DuskyBlade2018 — 101DS: Dusky Tiny Adventure
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Description “In the World is Anthro, there was a mansion that was home to 101 Anthro Dalmatians which were  descendants of Pongo and Perdita who were the original 101 Dalmatians it was calm and sunny afternoon as the parents, Delilah and Doug went to work with Dylan and Dolly being in charge and watching over their younger siblings. But Dolly had to watch over someone else as well because for his safety from the others including her own elderly brother, she headed to her room to find a jar next to her bed as she walked over to it and tapped on the jar.”

Dolly: Hey Dusky are you up?

“She lowered her head to look at what’s at the bottom of the jar to what seem to be a tiny human with green scaled wings and a spiky tail with Black-coal horns on the top of his head as he shifts a bit and he was met with Dolly’s nose and her adorable face.”

Dolly: Whatcha dreaming about?

Dusky: I was dreaming about you as a giant dog and we were having fun together

Dolly: Oh That’s sweet I was just checking on you, nobody came by my room,right?

Dusky: Nope I haven’t I’m sure they won’t find me I mean it’s your room I’m sure nobody will get me

Dolly: I know I just want you to be safe I can’t imagine what would they do to you if they did

“Dolly thought of multiple vision with Dusky gets crushed and swatted while the two didn’t notice Dawkins was listening to his big sister talking to someone only for whoever she’s talking to respond as he peeks inside to see who it is only to see his sister but no one else was in front of her which was odd.”

Dolly: Well I’m gonna go I’ll probably bring you something to eat later

“Dawkins hide as Dolly walked out of her room and walked off as Dawkins enter his big sister’s room as he looks around the room to see where the other voice came from until he see what looks like a jar which seem strange as to why she has it upon picking up the jar he soon heard a voice.”

Dusky: Uhhh...What are you doing?

Dawkins: Who said that?

Dusky: I’m in the jar

“Dawkins then looked inside of the jar to find Dusky.”

Dawkins: What the Dog are you?

Dusky: I’m Dusky Dolly has kept me in here to be safe

Dawkins: From what? The house is safe I can assure that

Dusky: Actually it’s meant to keep me safe from you all since she fear you would hurt me since I can be mistaken for a flea

Dawkins: Well to be honest that makes some sense since well you are small like a flea

Dusky: Yep so that’s why she put me in here to keep me protected

Dawkins: Well you’ll be back in there soon

Dusky: What are you talking about?

“Dawkins then twist the lid as Dusky was confused until he open the lid and he reach inside slowly to grab Dusky to not cause panic as if he was a predator that wants to eat him, but it didn’t work well as Dusky tries to fly away from his hand as he does his best to grab him gently, as to not cause him more stress eventually he manage to grab him but he let go as his horn poke his hand and his tail spike were sharp as he close the jar and decide to take the jar with him so Dusky can crawl inside whenever he feels comfortable.”

Dawkins: I want to perform some simple test on you just so I have a better understanding on how you function since you seem different than normal humans and I’m sure Dolly wouldn’t mind

Dusky: Well If you say so…

“Once we got to a safe spot, Dawkins got out a notepad and a pencil to write down his notes for studies on Dusky and he opened the jar and set the jar on the side so he can crawl out anytime he feels comfortable as well as put some small tools to test him.”

Dawkins: Now then just do some walk around and use your wing and tail as well

Dusky: Okay

“Dusky was doing some test for Dawkins as he writes down the result especially testing his intelligence and strength which he was impressed by, but what he doesn’t know two group of Dalmatian Triplets, Triple D and Dimitri Trio were eavesdropping after Deja Vu heard Dawkins talking when she walked by a room and decided to get the others just so they can see what he’s doing.

“They can hear what seems like Dawkins is talking to himself, but then they could have sworn they thought they just heard another voice but whom as it doesn’t sound familiar to any of them.”

Dawkins: Interesting Result it seem you have some potential in you that makes you more than just a human

Dusky: Well i mean I am a much better version of a human in general to be honest

Dawkins: Right Anyways I’ll be gone for a moment just wait here,ok?

“Dusky nodded as He head back to his jar and gets inside as Dawkin got up and left the room, Dusky relaxed until he felt the ground shake but it felt like more than once as Triple D and Dimitri Trio enters the room as they looked around to see whoever Dawkins was talking to, but it seem like they must be hiding so they looked around as Dallas’ walked around her foot kick the jar as the Jar got knocked over and rolled over to the side as Dusky was being rolled around until it stopped which got him really dizzy from that ride as he noticed a black sock on the jar as Dimitri 2 stopped the jar and picked it up to see Dusky inside.”

