DrSGrowth — French GTS : Smurfette's height

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Published: 2023-07-03 19:09:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 45339; Favourites: 250; Downloads: 38
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While Smurfette is out picking, she finds some unique fruit that she decides to take back to her village to share with her friends in the form of fruit juice.
By an unfortunate accident, she finds herself the only one to have drunk it and soon discovers that it was preferable that no more people drank her drink.    

Read the full story here:

Smurfette's height CHAPTER 1Chapter 1Love, glory and fruit juiceIt was a morning of picking that everything began. Sarsaparilla picking was usually a calm and happy time for the Smurfs, when nothing special happened.But for Smurfette, it was a very different story, and it began with her discovery of some very special sarsaparillas. They emanated a special glow, perhaps magic, she thought. They were turquoise blue, with pink highlights in their tender, firm flesh. There was no doubt that these fruits were unique, so Smurfette decided to take them with her. With them, she was sure she would make the best sarsaparilla juice the Smurf village had ever tasted. However, Smurfette was disturbed in her picking by a noise, the footsteps of a human walking not far from her position. Her first instinct was of course to hide so as not to be seen, but being curious by nature, Smurfette looked for a way of spying without being seen.She climbed a tree with her booty, stood on a branch and looked through the hole in a leaf, probably eaten away by a caterpillar. An ideal vantage point from which to observe the intruder as he approached her harvest. She feared for a moment that she might see the infamous Gargamel, but fortunately she did not. It was nothing more or less than a young knight passing through, following a path through the forest.When she saw him, Smurfette couldn't take her eyes off him, thinking to herself:- He's so handsome! It's rare enough to see a human other than Gargamel roaming around, but to see one as cute as him is unheard of. Is he one of those Prince Charmings you read about in fairy tales? Does he have a princess in his life?This last thought startled her, before she began to blush. She had fallen under the spell of the unknown knight, and imagined for a moment that he might love her reciprocally.But this was short-lived, as reality soon caught up with poor Smurfette. There's very little chance of a boy like him falling in love with her at first sight, not to mention the fact that he's a human and she's a Smurf.In addition to this racial difference, the size difference was colossal.As a result, Smurfette forgot this insane idea, but continued to observe the handsome knight until he left her field of vision. She then climbed down the tree, trying to forget the absurd idea, but to no avail.,When they arrived in the village, the other Smurfs noticed Smurfette's nonchalant return with her full sarsaparilla bag. They were surprised to see her so dull, even though she had had a good harvest.There was no point in telling them what had happened to her, because basically nothing had happened.So she went back to her mushroom house, not looking sad ... but disappointed. Smurfette put her bag on a table and sat down in her armchair to try and take her mind off things.There was no point, she told herself, in continuing to fantasise about a boy who was beyond her reach. So she slapped her cheeks with her hands, forcing herself to pull herself together.This was no time for romance, and life had to get back to normal, or at least almost normal. For there was still her beautiful discovery, the blue sarsaparilla, which filled her bag.So she jumped out of her armchair and headed for her kitchen to get all the equipment she needed to make delicious sarsaparilla juice for her friends. Without delay, she set to work and managed to make her drink without too much difficulty; there was enough fruit for the whole village. But a question popped into Smurfette's mind. These blue sarsaparillas were magnificent, but were they as good as they looked? She wasn't going to give the other Smurfs a filthy mixture to drink, so she came to a conclusion:- I'd better taste it first. If there's only one person who's going to be disgusted, it'd better be me. Besides, what kind of Smurf would I be if I didn't know what I was giving the other Smurfs to smurf?Without wasting a second, she filled a bowl with her juice and took her first sip:- It's delicious! A sarsaparilla has never had such good juice, I feel like I'm drinking a rainbow!Smurfette then drank the entire contents of her bowl without leaving a drop, a pleasant sensation running through her body, and she told herself that she'd love to have some more.But not just yet, it was important not to overdo the good things, and above all, there had to be enough for everyone. So she held back from taking another bite and continued to squeeze the fruit to get more juice. Smurfette was sure she was going to make a lot of people happy.,It took a little time, but Smurfette was able to finish her work by snack time. She set up a little stand right in front of her house before going to get the glasses and carafes. The other Smurfs were happy to see their friend smile again, but they were even happier to see her set up her little stand. They all knew that could only mean one thing: she had made drinks for everyone.Everyone began to look the same in front of Smurfette's stand, vying to be the first to have a drink. It was getting a bit hectic, but Smurfette was used to that and took the time to set up her precious drink.The sight of sarsaparilla juice through the transparent carafe intrigued many. It was not a colour they were used to seeing, and there was something magical about the juice that appealed to them. They all knew that Smurfette would never give them anything to drink if she knew it was bad. So Smurfette was able to