Dropingbow — ARC Trooper BABS pg 17

Published: 2014-03-01 23:18:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 2251; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Arc Trooper BABS pg 17
by Dropingbow

Beyond the sleek white walls of my Kamino quarters, a storm raged stronger and fiercer than any I could recall. The windows whined as the wind battered their faces and rain pelted them like stones. Inside, however, the air was calm and water warm as I showered. It wasn’t too often I got the privilege of a hot shower, and one with actual soaps and privacy. (I was even given a brand new razor!) Though while was happily scrubbing away at my scalp, the lights of my bathroom flickered and went out. The backup, red emergency lights kicked on with flicker of dull life. I quickly rinsed off and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around myself, I stepped out into the main room. I hit the light switches but they wouldn’t come on. Annoyed, I got dressed in the dull red lights.

Minutes later I pulled open my door and stepped out into the hall. Several mechanical droids, few clones, and a cloner were walking hastily up and down the passage. I stopped a clone asked him what was going on. He stood at attention before as he said, “The storm has knocked out power in his sector of the base, Ma’am.”

“Do know when or if it will be fixed?” I asked calmly.

“We’re working on it Ma’am,” the clone stated.

A cloner appeared silently and gracefully beside him. I had always thought their kind to be a little eerie appearance. Their huge eyes, long necks and fingers, and flawless bodies seemed like the stuff of every Sci-Fi alien race back on Earth-- except these were white and not green. The cloner bowed its head slightly and proposed, “We could put in a request order to transfer you to another sector, Ms.” The rough tone of the cloner’s voice pegged it as a male of the species. For some odd reason, I could almost never tell the two genders apart.

I shook my head. I knew a simple ‘request order’ would mean countless forms to fill out and a two or three hour wait to get them verified and accepted. I could last a night without power. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll be fine, thank you.” The cloner smiled, I think, then continued on his way. I almost turned to enter my room, when I realized the clone was still standing there at attention. “Dismissed Trooper,” I ordered.

“Thank you Ma’am. We’ll get powered restored as fast as we can.”

That, ‘as fast as we can,’ never came. The hours went by slow in my little room in the dark and without power. The barricade doors that connected the sectors couldn’t be opened until power was restored. Even if I wanted to visit Fives or Echo at the barracks or shooting range, I couldn’t. The backup generators were malfunctioning due to the storm and the tsunami high waves made it too dangerous for anyone to make repairs, so nothing was getting done anytime soon. So I did what I always did back home when a storm had knocked out power: sat by the window and watched. It wasn’t like I had much to worry about.

The buildings were made to sustain this sort of beating and the generators of this sector and that of the cloning facility itself were completely different. This was housing and storage anyway-- unimportant-- whereas the facility where all the baby clones were ‘growing’ was top concern at the moment. Those were the ones that were getting the attention and I wasn’t complaining. I had gone weeks in Iowa ice storms without power and survived very easily. One night in a powerless-reinforced-storm-bunker of a facility wasn’t going to worry me. Besides, I liked watching lightning and listening to thunder.

I was actually surprised how fast it got cold, though. Within an hour I was out of my t-shirt and slacks and in my bodysuit with the collar all the way up. After a quick chat with Echo over the comlink, I found myself with lack of a better word, bored. With nothing better to do, I went to bed. Curled up tight under my sheets, I dreamed...

   Darkness surrounds me. My limbs feel heavy and my body sore. There’s a laughter in the distance, cruel, gravely, and a call, “Jedi! Hah! Come and get me then!” Then the laughter becomes more and more distant. Suddenly I’m falling. I want to scream, but it’s not will keeping the cry in my throat. My mouth isn’t working. My throat is sealed. I can’t make a single sound. Even my breath is frozen. My heart doesn’t race, but slows. What’s happening to me? What’s going on?

I stop. Somethings holding me, cradling me. I can feel hands grasping me frantically. Strong arms hold me tight. A hand caresses my face, and I can hear breath, feel it on my face. A clone’s voice calls to me with desperation, “BABS! Brittany! Open your eyes! Please....”

I find myself waking with a jolt. The room is still lit by the emergency red lights and still freezing. Everything is still, silent, even the storm was quiet. Silent Lightning creates shadows on the walls around me. There was no thunder to have woken me. What did? Silently, I slip from my covers and onto the ice cold floor. I resist the urge to shiver and silently walk toward the door of the apartment. It was a small space that was very much like a hotel room back on Earth: one bathroom, a bed, two bedside tables, a small table and a foot locker. There was only a small, narrow passage toward the door, and that narrow passage was concealed in darkness. The red light above the door had gone out.