Dimitri 2: Hey guys check this out

“The other walked over to him and saw the jar which was holding something inside of it.”

Deja Vu: What the dog.
Dallas: is.
Destiny: That?

Dimitri 2: I don’t know but I think this is what Dawkin was talking to

Dimitri 3: We should probably take it somewhere safe so nobody else find it

Dallas: Good idea

“They run off to a hidden spot so they can get to know this little creature more. Once they did find a spot, Dimitri 1 opened the jar and dumped Dusky out as he fell out in front of Deja Vu’s feet as they looked at Dusky who was all curled up in fear.”

Dimitri 2: He doesn’t seem like he wants to say anything

Deja Vu: Like that’s because
Dallas: you’re scaring him by
Destiny: forcing him out his little comfort zone

“Destiny then snatched the jar from him as She picked up Dusky and put him back in the jar and set it down as they let him come out first.”

Destiny: It’s just new to seeing us Dawkin was probably being nice to him

Dallas: while you three just force him out of his jar

Dimitri 1: I was just eager to know is all

“Triple D rolled their eyes,annoyed as Deja Vu felt something hugging her foot and looked down to see Dusky.”

Deja Vu: Awwww~ He Likes me

“Deja Vu picks him up and nuzzles him as Dusky chuckled.”

Dusky: You’re nice

Deja Vu: Thank you

Dallas: Hey!
Destiny: What about us?

Dusky: You’re nice too

Dimitri 1: So exactly what can we do to him?

Destiny: Well for starter, we can try something small and simple

Dimitri 2: Hmmmm...Maybe he can rub our paws just to see how well he does at massage

Dallas: Well I do like a Massage myself

Deja Vu: Just one pup at a time

Dimitri Trio: Fine by us

“Triple D took their socks off to reveal their cute paws with their nail polish that made them more cuter as Dusky started rubbing Deja Vu’s Feet and despite his size, he make good work to ensure that all the good spot are rubbed to achieve full satisfaction as Deja Vu is enjoying this. Soon enough he rubbed Dallas and Destiny’s feet as they enjoyed it a lot and the Dimitri Trio prepared for their turn.”

“After He was finished with Triple D’s Feet, They put their socks back on and hug him gently as they are happy.”

Dallas: Like thank you
Destiny: For giving us a good foot massage.
Deja Vu: Yeah Thanks

Dusky: Thanks girls

“Dimitri Trio took their socks off to reveal their feet as they waited for Dusky as he flew over to them and he looked at their tags as they had numbers on them so he goes by number by rubbing Dimitri 1’s Paws which felt good to him as his tail wags and his toe wiggles a bit.

Dimitri 1: Wow this feels pretty good

Dallas: I know right

“Dusky continues rubbing as he rubs Dimitri 1’s other foot and goes to rub Dimitri 2’s feet. After he gets done, The two group are now satisfied as they decided to have fun as they play a game of hide and seek in which whoever find him first get to decide who gets to play with him in which Dusky agrees as both of them had their own ideas so Dusky goes off to hide somewhere as the two triplets count down. But as Dusky left the room, He was met with a paw that nearly stepped on him as he was in between the paw toes as he heard a voice.”

Da Vinci: I’m so sorry I didn’t hurt you did I?

“Dusky looked up to see Da Vinci looking down at him as she lifted her foot up and reached down to grab him gently so as to not spook him more and then lifting him up to her eye level.”

Da Vinci: Awwww it’s okay,little guy I’m not gonna hurt you I’m Da Vinci what’s yours?

Dusky: Dusky...Dusky Blade

Da Vinci: Well it’s nice to meet you hey maybe you would like me to paint you a picture?

Dusky: I guess that’ll be nice

“They both left as Dimitri Trio and Triple D looked around to find Dusky as they thought about the places where Dusky his size would mostly likely hide in. Meanwhile, Dolly looks around the house for her little guy as she breathes rapidly but tries to calm herself down as Dizzy and Dee Dee come by to see their big sister panicking as they comfort her.”

Dee Dee: What’s the matter? Why were you scared?

Dolly: I suppose I can trust you two for this news

Dizzy: What news?

