EagleNut — 6 on 6 Pokemon Battle Brother vs Brother Part 3
Published: 2013-02-21 16:08:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 819; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 1
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Description “Whatever. Let’s see if you have a Pokémon that can equal my Dragonite’s power right now.”

“Challenge accepted,” I said, reaching for a Pokemon who I knew had the best chance to overcome Dragonite right now.

“Lucario, time for battle!” I yelled. A bipedal jackal-like Pokémon with spikes on the back of its forepaws and mostly blue and black fur, plus a creamy colored fur on its torso, materialized out of the silver and brown Pokéball I had thrown.  It growled when it sensed Dragonite and its immense power.

“I’m going to stick with Dragonite while it’s powered up,” David said.

“Fine by me,” I said, “Lucario, Dark Pulse!”  Lucario put both its forepaws together, dark energy forming in front of the paws.

“Dragonite, Flamethrower!”

“Dodge, then fire!”  Lucario dove to the side, avoiding the flames and launching the dark ball of energy at the same time.

“Dragonite, knock it back with Dragon Claw!” Dragonite slashed at the Dark Pulse with green claws and instead of knocking it back, the Dragon Claw merely obliterated the Dark Pulse.  Dark energy splashed off the aura Dragonite was projecting, the sheer power of its rage preventing any damage.  “I told you big brother, my Dragonite is practically invincible right now.”

“Everything has their limits,” I shot back, “Metal Claw, go!”  The spikes on the back of Lucario’s paws glowed silver, then extended into three claws each, eerily reminiscent of the infamous X-Man, Wolverine.  Lucario charged towards Dragonite, dragging the Metal Claw along the ground to build up ever more power.

“Aerial Ace!” Dragonite charged towards Lucario, surrounded by white streaks of energy and faster than even Lucario could move, the Aerial Ace struck, knocking Lucario back.  “Now use Thunderbolt!”

“Guard with Bone Rush!” I called.  Lucario put its paws together, then brought them out, creating a blue bone shaped staff of energy.  Lucario then planted the “staff” into the ground and used it as a lightning rod to avoid any damage.
“Nice,” David  said, “Let’s see you do that with Dragonite’s Ice Beam!”  Dragonite fired a jagged light blue beam of energy, larger than a normal Ice Beam.

“I have a counter for that too,” I said, “Ice Punch!”  Lucario’s right forepaw glowed with the same icy color as the Ice Beam and Lucario punched the incoming attack.  The energy from the Ice Beam concentrated itself into the Ice Punch, and the only negative effect was Lucario’s arm was frozen, which was easily fixed by a simple blow to the ice. The ice shattered and Lucario was fine.
“I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to beat you,” David growled, “But this is getting ridiculous! Dragonite, Aerial Ace!”  Dragonite flew towards Lucario, once again surrounded by white streaks of energy.

“Lucario, block with Thunder Punch!”  Lucario’s left paw began to crackle with electricity and this time, my Pokémon managed to connect with Dragonite’s attack.  The two Pokémon struggled for a bit, then Lucario was flung back.  It landed on its feet, growling.

David chuckled. “It’s time to end this.  Dragonite, use Dragon Claw!”

“Lucario, Thunder and Ice Close Combat!” I yelled.  Lucario’s left and right fists began to crackle and glow respectively and Lucario began to trade blows with Dragonite at intense speeds.  “Keep it up Lucario!”

“Tri-Beam, now!” David called.  Dragonite blocked a blow from Lucario’s Ice Punch, then grabbed Lucario by the throat. While Lucario struggled wildly, Dragonite opened its mouth, energy collecting within.

“Lucario, use Aura Sphere to escape!” I yelled.  Lucario stopped struggling, then put its paws behind him, aura energy gathering between.  As Lucario tried to attack, Dragonite used a Dragon Claw to knock Lucario’s hands away, sending the Aura Sphere flying away and giving the Alakazam protecting the crowd something to worry about.

