EagleNut — Yugioh: Chaos Unleashed Chapter 3
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Description “That’s un-friggan-believable!” Dani exclaimed as she leaned back in her bean bag chair, one of the few commodities she had in her little hide-out.  She and Yugi had exchanged stories about how they had met up, with Dani explaining what had happened in the one hundred and fifty years since the first Battle Bity tournament and Yugi explaining how he and Kaiba ended up falling out of the sky on top of her. “And yet, it makes sense.”

“So you believe us then?” Yugi asked, shifting a little in the lawn-chair Dani had scavenged.

“As hard as it is to believe that two legendary duelists would just fall out of the sky,” Dani said, “But after the dark mist incident, I guess this doesn’t seem too far-fetched.  Still, why would the Crimson Dragon bring you here? You guys don’t even know how to Synchro Summon!”

Kaiba glared at her. “When you’ve traveled a hundred and fifty years into the future, you’re going to run into some new duel strategies and new cards are being made every year, of course a new type of monster was going to arise eventually.”

“History was kind to you,” Dani shot back, “They never mentioned how much of a jerk you are.”

“And what does history say about me?” Kaiba asked, “And why didn’t Mokuba or anyone else stop Pegasus from creating new Blue-Eyes cards?”

“How should I know why you rich boys do what you do?” Dani shrugged (Kaiba rolled his eyes at the rich boy label). “All I know is my grandmother and her friends managed to grab three of them in duels and she passed them on to my mother who gave them, plus the Maiden with Eyes of Blue, to me before she died and left me on my own.  Still, I must admit, to meet the original Blue Eyes Duelist is pretty special, especially since you’re the only one to summon the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.  There were also rumors about a Blue-Eyes that was even more powerful than the Ultimate. Is that true?” She finished her question with a pleading look.

Kaiba held her gaze, not saying a word. ‘Her eyes,’ he thought, ‘They’re the same color as my dragon’s eyes. Perhaps…’ He held up a card, comparing Dani to his favorite card.

“Is that?” Dani asked hopefully.

“It’s the original Blue-Eyes,” Kaiba stated, flipping it around. “Be thankful I’m showing it to you.  As for that secret rare card you mentioned, I only use it when I have to.  The only time you’ll ever get to see it is if someone pushes me to my absolute limit, and only Yugi has done that.”

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” Dani said, holding up two cards, her Blue-Eyes and Azure-Eyes.  Kaiba did study them intently, noting the different artwork on the Blue-Eyes cards compared to his.  The Azure-Eyes card, he gave a long, hard look before turning away.


“Jerk.”  An argument would have broken out had Yugi not yawned loudly.

“Do you have any spare beds?” he asked wearily.

“What you see is what I’ve got,” Dani answered, “You can have the cot, Kaiba can take the sleeping bag over in the corner there.”

“What about you?” Yugi continued, concern showing, “It’s your home, I don’t want you to give up your bed for us.”

Dani simply chuckled. “I’ll be fine here on the bean bag chair.  You’d be surprised how many times I’ve slept in it after a long day of surviving Satellite.  Granted, life’s been easier since they finally built the bridge connecting New Domino City, but the bean bag is comfy enough if you bring me that blanket.”  She smiled at him as she snuggled down into the chair, “If you need midnight snacks, the fridge is over there.”  Her thoughts turned inwards. ‘Maybe this is the sign I was looking for.  When I asked for a sign, I was expecting something more subtle, but having the first Blue-Eyes duelist and the King of Games crashing in MY hideout will do just fine for a sign.’  She looked over at Yugi as he brought her the requested blanket. ‘Ever since the Crimson Dragon appeared at the Fortune Cup, things have gotten weird around here, especially since it seems I was the only one not taken by the black mist nor those crazy giant monsters that appeared with their soul sucking hearts.’  Dani curled up under the blanket as she began to doze off. ‘Maybe Kisara was protecting me, preparing me for what’s about to happen.  I just hope it isn’t anything too serious.’  Her bright blue eyes drifted shut with the thoughts of crazy adventures swirling about her head.

Yugi was surprisingly calm given the sudden turn of events. Here he was, 150 years into the future and regarded as a legend!  Not many people get to experience that!  However, his dream from the previous night haunted him.  Did this Crimson Dragon bring him and Kaiba here to stop that masked man? If so, where was he? Yugi, exhausted by the events of the night, fell asleep, a look of worry on his face as he thought about what the future might hold.

Kaiba, in the meantime, was wide awake, replaying the earlier Duel in his mind, watching Dani summon the legendary dragon with that Maiden.  His mind was alight with new ideas that Synchro Summoning could do for his game, if he only knew how.  His thought turned to the Azure-Eyes dragon, how it seemed similar to his Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon.  That card, he did keep after the whole Pyramid of Light fiasco and he’d only had to call upon its immense power twice since then.  He had a gut feeling that the Shining Dragon was going to make a few more appearances in the near future. And speaking of the future, how were they to get back to their time?  Kaiba hated the fact that he was now “outdated”, although he took a smug feeling from the fact that this mystical Crimson Dragon had brought him here to do something.  The Kaibacorp executive resolved to crush any obstacle in his path that would him and Yugi from getting back to their time.