open her stand, happy to see all her friends coming to taste the fruit of her labour, and she handed over the first glass.Suddenly, the argument between the Smurfs resumed, and in an unusually violent way.Smurfette's generosity, combined with the discovery of a new flavour, had exacerbated everyone's desire to be first. As they jostled each other, the inevitable finally happened.Clumsy Smurf, who had managed to squeeze in first, ended up falling forward and knocking over Smurfette's stand, smashing the carafes on top to pieces and spilling all the fruit juice she had worked so hard to prepare for everyone onto the floor. In an instant, silence returned among the Smurfs, who were still fighting a few seconds ago when they saw the consequences of their bickering.Smurfette was paralysed, the expression of astonishment on her face replaced by grief, and quickly turned to anger. Furious to see her work reduced to nothing, she who had put so much effort into pleasing them.- You idiots! She shouted suddenly.- Look what you've done! Can you imagine how long it took me to make you all that juice? These sarsaparillas were unique, there were no others in the whole forest, and you've ruined everything! Now there's more... Smurfette looked back at Clumsy Smurf and his overturned stand, accusingly. Clumsy didn't know what to say, while the other Smurfs looked at the ground, their eyes filled with shame. And as some of them prepared to face Smurfette's gaze in turn, they noticed something curious. Nobody had noticed it in the rush, not even Smurfette herself, but she was taller than usual. Smurfs are generally the same size, around 12.5cm high, and Smurfette was no exception.However, if you look closely, Smurfette was easily 15cm tall at the time. It's a mere detail to the human eye, but to a Smurf, it makes all the difference.However, they didn't think it was right to make this remark to her, she was already angry enough and they didn't want to upset her any further.Smurfette turned back to the others without saying a word, her face speaking for her. Then she walked towards her Mushroom House and slammed the door. It was clear to everyone that she didn't want to be disturbed after what had happened.The Smurfs who had noticed Smurfette's extra centimetres thought nothing of it and went back to their activities like the others, looking ashamed.,Evening arrived and Smurfette stayed home alone for the rest of the day. The anger had gone, but she was still sad that no one had been able to taste her fruit juice. She wanted to have a good time with her friends, but she didn't get the happiness she had hoped for. Smurfette was already angry at herself for having called the other Smurfs idiots and told herself that she would end up forgiving them once she had rested.Trying to put her grief aside, she did what she did every evening like any other normal day. She put on her nightgown and noticed a certain discomfort. It must have shrunk in the wash, she thought. It wasn't the first time it had happened to her, but it was the first time her slippers had seemed smaller. Despite this little inconvenience, she brushed her teeth as usual and then lay down in bed without thinking about it any further.Before going to sleep, she took the time to read a little fairy tale that she loved so much. This brought back memories of the young man she had seen this morning. In her mind, the Prince Charming from her story had the same face as him.Without realising it, she fell asleep in the middle of reading and dreamt of the boy who invited her to follow him. In her dream, they were the same size, and Smurfette was wearing a dress worthy of a princess from one of her stories. She was dancing and bursting with joy in the arms of her Prince Charming. Everything around her seemed to be the backdrop for a great romance, all that was missing was the scene of the kiss, of a sincere love... And maybe more afterwards, because even though Smurfette was a great romantic, more carnal ideas were running through her head when she thought of this boy. And just as she was about to kiss him, Smurfette had a very unpleasant sensation in her feet. They were frozen and she jumped up to warm them, but the next thing she knew she was in bed.It was already morning and Smurfette was frustrated to wake up from such a beautiful dream. She put her storybook, which had been with her all night, back on her bedside table and noticed something strange. Her book seemed so small in her hand, and on closer inspection, everything around her seemed smaller, even her feet were sticking out of the bed.- What's going on? Why has everything got smaller and what are my feet doing out of bed? Have I just had a dizzy spell or am I still in my dream?All these questions came to mind in a brief moment of panic, and there was surely an explanation for this:- OK, I'll get up and then...Suddenly, just as she wanted to get up from her bed, a pain appeared as her head hit something. Had she fallen out of bed after that short, strange dream? That's what she told herself once the pain had passed, as she fumbled with one hand over what her head had hit. But nothing had prepared her for what she was about to see.With one eye open, she was astonished to see that she was not lying down but standing up, her nightgown shrunken and torn in places. Her slippers looked tiny compared to her feet right next to them. But then came the real shock, when she realised that the thing that had hurt her head was none other than the ceiling of her bedroom.- Holy Smurf! She exclaimed.- No, it can't be! I can't... I haven't... grown up?! Unfortunately there was no other explanation, there was 20 cm between the floor and the ceiling of her room. She knew it perfectly well, she knew every detail of her house and if she touched the ceiling of her bedroom, it could only mean one thing: that she herself was 20 cm high.- Oh no! Help, someone... What's happening to me?,To be continued...  