“Finish it!” David yelled triumphantly.

“No! Lucario!” I cried.  Dragonite fired the powerful beam and I heard Lucario scream.  There was an explosion. Then Lucario’s smoking form was thrown in front of me.  Lucario was in one piece, but his fur was singed and smoking.  A silence had fallen over the arena.  The Steel/Fighting type was not moving.

“Lucario is unable to battle,” the referee began, “Dragon-"

“Wait,” I interrupted, “Look.” A glow had appeared around Lucario’s body.  The Aura Pokémon groaned, then began to slowly push himself up.

“Very well, continue,” the referee said and lowered his flag.  Lucario pushed himself upright, then with a loud yell, announced his presence.  A blue aura similar to that of a Super Saiyan appeared and Lucario glowered at Dragonite with bright blue eyes.

“What is that?” David said, recoiling in surprise.

I recognized what was happening right away, but I hadn’t counted on it.  After all, it was only the third time this had happened. “Just like your Dragonite gains a power when his health gets really low, my Lucario gains power when his health is really low.  I call it Hyper Mode, since the blue aura reminds me of Metroid Prime.”

“So basically, your Lucario is just as powerful as my Dragonite?”

“Pretty much.”

“Why do you always have to one-up me?” David asked.

“Because I’m older” I answered, “Shall we continue?”

“Dragonite, Flamethrower!”  Intense flames shot towards Lucario.

“Dodge.” I said simply.  With speed that would have rivaled even a Speed Form Deoxys, Lucario seemed to disappear and reappear a few yards to the side. “Bone Rush.”  The glowing staff grew in Lucario’s fist again and the Aura Pokémon charged.

“Dragonite, use Dragon Claw!”  The two attacks met, green claw versus blue staff, sparks flying for a moment, then Lucario spun, using Dragonite’s force against him and struck with the bone.  Dragonite roared and flew up.

“Dragonite, Aerial Ace!”

“Lucario, block with Metal Claw!”  The two attacks collided, then Lucario again spun and used its boosted speed to land another attack.

"Dragon Claw!"

"Thunder and Ice Close Combat!"  In a repeat of the earlier action, both Lucario and Dragonite were fighting at high speeds, but this time, Lucario had the upper hand.  Dragonite was making sure he blocked the Ice Punch, but Lucario made sure that the Thunder Punch didn't miss much.  With a roar, Dragonite finally broke away from the combat.

“Dragonite, fly up and use Tri-Beam, maximum power!” David yelled.

“Lucario, Aura Blast!” I commanded.  Dragonite soared over everyone’s heads and began charging his attack.  Lucario began charging his attack, a glowing blue ball of aura energy growing within the Aura Pokémon’s hands.
“Caaaaaarrrrr, iiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Lucario cried, “Arrrrrrrrrr, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” (Translated: Kaaaaaaaa, meeeeeee, haaaaaaaa, meeeeeeeeeee)

“Dragonite, FIRE!!!!” David yelled.  With a earth-rattling roar, Dragonite launched the beam of energy towards my Pokémon.

“Lucario!” I shouted.

“Oooooooooooooooooo!” Lucario cried and fired an immense beam of aura energy up to meet the incoming Tri-Beam. (Translation: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!)

The two attacks met in midair and the Aura Pokémon and Dragon Pokémon began a power struggle to try and overcome the others attack.