Dolly: You see I had found a tiny human hybrid one night and I kept him a secret from you all as I fear something bad may happen to him but since I can trust you two, I can trust you to help me find him

Dizzy: Sure we can help out

Dolly: Thank you

“The three soon split up to find Dusky as Dawkin came back to find the jar and Dusky is gone as he looked around for him. Back to Da Vinci and Dusky, She was painting him a picture for Dusky as he looks at the various of painting she made as it seem pretty good artwork and then Da Vinci poke him on the head as he looked at it and see that it looks like a colorful flower in which he loves it and Da Vinci hangs it up on display as she decided to paint a portrait of Dusky as he does a nice pose as she tries to paint him.”

“Meanwhile Dizzy and Dee Dee looked for Dusky even though they don’t know his description just that he’s tiny.”

“Da Vinci then finished her painting as she showed it to him as it looks wonderful.”

Da Vinci: So how do you like it?

Dusky: It’s pretty good artwork

Da Vinci: Thanks

“Da Vinci put it up as Dusky left Da Vinci to do her thing and when he was outside of the doorway, Dee Dee saw Dusky as a Bug rather than a tiny human.”

Dee Dee: Ewww!!! A bug

Dizzy: You won’t bother us anymore

Dusky: Wait don’t step on me

“Dusky word didn’t get through them as Dee Dee lift her bare paw up and Dizzy lift her shoe up as Dusky ran away as they stomp down and they followed him as they were stomping behind him with their feet getting closer and closer until Dizzy jumped up and stomp down cause him to jump up and landed on Dee Dee’s foot as he climbed up her pant leg.”

“Dee Dee tries to grab him but can’t figure out where he is as he climbs up in her overall so she doesn’t feel him on her leg and he arrived at where he can see her shirt and climbs up to reach her shoulder and upon reaching her shoulder, he yelled in her ear which got her attention immediately as she looked around.”

Dee Dee: Did you hear that?

Dizzy: Hear what?

Dee Dee: Someone yelled Don’t crush me

Dizzy: Is it that bug on your shoulder?

Dee Dee: Huh?

“She looked over to see Dusky and Grabbed him and threw him away.”

Dee Dee: I think that bug was the human Dolly told us about

Dizzy: Uh oh…

“Dusky was flying through the air as he soon landed hard on Dylan’s head as he flinched as Dusky rolled onto his nose, dizzy from the crash landing.”

Dylan: Huh? What’s this?

“Dylan picked Dusky up from one leg as he examined him to see he was dizzy.”

Dylan: I have no idea what you are or where you can from but you seem like you’re a human/Dinosaur hybrid since your wings and tail are like dinosaurs in a way or perhaps you are the next evolution between Humans and Dinosaur

“Dylan was happy at this point as he was like a happy puppy that his hobby became true and reality as Dusky shook his head to get rid of the Dizziness only to see Dylan with a happy smile upside down.”

Dusky: Could you put me down please

Dylan: Oh sure

“Dylan puts him down on the table as he got on his knee to get to his eye level as his tail was wagging happily.”

Dusky: Well I won’t say I’m really am because I think you believe what I could be so I won’t crush your vision

Dylan: Uhhh...Okay then this is so cool to finally meet something like you

Dusky: Oh really now also I’m Dusky sorry for not introduce myself earlier

Dylan: It’s okay my Dylan I’m technically the older siblings of the household

Dusky: Oh really how many siblings do you have?

Dylan: Around 99 Siblings that includes me and my older sister

Dusky: Oh you have an older sister?

Dylan: Yeah she’s more of a rebellious tomboy Pup who tends to get her or us in trouble. Her name is Dolly

Dusky: Wait you’re Dolly’s older brother?!

Dylan: Yeah why?

Dusky: Because she took care of me that’s how

Dylan: Wait wait she’s been taken care of you this whole time

Dusky: pretty much she’s been like a good caretaker to me and protect me

Dylan: From what?

Dusky: Well from you and your siblings I nearly got crush by Two of them who I assume they’re names were Dee Dee and Dizzy

Dylan: Oh I see I’m sorry that happens to you

Dusky: It’s fine I don’t blame them I mean I’m as small as a Flea

Dylan: Well I don’t think you don’t have to worry about them but I think it’s our parents you may have to worry about

Dusky: O-oh

Dylan: Yeah but don’t worry they’re both gone off to work so you’re safe for now

Dusky: Oh good

Dylan: So Dusky tell me about yourself?