I go to the table that sits just beyond the corner of the passage. Under a wadded up pair of slacks and a t-shirt, is my personal pistol, the only weapon that I never had to relinquish at the armory. I slipped my hand under the cool fabrics and slip my fingers around the familiar solid object. I pull my gun out and raise it, readying myself. I move to the corner, listening. I can hear the blood pumping in my ears. I take slow deep breaths to try and slow my heart rate. I try to bring on the blur-focus on, but I can’t. When I try, all I hear is echo of the clone from my dream. It seems like forever before I can clear my head and slow my heart beat down enough. I stand there listening for a long time. Whoever or whatever was there was extremely patient. They were waiting for me to make the first move. I check the safety is off on my gun. They won’t take me. I will not lose. ...

I spin around the corner, gun up and ready. My eyes adjust to the darkness in a split second, just enough time to see the figure standing there. I see the dark mass move-- my finger starts to pull the trigger-- the mass in a bolt of black lightning-- it charges at me, knocks my hand with an incredible force. My gun is sent flying across the room, hitting the wall and clattering to the floor. Somehow I manage to get my left arm up in time to block another strike from the figure. I had not seen the arm come up but instinct told me to move as I did.

I jumped back and glanced around frantically for my gun. The room was too dark, though. The red lights casted dark shadows everywhere. I couldn’t even see my attacker’s face. My attention is forced back to my foe as another attack comes raining down on me. I manage to block a few fists but my enemy manages to land a mighty kick to my abdomen. I double over and another kick is sent to my side. I crumbled to the floor at the force of the blow. I can’t help but cry out as the pain shoots through my body.

A rough voice answers my cry in the darkness, “Humph. You’re not so tough.” My eyes snapped open in disbelief. Pain completely forgotten, replaced with pure rage, I’m on my feet and lunging at the voice in a blind fury. The voice was that of a clone!

I knock him to the ground and try to pin him there. I managed to land a few blows to his face, all the while demanding, “Who are you? What are you doing here?!” But as I’m throwing punches and struggling on top of him, something doesn’t seem right. I knew the body of the clones. I knew who their skin felt and the build of their muscle structure. This body was far too big for a clone’s.

I suddenly feel myself being thrown back and crashing into the table. I’m on my feet again in an instant, and crash back into the attacker. He grabs me and we fall to the ground. We struggle there for a moment, tossing over each other and throwing what punches we could. I manage to push him off me once, then bring my feet up just in time to kick him away again. As I start to get to my feet, my hand grasp something hard and metal. My fingers grip the barrel of my pistol. I take a knee and swing my arm up with the pistol in hand. I’m ready to fire once more. My shot is clear, perfect-- my finger twitches-

A sharp pain floods through my neck. I feel a pressure just above my right collar bone. My hand goes to the spot and I feel a small, round disc clutching to my neck. I try to rip it off only to feel a mass of tiny needles bite into my skin. I can’t help but release a small cry, then a scream as lightning shoots through my body. I drop my gun and collapse to the ground.

My body is suddenly very weak and I try to get up but I can’t feel my limbs. I raise my head and now see two figures standing above me. In the darkness I can not see their faces, but I can make out the wide brimmed hat of the newcomer. I see a large boot rise and feel the force of it on my temple only a split second, then I’m falling into darkness.

The figure turns to the newcomer and states in his clone voice, “I thought you were going to wait on the ship.”

“You were taking too long,” the rough sandpaper like voice answered. “Now hurry up and change before a whelp forms on her head,” he ordered.

“All right!” the figure sighed. He bent down toward the fallen woman and touched her forehead. His body changed quickly as he took her image upon his skin. His hair grew long and brown and his body slimmed. When the transformation was complete the Changeling stood, the perfect likeness of BABS herself. Her hand rose to the collar around her neck and pressed a small button. Her clothes instantly changed to BABS’s body suit. She pressed another button and started to speak, “I’m ready now, you can call in the droid.” The voice was that of BABS.

The man casually walked to the door and banged on it three times. Small beeping noises sounded from the other side and he pushed open the door. A small service droid rolled in with a cargo crate strapped on behind him. The man and imposter grabbed BABS and placed her inside. After sealing the lid and opening the small vent holes, the man turned to the other and said, “I will signal you once we have no further use of her. Then you can do as you please with that face.”

The woman smiled. “You almost sound as if you doubt I’ll even last that long, Bane.” There was a certain arrogance in her voice that matched the tone of BABS’s perfectly, but also sounded a little flirtatious. To the bounty hunter, it sounded adequate.

“Just don’t mess this up like your sister, Saera'bell. Once I’m gone, I can’t help you no more,” Bane growled.

