EJthe24th — Neighbors Character File: Ethan Corduroy (Serpent)

#ethan #serpent #neighbors #nextgeneration #wendycorduroy #eddiebrockvenom #callyieverse
Published: 2018-07-30 00:36:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 2612; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Edit 1/13/19: I added a file to show Serpent (Ethan and his Symbiote combined) looks like. In case anyone wants to know which Eddie Brock I used, I used this one: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVqwXb…

Also here's a link for what a symbiote is: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbiote… )
Basic Information:

Name: Ethan Corduroy

Age: 18

Birthday (Zodiac): January 7 (Capricorn)

Species: 50% Human (via host), 50% Symbiote (via alien parasite)

Ethnicity: American

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male


Appearance Information:

Height: 6’7

Hair Style/Color: Long and Deep Auburn (In a ponytail)

Eye Color: Light Cerulean

Skin Tone: Caucasian


-Normal: Red Flannel Shirt with a Black Short Sleeve Shirt underneath, Faded Jeans, and a pair of boots.

-With the Symbiote Suit:

  • Standard: He and Serpent merge as one. They wear a skin-tight Symbiote suit like Venom except the suit is slimmer and navy blue. The eyespots are somewhat curved and triangular, along with their hair turned into spiky quills from the back of the neck with light blue stripes on the shoulders, forearms, thighs, and waist. An extra variation is that Serpent can make a flight attribute to the suit. The Suit looks this: 66.media.tumblr.com/98c65bea45…

  • Disguise: When Ethan wants the suit to hide in plain sight, he can make Serpent turn the Symbiote suit into a normal deep blue hoodie, pants, and black pants.

Accessories: N/A

Markings: N/A


Alignment Information:

Occupation: Anti-Hero

Synonymous Rank: Leader/Founder of Synonymous; Leader of his squadron “Arcane”


By himself:

  • Athleticism

  • Lumberjack Skills

  • Fighting Instinct

  • Leadership

With Serpent/the Symbiote Suit:

  • Superhuman Condition (Strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, dexterity, accuracy; stronger than it’s symbiote parent, Venom)

  • Enhanced Vision (360, Infrared, and Night)

  • Hi-Level Regeneration

  • High Pain Tolerance

  • Elasticity

  • Wall Crawling

  • Webbing Generation

  • Use his Symbiote essence to transform his whole body or distinct parts of it, create weapons, and make Serpent convert the suit into multiple layers to defend himself.

  • Immunity to Magical Properties

  • Invisibility

  • Telepathic Resistance

  • Shapeshifting Suit

  • Telepathic Link to Symbiote “brother”, Serpent

  • Obtaining memories via touch

Fighting Style: Combination of Speed, Strength, and the use of webs; akin to Spider-Man and Muay Thai

Weapons: With the Symbiote Suit:

  • Claws

  • Hooks

  • Sword-Hands

  • Spikes

  • Flails

  • Drills

  • Horns

  • Axes

  • Tendrils/Tentacles

  • Shield

  • Saws



Despite having a Symbiote within in him, Ethan is a calm, seemingly lazy, fun-loving, and intelligent individual. He is a very honest person, so if he has a problem with something, he would be the first to speak up about it with no hesitation. He has minor anger issues when it comes to people he doesn’t tolerate, so he would usually train himself in order to calm down with Serpent, speak to Jocelyn, or if he really wants to, he can hurt any person with just the truth. When it gets serious, Ethan can be a very rational, objective leader towards his teammates' wellbeing, and be prepared for when a situation shows itself.



