dreamingoflight — running through the mind
#au #short #fiction #futuristic #shortstory #story
Published: 2014-11-03 22:30:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 389; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description (listen to this while reading: 8tracks.com/bluelina/running-t… )

‘I have often dreamed, of a far-off place, where a hero’s welcome will be waiting for me...’ No really, that’s perhaps the most relatable lyric of a Disney song ever. Or at least it seems so to me. And that melody and the music is always so inspiring. Makes me want to go run out and do things. Impressive things. Heroic things. Just like that sped up version of the Phoenix. That just makes you want to grab whatever sharp object you have nearby and plunge into battle. I should really put that on my intense running mix. That just seems like a running song, but not so much that I would use it all the time. It’s too intense and special for that.

Like this mix. It’s all inspiring and upbeat, so the Phoenix wouldn’t fit as well as that new song by some band I can’t remember right now. The one with the really neat intro and hyperactive instrumentals. I suppose that’s how I’ll call it now. Until I remember the name or the band. Ah well. I can always hum the tune into my phone and it will tell me what it is. But I just heard the song for the first time yesterday so I haven’t gotten to it.

Woah that is a really neat building there. I should take this route more often. But really I like sticking to the familiar. Maybe that’s making my thinking stale? It certainly doesn’t feel stale. But I can’t see my thoughts from the outside, now can I? I guess I’ll just have to ask Jessie when I get home. Maybe another perspective will help me figure out if I’m getting bogged down.

Oh there’s that cool highline park thingy that Mark told me about. I should check that out! And up the stairs I go. I really wish I had time to go visit the actual Highline in NYC. I’ve seen so many gorgeous photos. And it’s really wonderful to be able to look down at all the busy streets and feel like you’re in a different world. And I suppose in NYC it will be more intense than here. Here is not as big or busy. But still, a lovely bird’s eye view. They should make more for different levels of town.

‘Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole, it’s like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound.’ Oh this is a sad-ish song. I wonder why it’s on this mix. But really it’s comforting. Death Cab in general is. And that’s such a neat lyric. There’s a fine line between repetitive sounds being annoying and comforting. Like the roaring of a fire or the sound of running water; those are really comforting. Then again, they aren’t exactly the same ever. The sounds fluctuate. There’s this creepy kind of Chinese torture (not that pretty much any other kind of Chinese torture isn’t creepy either) where they drip a drop of water on your head every half an hour or so, and you can’t move or anything. And it’s not like it hurts very much, it’s just a drop of water. But you just keep waiting for the next drop and when it’s over you know there’s gonna be another but between the drops there’s just the agony of the unknown.

That does seem like why most people are afraid of death. Fear of the unknown. That’s why I sometimes get into the same rhythms of my morning runs probably. But to a lesser extent of course. There is only so much that could go wrong on a morning run, even if I try to look at the most pessimistic view. Well even if I do, it’s very unlikely to happen. But still, so many people fear what will happen after death and many take to religion to comfort them, to faith, but even then someone from the outside can look in and see that even thus no-one knows what will happen. No-one’s died completely and come back to tell us what it’s like. Well, there have been strange cases, but science isn’t completely sure they were definitely dead in the first place. Or at least I am not completely sure. Kinda like Westley from Princess Bride. Only mostly dead. And somehow brought back by that strange pill coated in chocolate. That was quite a hilarious scene. And such a quote-able movie! I should watch it again. Little sis has been insisting, and I haven’t spent time with her in awhile.

Though last time she roped me into a Monty Python marathon, and, don’t get me wrong, those guys are hilarious and geniuses and amazing but my whole face hurt from smiling and laughing so much. It was the opposite of a problem for her. She took enough photos  of me that evening to cover all the walls of her new room. And possibly the ceiling as well. I’m really glad we’re past that awkward stage when we were just stepping all over each other’s toes constantly. I guess it’s a age thing and a sibling thing. Now instead of always giving each other trouble about each other’s clothes and grammar we just send ridiculous doodles over Holochat back and forth.

‘I thought of angels chokin’ on their halos, get them drunk on rose water...’ Woah I forgot I had that on the mix. Wait, I don’t think that’s actually on the mix. I think my phone’s on shuffle? Ah well, that’s okay. And it’s too much of a fuss to take out of that armband thing Jessie gave me. What was ever wrong with having it in my pocket? Apparently I was going to drop it? Even though to this moment I had never even gotten close? Whatever. It is easier to have it like this even though my arm gets awkwardly sweaty under the band. It was either the armband or the implant, and Jessie knows how I feel about those.

Boy, Fall Out Boy really has their shit together. They have been writing and releasing song for god knows how long and they still have time to make random awesome singles in between? I really need to buy Centuries. That song is so goddamn amazing. Mark introduced me to it during a road trip recently and I haven’t completely gotten it out of my head since. I have no idea why I haven’t bought it though... I guess I keep putting it off because I know that if I really wanted it right now I would download it from YourTube and I know Jessie would find out someone and hound me forever. I mean, I get buying the songs by very small undiscovered artists to help them, you know, write and release stuff, but someone so big like Fall Out Boy? My two dollars makes literally no difference. Ah well. In college it was easier to justify illegally downloading music because everyone was pretty much broke, but now? Well, I do what I want anyway.

