wow your fast Haru." Lelouch smirked. Lelouch took a few steps towards him and grabbed the Stones from him. "ZERO!" Sora yelled trying to break free from the Knifes that were pinning him down. "Hm you think I can undo what is done but no what's done is done By the time Haru gains conciseness Haru won't know what he just did." smirked Lelouch. Lelouch smirked and summoned a dark portal and grabbed Namine. "You won't be missing this witch she's under my control now," smirked Lelouch. "NO NAMINE NAMINE NAMINE! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!" Sora yelled. "Wh-why isn't she responding what did you do to Namine!" yelled Sora. "I just used the geass's power to make Namine stay under my control just a little longer," smirked Lelouch vanishing through the portal.  "Hey Hold on!" Sora yelled. The Geass thing wore off on Haru's eyes. "Haru was confused he looked around but didn't see Zero anywhere. "Wha-where what just happened." Haru spoke out loud spazing out. "What happened? You gave the Stones away to that seducer Zero that's what happened!" Donald yelled. "I-i did?" Haru spoke looking down at the floor. Mickey nodded his head looking at Donald. "Sora finally got free from the knifes and put his hand on Sora's shoulder.

"Haru C'mon It's okay Well get those Raves Back together," smiled Sora. Plue then grabbed on to Haru's pant leg and smiled. Haru smiled and patted Plue's head. Then Mickey was able to free himself then he helped everyone get freed. "Let's just get on with the next area and find Kairi." said Mickey.

Mean while back in the Heroes out side area of the castle trying to figure out were they were keeping Kairi. Hmm I hope the Kairi's alright, MAN why couldn't we help Namine" thought Sora out loud. "Well we gotta find your friend first dude," Haru suggested. They all encountered heartless along the way but nothing to difficult to defeat.

Haru used his vacuum sword to blow the first few away and Ed summoned his Alchemy spear to finish off the last few. Then headed for the next area, Mickey Donald and Goofy ran ahead of all of them. However when flying heartless showed up Mickey And the other two looked back and saw they fell in the place but couldn't do anything about it they started from the ice stairs. "Oh no were back were we started," cried Haru. "Wait a Second, look over there," Ed rambled pointing at a giant weird bubble. "Hey I remember this, I used this bubble to teleport with Beast through a dungeon water like area that helped get into the castle," Sora asserted running towards it across the water. "Holy cow how did you do that Sora?"Pressed Haru.

It's magic c'mon you guys this bubble might help us get back up there," said Sora going through it. When they all went through they were in an odd area there was water flowing all over the floor. "I can't see a room in here can you guys?" questioned Ed. "I guess not…" Whimpered Sora feeling very depressed. Then they encountered unexplained noises that were coming from in front of them. "What was that?" questioned Haru. "Shh," murmured Al putting his finger up to his lips. "Shush girls shut you lips do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips," Sora sang very quietly who just randomly farted with his butt hanging out. When this happened they heard a voice that said "Oh crud they found me and then footsteps that were lot faster and faded seconds later.

"Oh nice going Sora!" growled Haru. "Punn," barked Plue trying to stick up for Sora. "Sorry guys I'm just so worried about Kairi I tried to break the depressing mood," "No I should be the one who should be sorry I just can't stand it that we can't find your friend," Sighed Haru. "Huh, what's with that blue crystal thing on the ground?" Ed wondered pointing at it that was right in front of them. "Oh this is the switch to open that cadge door in front of us," said Sora activating it. "When it opened everyone prepared them selves for whoever was out there," "Kairi where almost there," muttered Sora.

Meanwhile back in the water cadge maze Sora and the others were in they saw a blue crystal on the ground they activated it and the cadge like door opened. "Sounds like it's saying to come in," grinned Ed. Al agreed. They walked farther in until they saw who was making that noise from earlier. It was a young teenage girl about a year older than Haru. She had dark pink hair with a headband, also had on a uniform, with white wrist sleeves with red plaid shorts black shoes with red long stocking wrapped around the bottom of her shoes and the back of her hair was spiked up. "There she is, Rrgh wait that's not Kairi is it?" Ed muttered to Sora.