    Wendy Corduroy, who was 24 at the time, decided that since she’s been in Gravity Falls for some time, she decided to travel a little bit and move somewhere nice. She comes across Townsville and enjoyed the place so much that she decided to stay in the city. She got herself a job as a lumberjack and bought a nice house for 2 years. One night at the local bar, after some swigs of beer, she meets a handsome man. She sat down next to them and tried to have a conversation with him. At first he doesn’t talk and ignores her but he eventually says his name is Eddie Brock (age 29), the host to Venom; soon enough they were talking where they came from (Eddie came from New York and Wendy, Gravity Falls), their jobs (Eddie worked as journalist and Wendy works as a lumberjack), what they were doing in Townsville (Eddie said he was just “traveling” and Wendy taking resides here), their love lives (Eddie’s wife divorced him and Wendy # of breakups as a teenager). Maybe it was the many takes in alcohol, maybe it was sexual arousal they had for each other at first sight, no one knows, but somehow, someway they had a one night stand. The morning she never heard from Eddie again, even though it was a one-time thing. To them, it was just a fling, nothing more and nothing less. But 3 months later, Wendy was shocked to find out that she was pregnant. When the baby was born, she named him Ethan Corduroy.

    Even though she had to juggle between doing her job, finding a babysitter for Ethan while working, feeding him and taking care of him at home, she managed to pull through despite being a single mother. When Ethan became 5 years old, Wendy enrolled him into Pokey Oaks, where he learned how to make friends. That was when Ethan heard a voice in the back of his head, it sounded like a little kid but with a slight rasp; he looked around but he couldn’t find the source. The voice responded again, so Ethan then asked the voice who is he, the voice then said his name was it was the voice said it didn’t have; Ethan looked down at his book about reptiles and gave the voice the name Serpent because of how it his voice would hiss. The voice seemed to enjoy the name and Ethan then asked where was he and he responded with “I’m part of you Ethan, I’m your friend, your brother”.  At that point, Ethan and Serpent became inseparable, they would try to have fun with one another (Ethan would play Hopscotch and Serpent would want to play Guess Who), they would eat together (Ethan would eat apple slices and Serpent wanted to eat chocolate). Ms. Smith saw this and figured that she speak to Wendy about this, at first she thought Ethan created an imaginary friend; but as time passed and seeing how adamant he was for that Serpent was real. Worried that she might hurt her son, Wendy and Ms. Smith agreed that they would pretend that Serpent was real, hoping that Ethan would eventually grow of this phase, but it seemed to be stuck until he reached 8. Ethan said that Serpent would be sleeping for some time and won’t wake up until he needs to. Wendy and Ms. Smith didn’t how to take this, but they believed it progressed, at this time Ethan went to Midway Elementary when he reached 10.

    One day after Ethan finished his assignment in class and was heading out to wait for his mom, some of the school bullies started teasing until he finally ran away from them as fast he could. But he got cornered; they started to beat him up badly until….someone took action. With the sudden boost in strength, Ethan pushed them off him like they were weightless. They got up and looked in shock at the sudden show of strength, only to run in fear. They didn’t know how he got the sudden show of strength, but Ethan did. There was one answer to this: Serpent. After telling his mom that he was getting bullied, Wendy decided to cheer him up by taking him to the bakery. This managed to make him feel a lot better except he still felt guilty for not telling her what really happened, but he knew he couldn’t tell her that Serpent came back unless he wanted his mom to be disappointed. After they enjoyed their bakery foods, they headed to the car, ready to go home; they were cornered by 5 armed robbers. That was when Ethan and Serpent took action, with his mom in shock.

    The next day, Wendy decided that she needed help with whatever her son had, so she called Dipper and Ford for help in this situation. They came 4 days later, carefully running diagnostics on Ethan to figure out what this was. After they were finished with their tests, they came back with results and they were anything but good. When Ethan was fast asleep, they explained to Wendy that he was a host to a Symbiote, an extraterrestrial parasitic organism that latches onto its host, with host gaining the benefits of superhuman conditioning, elasticity, and regeneration and the parasite gaining basic emotional understanding. Wendy immediately asked how to get it out of her son, but there was something that they told her: the Symbiote can’t be removed from Ethan, it’s become one with his DNA at a cellular level. It’s been part of him since he was born and removing would be almost fatal for the boy and the organism and eventually….they would both die if they stayed separate long enough.