“Meanwhile Dizzy and Dee Dee find Dawkins looking around as they walk over to him to see what he is looking for.”

Dizzy: Dawkins, are you looking for Princess Positron?

Dawkins: No I’m just looking for something a jar is all but I can’t tell you

Dee Dee: Well we have to look for Dusky

Dawkins: Wait how do you know Dusky?

Dee Dee: Dolly told us and she told us to look for him

Dizzy: How did you know him?

Dawkins: Uhhhh…Well I took him out of her room

Dizzy and Dee Dee: Oh Dawkins….

Dawkins: What I was curious about, can you blame me?

“Dawkins explained to them that he left the room one moment and when he came back, the jar containing him was gone as The two left Dawkins to do his thing as they soon heard Triple D and Dimitri Trio talking.”

Dallas: Where did that little one went to?
Destiny: I know this is so odd and he didn’t even respond

Dimitri 1: He probably run off that’s pretty much cheating

Dallas: We didn’t say he can’t leave the room

Dimitri 2: Well still he lose the game which means we won

“They enter the room as the two group told Dizzy and Dee Dee about Dusky and how Dimitri 2 stole him from Dawkins when he left after he ran away somewhere as Dizzy and Dee Dee went off to find more clues.”

“Back to Dusky and Dylan, Dusky told him his tale of his life as Dylan was writing down his story on a notebook to remember this and when he finished it, Dylan closed his book.”

Dylan: That was a Incredibles story,Dusky I assume you have other places to be

Dusky: Yep see ya later

“He hop off of the table and walked off to find Dolly as he soon see a Anthro Dalmatian who was wearing Headphones as he was dancing to some music as he would try to walk past him but then his foot block his path as he started stomping around him, making avoid getting stepped on.”

Dusky: Hey! Don’t step on me! I’m down here

“DJ continues dancing as his paws nearly crush him as he jumps out of the way only to bump into his other paw as he soon got stepped on as DJ Stopped and pulls his headphone off as he looks around.”

DJ: Huh, that’s odd I thought I heard someone said something… probably nothing

“He resumed his music as he walked off with Dusky flattened by DJ as he walked off and Dusky lifted his head up.”

Dusky: I’m surprised I manage to survive the whole thing I just wish things would be a little gentle on me

“Suddenly Dusky felt something wet drop onto his head as he grabbed whatever he could and looked at it to see it’s saliva, unaware of the shadow of Diesel as he’s looking down at him curiously with his tongue stuck out and drool drips onto the floor.”

Diesel: I see you...

“Dusky then looked up to see Anthro Dalmatians as he was covered in dirt and mud so it was hard to see some of the spots on his body and he seemed to be crossed-eyed as he backed up slowly before taking off running.”

“Diesel noticed he wasn’t running so fast so he jumped in front of him which cause Dusky to stop in his track as he struggle to change direction as Diesel grabbed Dusky in time before he took off running as Dusky struggle as he think he might be dog food to this Dalmatian as he can feel his breath blown against him as he brace himself. But he only had a couple of gentle licks as he opened one eye as he looked at Diesel who seemed like he was waiting for a response as he thought he was sleeping.”

Diesel: Wakey Wakey little guy

“Dusky then opened his other eye to face Diesel.”

Diesel: So you’re not gonna eat me?

Diesel: No I wouldn’t eat a friend beside you probably won’t taste good or feel good in my tummy

Dusky: Good point I suppose I’m Dusky what’s your name?

Diesel: I’m Diesel nice to meet you Dusty

Dusky: It’s Dusky with a K, not a T

Diesel: Oh okay Ducky

Dusky: No it’s Dusky D.U.S.K.Y

Diesel: Dusky

Dusky: There you go I guess not everyone can get my name right I don’t blame you

“Diesel then take Dusky outside as he set him down and he started digging a hole as Dusky try to avoid getting dirty from the dirt flying out of the hole Diesel was making, unfortunately some dirt got on him as he got dirty and his wings got caught in some mud, disabling his ability to fly which means him a sitting duck to everything and everyone.”

“Diesel soon popped out of the hole he made as he looked around for Dusky.”

Diesel: Huh? Where did he go? I guess he must be playing hide and seek

“Dusky soon came out of the pile of dirt and mud only to see Diesel climb out as his left paw crushed a small pile of dirt into a neat paw print as he was gonna step on him next as he tries to escape the mound of dirt as Diesel’s paw was about to come down upon him as he managed to escape and He was in front of Diesel’s paw as he stepped down and he looked as his paw lifted up over and as he resume his walk to find him and Dusky made a break for it back in the house.”

