DrekaWolf — Vlad

Published: 2013-06-30 20:31:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 1723; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 4
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Name: Vladimir, goes by Vlad

Age: Adult, 5 Years old (acts older)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Vlad rarely shows interest in males, female, or anything else others identify as. Therefore wont label himself, at least not yet. 


Height: 6ft at the shoulder. 


790 lbs - He is heavy, but it is from muscle and fur. He is in excellent condition. 


Standing exactly 6ft at the shoulder and weighing roughly 790 lbs, Vlad is the definition of a beast. With his massive mane that almost hits the ground as he walks, it's clear to anyone who passes him, he is a force to be reckon with.

Vlad is indeed a massive being, and he makes it a point to stay in shape; often training and what not. His muscles clearly ripple under his Maltese pelt as he walks, each flexing below the dark silvery blue shades of his slightly piebald status coat. When you look into the eyes of this Goliath, it is easily seen that he has extremely light, almost white - silver eyes, however his scleras are actually quite dark. They seems to be a golden color, but also are a bit blood shot. It's unclear as to why they are like this but he claims to have perfect vision, that being said his pupils don't often dilate in dark, and stay constricted regularly. It's possible he is simply over sensitive to the bright light that seems to be present more often then not in the Jua territory. 

Tribe: Jua

Rank: Guard 

Dream rank: Elite, or Head Guard

"Side-kick": None yet.

Physical Health: 100%

Mental Health: 100% - Crystal Clear

Skills: [Fighting] [Stamina] [Dexterity] 

Vlad is extremely skilled in fighting. He was trained by his adoptive brother (truly his cousin), most of his life. So he knows many techniques, and is also skilled in figuring out other's fighting styles. He also trained himself to be very good at what he does, as well as being able to keep going. He will withstand hit after hit until he cannot physically go on. 

Short-comings: [Speed] [Agility] [Stealth]
Due to his sheer size, Vlad fails in being stealthy, Agile, or even quick on his feet. While he can push himself to keep going for a long while, he isn't the fastest. 




('Black God' of Darkness and Curses - Named after the Slavic Deity) 

Czernobog was named after a god whom his pride believed in. He along with his brother, who also is named after a god, were given these names due to a very old legend that two brothers resembling these deities would be born. One would become king and rule either as a tyrant or as a chieftain the pride desperately needed. This old legend was forgotten by all but one elder, who would bless all the new cubs.

Upon seeing Czernobog and his brother, she retold the tale and while not many really cared seeing as it had been generations since the deities had been worshiped. Still, his mother thought it her duty to withhold the prides traditions and beliefs, so her cubs were named by the elder.



(mistress, ruler - Named for being next in line for ruler)

Kira was the only cub born to the prides rulers. So naturally she was trained in being a Queen. However, when word got out that the Twin gods had been reincarnated, Kira's father - even before her birth, She was to be married to the one who would be the better leader. She was eventually promised to marry Belobog, however, after learning the 'White god' was actually the evil tyrant she bonded more with Czernobog. After a while,the time had come for Kira to be mates with Belobog. Czernobog and Kira later had a son, while Belobog was away for a meeting of prides. 



('White God' of Light and the Sun - Named after the Slavic Deity)

The nonidentical twin of Czernobog; Belobog and his brother were named after two deities that the pride believed in. Belobog was thought to be the better brother by default as he matched the qualities of the 'White God'. For this, he was promised the throne and the mateship of Kira. Belobog made sure he would gain the title he was promised, and often reminded his brother of it. He slowly turned out to be the tyrant the legend had spoken of.

Adoptive Mother:


(Named after the deity of Life and Fertility)

Razivia was the lioness who had 'found' the Young Vlad when he was escaping from his 'birth pride'. She raised him and considered him as her second son.

-Jua Huntress NPC- 

Adoptive Older brother:


(He Will laugh)

Son of Razivia and an unknown lion, Isaak was the one to train Vlad. He always gave the young lion the motivation he needed to train, and to work hard. Vlad always looked up to Isaak and still does.

-Jua Guard NPC-


Kind | Soft Heart | Quiet | Caring | Regal | Prideful | Protective | Possessive 

Upon meeting Vlad it is apparent that he has a high self esteem, but is still fairly quiet. This is not because he is shy, he is indeed very sociable and confident, but he rather keep his mouth shut if he has no reason to speak. Saying the wrong thing when you should have stayed silent could cause more problems then having others thinking you are rude for being quite.