    Upon hearing this, she was upset; she didn’t want her son to be isolated because of his abilities and she couldn’t do a thing to stop this from happening. However, Dipper actually had something else to add. He explained to her that despite the fact that the Symbiote is connected to Ethan for a long period of time, it seems to be more docile than the others. So that meant that if Ethan were to have some control over it, the Symbiote can be relatively harmless, but Wendy wasn’t sure that would be a good idea; they agreed that Dipper would come by Townsville every few months to check on Ethan to see if he was having control over the Symbiote, though every time Dipper came over, Ethan always said that he and Serpent don’t try to control each other, they work together because they have mutual understanding for one another.

    As time passed, Ethan and Serpent were able to work together effectively as Ethan reached 18. During that time, Ethan developed basic social skills, became more confident and intelligent, (specifically in biology, history, and English), and more careful with using his Symbiote powers. Serpent, on the other hand, started to develop a sarcastic/thrill-seeking personality. Even though he had the smallest dose of the bloodlust compared to Venom, Serpent still wanted to anything that would cause excitement and adrenaline (i.e. fighting, web-slinging, parkour). When he found out about the Vanguard League, Ethan asked his mom if he could join. She had to check out the program her to see if it was good; she told he could join if he and Serpent promised to not do anything crazy. They both agreed as Ethan waited for the right moment to go to the Vanguard HQ. Unfortunately, he didn't make the cut so he couldn’t join. This didn’t deter him as he would, in a few months later, create a “community service” organization along with Andrew and Tamara called Synonymous.



Eddie Brock (Venom): (Estranged) Father

Wendy Corduroy: Mother

Serpent: Symbiote “Brother”

Niko Corduroy: Sister

Corduroy Brothers: Uncles

Manly Dan: Grandfather



Wendy: Both Ethan and Serpent love their mother wholeheartedly (though Serpent would never use the word “love” around anyone). They would go by any means necessary to protect her, even if Wendy would not be pleased with their (sometimes) reckless choices when comes to her safety.

Eddie: Ethan doesn't like his father at all because of the reputation that he left behind when he was terrorizing in New York, attacking the Avengers and more specifically, Spiderman. Now that people seen what power he has, Ethan has to deal with people being nervous around him. It makes him angry about how his father didn’t care about the problems he created would fall on his son’s shoulders. Serpent, despite being “docile”, wants to kill his paternal Symbiote, Venom, because of the fact that paternal and offspring Symbiote want to kill each other for dominance. So what happens when you combine a son who hates his deadbeat dad and a parasitic alien who wants to kill its parent for dominance?

Serpent: Ethan’s Symbiote, Serpent (despite not having much bloodlust like Venom) can be stubborn, sarcastic, and a thrillseeker: always trying to help Ethan fight strong individuals, coming up with new ideas for weapons, always urging Ethan to fight someone that pisses him off, arrogant in battle, and sometimes plays around with his opponents (Ethan tends to tell him off for doing that). Despite all that, Ethan and Serpent always work together as one to protect the people they care about and depend on one another. The way they talk to one another and the way they work with one another are like that of brothers.

Niko: They may not be related by blood but Ethan looks out for his little sister Niko. Ever since she was mysteriously bought here, Ethan and Serpent took care of her even before she was officially adopted. Whenever he’s not doing community service or vigilante work, he’s always helping his little sister: teaching her how to control her powers, helping with her school, building up her self-esteem, and even teaching her what’s right and what’s wrong. If something were to happen to her, Ethan & Serpent would be the first people to fight on to protect her from anyone who dares to lay a finger on her.

Andrew: He and Andrew have been friends since they were young. They met each other in grade school days after Ethan’s “incident”. At first they just talked about general stuff and eventually, their friendship started to grow as they kept being around each other while cracking jokes and being cool, at least in their perspective. When they grew up and knew about their powers, they both decided to do some vigilante work long before either of them decided to create Synonymous or even before the Vanguard League was founded. When they work together, they manage to take down opponents effectively and, as Andy puts it, “stylishly”.