New Domino City

Yusei Fudo sat up in shock as his arm burned, the credits on the screen of the cheesy movie he and Akiza Izinski had been watching.  They had simply enjoyed time together at Akiza’s house in New Domino City, the movie mostly ignored, and as the movie ran on, their eyelids dropped until they had fallen asleep snuggling on the couch.  Their nap didn’t last long as the marks inscribed on their arm burned with a white-hot intensity, an intensity not felt since the Dark Signer incident.  Akiza was rudely awakened by her mark as well, yelping in shock at the sudden pain.  Yusei narrowed his eyes when he heard a crash from outside.

“Yusei, what’s going on?” Akiza asked sleepily, picking herself up off the couch as Yusei stood up.

“Hold on a second,” Yusei answered, striding over to the window, opening it, and peeking out to see Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, and a camera sprawled out on the ground. “Spying on us guys?”

“When you said you were going to hang out with Akiza,” Jack began, groaning as he sat up, “We were wondering if you were actually going to work up the courage to ask her out.”

“Or maybe catch some other stuff as well,” Crow snickered, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, “I just didn’t expect my arm to start burning like that.”

“So a little jab of pain causes the great Blackwing duelist to lose his balance?” Jack said accusingly.

“I can still ride circles around your sorry Duel Runner,” Crow countered, “I don’t have to have the best balance on land to be a great Turbo Duelist.”

“But you two will need a head start if you’re going to escape my wrath,” Akiza warned, appearing in the window next to Yusei, “Just let me get my Duel Disk and I’ll show you what happens when two idiots decide to spy on me.”

“Not now Akiza,” Yusei said grabbing her arm before the Psychic Duelist could carry out her threat, “Since we’re mostly gathered together already, with the exception of Luna, we might as well figure out a course of action.”  When there were no arguments forthcoming, Yusei released Akiza’s arm and made to go open the door for the other two Signers.  When he opened the door, however, a loud roar made everyone pause.

“It’s coming from Satellite!” Jack exclaimed, “Look!”  Everyone turned just in time to see the Crimson Dragon spread its wings over the slums, uttering another roar before fading from sight.

“So that’s why our marks started burning,” Akiza mused.

“I think I know what we’re gonna do tomorrow,” Crow said simply.

“We’re going to Satellite,” Yusei finished dramatically, still looking at where the Crimson Dragon last appeared

B.A.D. Area in Satellite

It was a strange gathering of people, or so it would appear to an outsider.  There was a blonde woman wearing bright clothes and a white cloak swirling about her standing next to a middle-aged man who looked almost like he climbed out of the grave; he wore tattered clothes that might have once been used at a formal occasion, but now they looked better suited for the trash heap.  Two young men were dressed as warriors, though one was dressed in an icy blue armor while the other wore a simple black samurai bushido outfit.  Another woman stood off to the side, glasses giving her a bug-eyed look as she chased after a couple of intriguing insects, a man in black biker clothes shaking his head in amusement as his red eyes followed her.  Kuno Ichi was lurking in the shadows, head still buzzing a little from the Mind Crush, but sharp eyes still taking every detail in.  She observed a man in purple robes having a good-natured argument with a man similarly dressed in draconic colored green and blue robes.  Another man stood in the center, attire similar to a Roman gladiator as he strutted around.  The last of the Duelists, also the eldest, was a man dressed in a futuristic gray outfit.  The part that stood out the most was his mechanical eye and leg, though the gauntlet encasing his right arm was also an eye-catcher.  Guards wearing dark robes and skull masks were placed at various posts around the room, which was in surprisingly good shape considering where it was located, as was the rest of the building.  It was an unusual gathering, to the average person, but when one takes a closer look, it was the beginning of something much more sinister. This was the amphitheater of the Chaos Movement’s headquarters, where they had been slowly gathering their forces for years.  Only the Arcadia Movement had even heard on them and only the Dark Signers had actually clashed with them, only for their Duelists to slink away into the twilight.  The stage where their leader gave speeches was raised and everyone else was gathered around, waiting.  A gentle murmur echoed around the room with small conversations.  These were soon hushed by the sound of gears turning as smoke gushed from the stage.  A couple of automated spotlights lit up and in absolute silence the small crowd below watched as the shadow of a man rose up and with arms outstretched waited for the smoke to clear.  He didn’t have long to wait, and the smoke cleared to reveal his eccentric attire; dark purple tuxedo pants combined with a bright gold jacket.  The undershirt was the usual white, but again the tie he wore was different: the colors of twilight swirled about in a hypnotic pattern, the optical illusion easy to get lost in if one stared at it for too long.  This man was simply known as “The Master”.