Smurfette's height CHAPTER 2Chapter 2Growing ProblemIt was a situation as embarrassing as it was improbable for Smurfette, and without understanding what was happening to her, she had to lower her head to be able to leave her room, then her house.And what was the surprise and expression of incomprehension on the faces of the other Smurfs when they saw Smurfette, 20cm tall, in her nightgown?She was used to being followed by the others, but not like this, so she quickened her pace and went to Papa Smurf's house to ask for help.When she arrived in front of his house, Smurfette knocked on his door in panic.- Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! She shouted.Please Papa Smurf, I need help! I don't know what's happening to me and I'm scared.With these words, Papa Smurf opened his door and saw Smurfette in all her height.He let out an exclamation of amazement before speaking.- Bloody Smurf! Smurfette!? But how is that possible?The Smurfs then began to gather behind Smurfette, some astonished by what they saw, others a little more delighted to see her like that in her very tight nightdress and torn in places.The bespectacled Smurf stood next to Papa Smurf to be seen.- I don't know, Papa Smurf. Resumed then Smurfette Everything was normal when I went to bed, and when I woke up, I couldn't fit into my slippers.Please, do something! I don't want to stay like this...Smurfette then burst into tears, which aroused the compassion of all the other Smurfs around her, who didn't like to see her so sad.Papa Smurf, who was just below Smurfette's waist, patted her on the knee and tried to console her.- Come on, my poor little girl, dry your tears. No one here wants to see our sweet, happy Smurfette so sad.We're going to help you, don't worry, we'll find a way to make you your real size.It's not 10cm that won't make you the Smurfette we all love.At these words, Smurfette calmed down and put on a shy little smile.She wiped her eyes with her arm and thanked Papa Smurf and all his friends for being there to support her.There was still the mystery to be solved, so Brainy asked Smurfette if she had any idea what could have made her grow up like that.And there was only one thing she could think of that could have done that to her: the sarsaparilla juice she had prepared and tasted.She then told Papa Smurf and Goggle Smurf the story of the unique fruit she had found.Thinking that this fruit juice had made her grow up, she was finally relieved that no-one else had drunk it.To find out for sure, Goggle Smurf asked Smurfette to show him one of her famous sarsaparillas.Most of the fruit from her harvest had ended up as spilt juice, but she had one left over that she kept to herself.So she invited Goggle Smurf to follow her back to her house to show it to him.And he followed her to her mushroom house, closely followed by the other Smurfs who were waiting outside.,Once inside the house, Smurfette found it a little difficult to move around, as she always had to keep her head down.It wasn't practical for her, so without delay, she got down on her knees to look for the sarsaparilla she had left in her little kitchen.It was both strange and more comfortable for her, and she quickly found the fruit she had put aside.It seemed half the size it had been the last time she'd held it, but Smurfette knew that it wasn't the fruit that was smaller.She turned round and handed it to Brainy, who went and sat down at a table to look at it more closely.Smurfette went to sit on the opposite side of the table to leave room for Spectacled Smurf.- Will it take long? Smurfette asked- It depends. Replied Brainy.There's a good chance that this fruit is magic, I don't know of any substance in the world that makes a consumer grow a few centimetres.But when in doubt, it's better to analyse...It wasn't really the answer Smurfette was looking for, but she didn't insist and put herself at her ease as best she could.Then she took the time to think for herself...- It's true that there are no magical or natural substances that can make you grow by just 10cm... But in my history book, there are lots of magical objects or foods that can change your height.Except that this change was bigger than just 10cm and... Suddenly, a thought crossed Smurfette's mind, a thought that did not reassure her.- Is it all over? I've grown a lot in just one night but... Is it really over? Aren't I going to...But while Smurfette was lost in thought, a flash of shivers ran through her body, from head to toe.And a strange sensation spread, as the living room around her seemed to become smaller, and her nightgown gradually tore.Smurfette quickly understood what was happening to her.- Oh no! No, not again! She shouted in panic.Smurfette's body grew again and she watched helplessly as her naked body spilled out into her living room and her head hit the ceiling again as she sat down.- Brainy Smurf! Careful, I'll... Ouch!No sooner had Spectacled Smurf turned to face Smurfette, following her interrupted warning, than he was confronted by a blue foot the same size as himself, which toppled the table and slammed Spectacled Smurf against the wall.Smurfette's growth slowed to a halt and she contemplated her body, which had grown from 20cm tall to 30cm in just a few moments.- Oh no... not that... lamented Smurfette.I was already huge and now I'm filling the living room!At this revelation, Smurfette was about to burst into tears, when she heard a noise and a movement emanating from under her foot.She realised that Smurf with glasses was right underneath and immediately pulled him off.Poor Spectacled Smurf caught his breath and realised with amazement the proportions Smurfette had reached.He realised that the situation was more serious than he had thought, because not only had the fruit juice made her grow, but she was still growing.,In a panic, Brainy left Smurfette's house to go and explain to Papa Smurf what was happening to poor Smurfette.At the same time, a 30cm naked Smurfette tried to get out of the house, under the stunned gaze of the other Smurfs who had stayed outside.Unfortunately for her, her hips had become too wide to fit through the door.And despite her efforts to get through, she had no choice but to stay inside.Papa Smurf approached Smurfette's door and opened it so that he could talk to her while respecting her privacy.