"No, it's the redheaded girl I met earlier," Sora responded. "Crap they caught me," Kallen thought thinking she's screwed. "Where's Kairi?" Sora demanded. "M-Y-O-B" she snapped at them taking off. "Get back here!" yelled Ed slapping his hands onto the wet ground summoning a tidal wave. The tidal wave came charging at Kallen. The wave pushed her to the nearest wall; she landed face first and plopped on her face. Haru threw Plue at her barley misses her head and gets drilled into the wall.  Ed and Al ran over to her trying to stop her. "Rrr get back here!" Ed yelled at her running towards Kallen.

But before anyone can do anything else Kallen grabbed plue got her knife out and pointed it at plue. "No one move or this snowman gets it," she threatened. "Oh no plue!" Haru cried out. They all stopped she ran towards the exit where she hopped into a bubble and disappeared out of the area. "Oh no plue he's the only one who can help us find the rave stones," sobbed Haru.

"Don't worry we'll get him back," replied Sora. "It's okay Haru well think of something," Al answered. Ed didn't respond he started charging were Kallen ran off to. "Wait Ed we can't just follow her she might hurt Plue," Al proclaimed. "It's better than doing nothing," Ed carried on. They all turned at the corner and saw a big bubble portal like the one they encountered earlier. They all went through it and teleported back from the room and were back in the ice area. They saw her jumping from the ice burgs and heading back to the castle. They followed her until she stopped and turned around with a big grin on her face. They all stopped in shock. She had a giant reddish pink Robot that came out right in front of her. She hopped inside and cried out "PREPARE YOURSELF YOU SORE LOSERS," Everyone was getting prepared to fight Kallen. "What is that thing she's riding in?" wondered Sora.

"My "Guren Phoenix" this is one of the Mecha knights, but enough talk," she grinned activating one of its attacks. She pushed a lever making it go forward. It was charging at Alphonse. Al punched it hard enough were he and the Guren Phoenix was pretty well matched. Eventually she pulled a lever back making it grab Al by the arm and flipping him over and into the water but Al couldn't sink in it because the water only lets you walk on top of it. "AL," Ed cried out. "Alright you show off show me what you got," Replied Ed clapping his and summoning his Alchemy Spear. Although the Mecha knight had a big spear as well it swung it very hard Ed. However Ed swung his spear at the same time. The spears collided with one another until Ed's broke.

Ed was shocked the Guren phoenix sliced his left leg area very fast. "Ha what's wrong golden eyes you can't take on one of the black knights?" Kallen giggled. "Psych, Sorry but these are custom made!" Exclaimed Ed. Ed transmutated his right arm summoning his sharp mechanical Blade is attempted to use back in traverse town. He used it to slice the arm with the spear on the Guren Phoenix. "Then he finished by using a three hit combo with his Alchemy Blade he summoned. "YAAHHH!" Edward roared.

"Wait Ed be careful you might hurt plue," Haru tried to warn Ed but there was no time to think or stop. The Guren Phoenix fell onto one of the ice bergs and fell face first right next to all on top of the water. "Good job brother," Al smiled rewarding him by saying thank you. "Ugh where's Plue?" asked Haru looking around. They finally saw Plue sneaking right out of the robot looking very dizzy he hopped onto Haru's shoulder and had a big sigh of relieve. "Punn," Plue sighed with relieve. "You okay Plue?" asked Haru. Plue nodded he had smoke stains on him but other wise he was okay. "Well we should get back into the castle," said Haru. They all went towards the castle accept Sora he stood there staring at the beaten down droid as if something bad was about to happen. He waited until he saw the robot moved and it got out guns from the back of it firing it at everyone else. Sora had to act fast he caught up to them and yelled "DUUUCCK!" Sora pushed them onto the flooring were the entrance to Radiant Castle was in front of them. The guns went off everyone was safe except Sora one blew up in front of him when it landed and Sora went flying up in the air making him weak. Kallen used her droid to grab a hold of him with using just her one arm she still had left.

"WHAT'RE TRYING TO DO BRAT TAKE THE RAVE STONES THE ONLY WAY OF OUR SURVIVAL AWAY FROM ME AND ZERO?" Kallen argued trying to force words out of Sora's mouth. "Okay if you need the rave stones so badly you could've just asked or teamed up with us, cause that's what were trying to do to," smiled Sora.