“You can do it Dragonite, give it all you got!” David yelled
“Hang in there Lucario, I know you can beat him!” I added encouragingly.  The amount of energy from both Pokémon was enormous! The ground beneath my feet was shaking.  Chunks from the ground were torn up and consumed as the two Pokémon fought.  I shielded my face with my arms from the flying debris.  There was a loud explosion and a ton of smoke.  Once I heard no more rocks falling, I lowered my arms and peered through the smoke.  I heard a thud that sounded like a body hitting the ground.  There was a sudden breeze and I saw a Pidgeot blowing away the smoke with a mild Gust attack.  The Pidgeot turned and flew back to the referee, who recalled the Bird Pokémon.  To my surprise, both Lucario and Dragonite lay on the field unconscious. Then again, I shouldn’t have been too surprised, given the amount of energy the two Pokémon had been putting out.  The field was a wreck, alternating between gaping holes in the terrain and rubble strewn about anywhere.
“Both Dragonite and Lucario are unable to battle,” the referee began, then paused, looking at the fallen Pokémon expectantly, wondering if they were going to get up. After a brief moment, he continued, “The result is a draw!  We will take a brief 10 minute intermission to fix the battlefield, then the battle will resume.  Trainers, please return to the waiting rooms and we will call for you when ready.”

Normally I would have advocated for continuing the battle, since the terrain is a factor that any trainer has to prepare for, but I was willing to make an exception for this time, since the display of power from both my Pokémon and my brother’s Pokémon was almost impossible to believe had I not seen it in front of my very eyes.  I recalled my Lucario back into his silver and brown ball and began to walk back to the entrance.  Already, I could see the grounds crew and their Pokémon getting to work on the battlefield.  I went over the score so far.  I had three Pokémon left, one at full health.  My brother also had three Pokémon left but he had two at full health.  By that count, he was winning.  However, I hadn’t come this far to lose and while both Sceptile and Blaziken had been weakened by their previous battles, I was certain that their determination would make up for that.  I knew my little brother had at least one of his two Ice types with him, which gave me a slight type advantage there, but in a Pokémon battle as intense as this one, one slip-up could turn the tide of the battle.  I sat down on the bench inside the waiting room, where a TV over in the corner replayed highlights of our battle so far, spending a lot of time on the most recent round between Lucario and Dragonite.  I buried my head in my hands as I contemplated my next strategies.  I figured I would lead with my healthy Pokémon, giving Sceptile and Blaziken as much time to rest as possible, but David could be unpredictable at times and may lead with another Pokémon and-

The door to the waiting room opened and my best friend, Caitlynn, walked in. She was a slender young woman with a Plusle and Minun on her shoulders, both partially covered by her brown hair.

“Hey there Daniel, you’re doing a great job out there,” she said when I looked up.

“Even though my little brother is fighting me tooth and nail,” I said.  Her Plusle and Minun jumped down from her shoulders as Caitlynn sat down next to me and they hopped into my own lap.

“Yes, but he’s learned from the best.”

“I only trained him for the first year. The rest he’s done on his own.”

“You’re effectively his master.  You can take him on.  Besides, Noah’s waiting for you in the final.  You can’t let your little brother fight your battle for you.”

“You don’t think I know that?” I snapped at her, my nerves already frayed.  “I’ve had to put up with weeks of teasing from him because I lost to him last year.  I’ve got to win, if only to restore my Pokémon’s confidence in me…”

Caitlynn looked at me quizzically.  “Do you really think your Pokémon have lost their confidence in you?”

“It was a horrible loss to him; I made some stupid mistakes simply because it was our first time fighting at such high stakes,” I answered.  “I know we’ve trained for this, but if my own brother is giving me fits, then how am I going to defeat Noah, who would’ve probably mopped the floor with David by now like he did with that other Trainer in the semis.”

“Daniel, if your Pokémon had really lost faith in you after one lousy defeat, then there’s no way you would have made it this far,” Caitlynn said soothingly.

“It was a weaker field of Trainers this year.”

Caitlynn made a noise of frustration. “Plusle, Minun, give this idiot a Thunder Wave to shock some sense into him.”  I couldn’t fling the two little electric types out of my lap quickly enough and had to pick myself up off the floor from my legs giving out thanks to the electricity.

“What was that for?!”

“Because you’re being stupid.  If your Pokémon had given up on you, then they wouldn’t listen to your commands.  How else would Lucario have gone up against that insanely powerful Dragonite if he didn’t trust you completely?”