The more you get to know him however, you can see he is very protective and possessive of his friends. He is also quite caring and acts a lot older - not unlike a father as he had lacked one his whole life; He tries to make up for that by acting like what he assumes one would be like. Vlad has a very soft heart, especially for lost cubs. He always takes that role of protector, regardless of others being his best friend or acquaintance. He will always protect the under dog. 

[Caves] - Only place he really blends in with, and isn't irritating to his eyes.
[Shade] - He over heats easily, so you will find him in the shade more often then not. 
[Food] - Vlad is not a food glutton, but when he has food, he seems to be in a kinder mood and he prefers being nice.  

[Rain] - It makes his fur very heavy
[Bright Light] - Hurts his eyes, you will often see them red and irritated due to it.
[Liars] - He wont hesitate to be nasty, or fight a liar. (Blame his past.) 


Vlad was born to a pride far away from Jua. He was the son of Queen Kira, and Head of the Guard - Czernobog. 

    Vladimir was born on a rather stormy night. As the thunder would clap, Queen Kira would cry out in pain. She was far from the pride, for what she had done would have killed the reputation she had worked so hard to achieve. It was hard to be the blood Queen of a pride that was predominantly made up of males and was always ruled by a King. She also had to with stand being the mate of a reborn god. The stress of having the pride find that she had lied them, lied to the king.. She would undoubtedly be executed on spot, along with her soon to be born cub. Another clap of thunder had sounded, and Kira had allowed herself to shriek in pain once again. Eventually the young Queen had heard a soft mewing. It took her a while to respond to it, as she never had given birth to a cub before and it had taken all her energy trying to push but also hold back her painful howls.

    The raining outside the small cave had intensified as the Queen lifted her head up lazily. She looked over at the small cub and it was clear it was Czernobog's cub.. She had hoped her offspring would look most like her, or Belobog somehow for She had no choice now. She'd either have to kill her newborn, or hide him away with the risk of being found our later. She looked closely now at the cub, barely even a few minutes old and already it had tried to crawl over to the only source of warmth in the damp and dripping cave. She noticed the cub was quite plump, not unlike his uncle and father. Kira knew at this point she had indeed given birth to a cub true to it's lineage; an Egyptian lion, The most regal of all. She had zoned out, trying to figure out what she'd do next. Leave the cub to freeze? No way anyone would be able to tell it was hers should they find it frozen and dead on the damp stone... The moisture and the rain that successfully reached them now would wash away her scent by the time anyone came around this cave... Or the cub would be eaten. 

    She was ripped from her thoughts at a wiggling movement by her back paws and the stop of the mewing. Her vision once again had come into contact with the Maltese cub. She stared, long and hard at it and eventually she stood. It was hard for her to get her footing, but eventually her shakiness subsided. She was about to step foot out into the icy rain when she heard a single mew from behind her. Looking back over her shoulder, she had seen the cub trying to wiggle after her. A soft smiled returned to the Young Queens muzzle. She sighed and walked back over to her cub, laying back down and lifting it up to place it back down between her forearms; which had acted as a shield of warmth for the newborn. The newborn had rolled to its back as Kira started to clean it off, the blue tinted cub had poked her nose and at that point, it had sealed it's fate. She'd sneak out to care for him, She did tell the prides elder to tell her subjects that she had business with another pride to attend to - not unlike her mate. So the cover would give her some time, hopefully enough to see her cub into being able to at least know to hide.

    Belobog had been away from the pride for weeks, finally he had returned and had expected his mate to be awaiting him in the royal den. He had pushed his way through the vines, a smirk on his muzzle but his mate was no where to be seen. He looked around, then poked his head back out of the den. He was enraged at this point. Weeks, and he wasn't greeted with his mate's face. With a snarl he had stormed out of the den and went in search of his missing queen. The pride could see the rage in his face, and the anger in his eyes. He questioned every last member where Kira was, all had told him she had been going back and forth to a pride to try and create an alliance; only ever being seen once or twice over the span of 6 weeks. Belobog was further enraged. He was never told of such a thing, nor was he aware of what pride it could be. He had looked for his brother - who he had often belittled, and commanded him to find Kira immediately or he'd be executed. 

