drawDigitalMlpOc — Mlp ( Cadence Alter )

Published: 2024-04-15 01:34:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 906; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description *her information about her health and I took that as a reference from another page, the credits go to that person*

*la info de ella de su salud y eso lo tome como referencia de otra pagina los creditos van para esa persona*

image ink : www.deviantart.com/animegodess…

link de la imagen www.deviantart.com/animegodess…

status: healthy and crazy

Sanity: - 0%

mental state: 0%

madness: 100%

empathy: - 0%

Charisma : - 0%

deception: 98% (he knows how to act very well and knows how to use his cards well to his advantage to the point of convincing naive ponies and intimidating baby ponies in a sneaky way so that no one notices anything)

empathy for others: - 0%

power: 9.100% (since she has stolen the magic and power of many alicorns and yes also their life essence which is almost at the same level as discord in power almost but does not equal it since in a fight he would win by obvious reasons  )

rope:- 0% (she is crazier than cozy glow herself, if she wants she can destroy all races without thinking twice since it is impossible for her to reconsider and react, she is let's say more crazy than pinkamena herself)

Personality: proud, crazy, insane, egocentric and cunning

Notes: What triggered her extreme madness and destroyed her sanity was her bad thoughts. She believed that her shinning husband was being unfaithful to her and, by not letting him finish speaking, she used her magic without thinking about it and ended him (here she would be a unicon). Even with her sanity half unstable and blinded by anger and jealousy, she went after her two daughters, ages 5 and 7, and they also had the same end as her father, and she and the queens knew what had happened, so furious and very upset, they sent her to the hospital. dungeon of her castle where she will never see the light of day, many moons passed until she retaliated and threatened one of the queens saying "if you don't transform me into an alicorn you two will have the same fate as my husband and daughters" she said that While they looked at her with a cold, serious look and without fear of anything, the two exchanged serious and distrustful glances and one of them sighed in annoyance and had no choice but to turn her into an alicorn against her will since this Candece Alter threatened them with their lives. and they had no choice but to accept her proposal since they want to honor their parents and follow in their footsteps, so they had no choice but to turn her into an alicorn and she smiled proudly while being elevated by one of the queens. Immediately afterwards, a powerful light illuminated everything and She slowly went down being transformed into an alicorn and without thinking twice she attacked the queens, Sunheart threw her away and Eclipse locked her in the dungeon since the only one who could open it was Sunheart and this Cadence laughed madly and proudly while she told him. He said in the distance ''thank you couple of stupid queens for making me immortal, now I'm going to destroy all the harmony and balance so that only one alicorn remains and that's me!!!'' He said it as he walked away from the queens' castle while She laughed proudly and insanely, the guards couldn't stand up to her since at that time they didn't know she was crazy so they let her escape so now she's all over Equestria stealing alicorn magic and taking the lives of those alicorns (obviously she didn't). She just takes away all her magic and lets time do its thing and they die of old age while she leaves and ingora what she did happily) and over the years she has eliminated and hunted down half of the alicorns and She has almost the same power as Discord but does not match it. She is so crazy that she could even destroy an entire town in seconds since with the passage of time her sanity dropped to reach minus 0 and she had changes in her appearance since Sunheart She was very smart since not only did she transform her into an alicorn but she punished her by putting a dark spell on her and every time she stole magic that was not hers, that spell would expand and consume her little by little, something like Stiyan with the pony of shadows. That colt was consumed by hatred, the same thing will happen to her if she continues down that path of madness and power...

and sorry for the average wiki XD when inspiration gives me I have to take advantage of the bug and never better said

estatus:saludable y loca

cordura: - 0%

estado mental : 0%

locura: 100%

empatia : - 0 %

carisma : - 0 %

engaño : 98%  ( sabe actuar muy bien y sabe usar bien su cartas a su favor  a tal punto de convencer a ponis ingenuos y a los ponis bebes los intimida de forma disimulada para que nadie note nada )

empatia por otros : - 0 %

poder : 9.100% ( ya que ella le ha robado la magia y poder a muchos alicornios y si  tambien su ecencia de vida lo que esta casi al mismo nivel de discord en poder casi pero no llega a igualarlo ya que en una pelea el ganaria por obvias razones  )