"HAVE AT IT!" yelled Kallen throwing him up in the air but Sora recovered. He transformed into his Valor form and tried to attack with his two Key blades however she blocked it. She tried to slash Sora but he jumped back then began hitting her with two of his Key blades. He hit her in different parts using on Key after another. He jumped up and said "Take this!" charging threw the knight mare frame. Kallen then threw him back to save her some time. Kallen was silent for a moment than her rave radar inside her droid picked up and found the real rave master Haru. He had the raves in his pocket. Kallen was about to shoot something at Haru but Sora flew up and then slammed one of his key blades right into Kallen's Knight-mare. "TAKE THIS WITCH!" Sora yelled.  Kallen threw Sora the opposite direction were everybody was standing. Sora was about to do a face plant onto the hard land area in back of the water that people can only walk on, But Ed was quick. He used alchemy to summon a pillow by using his red coat that broke Sora's fall. Sora Fainted from the shock.

"There ya go Sora I'm sorry," Ed apologize feeling like all of his strength to take out Kallen wasn't good enough. "Ed don't be so hard on your self you did all you could do, and Sora just fainted from shock that's all." Al murmured. "Rrr, I could've done more," muttered Ed. Kallen was examining Haru. "Alright hand over the rave peacefully and I might just spare your lives," she grinned. "Alright look whatever the reason you want these stones is I can't just give it to you, I need to find all the rave stones to save all the worlds," Said Haru.

"I need those stones to help me get me and Zero's world back from nasty people so if you could just give me it…" she growled. "Hey look, if you have a problem you can stick with us and we can help you, but I have to find the stones 'cause I'm the new rave master and that little dog your holding captive plue is the only one who can track them down," Haru suggested. "Okay Have it your way!" she shrieked charging at Haru. Haru started blocking all her attacks with her one arm. She began firing shots at him but he used his Silfarion move on her. The bullets broke in half. Haru used his vacuum sword to try to blow her away it sort of worked she fell right in front of Ed, Al, and Even Sora. She stared at them for a minute and grabbed Al destroying half of his armor. "AL! You big je…" Ed attempted to wake her with his key blade but she grabbed him preparing to shoot him, but Ed was quick he used out his right arm on her transmutated her arm with weaker parts on her arm she threw Ed onto Al. "Dang it! Sorry Al" moaned Ed pulling off his red coat and his right Glove. Haru came and kept using Silfarion on her. Haru leveled up enough were he had a new technique where he could teleport in different directions. He teleported using Silfarion in different directions he used it until he thought it was appropriate timing to finish her off using his first sword form Explosion.

"EXPLOSION!" Haru yelled jumping high in the sky. He landed and performed a big explosion of fire on her. It worked very nicely and Kallen inside her droid flew up onto the entrance to radiant castle. Kallen still had enough strength to fire back her robot was barley standing and flew right at them. Right when this was about to happen Naruto, Saskue and even Riku Mickey Donald Goofy and Kairi arrived. Naruto performed his Toad summoning Jutsu were he summoned a giant toad that was larger even bigger than Kallen's android. Haru was the only one on top out of Ed Al and Sora. Kairi came sliding down running towards Sora. "Sora…" she whispered kneeling down and lying on Sora's chest beginning to cry. "A big robot eh this should be interesting," said the toad. "Eww, a talking toad this isn't good," mumbled Kallen.

She pushed the lever forward trying to ram it toward the wall but the toad spit its tongue out and broke through the glass window of where Kallen was sitting. Then Riku jumped up towards the helpless girl and teleported and nailed her with hits on his sword. He kept doing this until he said "Know Naruto finish this!" Naruto shot his Rasengan at the droid it went right through the droid. Nothing happened at first then the Rasengan exploded and the machine came crashing down. Kallen kicked open the nearest opening of her droid. She came down brushing off all the smoke on her clothes. She didn't have any bruises or scratches anywhere but she had a big scar on her arm because that's were the Rasengan hit her; It was also because of Ed using the last of his Alchemy to weaken Kallen's Guren Phoenix. Sora finally gained conciseness he looked up and the first thing he saw was Kairi's sparkly Blue eyes. "Kairi…?" Sora moaned. "Oh Sora you lazy bum," she smiled hugging Sora. "Don't ever scare me like that Sora," Kairi sobbed. Everyone else was making sure Kallen was completely defeated and she was. The Toad disappeared because Naruto thought he didn't need him anymore for now.

