drawDigitalMlpOc — Mother ( mother of eclipse )

Published: 2024-03-15 01:01:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 554; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description nombre : moon night ( encarnación de la luna )

edad : 50.000.000

altura : 11.000 ( estando en esa forma )  normal mide 5.0M 

genero : hembra

especie : alicornio

pareja : si tiene

hijas : sunheart ( la menor )  y eclipse ( la mayor )

casada : si

lugar de origen : angel hope ( es un luegar donde solo hay alicornios y hay solo hay paz y armonia y el 99% nacen de forma natural y desde muy pequeños se les enseña clases avanzadas y de niveles altos para que puedan protegerse en caso de que ocura algo y el 1% son alicornios que se ganaron sus alas o cuernos lo cual en ese lugar se considera que un alicornio de ese tipo sea muy raro y inusual ya que son muy pocos los que se ganan ese don de ser aliconios...si un alicornio ve a otro le dara la bienvenida pero si ese otro alicornio tiene malas intensiones le robaran su magia y enviaran ( a el o ella a la superficie siendo cualquiera de las tres razas por separado y con su magia normal ya que ellos odian la maldad ya que algunos pueden ver cual puro es el instuso si no es puro siginifca que vino a herir a otros, pero si es puro y significa que no es una amenaza y le daran la bienvenida y le daran una manzana con forma de corazon comestible  al comerla es como si comieras algo  de caso 3 cascos como en el capitulo ''ponle sabor a tu vida'' )

*cuando se enfurece toma la apariencia del tantabus ( en apariencia su crin es en forma de aurora como la de stygian cuando se trasforma en el pony de las sombras  y cuando camina deja rastros de luz a su paso junto a su huella de media luna y entre mas molesta este mas brillara sus ojos crin cola y las huellas serán mas brillantes su punto debil  seria su esposo ya que sin el sol no hay balance ni equilibrio entre el dia y la noche )

habilidades : lanzar rayos de  luz , teletrasportase a voluntad, y controlar la luna y cambiar de apariencia, crear olas *igual cuando como en la verdadera luna y por eso su cuerno es asi porque tiene el don de controlar no solo la luna si no de tambien usar las habilidades de la luna como por ej: usar su magia para crear un eclipse lunar*  ( es por eso que eclipse tiene esa cutiemark porque esa parte es de su madre ) 

 ( como se ve en la imagen esa es su apariencia de estando molesta y si puede controlarlo a voluntad su apariencia de enojada a normal pero le quita mucha magia al igual  que sun flare )  

*al cambiar de apariencia sale una aura como la de crysalis pero de luz suave como si la luna reflejara un lago*

name: moon night ( incarnation of the moon )

age: 50,000,000

height: 11,000 ( being in that form ) normal height is 5.0M

gender: female

species: alicorn

partner: yes you have

daughters: sunheart ( the youngest ) and eclipse ( the eldest )

Married yes

place of origin: angel hope ( it is a place where there are only alicorns and there is only peace and harmony and 99% are born naturally and from a very young age they are taught advanced classes and high levels so that they can protect themselves in case they something happens and 1% are alicorns who earned their wings or horns, which in that place is considered that an alicorn of that type is very rare and unusual since there are very few who earn that gift of being alicorns... If an alicorn sees another, they will welcome them, but if that other alicorn has bad intentions, they will steal their magic and send him or her to the surface, being any of the three races separately and with their normal magic since they hate evil since some can see how pure the instus is. If it is not pure it means that it came to hurt others, but if it is pure it means that it is not a threat and they will welcome it and give it an edible heart-shaped apple. Eating it is as if you were eating something out of 3 helmets like in the chapter ''spice up your life'' )

*when he gets angry he takes the appearance of the tantabus ( apparently his mane is in the shape of an aurora like that of stygian when he transforms into the pony of shadows and when he walks he leaves traces of light in his wake along with his half-moon footprint and The more upset she is, the more her mane-tailed eyes will shine and the footprints will be brighter. Her weak point would be her husband since without the sun there is no balance between day and night )

abilities: throw rays of light, teleport at will, and control the moon and change its appearance, create waves *just like on the real moon and that is why its horn is like that because it has the gift of controlling not only the moon but also also use the moon's abilities such as: using its magic to create a lunar eclipse* ( that's why eclipse has that cutie mark because that part belongs to her mother )

 ( as seen in the image that is her appearance from being upset and if she can control it at will her appearance from angry to normal but it takes away a lot of magic just like sun flare )

*when changing appearance an aura appears like that of crysalis but with soft light as if the moon reflected a lake*
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Comments: 7

Dikidar [2024-03-16 15:09:13 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Dikidar [2024-03-16 20:57:28 +0000 UTC]

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Dikidar In reply to drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-03-17 01:21:38 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc In reply to Dikidar [2024-03-17 02:21:55 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-03-15 01:26:14 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-03-15 01:05:05 +0000 UTC]

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drawDigitalMlpOc [2024-03-15 01:03:07 +0000 UTC]

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