drew97 — The Second (Chapter one, part two)

Published: 2012-06-04 23:00:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 7443; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 30
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Description [ Date: June 3rd, 2012 / Time: 9:45 AM / Location: Nevada Desert ]
Abomination came hurtling through countless large boulders, his scaly body was broken beyond belief. Blood oozed down his body, his right arm was fractured as well as his skull. Abomination skidded across the ground until he came to a halt, his body slightly spasmed from the pain he was going through. A goliath shadow fell upon him, and not two seconds later a grayish-green behemoth came crashing on top of Abomination with enough force to turn bedrock into dust. Abomination's internal organs were crushed, killing him instantly.
The savage beast that stood on top of Abomination's pummeled corpse, was a towering muscle-bound goliath that stood at 13 feet 12 inches, weighed over 4,000 pounds and had a ferocious glare of pure rage in its eye that could send a cold shiver up the devil's spine. It was the exact twin of the Incredible Hulk! She-Hulk stood in both awe and horror. She could never of imagined a Hulk that looks so identical to the original Hulk, except a few more feet high and a couple more hundred pounds. She cautiously approached Hulk's bigger twin, a worried expression forming on her features.
"Hey...are you-" was all She-Hulk could get out, before the giant muscle-bound behemoth turned its ferocious glare to her, scanning her thoroughly to see if she was a threat.

"...Alright?" She-Hulk finished carefully, not moving a muscle.

"...I'm fine..." replied Hulk's bigger twin, he let out a sigh turning his head back to Abomination's
disfigured corpse.
"...What's your name?" She-Hulk asked, looking up at the jade goliath.

"...Bulk..." replied the masculine behemoth.

"Bulk?" She-Hulk replied, gazing at the powerful beings broad stanture.

"Yes...and my eye's are up here" Bulk said, raising an eyebrow as She-Hulk quickly averted her eyes up to Bulk's toxic-green irises.

"That's usually my line" She-Hulk chuckled nervously. She didn't know why she found Bulk so irresistible. Bulk is almost similar to her cousin's hulked out form, yet she felt a warm feeling aroused in her chest each time she set her eyes on him.

"Mind telling me who you are?" Bulk asked, his voice had a stern growl forming in his throat.

"The names' Jennifer Mr.Grumpy, but in this form I'm known best as She-Hulk." replied the 7 foot 6, emerald green beauty with a outstanding physique.

Bulk couldn't help but find She-Hulk amusing, her rebel attitude and festive tone in voice soothed Bulk's cautious feeling towards her. It made him feel somewhat comfortable around her. Keep your guard up moron, you can't trust someone so easily! Bulk stated to himself, shaking his head slightly. Bulk turned from the disfigured corpse of what used to be the Abomination, Abomination slowly reverted back to his lesser human form. She-Hulk gazed at Bulk, she couldn't help but gaze in awe at his powerful resemblance to the original green goliath. As Bulk walked away, She-Hulk quickly walked up beside him.

"What?" Bulk asked, a low growl in his throat.

"How were you created?" She-Hulk asked, curious of Bulk's origin.

Bulk stopped dead in his tracks, a transparent expression of pain and agony forming on his face. He let out a slow exhale, remembering his creation.

"...I don't want to talk about it..." Bulk stated after a long awkward silence.

"Why not?" She-Hulk asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Because it's my business and I ain't gotta tell you shit" Bulk snarled, glaring down at She-Hulk.

"Don't talk to me in that tone!" She-Hulk hissed, glaring back into Bulk's enraged eyes.

Bulk and She-Hulk stood there for what seemed like forever, exchanging ferocious glares. Bulk was slightly impressed with She-Hulk's fearless personality. When most people would have pissed their pants and run away, she stood there glaring back at him showing not a hint of fear. After a long moment of sharing monstrous glares; Bulk growled, diverting his gaze from She-Hulk's astonishing green irises to the open dry desert. She-Hulk crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow to Bulk.