“He’s proud and powerful,” I answered, grinning despite myself.

Caitlynn stood up and put her hands on her hips. “And he trusts you.  Come on Dan!  Any other Pokémon would have been scared stiff.  Your Lucario was calm, cool, and collected because he knew you would lead him like the great Trainer you are!”

“I can think of several Pokémon that naturally challenge opponents stronger than themselves, especially a certain bird you caught.”

“So what if my Swellow likes battling strong opponents? That’s not my point!” Caitlynn said, her voice rising in volume. “You’re one of the greatest Trainers that I know.  Nobody else our age but Noah has even beaten you, and you’ve beaten him as many times as he’s beaten you.”

“Bah, there’s always someone better.”

“I don’t count the Elite Four or the Champion. Besides, anyone else better than you have either years more experience or they train every single day.  You do a lot of training, but you’re not like those maniacs who compete in the Poke-Olympics who devote their entire lives to training.  Daniel, you’re a great Trainer, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”  Caitlynn looked straight into my eyes, getting a little close. “I don’t know why one loss has gotten you doubting yourself, but if you keep this attitude up, then Noah’s already won.  He teased you to get this doubt started and if you doubt yourself, then you’re screwed.”  She leaned forward gave me a kiss on the cheek.  “At least David will try in the finals.”  She motioned to her Pokémon and turned to walk out the door. Plusle and Minun gave me a look, then followed their Trainer to the door leading back to the stands.

“Caitlynn,” I said quickly before she could shut the door.

My best friend paused. “What Daniel? You’ll need to return to the field soon, make it quick, because I don't want to miss the rest of the battle trying to get back to my seat.”

“Thanks.” I said simply.

“What are best friends for?” she answered, “If they can’t give you that kick in the butt to get moving.”

“Exactly. I’ll see you after I win this.”

“Take your time, it’s a great battle.”  With those parting words, the door clicked shut and I was alone again.  Not long after that, I was called back out to the field.  The grounds crew had done a fantastic job at restoring the field and I saw David entering the battleground at the same time.

“I hope you’re ready, cause I’m not letting up!” David yelled.

“David,” I said once the roar of the crowd had quieted enough, “You’ve got a lot to learn. It’s going to take more than a few tricks to beat the one who helped you begin your journey.  Call your next Pokémon, let’s get this over with.”

“Fine, Weavile, I’m counting on you!” A weasel-like Pokémon whose appearance also looks like that of a bluish-black bipedal feline, clad in a bright red crown, and collar, plus three claws on each paw appeared, ready for action.

I grabbed the pink and brown Pokéball off my belt and threw it. “Gallade, time for battle!”  A thin Pokémon with a white lower half and green upper half, plus arm blades that could be extended to twice their normal length formed.  It moved with grace and precision as it bowed to David before taking up a combat stance.

“Thank you for your patience,” the referee said, “Now let the six on six battle between David and Daniel recommence.  Gallade versus Weavile, begin!”

“Weavile, Ice Punch!”  The claws of Weavile began glowing an icy blue and Weavile charged forward with a speed that rivaled my Sceptile.

“Gallade, Stone Edge Shield!” I ordered.  Gallade put its arms up in a defensive position and sharp-edged stones began swirling around Gallade as fast as Weavile was moving.  Weavile tried to strike, but was flung back by a barrage of stone.
“Weavile, try and find an opening. Use all your speed to get around Gallade!” David called.  Weavile let out a cry and began to dart around Gallade, trying to find an opening.

“Alright, Gallade, strike now!” I commanded.  The stone shield suddenly shot outward, catching a certain Ice type off guard.  “Now, Close Combat Combo!”  Gallade’s arm blades extended and began glowing green as he charged with a Leaf Blade attack.  After he struck the Sharp Claw Pokémon, the blades began glowing dark as Gallade used Night Slash as well.  Gallade began to switch between the two attacks at random as he slashed Weavile repeatedly.