Tamara: Ethan and Tamara met each other in middle school and, like he and Andy, have inseparable. Tamara enjoys how calm and laid back Ethan is around her, how he likes her tomboyish nature more than anyone else, how he listens to her and be honest. Ethan thinks it's awesome how she has confidence in herself and how she doesn’t judge him for having a Symbiote (yes he told her and Andrew about it, promising to keep it a secret. Serpent seems to be really cool around her since he knows how tough she is).

Kingsley: Even though they have little to no interaction, Ethan really doesn’t like Kingsley. At. All. This is because when he tried to join the Vanguard League, Kingsley rejected him by a “collective” decision from the group. He doesn’t believe that he’s a good leader because, in Ethan’s perspective, isn’t objective enough to make his own decisions.

Renee: This is the most complex relationship yet. At first Ethan didn’t like her because of how she treats him school and did everything in his power to stay away from her. As he saw her being on a date with Kingsley, he saw her true face. Eventually, they would meet each other in the library and read books together. They would enjoy talking about the books they read, give recommendations to each other, and be good friends outside of school. As the Vanguard League was being made, Renee recommended that he should join them. Ethan was hurt when he found out that she was the the one out of the main three who rejected him. Ever since then, he stayed away from her, Kingsley, and Cayenne out of anger.

Cayenne: Ethan doesn’t like Cayenne at all because of the constant insults she sends his way. As far as Ethan is concerned, he sees Cayenne as a nuisance (for the for the insults she sends his way) and does everything in his power to ignore and avoid her, while Serpent sees her as a means to feed his desire for fighting.

Jocelyn: Ethan appreciates the opportunities he has to speak to her because besides, his mother, she doesn’t judge him because of his abilities. He is able to vent to her how he’s afraid to use his Symbiote brother, Serpent at the fullest or better yet, let him take the reigns of a fight and being worried he might take it too far. He was also able to tell her how he was angry with his father because of how his actions have put people of Townsville in the mindset that Ethan is bound to follow in his footsteps. But what makes him respect her more is that she doesn’t seem afraid of Serpent and at times reminds the Symbiote to work with Ethan and vice versa.

Victor: He is the only one that Ethan wants to beat the shit out of. Victor is the reason why is because he was going after Ethan’s sister, Niko, for reasons unknown. The first time was when they were walking home from school, where Victor came out of nowhere and was trying to take her, in which Ethan was able to hold him off until Victor was ordered to retreat. The second time is when Victor tricks Niko by shape-shifting and acting like he wanted to be her friends, eventually kidnapping her. So if they had the chance, Ethan and Serpent would make sure he would know what pain was.



Serpent: “Okay, Serpent, I’ll make you a deal. If you behave a little during the Synonymous trials, I will make sure that you get a chance to fight off some of those Young Blood members. Think about it, man: I can do something productive and show everyone, especially our Mom, that I can do right and you can have the opportunity to kick the asses of tougher opponents, tougher than the everyday mugger on the street and someone who isn’t Tamara all the time. Deal?”

Niko: “Don’t worry, Niko. Whoever said that you’re retarded, an abomination or anything,  just remember this: They say such things because they’re afraid of you. Afraid that you’ll become something than anything the could ever comprehend. It doesn’t matter what they say because what truly matters is that you have a mom who loves unconditionally and two big brothers who will be there for you till the end. Look at me, people say that I should be in jail out of fear that I’ll walk into my dad’s footsteps and I still push through. What I’m saying is that you’re stronger than what they say about you. You’re just like Mom, just like Serpent, and just like me.”

Andrew: “So….you take ugly one on the left and I’ll take the ugly one on the right? I mean their both equally ugly but I feel more comfortable with the one on the right”.

Tamara: “You can lift 10,000 tons and not breaking a sweat? *chuckles* I think now you’re an Amazonian woman, rather than an athlete”.