    Czernobog had gone on a hunt for the lioness he truly loved, and had been loved by. He followed her scent, that was extremely hard to pick up, but he eventually had found it. He followed it all the way to a cave. Czernobog was unaware of the fact he was followed by his twin, and once he found the cave, Belobog had listened from afar. 

    Czernobog was greeted by a vicious growl, he took his stance ready for a fight, but it was soon interrupted by a cub who had emerged from the shadows. It hissed at him, and standing so massively tall above the cub, he couldn't help but crack the slightest of smiles. They seemed to share a similar pelt color, and Czernobog assumed this to be simply a coincidence. The cub eventually retreated back into the shadows, and Czernobog had followed suit, wondering if the young one had a source of protection. Upon entering the cave, he was immediately attacked from behind. What ever the growl was early, had decided to attack now. Fearing for the cubs safety Czernobog fought back, easily overpowering his attacker and before he noticed who it was he had slammed the smaller figure into the ground; effectively knocking them unconscious. He peered down at the one who attacked him, and was taken back in a state of horror. It was Kira... 

    Belobog had still been hidden outside the cave, he had little interest for what could be attacking his brother. However he thought that if his brother had somehow lost and died - he could swoop in and find his corpse, and return home claiming Czernobog had been found dead along with Kira. Then Belobog wouldn't have to make his demands of the pride through his mate... he'd be the lone ruler. This isn't what he found.. sadly. 

    Rather he found his queen, beaten on the ground with Czernobog standing just above her. Belobog quickly turned the situation into one he could manipulate and twist. 

    "Czernobog! How dare you lay hand on the Queen - my mate!" He roared and smashed his paw into his darker pelted brother. Czernobog stumbled back, the blunt force had disoriented him. Belobog had ran to his mates side, and nuzzled her gently. "Oh, my love. What has this accursed monster done to you?" He said in an all to dramatic tone. Czernobog had swayed as he stood, still slightly disoriented form the blow. "Belobog.. I swear this isn't how it seem I-" 

    "Enough!" The king had roared. At this he earned a whimper, not from his brother, nor his mate. The white pelted lion had looked over, and had saw a cub that looked like his brother nuzzling into his mates arms. Belobog had quickly devised a plan. He turned to look to his brother, an evil grin equipped on his face. 

    "Brother! How could you do such a horrendous act to my love!" 

    Czernobog looked even more confused. He wasn't quite as quick witted as his smaller, but slightly older brother; and being he had recent trauma to his head it slowed him further. 

    Kira slowly awoken from all the screaming, sadly, he had gained amnesia. She was lost and scared, a lion she hadn't known had been holding her, while he screamed and yelled and on her opposite side a cub was trying to weasel it's way into her own arms. She quickly pushed it away, and tried to remove herself from the white lions grip. 

    "Release me, stranger!" she snarled, but Belobog was full of ideas tonight.

    "My beloved Kira-"

    "Kira? Beloved?!"

    "Yes. I Belobog, your mate, have found you. My Kira.. You have been imprisoned by my brother - the evil Czernobog and kept prisoner!"

    "That is not true, brother! Leave her be! She's confused and hurt!" 

    "My love, He has kept you prisoner here. He has even forced you to bear a son for him, in his plans to over throw me." 

    He dropped the cub in front of his brother, a thud sounded and Czernobog instantly took the defense. 

    "How dare you.. he is a cub, and there is no way to tell if he is Kira's, let alone mine!"

    "Oh please. Is it not obvious? He has my mate's eyes, her beautiful markings... your disgusting pelt.. your disgraceful looks."

    And with that, he grabbed his brother, ripping away chunks of his mane, as well as flesh. He beat the submissive Goliath to the point of barely being able to walk. With that, Belobog lead his mate home, dragging the beaten lion in his jaw while pushing the cub along the way with his paws.

    Both thrown into a prison den. No one expected Czernobog to be able to walk ever again. So they minimally guarded the den. That was their first mistake. The second was they threatened Czernobog's possible (Who was he kidding, this cub was no way, not his) cub. Even though he was badly beaten, he couldn't let this tiny, short life disappear for no reason other then greed. 