- Don't worry, Smurfette, we'll find a solution quickly.Me and Brainy won't waste a single second and the whole village will get involved.Don't worry little one, we won't let you down.These words were reassuring, but less so than the first time.The clock was ticking, and no one knew when Smurfette's next growth would take place or how far it might go.As quickly as possible, Papa Smurf and Brainy Smurf worked on the magic sarsaparilla.To better understand how it worked and to try to find an antidote for Smurfette.Meanwhile, the Smurfs in the village got together to look as white as possible.They were prepared to sacrifice their own spare clothes to make a dress big enough for Smurfette.However, they didn't know how long it would take and whether she would grow even bigger in the meantime.So they planned wide, even if it meant she would float in it, it was better to have too much than too little.And as everyone rushed outside, Smurfette tried to watch their efforts from her window.She was happy to see her friends so devoted, but not very reassured about the result of this "improvised dress".She was the sewing expert and without her to coordinate them, she doubted the reliability of the result.However, this fear was secondary, as she had a bigger problem on her hands.From her point of view, she had the impression of being in a miniature house.And she feared the moment when her growth would begin again.Several hours passed, the Smurfs had not been idle and continued their work under the heat of the sun.Normally, Smurfette would have prepared refreshments for them, but they had to make do with water from the well.While Papa Smurf's research slowed down.It was then that the dreaded moment arrived, and once again Smurfette felt the same sensations coursing through her body.- No... Please no! She pleaded in vain.From the outside, the whole of Smurfette's Mushroom House began to shake.The other Smurfs had noticed this and feared that their friend would come out of the house in a huge explosion.Under the pressure of her growth, Smurfette sank into the living room ceiling and ended up in her bedroom.And she continued to grow until she was completely trapped in the whole of her house.After which, her growth slowed before stopping again.Leaving Smurfette in an uncomfortable position, with not a single place left free for her.When she tried to estimate her height, with a great deal of fear, she realised that she was around 50cm tall.She realised that the previous figure had doubled and let out a breath of despair followed by a few tears that still remained inside her.The evening came with no new growth, nor any progress on a possible cure.The only consolation was that the whole village came to Smurfette's door to wish her good luck and good night.One after the other, with no ill intentions, they each offered their reassuring words before going to bed.In her current position, Smurfette knew that it wasn't going to be a good night, but at least she had the joy of having so many good intentions and so much concern for her.She finally fell asleep, thinking of her friends.,The next day finally arrived, with some pain and cramp for Smurfette.She would have liked to change position, but this was impossible and unfortunately she had to make do.She looked out of her bedroom window and saw that the other Smurfs in the village were up before the sun had even risen.Some hadn't even had breakfast, determined to do the right thing for Smurfette.Such an early morning sight was enough to make you forget the discomfort Smurfette was feeling.- I'm lucky to have friends like that. Despite what's happening to me, they're prepared to do the impossible for me. I'll have to thank them all once this horrible story is over.She smiled again, but it was to be short-lived.Because as midday approached, La Schtroumpfette felt this sensation invade her, even greater than the previous one.- Not again! Leave me alone! She shouted at this cursed growth.Once again, the Smurfs could see the house shaking from the outside, but this time they were sure there was going to be some breakage.The next moment, from the base of the mushroom house, two enormous blue legs curled in on themselves and two large arms sprang up from the roof.- Quick, Smurfs! Take cover! Shouted the manoeuvring master to the other Smurfs.As the house continued to shake and swell from the inside, the Smurfs ran in all directions to avoid being crushed by the projected debris or by Smurfette herself.All they left behind was a huge cloud of dust.Finally, it was Smurfette's head that came through her roof, followed by her whole upper body.When her growth finally stopped, Smurfette was dazzled by the sunlight and hid her eyes until they could adjust to the outside light again.When she was finally able to open her eyes, she saw the roofs of the mushroom houses just below her horizon.Then she looked down and saw the last of the Smurfs fleeing to safety.Those who were already safe could see with their own eyes how tall Smurfette was and how her breasts gleamed in the sunlight.Smurfette made a colossal effort not to cry again but couldn't help letting a few tears escape as she hid her face with her hands.Then she wanted to get up after spending more than a whole day sitting in great discomfort.But she lost her balance, the size of her body was too destabilising and she almost fell.All the Smurfs in the shelter then shouted in unison...- Look out!Luckily, Smurfette was able to catch herself but crushed an empty house in the process.- I'm sorry, I'm sorry!She stepped back to remove her foot but crushed another empty house.- Oh no, I didn't mean to! I didn't do that on purpose!Smurfette then had a small panic attack, she was now 90cm tall and the village was now almost too small for her.,To be continued...