Kingsley: "You know what's funny, Kingsley? I honestly thought you were unbiased. I thought you would give me a chance. But you’ve shown me that you're just like everyone else: you judge me based on who my father was and what he does. And the sad part is the fact that you let Cayenne and Renee make the choice for you. I thought heroes were supposed to have honest, integrity, intelligence, and bravery. But now, I don't see any of that."

Cayenne: “You know...I don’t what astounds me the most: the fact that you’re a dumbass for jumping to conclusions that because I got rejected by the Vanguard League, I decided to do a 180 and be in cahoots with the Young Blood Alliance or the fact that you’re being a bitch towards people who were willing go the extra mile in providing you help with those guys. I think it’s safe to say that you get the stupidity and pigheadedness from your father and the jackassery and apathy from your the deadbeat mom. I still don’t understand how Kingsley puts up with you.”

Renee: “Whenever I hear the word betrayal, I think of one person. Surprisingly, it’s not Kingsley, it’s not Damian, it’s not Hank and not even Cayenne. That person, Renee….is you. Because when I first met you, you were the one who treated me nice in secret. You were one of the 7 people I can actually trust in helping get through when life was shitting on me. When I first ask if I can join the League, you said that ‘everyone will have their opportunity here.’ I’m not even mad at the fact that you guys rejected me. The true reason I’m really mad at you, Renee, is because you write me a letter. A fucking letter. A letter that says ‘due to my background on who my father is and the fact that I don’t have full control of my powers, it’s best if I didn’t join’. I would respect you more if you said said this to my face instead of writing this to me. But no, you did the latter. What gave you the idea that writing a letter to me would make me feel any better than I already was? The fact that you gave them a chance and just threw me to the curb is just salt on my already festering wound.”

Jocelyn: “Do you have a father like I do, Ms. Drakken? I’m not sure if you know who he is but he was one of the notorious faces in New York. He left people afraid both in New York and Townsville. And, unfortunately, I share his abilities within my genes. Every time I walk down the street, I know people are afraid of me because they have a feeling of what I hold, that I might slowly walk in his footsteps. For me, I’m mad that he left me and my mom to deal with the problems he left. And for Serpent, it’s because of the fact that offspring and paternal symbiotes naturally kill each other for dominance. That’s why I hope he doesn’t come back to visit Townsville because it will be his last.”

Victor: “You know...I really thought that there would be no one else to hold a place at my “I Will Allow Serpent To Disembowel You And Join In” list along with my dad. But, you amaze me once again. Because now, Victor, I’m not gonna kill you. I made a promise to myself and to Synonymous and the Vanguard League that I wouldn't go down the same path my dad went. But that doesn’t mean that Serpent and I can't show you other forms of pain.”


Short Story:




-Serpent is the name of Ethan’s symbiote and also the name when Ethan and his said symbiote become one.

-Ethan is ambidextrous.

-He likes reading CreepyPastas

-Serpent is also a sadomasochist.

-His favorite music artists are Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Run the Jewels.

-Ethan and Serpent learned how to shoot webs and climb walls by watching Spiderman on YouTube.

-Ethan’s weakness is sound. The difference is that if Serpent (when Ethan and symbiote become one) gets hit by it, Ethan will feel it and it would be considered painful to both of them despite the fact that Serpent is more resistant to it than Venom.

-His favorite dessert is croissants.

-His favorite foods are burritos, pretzels, and fries.

-His favorite type of movies is horror, science fiction, and crime noir.

-To some girls, Ethan is handsome.

-Despite enjoying things that are entertaining, Ethan would still look a bit bored.

-When he sings, he sounds deep and rich.

-With a lot of practice at aa young age, Ethan is an excellent cook.

-His character came from Alex Mercer from the Prototype franchise, Venom from Marvel, and Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul.


Wendy Corduroy, Eddie Brock/Venom, Spider-Man, or the Callyieverse characters. They belong to their respective owners.
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