“Dusky was all dirty from outside as he looks for a bathroom in hope he can get wet to soak the wings off or someone could help him wash him up and surprisingly there was someone here and judging from the look of his, he seem to be goth as he was washing his hands and he walked up to his and climbs up a wall to reach the sink.”

“Dante hums a tune as he washed his hands as he thinks about what to do.”

Dante: I may predict that something demonic and something unexpected will come straight to me

Dusky: Excuse me

Dante: Huh? What was that?

“Dante looked around him to find the source of the tiny voice.”

Dusky: I’m in the sink

“Dante then looked at the sink to see Dusky covered in mud as Dante was confused as to what Dusky is with all that mud on him.”

Dante: Oh what are you?

Dusky: I’m Dusky and well i Kinda got a little dirty so could you probably wash me up please?

Dante: Uhhhhh….Sure

“Dante picked Dusky up as he washed him off of all of the dirt and mud on him using Soap and Warm Water as Dusky is happy for the Warm water. Once Dusky was all cleaned and dried off, Dante looked at Dusky with shock to see it’s a tiny human with wings and horns.”

Dante: It’s true the time in which superior being will the human population with their sheer intelligence and willpower

Dusky: Meaning?

Dante: You must be destroy to ensure the world will be safe from you

Dusky: Wait what?!

“Dante raises his hand and Dusky misses out of the way when he smack his hand on the sink, Dusky landed on the ground in which he noticed as he lift his foot up as Dusky could see the bottom of his shoe as he flies off in which Dante miss him and he tries to grab Dusky in the air.”

Dusky: Knock it off! I’m not some demonic Entity you fool!

Dante: Your appearance never lies,Demon

“Dusky turns off the light as Dante was blinded by darkness as Dusky went under the door to escape as Dante turned it on to see Dusky is gone.”

Dante: The World is saved from the claws of the demon, but for how long

“Dusky then flew off and landed on something.”

Dusky: What is with that goth boy? It’s like he think the end of the world is the one thing he think of

Delgado: That’s Dante he’s always like that and well he can go a bit overboard

“Dusky perked up and looked up to see Delgado looking down at him as Dusky cowardly curled up as he was scared.”

Dusky: Please don’t hurt me!

Delgado: Whoa relax I’m not gonna hurt you

Dusky: R-really?

Delgado: Yeah and don’t worry about me stepping in you since I don’t feets

“He lifted his leg up to reveal his stump leg which explains the wheelchair.”

Dusky: Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know

Delgado: It’s Alright I’m Delgado what’s yours?

Dusky: Dusky…. Dusky Blade

Delgado: Well Dusky let me ask you something, are those wings of yours real and can you fly with them?

Dusky: Of course they are I’ve used them often time

Delgado: I see well maybe you don’t mind if we have a race because I wanted to see if you can beat me in a race

Dusky: Oh a race? I suppose I could use something to lift my spirit up

“Delgado and Dusky got to a good track to begin their race and once the race started, Both of them run off with Delgado using his wheel to speed up and Dusky using his wings to propelled himself as their speed was nearly a match as they were both fast with their respectful speed. And eventually when they cross the finish line, they both tie in the end.”

Delgado: Whoa we were pretty fast I have to admit that was a good race

Dusky: Same here it felt like my worries just flew right off of me

Delgado: I’m glad you feel better maybe we can race again someday

Dusky: Alrighty take care

“They both parted ways. Meanwhile Dolly talked with Dizzy and Dee Dee as they talked to some of the pups which revealed that Dawkin was the first to take him, Then Triple D and Dimitri Trio took him but then he left as he left his jar which made Dolly more worried.”

Dizzy: Dolly, don’t be scared we’ll find him soon

Dee Dee: Yeah as long as we think we can find him before…

Doug: Pups! we’re home

Dizzy: before mom and dad get home….

“Back to Dusky, He was flying and he was getting hungry from the big race he had with Delgado as he looked around for something to eat. Until he smell something good and followed it and he soon see a plate of food as he dashed towards it and starts eating to his heart content, but he was in a bad spot to be when Delilah and Doug walked over to the kitchen to eat their meal together unaware of the tiny guest in Delilah’s Food as they talked.”