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Alors que la Schtroumpfette est pleine cueillette, elle trouve des fruits unique qu'elle décide de ramené a son village pour les partager avec ses amis sous le forme de jus de fruit.
Par un malheureux accident, ce retrouve être la seul a en avoir bus et découvre bientôt qu'il était préférable qu'il y est pas plus de monde qui est bus sa boisson.

Venez lire l'histoire complète ici:

Smurfette's height CHAPTER 1Chapter 1Love, glory and fruit juiceIt was a morning of picking that everything began. Sarsaparilla picking was usually a calm and happy time for the Smurfs, when nothing special happened.But for Smurfette, it was a very different story, and it began with her discovery of some very special sarsaparillas. They emanated a special glow, perhaps magic, she thought. They were turquoise blue, with pink highlights in their tender, firm flesh. There was no doubt that these fruits were unique, so Smurfette decided to take them with her. With them, she was sure she would make the best sarsaparilla juice the Smurf village had ever tasted. However, Smurfette was disturbed in her picking by a noise, the footsteps of a human walking not far from her position. Her first instinct was of course to hide so as not to be seen, but being curious by nature, Smurfette looked for a way of spying without being seen.She climbed a tree with her booty, stood on a branch and looked through the hole in a leaf, probably eaten away by a caterpillar. An ideal vantage point from which to observe the intruder as he approached her harvest. She feared for a moment that she might see the infamous Gargamel, but fortunately she did not. It was nothing more or less than a young knight passing through, following a path through the forest.When she saw him, Smurfette couldn't take her eyes off him, thinking to herself:- He's so handsome! It's rare enough to see a human other than Gargamel roaming around, but to see one as cute as him is unheard of. Is he one of those Prince Charmings you read about in fairy tales? Does he have a princess in his life?This last thought startled her, before she began to blush. She had fallen under the spell of the unknown knight, and imagined for a moment that he might love her reciprocally.But this was short-lived, as reality soon caught up with poor Smurfette. There's very little chance of a boy like him falling in love with her at first sight, not to mention the fact that he's a human and she's a Smurf.In addition to this racial difference, the size difference was colossal.As a result, Smurfette forgot this insane idea, but continued to observe the handsome knight until he left her field of vision. She then climbed down the tree, trying to forget the absurd idea, but to no avail.,When they arrived in the village, the other Smurfs noticed Smurfette's nonchalant return with her full sarsaparilla bag. They were surprised to see her so dull, even though she had had a good harvest.There was no point in telling them what had happened to her, because basically nothing had happened.So she went back to her mushroom house, not looking sad ... but disappointed. Smurfette put her bag on a table and sat down in her armchair to try and take her mind off things.There was no point, she told herself, in continuing to fantasise about a boy who was beyond her reach. So she slapped her cheeks with her hands, forcing herself to pull herself together.This was no time for romance, and life had to get back to normal, or at least almost normal. For there was still her beautiful discovery, the blue sarsaparilla, which filled her bag.So she jumped out of her armchair and headed for her kitchen to get all the equipment she needed to make delicious sarsaparilla juice for her friends. Without delay, she set to work and managed to make her drink without too much difficulty; there was enough fruit for the whole village. But a question popped into Smurfette's mind. These blue sarsaparillas were magnificent, but were they as good as they looked? She wasn't going to give the other Smurfs a filthy mixture to drink, so she came to a conclusion:- I'd better taste it first. If there's only one person who's going to be disgusted, it'd better be me. Besides, what kind of Smurf would I be if I didn't know what I was giving the other Smurfs to smurf?Without wasting a second, she filled a bowl with her juice and took her first sip:- It's delicious! A sarsaparilla has never had such good juice, I feel like I'm drinking a rainbow!Smurfette then drank the entire contents of her bowl without leaving a drop, a pleasant sensation running through her body, and she told herself that she'd love to have some more.But not just yet, it was important not to overdo the good things, and above all, there had to be enough for everyone. So she held back from taking another bite and continued to squeeze the fruit to get more juice. Smurfette was sure she was going to make a lot of people happy.,It took a little time, but Smurfette was able to finish her work by snack time. She set up a little stand right in front of her house before going to get the glasses and carafes. The other Smurfs were happy to see their friend smile again, but they were even happier to see her set up her little stand. They all knew that could only mean one thing: she had made drinks for everyone.Everyone began to look the same in front of Smurfette's stand, vying to be the first to have a drink. It was getting a bit hectic, but Smurfette was used to that and took the time to set up her precious drink.The sight of sarsaparilla juice through the transparent carafe intrigued many. It was not a colour they were used to seeing, and there was something magical about the juice that appealed to them. They all knew that Smurfette would never give them anything to drink if she knew it was bad. So Smurfette was able to open her stand, happy to see all her friends coming to taste the fruit of her labour, and she handed over the first glass.Suddenly, the argument between the Smurfs resumed, and in an unusually violent way.Smurfette's generosity, combined with the discovery of a new flavour, had exacerbated everyone's desire to be first. As they jostled each other, the inevitable finally happened.Clumsy Smurf, who had managed to squeeze in first, ended up falling forward and knocking over Smurfette's stand, smashing the carafes on top to pieces and spilling all the fruit juice she had worked so hard to prepare for everyone onto the floor. In an instant, silence returned among the Smurfs, who were still fighting a few seconds ago when they saw the consequences of their bickering.Smurfette was paralysed, the expression of astonishment on her face replaced by grief, and quickly turned to anger. Furious to see her work reduced to nothing, she who had put so much effort into pleasing them.