"I don't need this..." Bulk grumbled, pinching the bridge to his nose. She-Hulk formed a sly smile of victory, sticking her tongue out.

With a heavy sigh, Bulk slowly started to deteriorate. His extreme masculine physique turning normal, his grayish-green skin turning back to normal, and his eyes fading back to a azure-blue color. Adam groaned softly holding his throbbing head. She-Hulk gazed at Adam, a light blush flustering on her cheeks at Adam's naked chest.

"You okay Adam?" She-Hulk asked with a hint of concern in her voice.

"...you saw...didn't you?" Adam asked, putting Jennifer's question aside.

"...yeah" She-Hulk replied, scratching the back of her head.

"God damn it..." Adam grumbled, weakly pulling himself to his feet. She-Hulk trekked over quickly, aiding him.

"...So that was the bad thing that was going to happen?" She-Hulk asked softly, gently rubbing his back

"...how did you know?" Adam asked sarcastically.

"I had a hunch" She-Hulk retorted, chuckling softly.

Adam let out a long, and exhausted exhale.

"Tired?" She-Hulk asked, gazing down at the young male beside her.

"Turning into a 13 foot muscle-bound behemoth doesn't leave you energized..." Adam replied, his eyes half open.

A sly smirk formed on She-Hulk's lips, she gazed down at Adam. Adam glanced back up at She-Hulk, an uneasy feeling forming in his chest. With a quick motion, She-Hulk scooped Adam from the ground, holding him carefully in her powerful arms. Adam let out a surprised yelp, gazing at the green-skinned beauty who was holding him like a child who cannot walk. A frustrated blush formed on his cheeks, he crossed his arms diverting his gaze from She-Hulk.

"Then how about I carry you for a while?" She-Hulk asked, a sly grin formed on her lips.

"I'm not a toddler!" Adam shot back, glaring at She-Hulk, and embarrassed expression formed on his features.

Though he didn't like being treated like a child, Adam couldn't deny that he enjoyed being close to her for some odd reason. He still couldn't figure out the warm feeling in his chest each time he came near her, but he didn't care at the moment.

"I know a place not too far away where we can relax, if you have nowhere else you're going to"
She-Hulk stated, slightly hoping he didn't have a current destination.

"I still don't know you, but I'm gonna have to take you up on that offer. I could use some down time" Adam replied, letting out an exhale.

She-Hulk formed a overjoyed smile, she winded the muscles in her legs, preparing for multiple leaps across the country. Adam held She-Hulk tightly, his cheek pressing against hers. He didn't notice the blush that flustered onto She-Hulk's face. She gave herself a mental slap, diverting her attention away from Adam. She bent her knees, then leaped miles into the air, going at least sixteen miles per second. Adam held on for dear life, repeating curse words he didn't even know he knew.

[Date: June 4th, 2012 / Time: 2:02 AM / Location: New York]

The city was busy as always; cars filled up the streets, people were walking inches from each other, and the sound of insults being traded, good ol' New York indeed. On the sidewalk, trekked a beautiful pale-green skinned woman, about in her early twenties. She had long raven black hair, and emerald green eyes. She stood around 6 foot 2, a bit tall for usual women. She had a impressive athletic build, yet sustained a attractive feminine look as well. She was wearing a dark-gray tank top with knee-high denim shorts and sandals. She had a cheerful smile on her lips as she walked down the sidewalk. It was the former villainess known as Sheena Van Go, or Shego for short.

She stopped at a crosswalk, glancing down at the two spa coupons she won not to long ago at the mall. She smiled to herself once more, beginning to trek across the crosswalk, not noticing the out-of-control cab screeching towards her. Before she could react, a giant green figure landed in front of the cab, creating a small crater. It was none other then the incredible Hulk! With Hulk's mighty fists, Hulk caught the cab then lifted it into the air. The wheel's continued to spin, the engine making a high toned whine. Shego leaped onto the hood of the cab, about to chew the driver out. She noticed that the driver was breathing heavily, with his right hand grasping the left side of his chest.