Delilah: Hmmm...I wonder why the pups are running about as if they’re looking for something

Doug: I’m sure they’re probably playing hide n seek

“The two started talking about their day and what they should plan about, Delilah used a Fork to grab her food but Dusky got caught in as he got stuck in the food.”

Dusky: Whoa!

“Dusky soon faces his fate as he sees Delilah’s open mouth as he shivered.”

Dusky: Oh no! Don’t eat me!

“Dusky saw it was getting closer before he closed his eyes and Doug noticed something on her fork.”

Doug: Wait!

“Doug stopped his wife by grabbing her arm, stopping the fork.”

Delilah: Doug, What’s wrong?

Doug: Look what’s on your fork

Delilah: Hmmmm?

“Delilah looked down as she gasped to see the Scared and Tiny Dusky as she almost ate this poor creature as she got him out of the food and set him down on a napkin to get the food off of him.”

Delilah: Oh my goodness I nearly ate him he must be terrified

Doug: I guess he must have been hungry

“Doug cuts a piece of food and put it next to Dusky as he gets out of his scared position as he looks at the food and he then eats it which the two smiled to see him happy.”

Doug: Have you seen anything like this?

Delilah: No I’ve never seen anything like this and at this size

“After Dusky finished eating, He told Them his names and how he got here in which they were surprised as they try to be supportive until one of pups grabbed him and soon after another one grabbed him as the two sighed as the pups started fighting over him as he was being Tossed around even the other pups who spend time with him tries to save him but it made the situation worse until Dolly and Dylan heard the commotion and they see them fighting and Dolly see Dusky beings toss around.”

Dolly: Everyone STOP!!

“They all stopped and turned to face Dolly as Dusky landed on a male Dalmatians Pup’s head.”

Dolly: You all should be ashamed of yourself you’re scaring him to death that’s why I had to hide him from you all because I knew this would happen to him if he was found by anyone in the house. If you excuse me, I have to take him back to my room so he can calm down!

“Dolly stormed off as the Dalmatians Pups that did cause him trouble felt bad for what they did while some were shocked that Dolly was the owner of him in some way.”

“In Dolly’s Room, Dusky was being pet by Dolly who tries to comfort him from the experience he must have gone through.”

Dolly: I’m so sorry for leaving you,Dusky I promise to take care of you more carefully

“Dolly yawned as she Decided to go to sleep as she was getting tired and Dusky was placed next to her on a pillow. The next morning, Dolly found what looks like presents that are meant for someone and when Dolly view them tag it was for Dusky which he was surprised by this and when Dolly and Dusky came downstairs, they see all of the Dalmatians with a cake in front of them which says ‘We’re Sorry,Dusky’ which is their apology from all of them.”

Dante: I’m sorry for you know nearly crushing you like a bug

Dee Dee: Me and Dizzy are sorry too when Dolly told us your name we didn’t know who you were until now

DJ: Same here I didn’t realize you were there but I guess it was that voice I heard when I listening to some music

Dimitri Trio: We are apologize for treating you bad

“Dusky eyes watered as it means a lot to him.”

Dusky: Awww you guys are the best and I don’t blame you all therefore I forgive you all

“They were happy that he accepted their apology.”

Dusky: And you know what this calls for a Group Hug!

Pups: Hugs!

Doug: Oh boy

Dolly: Trigger Word

“They all hug Dolly and Dusky as Doug,Delilah and Dylan chuckled.”

Dylan: It seem Dolly got a taste of her own medicine

Doug: Sure seem like it

Dusky: I love you guys

“In the End, Dusky was now a part of the Dalmatians Family and he will do his best to help around the house and help the pups with whatever they nodded.”

The End.

(Bonus Part)

“Dusky was flying off as he needed to catch his breath after all that had happened, meanwhile Deepak was meditating in peace as he’s in his happy place.”

Deepak: Mmmmm....This is my happy place

“Then he felt something on his nose as he tried to ignore it, but it felt kinda itchy and so he opened his eye to see what it was. He soon was surprised to see it was Dusky which he was confused as to why he was exhausted and he picked him off of his nose.”

Deepak: Oh hello there little guy what’s wrong?

Dusky: I’m so tired and my mind is racing like a racehorse with the hooves hitting my brain and I can’t think straight! Also I was treated like a bug too!

“Deepak could see he is troubled and he decided to teach him to meditate in hope it’ll help calm his mind at ease. So he set Dusky down on a table next to him.”