- You idiots! She shouted suddenly.- Look what you've done! Can you imagine how long it took me to make you all that juice? These sarsaparillas were unique, there were no others in the whole forest, and you've ruined everything! Now there's more... Smurfette looked back at Clumsy Smurf and his overturned stand, accusingly. Clumsy didn't know what to say, while the other Smurfs looked at the ground, their eyes filled with shame. And as some of them prepared to face Smurfette's gaze in turn, they noticed something curious. Nobody had noticed it in the rush, not even Smurfette herself, but she was taller than usual. Smurfs are generally the same size, around 12.5cm high, and Smurfette was no exception.However, if you look closely, Smurfette was easily 15cm tall at the time. It's a mere detail to the human eye, but to a Smurf, it makes all the difference.However, they didn't think it was right to make this remark to her, she was already angry enough and they didn't want to upset her any further.Smurfette turned back to the others without saying a word, her face speaking for her. Then she walked towards her Mushroom House and slammed the door. It was clear to everyone that she didn't want to be disturbed after what had happened.The Smurfs who had noticed Smurfette's extra centimetres thought nothing of it and went back to their activities like the others, looking ashamed.,Evening arrived and Smurfette stayed home alone for the rest of the day. The anger had gone, but she was still sad that no one had been able to taste her fruit juice. She wanted to have a good time with her friends, but she didn't get the happiness she had hoped for. Smurfette was already angry at herself for having called the other Smurfs idiots and told herself that she would end up forgiving them once she had rested.Trying to put her grief aside, she did what she did every evening like any other normal day. She put on her nightgown and noticed a certain discomfort. It must have shrunk in the wash, she thought. It wasn't the first time it had happened to her, but it was the first time her slippers had seemed smaller. Despite this little inconvenience, she brushed her teeth as usual and then lay down in bed without thinking about it any further.Before going to sleep, she took the time to read a little fairy tale that she loved so much. This brought back memories of the young man she had seen this morning. In her mind, the Prince Charming from her story had the same face as him.Without realising it, she fell asleep in the middle of reading and dreamt of the boy who invited her to follow him. In her dream, they were the same size, and Smurfette was wearing a dress worthy of a princess from one of her stories. She was dancing and bursting with joy in the arms of her Prince Charming. Everything around her seemed to be the backdrop for a great romance, all that was missing was the scene of the kiss, of a sincere love... And maybe more afterwards, because even though Smurfette was a great romantic, more carnal ideas were running through her head when she thought of this boy. And just as she was about to kiss him, Smurfette had a very unpleasant sensation in her feet. They were frozen and she jumped up to warm them, but the next thing she knew she was in bed.It was already morning and Smurfette was frustrated to wake up from such a beautiful dream. She put her storybook, which had been with her all night, back on her bedside table and noticed something strange. Her book seemed so small in her hand, and on closer inspection, everything around her seemed smaller, even her feet were sticking out of the bed.- What's going on? Why has everything got smaller and what are my feet doing out of bed? Have I just had a dizzy spell or am I still in my dream?All these questions came to mind in a brief moment of panic, and there was surely an explanation for this:- OK, I'll get up and then...Suddenly, just as she wanted to get up from her bed, a pain appeared as her head hit something. Had she fallen out of bed after that short, strange dream? That's what she told herself once the pain had passed, as she fumbled with one hand over what her head had hit. But nothing had prepared her for what she was about to see.With one eye open, she was astonished to see that she was not lying down but standing up, her nightgown shrunken and torn in places. Her slippers looked tiny compared to her feet right next to them. But then came the real shock, when she realised that the thing that had hurt her head was none other than the ceiling of her bedroom.- Holy Smurf! She exclaimed.- No, it can't be! I can't... I haven't... grown up?! Unfortunately there was no other explanation, there was 20 cm between the floor and the ceiling of her room. She knew it perfectly well, she knew every detail of her house and if she touched the ceiling of her bedroom, it could only mean one thing: that she herself was 20 cm high.- Oh no! Help, someone... What's happening to me?,To be continued...  