"This guy is having a heart attack! We need to get him to the hospital!" The woman shouted at Hulk, quickly getting into the vehicle and performing CPR.

Hulk nodded, winding his leg muscles preparing to leap to the hospital. Hours after the cab-driver was delivered safely into the hospital, Shego and Hulk exited the building. Shego wrapped her arm around Hulk’s masculine forearm, a warm smile crossing her features.

"Nice to know you were close by big-green-and-sexy" stated the pale-green skinned beauty that held Hulk's powerful forearm tightly.

"...I guess so" Hulk replied in a low voice, hiding the small blush flustered onto his cheeks.

Shego formed a sly smirk on her lips, chuckling at Hulk's flustered expression. At that time, Shego's cell phone went off, interrupting her moment with the jade green giant. She glanced at who was calling her, it was Janet Van Dyne, otherwise known as Wasp. Shego let out a annoyed sigh, answering the phone.

"Janet, there better be a good reason for you calling me!" Shego stated, her tone in voice was obviously irritated.
"Shego, you're not going to believe what happened!!" Janet shouted, making Shego wince a bit from the loud response.

"Calm down Janet! Tell me what happened." Shego replied, placing her free hand on her hip.

"You know Abomination right? The big scaly thing that always has a bone to pick with Hulk?" Janet asked, excitement overwhelming her.

"Yes, I do. Me and him traded punches before" Shego answered, remembering the fight between her and Abomination on the Leader's helicarrier.

"Well, a local sheriff on the outskirts of Las Vegas discovered the body of Emil Blonsky, otherwise known as Abomination!" Janet stated, catching Shego's attention.

"Say what!?" Shego exclaimed, her eyes shooting open.

"What's going on?" Hulk asked, curious to Shego's sudden outburst.

"Abomination is dead!" Shego informed, whispering to Hulk.

"He's what!?" Hulk shouted, surprised.

"Shh! I can't hear!" Shego stated, putting her index finger on Hulk's lips.

"As I was saying, Emil's internal organs are crushed into jello! His bones were shattered! They couldn't even recognize him for a minute!" Janet continued, continuing to shock both Shego and Hulk.

"Who did they say did it?" Shego asked, Hulk leaned in, listening in on the conversation.

"They say the suspect is at least 13 feet tall, and more than 4,000 pounds!" Janet replied.

Shego glanced at the Hulk, she and him both were in complete shock. Who could of Killed Abomination? Neither Hulk or Shego can't remember anyone they know who matches the description. Shego cleared her throat, trying to break some of the tension.

"Whoa!" Janet shouted, the faint sound of a rumble beings heard in the distance and over the phone.

"What happened?" Shego asked, concern seeping into her voice.

"It sounded like it came from outside the mansion, I'm gonna go check it out!" Janet stated, walking to the front door of the mansion.
"Janet wait! Stay in the mansion until we get there!" Shego shouted, starting to sprint towards the mansion with Hulk right beside her.

"Oh my god!" Janet shouted, the phone cutting off.

"Janet!? Hello!? HELLO!?" Shego shouted, concern and fright worn all over her features.

"We need to hurry!" Hulk stated, lifting Shego from the ground and leaping into the air towards the mansion. Shego held onto Hulk tightly.

"Hang tight Janet, we'll be there soon!" Shego stated, a worried look on her face.

[Date: June 4th, 2012 / Time: 1:45 AM / Location: Avenger's Mansion]

The mansion was quiet, and calm. There was no commotion, no verbal threats tossed here and there, and no fights. It was utter boredom for a festive brunette with violet-blue eyes. She wore a yellow t-shirt with silky black shorts. She laid horizontally on the couch, a bored expression tightly worn on her features. She sighed, tossing the couch pillow in the air, then caught it. The 5 foot 4 average physiqued brunette was none other than Janet Van Dyne, or better known as Wasp.
Since the green goliath and pale-skinned beauty had both left, Tony Stark and Hank Pym were both out at a meeting with a 'secret supplier', and Hawkeye was god knows where. Wasp was the only person in the mansion, she would go bother Thor, but he's spending time with his beloved Jane Foster in the pool area. There was nothing Janet could do, which irritated Janet beyond belief. Janet turned on the TV, seeing if there was anything good. She changed it to the news channel, her eyes scanned the TV.