cuerda: - 0 % ( ella esta mas loca que la propia cozy glow ella si quiere puede destruir a todas las razas sin pensarselo dos veces ya que es imposible que recapacite y reacione esta digamos mas demente que la propia pinkamena )

personalidad: orgullosa,loca,demente, egocentrica y astuta

notas : lo que detono su locura extrema y destruyo su cordura fue sus malos pensamientos ella creyo que su esposo shinning le estaba siendo infiel y ella al no dejarlo terminar de hablar uso su magia sin pensarlo y acabo con el ( aqui ella seria un uniconio ) aun con la cordura medio inestable y cegada por la ira y celos fue tras sus dos hijas de 5 y 7 años y tambien tuvieron el mismo final que su padre y ella y las reinas supieron de lo sucedido asi que furiosas y muy efadadas la enviaron al calabozo de su castillo donde jamas vera la luz del dia pasaron muchas lunas hasta que ella tomo replesalia y amenazo a una de las reinas diciendole ''si no me trasformas en alicornio ustedes dos tendran el mismo destino que mi esposo e hijas'' decia eso mientras la miraban con una mirada fria seria y sin temor a nada las dos intercambiaron miradas serias y desconfiadas y una de ellas suspiro molesta y no tuvo mas remedio que convertirla en alicornio en contra de su voluntad ya que esta candece alter las amenazo con sus vidas y no tuvieron mas remedio que aceptar su propuesta ya que quieren honrar a sus padres y seguir sus pasos asi que no tuvieron mas opcion que convertirla en alicornio y ella sonrio orgullosamente mientras era elevada por una de las reinas acto seguido una potente luz ilumino todo y bajo lentamente siendo trasformada en alicornio y ella sin pensarlo dos veces ataco a las reinas a sunheart la lanzo lejos y  a eclipse la encero en el calabozo ya que la unica que podia abrirlo era sunheart y esta cadence se fue riendo de forma demente y orgullosa mientras le decia a lo lejos ''gracias par de reinas estupias por hacerme inmortal ahora voy a destruir toda la armonia y balance para que solo quede un solo alicornio y ese sea yo!!!'' lo decia mientras se alejaba del castillo de las reinas mientras de reia de forma orgullosa y demente los guardias no pudieron hacerle frente ya que en ese entonces ellos no sabian que estaba loca asi que la dejaron escapar asi que ahora anda por toda equestria robando magia alicornio y quitandole las vidas a esos alicornios ( obviamente no lo hace solo le quita toda su magia y deja que el tiempo haga de las suyas y mueran de vejez mientras ella se va y ingora lo que hizo felizmente ) y con el paso de los años ella a eliminado y cazado a la mitad de los alicornios y tiene casi el mismo poder de discord pero no llega a igualarlo esta tan loca que incluso podria destruir todo un pueblo entero en segundos ya que con el paso del tiempo su cordura fue bajando a llegar a menos 0 y a tener cambios en su apariencia ya que sunheart fue muy lista ya que no solo la trasformo en alicornio si no que la castigo poniendole un echizo oscuro y cada vez que robe magia que no sea suya ese echizo se ira expandiendo y consumendiola poco a poco algo asi como stiyan con el poni de las sombras que ese potro fue consumido por odio lo mismo le pasara a ella si sigue por ese camido de la locura y poder...

y perdon por la media wiki XD cuando la inspiracion me da hay que aprovechar el bug y nunca mejor dicho
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Jon080 [2024-04-15 15:46:21 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Jon080 [2024-04-15 18:28:54 +0000 UTC]

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Jon080 In reply to drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-04-15 18:52:22 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Jon080 [2024-04-15 20:51:41 +0000 UTC]

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Jon080 In reply to drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-04-15 20:52:51 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Jon080 [2024-04-15 21:38:27 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Jon080 [2024-04-15 15:57:52 +0000 UTC]

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Jon080 In reply to drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-04-15 15:59:13 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Jon080 [2024-04-15 16:07:00 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-04-15 01:45:53 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-04-15 01:44:58 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-04-15 01:40:06 +0000 UTC]

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