“Weavile, use Revenge!” David yelled.  Weavile sprang back from the blows, its body glowing red, then Weavile charged and knocked my Gallade off its feet.  “You know that Revenge-“

“Has twice the power when the user has just been hit, I know,” I said, cutting him off, “I helped you teach Weavile that move, remember?”

“Just refreshing your memory.  Now Weavile, use Dark Ball!”

“Get ready to knock whatever it is away with Psycho Cut,” I said.  Weavile was creating a purple and black ball that reminded me of a Shadow Ball, but this attack seemed darker than the normal Shadow Ball, if that even makes sense.  Meanwhile, Gallade crouched in a defensive position, arm blades glowing pink in preparation. “What is that?”

“Attack!” David shouted and Weavile shot not one, but several of the Dark Balls at Gallade.  Gallade spun, striking and dodging at the same time.  Much to my surprise, the Dark Ball Gallade swung at overpowered the Psycho Cut and burst over Gallade with a minor explosion.  More of the attacks began to knock Gallade back until Gallade finally hit the ground and let the remaining attacks soar harmlessly overheard.

“Was that another one of your cute little combinations?” I asked David as Gallade climbed back to his feet, breathing heavily.

David nodded. “It isn’t cute, but it is simple. Weavile simply fuses a Dark Pulse and a Shadow Ball together, perfect for taking out Psychic types like Gallade.”

“Well, your first mistake was not finishing off Gallade when you had the chance,” I said, “because I’m finishing this.  Gallade, Stone Edge!”  More sharp edged stones began to fly around Gallade, the Gallade let out a battle yell and sent the rocks flying towards Weavile.

“Weavile, dodge it!” David yelled.

“Intercept Weavile, then use Close Combat!” I shouted.  Gallade caught up to Weavile as it rolled to the side, the Stone Edge missing.
“Weavile, use Ice Punch!” David cried. Weavile tried to hit Gallade, but Gallade merely jumped over the attack, landed behind Weavile, and began a barrage of punches and kicks that to the naked eye seemed like a blur.  Finally, Weavile was knocked back to David’s feet.  Gallade landed gracefully, still in his combat pose.  Weavile struggled to its feet and staggered towards Gallade, growling.

“That’s it Weavile, use Ice Punch again!” David said, grinning. Gallade studied his opponent for a moment, then bowed, turned, and began walking back to my side of the battlefield.  Weavile continued to stagger after him for a moment, then the Sharp Claw Pokémon fell to the ground unconscious.

“Weavile is unable to battle, Gallade is the winner!” The referee announced.  I turned and saw Caitlynn sitting right above the entrance I had walked through and I saw she was smiling.  Her Plusle and Minun were cheering, creating little pom-poms out of sparks.  They weren’t the only ones celebrating.  The crowd was letting me know that they were enjoying a great battle as well.  I turned back to see that David had recalled Weavile and had already taken out another Pokéball.

“Nice,” he conceded, “Let’s see how you fare against my Luxray!”  He threw the Pokéball and out came a blue lion-like Pokémon with a large black mane.  The Gleam Eyes Pokémon growled as sparks began to crackle around its paws.

I grinned as I looked at the scoreboard, which had Gallade’s picture colored and my other two remaining Pokémon, Blaziken and Sceptile were colored in gray.  On David’s part of the scoreboard, only Luxray was colored and Blastoise was highlighted in gray.  The other dots around our pictures were completely black, indicating those Pokémon had been KO’d. “I think I’ll manage.  Let’s keep it going Gallade!”

“Gallade versus Luxray, begin!” The referee said.
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Comments: 1

Mutitus [2013-08-27 18:46:33 +0000 UTC]

Another good piece.  Still a little lacking in battle detail, but I nonetheless commend you on displaying a little more of your characters' personality here.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0