"Why are you doing this are you with Zero?" asked Sasuke trying to force her. Before she could answer a droid that looked liked Kallen's came down in there area. A blonde young man who was very tall and blue eyes hopped out and walked towards Kallen making sure she was okay. "Who the heck are you?" asked Ed. "Who me my names Gino," he answered with a smile. "Oh did you get hurt?" Gino asked Kallen. "Yeah, just a scratch though," she snapped. Gino got out an aid kit from his droid and put a patch on her arm. Gino turned around at everyone else giving them dirty looks. "You all won't be so lucky next time," he interpreted. "YOUU WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS WHY DO YOU NEED THE RAVE STONES SO BADLY?" asked Naruto very angry like.

"Hmph that doesn't concern you ninja boy," Gino boasted. "Oh and Haru I know you're the one who's suppose to be the Rave Master, but if you get in the way of us finding those stones there well be trouble," Gino threatened. "Let's not get carried away okay? We at least have a reason for finding those stones," Ed argued trying to stick up for Haru.

"You aren't you a little short to be raising your voice at a tall person. Now one thing you should never do is call Ed short but if you even give him even a little grief about his height he will kill you. Ed popped a vane as usual, yelling "YOU BETTER NOT BE CALLING ME SMALL YOU TURD!" Ed barked at Gino.

"Whoa okay that's enough brother," Al spoke softly trying to calm Ed down. "HEY RUNT! DON'T MAKE FUN OF GINO OR I WILL BREAK THAT LEFT LEG OF YOURS," Kallen snapped at Ed. "Kallen lets just go back in our Knightmare frames (robots they control with,) they all went back in there Knightmare frames and headed back inside the castle.

Then Zero came in a knightmare frame coming from the sky and looking to see if Kallen and Gino where ok.

"Hey you all alright?" asked Zero. "Yeah were all okay," said Gino. "HEY YOU ALRIGHT

But just when they were getting to leave Sora finally had enough strength to get up and fight. "WAIT YOU JERKS!" Sora cried Chasing there machines,.

Then Lelouch Got out a Chest piece and pressed the button on top and out popped up Hexagon pieces out of Zero's knightmare making a v shaped symbol and lit up a purple glow and then got so bright that the Heroes couldn't see anything and all the Knightmare's vanished.

Chasing there machines, "Come back here and fight me I can take you!" he yelled. "Sora calm down there gone," Naruto whispered. "I HATE THEM!" Screamed Sora. "They don't know what there doing…" whimpered Sora. Kairi began getting teary eyed again Riku walked towards her and said "Kairi let them go we won well make sure they will pay for what she did to you…" "NO NO NOT THAT! IT'S JUST THAT I TRIED TO TALK THEM INTO BEING GOOD GUYS, BUT I'M SEEING THERE NOT ON OUR SIDES AND I'M SORRY I COULDN'T AS A PRINCESS SAVE SORA OR SAVE MY FRIENDS FROM BEING ATTACKED!" Kairi cried feeling left out.
"Hey don't worry about I hoped giving that psycho a good whack was good enough to stop her, and you're not the one with the broken mechanical arm either heh heh ha" Ed laughed trying to make Sora and Kairi feel better which kind of helped, Sora wiped Kairi's tears off her eyes. "By the way were are Mickey, Donald, and Goofy?" asked Sora. "They chased after Orochimaru and followed him through a dark warp portal," answered Naruto. "Oh no I hope there okay well I guess we should start looking for them," Sora suggested. "Come on guys were still good no matter what that Gino guy Says. "Wait can me and Al get fixed up at our mechanic's place it's in Resembool," Ed suggested. "Oh okay, but first we gotta get to the Gummy ship," "Let's get Ed and Al fixed up then search for our friends and continue our search for the rave stones," said Sora with excitement and feeling pumped up. All of the sudden the giant crown symbol appeared around him and he got his key blade out to seal the key hole of Radiant Garden he sealed it and continued his journey.

What will happen to our heroes in the future they reunited with there lost ones will they find they king and his servants well Haru find the rave stones well Sora find out what awaits Naruto and Saskue, Will the Elric brothers get repaired in time for there next battle, Will Kairi the Radiant's princess be a little of use to them in the future find out in the next episode of Kingdom Hearts GA.
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