Person with blue hair! I really wish I could do that. Like have the completely abandon to bleach my hair and dye it an outrageous color. Something about that kind of spontaneity is just so beautiful. And hair always grows out, right? It’s not like getting a tattoo. Well, that’s not permanent either, but it’s pretty painful to take off. Worse that getting it. But people who are getting tattoos need to think about that when they get one. Especially the minors. They should really reinstate that 18+ law. I know tattoos are now a lot easier to take off, but still. Jessie has a tattoo. A small one. On the hip. So it’s easy to hide. Well, unless it’s summer, then it’s easy to glimpse. Especially with all the awesome pool parties we throw. But it’s really cool. A moon within a sun. There was some cool explanation... But I can’t remember it. And really, I don’t really care if there’s an explanation to a tattoo like some people are just for some reason adamant about. That was a convoluted sentence. I mean, if you just want beautiful art on your body because it’s beautiful, go for it! No-one has the right to criticize that. Then again I do think one should take time to think about tattoos for a few months or more before you get one. Because it’s pretty permanent and some people really don’t end up thinking things through and weird shit happens like that one girl who fell asleep while being tattoo’d (I have no idea how she could have done that in the first place) then the tattoo artist dude ended up tattooing a whole shit-ton of stars on her face instead of just two. Seriously? What was even the point of that? And they weren’t even very artistically spread out? I would never go to get a tattoo by myself anyway.

‘I know these clouds are gray that I am living under. I know I'll be okay with the rain or thunder.’ I love this song so much!! And the awesome intense back-music-support-stuff. I forget what it’s called. Instrumentals? I guess. But that happens to me sometimes. When I know exactly what I want to say, but I can’t remember the word. I know exactly what it means, I can usually describe it using other words, or I’ve got a thought-image in my head, but the word itself won’t come out! It’s really very frustrating. Especially if I know what it is Swahili but I can’t for the life of me translate it to English. Like brain, seriously? English is also my first language? Well, like a second first language? I think that’s what it’s called technically.

My friends always think it’s so cool when I talk to my parents or sister on the phone in Swahili then throw in a few English words like, e-mail, or my friend’s names. They say when I do that I have a bit of an accent. Usually when I speak in English I have no accent at all, except a slight Northern accent. But not a Swahili accent. Or Indian accent how some people call it. But then when I switch rapidly I guess sometimes my brain gets mixed up. It must be really interesting to listen to. I haven’t heard my German friend talk to their parents, so I don’t know how it would sound, but it would maybe be similar? Probably? Possible? Mayhaps?

‘She keeps her moo-e e chando in her pretty cabinet, let them eat cake she says, just like Marie Antoinette.’ Even though she actually never said that. But oh do I LOVE QUEEN! Dad was always obsessed, and I guess I just inherited it. I never do get those few words in the beginning though. I should look them up, but I always forget. That happens with Fall Out Boy as well. Probably to many more people. Those silly slimy words that just slither away when I’m not paying attention! But they don’t really matter that much. I can still mostly sing along. I’ve got most of the words down! That has to count for something, doesn’t it? But I never really understood how modern pop/rock/popular singers had such bad enunciation! I had a roommate who was a music major, so I know how important enunciation is. I guess it’s just a different style and a different musical upbringing? Really varies for every artist. But opera singers have to enunciate like crazy. Especially because they’re usually singing in a language that is not their native one. All the props to those guys. They have to know the music, the words, their translations, the translations of the people singing with them, and about four to five hours’ worth of it to boot! I could never do that. I could barely memorize that poem we were given on the second week of high school english class. I still remember the title though! I was called ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling. I kinda wish we had some e.e. cummings in that class. Then again he never rhymes so that would have been even more of a pain to memorize.

I’m on the home stretch! On the level that leads to the lovely apartment we have on the very top floor of the ridiculous building Jessie’s dad somehow got us premium access to. Seriously, that man is a saint. Also his pumpkin bread is to die for. During autumn I notice a lot of people either jump wholeheartedly on the pumpkin spice bandwagon (I am guilty) or a lot completely abhor the whole thing. I mean obviously there are people in the middle, but they don’t make as much of a deal about it, so it’s not as noticeable. I don’t understand how people can be so hateful toward the delicious goodness that is pretty much pumpkin anything (except pumpkin smoothies, those were a bad idea in the first place). Do you really hate pumpkins and spice that much? But I guess, to each their own. Like the fact that I can’t drink cold tea. A friend from the south made some iced tea for me and all I could think was: why is this tea cold? I need to heat it up! I’m afraid I might have offended her during that get-together... I really hope she didn’t take it personally. It just seems wrong to me to drink tea cold. Then again, there are clearly a whole ton of people love sweet tea (or iced tea, which is the right way again?) so it has to have it’s redeeming qualities.

Well hey there Eddie. You can tell it’s me, I know. Because I known I am me. And I’m not wearing colored contacts like I did after that awesome party, so my retinas aren’t blocked by anything. You can let me in. And yes, I am going to take the stairs again. No, I’m sure I’m going to take the stairs all the way up. Yes, I know I live on the fortieth floor. I’ve been doing this for months now, you should remember. I’m so hurt! I thought we were besties. No, that wasn’t an inquiry about asbestos. Nevermind Eddie. Sorry, computer. I know you told me to stop calling you Eddie. But I really can’t be expected to remember your serial code, now can I? I can’t even remember my technical security number. And Jessie will bug me about it soon, I can just feel it, even though I can’t see any heat signature from down here, so I’m good for the next few hours at least. Until we sit down to brainstorm new job opportunities again. But you don’t need to know that and I’m already on the fourth floor, so you’re probably not listening anymore anyway. Good ol’ Eddie. Do hope he’s patched the comms back up. I couldn’t even ping Jordan down on twenty-two. Had to use the old outdated voice-boxes. Bleh.
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