Smurfette's height CHAPTER 2Chapter 2Growing ProblemIt was a situation as embarrassing as it was improbable for Smurfette, and without understanding what was happening to her, she had to lower her head to be able to leave her room, then her house.And what was the surprise and expression of incomprehension on the faces of the other Smurfs when they saw Smurfette, 20cm tall, in her nightgown?She was used to being followed by the others, but not like this, so she quickened her pace and went to Papa Smurf's house to ask for help.When she arrived in front of his house, Smurfette knocked on his door in panic.- Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf! She shouted.Please Papa Smurf, I need help! I don't know what's happening to me and I'm scared.With these words, Papa Smurf opened his door and saw Smurfette in all her height.He let out an exclamation of amazement before speaking.- Bloody Smurf! Smurfette!? But how is that possible?The Smurfs then began to gather behind Smurfette, some astonished by what they saw, others a little more delighted to see her like that in her very tight nightdress and torn in places.The bespectacled Smurf stood next to Papa Smurf to be seen.- I don't know, Papa Smurf. Resumed then Smurfette Everything was normal when I went to bed, and when I woke up, I couldn't fit into my slippers.Please, do something! I don't want to stay like this...Smurfette then burst into tears, which aroused the compassion of all the other Smurfs around her, who didn't like to see her so sad.Papa Smurf, who was just below Smurfette's waist, patted her on the knee and tried to console her.- Come on, my poor little girl, dry your tears. No one here wants to see our sweet, happy Smurfette so sad.We're going to help you, don't worry, we'll find a way to make you your real size.It's not 10cm that won't make you the Smurfette we all love.At these words, Smurfette calmed down and put on a shy little smile.She wiped her eyes with her arm and thanked Papa Smurf and all his friends for being there to support her.There was still the mystery to be solved, so Brainy asked Smurfette if she had any idea what could have made her grow up like that.And there was only one thing she could think of that could have done that to her: the sarsaparilla juice she had prepared and tasted.She then told Papa Smurf and Goggle Smurf the story of the unique fruit she had found.Thinking that this fruit juice had made her grow up, she was finally relieved that no-one else had drunk it.To find out for sure, Goggle Smurf asked Smurfette to show him one of her famous sarsaparillas.Most of the fruit from her harvest had ended up as spilt juice, but she had one left over that she kept to herself.So she invited Goggle Smurf to follow her back to her house to show it to him.And he followed her to her mushroom house, closely followed by the other Smurfs who were waiting outside.,Once inside the house, Smurfette found it a little difficult to move around, as she always had to keep her head down.It wasn't practical for her, so without delay, she got down on her knees to look for the sarsaparilla she had left in her little kitchen.It was both strange and more comfortable for her, and she quickly found the fruit she had put aside.It seemed half the size it had been the last time she'd held it, but Smurfette knew that it wasn't the fruit that was smaller.She turned round and handed it to Brainy, who went and sat down at a table to look at it more closely.Smurfette went to sit on the opposite side of the table to leave room for Spectacled Smurf.- Will it take long? Smurfette asked- It depends. Replied Brainy.There's a good chance that this fruit is magic, I don't know of any substance in the world that makes a consumer grow a few centimetres.But when in doubt, it's better to analyse...It wasn't really the answer Smurfette was looking for, but she didn't insist and put herself at her ease as best she could.Then she took the time to think for herself...- It's true that there are no magical or natural substances that can make you grow by just 10cm... But in my history book, there are lots of magical objects or foods that can change your height.Except that this change was bigger than just 10cm and... Suddenly, a thought crossed Smurfette's mind, a thought that did not reassure her.- Is it all over? I've grown a lot in just one night but... Is it really over? Aren't I going to...But while Smurfette was lost in thought, a flash of shivers ran through her body, from head to toe.And a strange sensation spread, as the living room around her seemed to become smaller, and her nightgown gradually tore.Smurfette quickly understood what was happening to her.- Oh no! No, not again! She shouted in panic.Smurfette's body grew again and she watched helplessly as her naked body spilled out into her living room and her head hit the ceiling again as she sat down.- Brainy Smurf! Careful, I'll... Ouch!No sooner had Spectacled Smurf turned to face Smurfette, following her interrupted warning, than he was confronted by a blue foot the same size as himself, which toppled the table and slammed Spectacled Smurf against the wall.Smurfette's growth slowed to a halt and she contemplated her body, which had grown from 20cm tall to 30cm in just a few moments.- Oh no... not that... lamented Smurfette.I was already huge and now I'm filling the living room!At this revelation, Smurfette was about to burst into tears, when she heard a noise and a movement emanating from under her foot.She realised that Smurf with glasses was right underneath and immediately pulled him off.Poor Spectacled Smurf caught his breath and realised with amazement the proportions Smurfette had reached.He realised that the situation was more serious than he had thought, because not only had the fruit juice made her grow, but she was still growing.,In a panic, Brainy left Smurfette's house to go and explain to Papa Smurf what was happening to poor Smurfette.At the same time, a 30cm naked Smurfette tried to get out of the house, under the stunned gaze of the other Smurfs who had stayed outside.Unfortunately for her, her hips had become too wide to fit through the door.And despite her efforts to get through, she had no choice but to stay inside.Papa Smurf approached Smurfette's door and opened it so that he could talk to her while respecting her privacy.