“Relax,” the Changeling stated, “You have the hard part. I have the fun part.” A sly smile crossed her face. “I might just enjoy playing with these clones.”

A disgusted looked crossed the bounty hunters face. “Just don’t blow your cover.” Then he tapped the droid on the head and ordered, “Lets go.” With the little droid on his heals, the bounty hunter entered the abandoned halls and escaped the facility undetected and eager to start the interrogation.

~~ ~~~~~~
Echo walked calmly into the eastern apartment facility that next morning. Last night he had been worried when he heard that that part of the base had lost all power and was shut down completely. However, when he called BABS over the comlink that night, she sounded anything but worried. She even seemed to be enjoying the storm.

That morning when he heard the power had come back on, he decided to give her a wake up call, but when he rounded the corner to BABS’s room, he saw she didn’t need one. He watched as she exited her room. He saw her eyes glance at him but they didn’t seem to register him. Echo guessed she was just a little groggy still so brushed it off as nothing. He called to her, “Marco!” but she didn’t turn around. Thinking she just didn’t hear him, he called again, “Marco!” She still didn’t turn around. Now confused, Echo quickened his pace to catch her. When he caught up to her he said, “BABS, hey!” She jumped at the sight of him. “Sorry,” he said, “but I was calling for you. Didn’t you hear me?”

Her posture softened and the started look left her face. Her head shook slightly as she said, “No, sorry I didn’t.”

“Alright then,” Echo said and they started walking again. “How was last night?” he asked after a while.

“Cold, but fine,” BABS answered.

“Oh I see,” Echo stated. He watched the woman out of the corner of his eye. Something didn’t seem right.

After some time they arrived at the mess hall and Fives waved them over. As BABS whent to join him, Echo acted like he was going for a drink of water before joining them. He watched her intently. It didn’t take long for him to realize she was walking differently. Her hips swung from side to side, her feet stepped delicately one right in front of the other, and her hands swayed gracefully at her sides. She hadn’t walked like that ever before. Was she trying to something new or had she broke her habit of walking like a man over night? Something was up...

~~~Meanwhile: Somewhere in the Outer Rim~~~
My eyes opened slowly. I felt the aches of my body before anything else. A groan escaped my throat as my other senses started to wake. The hum of distant engines and ventilation systems filled the background of my hearing. In the forefront was the buzzing of electricity. A pressure held both my arms outstretched above my head. I could feel my feet suspended above open air. As my vision cleared, dark shapes formed then slowly grew clearer. A figure formed amongst those shapes. The first characteristic I could make was a large brimmed hat.

A rough voice came to my ears, “Morning Brittany.”

For a moment my mouth wouldn’t work, my throat was too dry. I tried to swallow, but even that was difficult. When my voice did come, it was little more than a raspy whisper. “How- how do you know my name?”

There was a chuckle. “I know a great deal about you, Mrs. Baumhover. You were born on a little primitive planet not shown on any map called, Earth. You world was invaded by battles droids and you were the lone survivor. Rescued by a clone I understand.” As he spoke my my eyes focused on him. The brim of his hat hid his face, but I could tell by the outfit he was a bounty hunter, and one that looked familiar to me. He stood on a balcony several yards away. Beyond him was a large barricade door. The ceiling was very low, but when I glanced around, I realized I just how high up I was. Shackled in a magnetic containment field, I hung helplessly close to thirty feet off the ground.

As realization came to me, my eyes burned toward the bounty hunter. I spat at him, “What is it you want from me?”

His blue hand pressed a button on his forearm and small flames appeared from the heals of his boots. he rose in the air and over the banister of the balcony. He stopped and hovered before me, and raised his head. I was met by the evil grin of a blue faced, red eyed bounty hunter: Cad Bane. “Just a little information, that’s all.”

“I’d sooner die!” I spat the words at him.

A chuckle came from his throat. He reached for my face and took my chin between his forefinger and thumb. “I’ve been told you have a fire,” he said, “and I’m looking forward to putting it out.” He gave me a half hearted frown then added, “It’s such a shame though. A pretty face like your’s, some would hate to see it get hurt. But you’re a soldier,” the smile returned to his face, “there’s no need to be gentle here.”

A quiver of fear shot through my body, but I would not let it reach my eyes. I swallowed my fear and said, “Do what you want, Bane. You’ll get nothing from me.”

“We shall see,” he said then turned back toward the balcony and disarmed his rocket boots. As the doors slid open before him, Bane pressed another button on his forearm. He smiled as the woman screamed behind him and walked back toward the bridge.
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Comments: 2

lordhadrian [2014-04-02 13:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Good stuff

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dropingbow In reply to lordhadrian [2014-04-02 14:52:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0