Deepak: Maybe some meditation should help you think of something

Dusky: I don’t know really I’ve never done a meditation before

Deepak: Oh well it’s pretty simple to do just watch me

“Deepak sat down on his pillow with his legs crossed in and he breathed softly which Dusky copied him but when he breathed out, a fire stream came out as he was surprised to see this.”

Deepak: Alright now close your eyes and let your mind clear your bad thoughts and relax your muscles as you do it

“Dusky slowly closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. Dusky soon sees a trash bin and various Dark figures that seem to resemble the pups in some form which were led by two Bigger figures as their walking causes the ground to shake as he grabs the lid.”

Dusky: I wonder what will happen…

“He opened the lid as bright light flashed the entire room as all of the dark figures vanished and the scene was replaced with a pink cloudy room as Dusky was floating in mind as he felt like he was in peace as he made himself into a meditating position.”

Dusky: Peace…..

“In reality, Dusky was sleeping due to him being in peace for such a long time as Deepak smiled and pet his tiny head.”

Deepak: Happy to help out a stressed out creature

“Deepak resume his meditation while Dusky was sleeping peacefully in his happy place.”
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Comments: 76

DuskyBlade2018 In reply to ??? [2020-03-14 01:21:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks I hope you enjoy the Dorothy Story

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-14 02:03:52 +0000 UTC]

Um, I think you forgot Deepak

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-14 02:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Dang It I knew I felt like I was missing something Though I wasn’t sure how he would react with him

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-14 02:29:00 +0000 UTC]

Well, maybe while he's meditating, he felt something on his nose, and saw Dusky, and he was surprised, and then both he and Dusky meditate together

How's that?

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-14 02:45:54 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm...that seem good part I’ll see if I’ll put that scene in the story soon

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-14 02:49:45 +0000 UTC]


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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 04:27:55 +0000 UTC]

Just finished up Deepak Part and updated this story

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 04:29:12 +0000 UTC]


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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 04:49:25 +0000 UTC]


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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 04:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Wish Jarred and Lewis adventure is similar to Dusky's, but without the massages, and been between their toes, and nearly getting eaten

If you know what I mean

Just trying not to get stomped on and interacting with the pups

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 05:04:54 +0000 UTC]

I see what you mean I guess it’ll be odd how that’ll be also Jarred and Lewis as humans or as Dalmatians

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 11:58:51 +0000 UTC]

Uh, humans, cause they'll probably have no family

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 12:11:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah that’s true

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 13:42:58 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, also running away from... Well some bad people

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 15:08:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 15:09:53 +0000 UTC]


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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 15:32:18 +0000 UTC]

Maybe it could be a scenario in which Jarred and Lewis were in Dusky’s place how would will things turned out

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 15:34:03 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, I.. I don't know

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 17:06:38 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I don’t know how it’ll work

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 17:08:30 +0000 UTC]

Well... I just thought that well uh.. Jarred and Lewis have no family

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 17:13:13 +0000 UTC]

I know you told me I was thinking about how those two would fit in Dusky’s place

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 17:20:15 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, maybe it could be a different version

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 17:47:15 +0000 UTC]

Probably maybe like Jarred and Lewis were fleeing from some bad people and then they stumbled upon a portal and they decided to jump inside seeing the people are getting closer. And upon waking up where they are at, they appeared to be in a house but it seem to be different to their POV and after scanning the area a bit, They’re shrunken in size

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 17:49:42 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that could be right

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 19:41:29 +0000 UTC]

Yep they decided to look around in hope there’s someone here that’ll take care of the two boys, they would soon stumble upon Dylan who was mopping up the floors until the two felt another form of shaking as it was Diesel coming in leaving behind trails of dirt and mud behind him in which the boys avoid getting stepped on as Dylan noticed and cleans up behind Diesel but in the progress they tried to avoid getting swiped up and Dylan see something on the ground

Since mines was Dolly I figured Dylan would be their caretaker since he’s the more responsible one

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 20:48:58 +0000 UTC]

Um Dusky, what else?