“Good evening my minions!” he yelled, his voice eerily reminiscent of another famous villain, “And welcome to the first night of our conquest!”  He held his hand up to his ear and received a polite applause.  “Now, let’s take roll call.  Ah, who am I kidding, I can see everyone’s here.  Even Tim! And he usually sleeps through these! But I took care of that!” A dark chuckle escaped his lips. “Oh yes I did. Tim won’t be sleeping through any more meetings.  He won’t be very lively either.  But I don’t think Hueso, our resident Undead Lord minds having another body to play with.  Have a look!”  The Master shined a spotlight over in one of the corners, revealing a dead man with his eyes pinned open, earning a couple of gasps from the crowd. The man in the tattered clothes, Hueso, grinned and rubbed his clammy hands together. The Master moved the light away just as quickly and resumed his monologue.

“Now, I didn’t gather everyone here to gawk at Tim.  And yes, I’ve heard the news.  The Crimson Dragon did make an appearance tonight.  He’s probably mad because I have managed to swipe two very important cards with the help of my dear Kuno, who, as usual, loves to lurk in the shadows. Come on out my pretty; enjoy your moment in the spotlight!” He shone the light right onto the ninja, who froze for a second, eyes blinking at the sudden light before she gave a shy wave and slunk back behind another pillar.  “Well, at least she waved,” The Master grumbled, “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what these very important cards are that would bring about the attention of the almighty Crimson Dragon.”  

“Boooooo!” yelled the young man in black samurai armor.  He had lived the life of a warrior for his entire life, as his name was Alex Bushido, the sixth generation in the Bushido family to wield his family’s cards, and the third to wield the legendary samurai.

The Master adopted a bored look. “Yes, yes, I know, we hate the Crimson Dragon.  That lizard has slowed down our operations, and more specifically annoyed the heck out of me, BUT!  Thanks to my brilliant mind and Kuno’s brilliant ninja-ness, I have come across and acquired these two cards!” He pressed a button and pulled up a Duel Monsters Holo-projector.  “Have a good look at them; The Winged Dragon of Ra!”  As the Egyptian god formed from the projector, exclamations could be heard all throughout the chamber while Ra unfolded itself from its orb form and uttered a roar.  Only Kuno and the red-eyed Duelist remained silent, looking on in awe.

“And for my next trick,” giggled the Master, “I’ll show you his companion, Obelisk the Tormentor!”  As the blue demon arose, the very foundations of the building shook from the raw power of the Egyptian god cards.  “With the gods on our side, we’ll be INVINCIBLE!”  As he took the cards off the holo-projector, one of his minions, the man with the mechanical eye, raised his hand.

“It would seem someone has a question. Fire away Matthias!”

The man spoke in a deep commanding tone that automatically gave away both his age and the aura of power. “Master, were there not three Egyptian god cards made?  By combining the three gods together, one could gain infinite strength and win almost any duel with ease.  Could you not find the third, Slifer?”

“Ah, yes, Matthias, Matthias, Matthias,” the Master said, shaking his head. “We don’t need all three cards.  Obelisk and Ra will cause enough chaos on their own, I can guarantee that!”  He began walking to the edge of the stage where a lift was ready to take him down.  As he descended, the Master continued. “Besides, I didn’t want to break little Yugi’s heart that much.  Give him a false sense of hope, only to ruthlessly CRUSH IT!  He certainly gave my little ninja a nasty headache; it’s only fair he suffer for it.”

“Yugi?” asked the blonde woman, her yellow shirt and white pants bright in the spotlight, “As in the first King of Games?”

“Yep,” The Master said nonchalantly, “That Yugi. Allana, you should be familiar with him, as someone who studies light so much, you should know a light side person when you see him. When you’ve got a ride like mine, a lot of things are possible, especially when you combine my genius with Matthias’ here, that man is a genius at machines!  Just remember, Matthias, take it slow when replacing the rest of your body with robot parts, in about 20 years, you’ll be oiling your joints in no time! Haha!” The corner of Matthias’ mouth twitched at the bad joke.

“I’ll keep it in mind,” he said simply.

“Any more stupid questions?” the Master asked with a dangerous glint in his eye.  When there was none forthcoming, he smiled and the glint disappeared. “Good! Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time for the next phase in our conquest of Earth!”  The Master pulled out a remote and activated a screen showing 5 familiar Duelists, each with the mark of the Dragon.

“These are your targets,” The Master said, “And don’t be fooled by their looks, they’re a dangerous bunch.”

The man with the red eyes stared at his targets intently, as if memorizing every detail.  “You’re telling us to take out the former Turbo King, the current Turbo King, the Black Rose Witch, The Black-Winged Champion of Satellite, and a girl who can go to the Spirit World?”

“Precisely Thomas!” The Master said, whirling about. “I want them gone, otherwise they could foil our glorious plan for paradise!”

“It ain’t gonna be easy,” the man in the purple robes commented dryly.

“Oh yes, LJ, I never said taking down the chosen ones of the Crimson Dragon was going to be easy,” the Master replied, smiling, “But think of the fun!”  The maniacal laughter that followed sent chills down everyone’s spine and effectively ended the meeting, setting a diabolical plan into motion, the likes of which the world had never seen before.
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