Liko: And Dad painted this one just before I left for school.
Roy: It's...
Liko: Not a Pokemon? He has other subjects on occasion.
Roy: ...weren't you embarrassed?
Liko: Of course.
Roy: I'd imagine.
Liko: I mean, I don't think I'm all that pretty, and the idea that I could be worth painting... well, who wouldn't be? At least I didn't I didn't have to worry about what to wear- that's a relief.
Roy: Uh, of course...
(I'm not sure if the above is completely in character, since I also imagine our Kantonese island boy to have been a naked-all-summer kind of child.)
Anyway, I'm headcannoning that Liko is shy about a lot of things- but, being Paldean, not her own nudity. Also, Alex's prime subject might be Pokemon, but who's to say he hasn't taken a cue from Esper Mami's father?
Anyway more detail went into this than I'm usually willing to do because I felt the painting needed it. I hope it was worth it.