"Emil Blonsky, furtherly known as Abomination was found dead far outskirts of Las Vegas. He was beaten to death, his internal organs crushed, and his bones fractured." Stated the reporter.

"Many are believing that the Hulk a main suspect, but the footprints of an unknown individual that are located near the body, are two times larger than Hulks. The suspect is believed to be at least 13 feet tall, and around 4,000 pounds. The suspect is considered to be highly dangerous, and any suspicious behavior is to be reported to your nearest police department. This is Brad Baker, channel 25 news."

hearing this, Janet shot up from the couch, her eyes wide open.
"No freaking way!" Janet shouted, quickly searching through her purse for her cell phone.
She quickly dialed Shego's phone number, and tapped her foot impatiently.
"Come on, come on!" Janet repeatedly said to herself, glancing at the TV.
Shego answered, an annoyed sigh coming from over the other line.

"Janet, there better be a good reason for you calling me!" Shego stated over the phone, obviously irritated.

"You're not gonna believe what happened!" Janet shouted, pacing back and forward through the living room.

"Calm down Janet! Tell me what happened" Shego replied, confusion seeping in her voice.

"You know the Abomination? The big scaly thing that always has a bone to pick with Hulk?" Janet asked, glancing at the TV briefly.

"Yes, I do. Me and him traded punches before" Shego replied.

"Well, a local sheriff on the outskirts of Las Vegas discovered the body of Emil Blonsky, otherwise known as Abomination!" Janet stated, turning off the TV so she could hear Shego better.

"Say what!?" Shego exclaimed, her eyes shooting open.

"What's going on?" Hulk asked in the background.

"Abomination is dead!" Shego informed, whispering to Hulk.

"He's what!?" Hulk shouted, surprised.

"Shh! I can't hear!" Shego stated.

"As I was saying, Emil's internal organs are crushed into jello! His bones were shattered! They couldn't even recognize him for a minute!" Janet continued.

"Who did they say did it?" Shego asked.

"They say the suspect is at least 13 feet tall, and more than 4,000 pounds!" Janet replied.

After a long silence, Shego cleared her throat trying to break the tension. Suddenly, the ground shook. The impact rocked the mansion, making Janet stumble a bit.

"Whoa!" Janet shouted from the sudden quake.

"What happened?" Shego asked, concern seeping into her voice.

"I don’t know, it sounded like it came from outside the mansion, I'm going to go check it out!" Janet stated, hesitantly walked to the front door of the mansion, her palm becoming sweaty.

"Janet wait! Stay in the mansion until we get there!" Shego shouted over the phone.

"Oh my god!" Janet exclaimed, the door swinging open knocking the phone from her hand.

In the doorway, stood a 7 foot 6, emerald green figure with a powerful physique. The figure carried a young boy, probably in his late teenage years. Janet gazed up, a shocked expression worn all over her features.

Hulk (C) Marvel

Shego (C) Disney

This Fan Fiction was inspired by Gorillaking18 here on Deviantart. You can go to his profile and read some of his work, its very amazing ^_^
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Comments: 4

AH94 [2012-06-06 22:26:28 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job! Great artwork as well as the commentary!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

drew97 In reply to AH94 [2012-06-07 06:28:58 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AH94 In reply to drew97 [2012-06-07 17:17:05 +0000 UTC]

No prob!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

drew97 [2012-06-04 23:01:49 +0000 UTC]

I tried giving it the: Fan art > Fan Fiction > General fiction category but it wouldn't let me >:l

👍: 0 ⏩: 0