- Don't worry, Smurfette, we'll find a solution quickly.Me and Brainy won't waste a single second and the whole village will get involved.Don't worry little one, we won't let you down.These words were reassuring, but less so than the first time.The clock was ticking, and no one knew when Smurfette's next growth would take place or how far it might go.As quickly as possible, Papa Smurf and Brainy Smurf worked on the magic sarsaparilla.To better understand how it worked and to try to find an antidote for Smurfette.Meanwhile, the Smurfs in the village got together to look as white as possible.They were prepared to sacrifice their own spare clothes to make a dress big enough for Smurfette.However, they didn't know how long it would take and whether she would grow even bigger in the meantime.So they planned wide, even if it meant she would float in it, it was better to have too much than too little.And as everyone rushed outside, Smurfette tried to watch their efforts from her window.She was happy to see her friends so devoted, but not very reassured about the result of this "improvised dress".She was the sewing expert and without her to coordinate them, she doubted the reliability of the result.However, this fear was secondary, as she had a bigger problem on her hands.From her point of view, she had the impression of being in a miniature house.And she feared the moment when her growth would begin again.Several hours passed, the Smurfs had not been idle and continued their work under the heat of the sun.Normally, Smurfette would have prepared refreshments for them, but they had to make do with water from the well.While Papa Smurf's research slowed down.It was then that the dreaded moment arrived, and once again Smurfette felt the same sensations coursing through her body.- No... Please no! She pleaded in vain.From the outside, the whole of Smurfette's Mushroom House began to shake.The other Smurfs had noticed this and feared that their friend would come out of the house in a huge explosion.Under the pressure of her growth, Smurfette sank into the living room ceiling and ended up in her bedroom.And she continued to grow until she was completely trapped in the whole of her house.After which, her growth slowed before stopping again.Leaving Smurfette in an uncomfortable position, with not a single place left free for her.When she tried to estimate her height, with a great deal of fear, she realised that she was around 50cm tall.She realised that the previous figure had doubled and let out a breath of despair followed by a few tears that still remained inside her.The evening came with no new growth, nor any progress on a possible cure.The only consolation was that the whole village came to Smurfette's door to wish her good luck and good night.One after the other, with no ill intentions, they each offered their reassuring words before going to bed.In her current position, Smurfette knew that it wasn't going to be a good night, but at least she had the joy of having so many good intentions and so much concern for her.She finally fell asleep, thinking of her friends.,The next day finally arrived, with some pain and cramp for Smurfette.She would have liked to change position, but this was impossible and unfortunately she had to make do.She looked out of her bedroom window and saw that the other Smurfs in the village were up before the sun had even risen.Some hadn't even had breakfast, determined to do the right thing for Smurfette.Such an early morning sight was enough to make you forget the discomfort Smurfette was feeling.- I'm lucky to have friends like that. Despite what's happening to me, they're prepared to do the impossible for me. I'll have to thank them all once this horrible story is over.She smiled again, but it was to be short-lived.Because as midday approached, La Schtroumpfette felt this sensation invade her, even greater than the previous one.- Not again! Leave me alone! She shouted at this cursed growth.Once again, the Smurfs could see the house shaking from the outside, but this time they were sure there was going to be some breakage.The next moment, from the base of the mushroom house, two enormous blue legs curled in on themselves and two large arms sprang up from the roof.- Quick, Smurfs! Take cover! Shouted the manoeuvring master to the other Smurfs.As the house continued to shake and swell from the inside, the Smurfs ran in all directions to avoid being crushed by the projected debris or by Smurfette herself.All they left behind was a huge cloud of dust.Finally, it was Smurfette's head that came through her roof, followed by her whole upper body.When her growth finally stopped, Smurfette was dazzled by the sunlight and hid her eyes until they could adjust to the outside light again.When she was finally able to open her eyes, she saw the roofs of the mushroom houses just below her horizon.Then she looked down and saw the last of the Smurfs fleeing to safety.Those who were already safe could see with their own eyes how tall Smurfette was and how her breasts gleamed in the sunlight.Smurfette made a colossal effort not to cry again but couldn't help letting a few tears escape as she hid her face with her hands.Then she wanted to get up after spending more than a whole day sitting in great discomfort.But she lost her balance, the size of her body was too destabilising and she almost fell.All the Smurfs in the shelter then shouted in unison...- Look out!Luckily, Smurfette was able to catch herself but crushed an empty house in the process.- I'm sorry, I'm sorry!She stepped back to remove her foot but crushed another empty house.- Oh no, I didn't mean to! I didn't do that on purpose!Smurfette then had a small panic attack, she was now 90cm tall and the village was now almost too small for her.,To be continued...
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