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 21:14:18 +0000 UTC]

they would find this odd as it’s hard to tell how this happened so they walked around to see various of Dolly from multiple worlds including Dragon And Kaiju Dolly thrive as Multiple Dizzy and Dee Dee helps their Dolly with the task they need help with as they would greet the boys as Dusky see this as Heaven to see multiple Dolly at once. They soon looked at the news as it was a Anthro Dizzy and Dee Dee announcing the news with us on the news report. We head back home to where the three Dolly were making food as we discussed what happened as Dusky was distracting with the thoughts of spending time with Dragon Dolly and Kaiju Dolly until Jarred gets him into focus at hand in which he was unsure of until they heard what sounds like a parade and when they went outside, They see all of the Dolly,Dee Dee and Dizzy were celebrating our arrival as they see what looks like a big shiny cake as the top opened up to reveal Feral Triple D and Anthro Triple D which were more confused what happened as we slowly went back inside of the house, They explore the house until Jarred found a history book in which Lewis and Dusky went to him as it turns out it started with Dolly being home alone until she found a bottle and drank it which cause her to warp into a empty world but she was able to do whatever she wants which also mean bring more Dolly to her world as she later adds Dee Dee,Dizzy,Triple D and Dorothy Mainly the ones Dolly prefers the best with since Nobody will boss her around not even Dylan which we found it shocking but it never told us which Dolly and Dusky thinks it’s Feral Dolly. The Parade soon end with a knock at the door as when Dusky opened it Anthro Triple D hug us as they left. Dusky kinda loves this world while Jarred and Lewis was happy that Dolly could do anything she wants now that Dylan won’t bother her

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 21:17:44 +0000 UTC]

Well uh, I thought it would be of what else while Dylan is taking care of Jarred and Lewis

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 21:31:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh I see it was a dream scene they had since you know Dusky had a dream when Dolly found him

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 21:32:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh, a dream where Jarred and Lewis were dreaming of different versions of Dolly

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 21:48:39 +0000 UTC]

Yes that what was talking about

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 21:52:39 +0000 UTC]


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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 19:43:05 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, alright

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 20:53:44 +0000 UTC]

Yep I had one idea in which I think you’ll love what if Jarred and Lewis with/out Dusky were sharing a dream in which they were in the Dalmatians House but noticed that nobody is here so we assume they all went out but they see that Feral Dolly was here but sooner Lewis finds some photo in which had only Dolly in them which was odd to him and eventually we found a Anthro Dolly with a Medieval Dolly. They were literally in a world of Dolly which surprised the three boys that this world was inhabited by Dolly and some were Dizzy and Dee Dee.

It could be The Planet of the Dolly

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 20:58:23 +0000 UTC]

Um, that'll be a bit odd

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 21:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah some dreams are often odd

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 21:33:26 +0000 UTC]

So uh.... What else, like right after the dream, both Jarred and Lewis had?

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 23:37:31 +0000 UTC]

They would wake up in Dylan’s Treehouse to see the Space and Dinosaur stuff as Dylan comes up to find his two friends awake and he believes their alien cause when they explain what they are, Dylan has never heard of a human before. Dylan will try to keep them a secret from the others especially from Dolly and his parents as things can turn bad to worse

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-15 23:40:19 +0000 UTC]

Okay then, so uh, is there anything else

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-15 23:59:34 +0000 UTC]

I guess Dylan would keep them in his treehouse since not many comes up here so they’ll be safe but there will be a time when Dolly see Dylan acting weird and follow him and she’ll find whatever Dylan was up too and eventually it’ll end up being like how Dusky met each of the pups

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-16 00:04:12 +0000 UTC]

Okay, and uh.. Is there anything else?

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-16 00:16:08 +0000 UTC]

Well I would think after they met the pups they would tell the family why they end up here and after hearing the two had no family, Dee Dee and Dizzy would suggest that they could be a part of their family which seem like a good idea and asking Jarred and Lewis if they want to be a part of their family and they say yes as Dolly claims they now have two Little brothers

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-16 00:17:06 +0000 UTC]

Well, well alright then.... Is that all?

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-16 00:22:37 +0000 UTC]


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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-16 00:23:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh, right, that's uh, a bit short

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-16 00:32:15 +0000 UTC]

It’s not exactly short I mean you would including the interaction with each of the pups with DeePak and Dorothy

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-16 00:33:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but also with Jarred and Lewis avoiding getting stepped on too as they were mistaken as bugs

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-16 01:06:13 +0000 UTC]

That’s true

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dialga2018 In reply to DuskyBlade2018 [2020-03-16 01:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, so what happened to that?

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DuskyBlade2018 In reply to dialga2018 [2020-03-16 01:18:26 +0000 UTC]

To what?

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