Dumaker — Zombie Blood Chapter II: The Martyr by-nc-sa

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Published: 2014-11-01 11:56:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 4785; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 26
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Description What is the real story behind Zombie Blood®?


The corpse was in supine position, tightly tied to a low altar by thick ropes, almost frayed by time. His bony forearms, of a parchment-like dark brown colour, were elevated, showing frail muscles in their original tension. His hands, with the claws of a vermin, aimed for something that was long gone. And his golden-coloured nails, curved and blackened to the edges, formed a terrifying picture.

A massive hole crowned his head around his frontal bone. The impact caused by a blunt object, which could not be found, had completely run through his skull.

Finally, there was his horrendous face: his mouth showed an unnatural opening, very much like an animal grimace, similar to that of a rabid wolf about to bite with anger.

The reigning mess completed the oddity of the scene. Blackish candles all over the floor could be found among pieces of ruined parchments. Remains of thick wooden boards and sticks that had gone rusty with the pass of time cracked under an assortment of debris, which covered most of the damp floor. The view was far from the veneration that leads to the spirit of God in the presence of an authentic Christian martyr.

They were actually the vestiges of a chaotic fighting scene, and it was not hard to imagine the sound of the steps of men running along the stone walls. It was in fact difficult to keep one’s mind under control and escape from worse images.


¿Cual es la verdadera historia detrás de Zombie Blood©?


El cuerpo se encontraba decúbito supino, fuertemente amarrado con gruesas cuerdas (ya casi deshilachadas por los años) a una especie de altar bajo. Sus huesudos antebrazos, de un marrón oscuro apergaminado, permanecían elevados con los músculos consumidos mostrando aun su tensión original. Sus manos, como las garras de una alimaña, intentaban aferrar algo... algo que hacía siglos que ya no estaba allí, y unas largas uñas de un amarillo casi dorado se curvaban retorcidas, ennegreciéndose hacia los extremos, conformando una estampa de lo más aterradora.

Un tremendo boquete coronaba su cabeza a la altura del hueso frontal. El impacto, propinado sin duda por un objeto contundente que no lograron hallar en la escena, le había atravesado el cráneo de delante hacia atrás por completo.

Y para terminar, esa horrible expresión: la boca abierta de una forma antinatural, en una mueca casi animal, como un lobo rabioso a punto de morder con violencia.

El desorden reinante completaba lo inusual de la estampa: unas velas de color negruzco se mezclaban a cada paso con los pedazos casi irreconocibles de pergaminos deshilachados. Los restos de gruesos tablones de madera y palos ya corroídos por el tiempo crujían bajo los pies en una amalgama de despojos, ocultando casi por completo el suelo húmedo de la sala. La imagen no era, desde luego, la de un lugar de veneración y reposo para sentir a Dios en presencia de un genuino mártir cristiano.

Aquello eran más bien los restos de una escena de lucha y caos, y no costaba imaginar el sonido de las pisadas de hombres a la carrera resonando en los muros de piedra. De hecho, era complicado mantener la mente bajo control y no imaginar cosas mucho peores...



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Hi everyone!, today I need your help. I've been working hard on a project that today, finally, comes to crowdfunding.

This is "Zombie Blood", a different alcoholic beverage. Its texture and appearance is unique, imitating blood. With an original flavor, it is a drink of about 30 alcoholic degrees (maybe more, will be determined once we complete the crowdfunding) meant to be taken on very cold shots.

But Zombie Blood is not just a drink, it's a much more ambitious project. We want Zombie Blood settles as one drink and get very far with this project. To do this I need to collaborate on our crowdfunding. Choose the reward that you like and hopefully you'll soon ask for a shot of Zombie Blood in your favorite bar!

If you can not help us with money, please share our campaign with everybody!

Thanks for your help, rotten kisses!

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