    "My name isn't 'Cub'."

    "It's Vlad... "

    "Vlad, we are leaving."

    They ran, going through various woodlands and through many shrubs. Czernobog ran all night, despite his wounds. Eventually a new pride's territory marker became known. Finally Czernobog collapsed; Vlad falling to the ground as well. The young cub, Vlad, had to crawl from under the now collapsed and heavily breathing Czernobog. 

    "Are you ok? Come on.. we have to escape! Get up!"

    "Don't worry, just keep going that way... I-I'll catch up..."

    "I can't just leave you here, sir!" 

    "Get.. out.. of. here.."

    Soon he stumbled upon a young lion, older then himself but clearly no adult. Vlad shrunk down when he saw him, but the new lion didn't look at him and want to kill him like the ones that had Chased Vlad and Czernobog had. 

    "Who are you?"

    "Isaak!" A female voice had called, soon the lioness had come to view. She whispered something into this 'Isaak's' ear. He soon looked to Vlad and gave a soft smile. Then the lioness spoke to Vlad.

    "I'm "I was your fathers Si-.. Friend, This is my son Isaak, we will take care of you. Please don't worry. You're safe now." 

    From that day on, Vlad was her son. The Jua pride simply learned to accept Razivia 'had another cub' in secret and went with it. Isaak, Vlad's older brother trained him often. He wanted his new 'brother' to be apart of the Elite Guard one day, so that they could fight together.

    Razivia never told Vlad their true relation, her being his aunt, nor did she tell anyone beside Isaak who never told another either. 

    They simply lived out their days like a normal family in Jua.

    Today, Vlad is a skilled fighter with a loving family. He's accepted the fact his mother has forgotten him, and that his 'father' was probably murdered the night Vlad was saved. He regrets not pushing Czernobog, his father, to continue running but that was in the past now. He could only live in the now, so he will use his harsh past as a tool to learn to become a better lion. He trains daily with Isaak, Learns hunting skills (even if he rarely uses them) from Razivia, and is kind to mostly everyone he meets. He likes to give others the benefit of the doubt.. and often roots for the under dogs. He's become extremely protective, as he knows what it is like to have lost the one you trusted most. So now he can't let things go, no matter how hard he tries. He is deathly loyal to those who prove to be trustworthy. 

    {RP starts here}

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    Comments: 11

    Decorated-DeerSkull [2013-07-08 10:54:48 +0000 UTC]

    Man he's handsome. Absolutely love his design. ^^

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    DrekaWolf In reply to Decorated-DeerSkull [2013-07-08 22:06:44 +0000 UTC]

    Thank you!!!! <3

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    TwiztidAllure [2013-07-01 02:37:45 +0000 UTC]

    Quite the handsome beast ya got there.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    DrekaWolf In reply to TwiztidAllure [2013-07-01 02:43:09 +0000 UTC]

    Omg <3
    Thanks ;u;

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    TwiztidAllure In reply to DrekaWolf [2013-07-01 02:59:17 +0000 UTC]

    You're welcome.

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0

    AnimeFan4Eternity23 [2013-06-30 22:17:26 +0000 UTC]

    Oooh, he's a handsome fellow. :3 Love the colors and his big ol' floofy mane. >w< Nice to see more people joining this RP. I need to use my Meadowlander some more. :3

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    DrekaWolf In reply to AnimeFan4Eternity23 [2013-06-30 22:44:18 +0000 UTC]

    D'aww thank you <3 ;u;
    All the Floofs xD We should have your MeadowLander meet Vlad >u<

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    AnimeFan4Eternity23 In reply to DrekaWolf [2013-06-30 23:07:20 +0000 UTC]

    Yes, we totally should! Safi will be bedazzled by his giant lovely mane! XD

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    DrekaWolf In reply to AnimeFan4Eternity23 [2013-06-30 23:12:39 +0000 UTC]

    I'm sure he'd love to snuggle her into his mane~ LOL

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    AnimeFan4Eternity23 In reply to DrekaWolf [2013-07-01 00:18:11 +0000 UTC]

    Oh my, I bet she'd like that~ XD

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    DrekaWolf In reply to AnimeFan4Eternity23 [2013-07-01 02:45:15 +0000 UTC]


    👍: 0 ⏩: 0