eldritchink — [GMG] Raven

#zoroarkgijinka #gmg #pokemongijinka #zoroark
Published: 2019-10-29 20:51:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 3447; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 3
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"Kekeke, look at what I can do!!!"

[ ☾ Profile ☽ ]

"Hey hey hey!! Hands off the mask!!"

    Name Raven

    Nickname(s) The Dark Side of the Moon, Zaza, The Mask of Many Faces, The Omen
    Gender Genderfluid
    Birthday June 10
    Sexuality Pansexual
    Status Single

    Age 23 years old
    Height  5"9' / 175 cm.
    Weight 149 lbs. / 66 kg.

    Blood Type
    Handiness Right-handed
    Alignment Chaotic Neutral
    Zodiac Sign Cancer
    CV .

     [ . ]

[ ☾ Personality ☽ ]

"I fight to protect, not to win."
+ Alert + | + Playful + | + Protective + | + Providential + | = Cunning = | = Familial = | = Unconventional = | - Boisterous - | - Deceitful - | - Unrestrained - | - Intense -

    + Having grown up in a debatably uncivilized environment, Raven's ears are very proficient in picking up little sounds around them. Having learned the need to stay alert to the environment around them, they can't help themselves but constantly scan and listen for any sign of odd movement on instinct.

    + Raven has a naturally playful attitude, constantly wanting to joke around and mess with others, especially those they find dear or interesting. They hate seeing others sad and will always find a way to get them out of that mindset.

    + After living with Jade for two years, Raven has grown to be a very protective individual, especially around those they have a deep connection with, those they consider family. They will very much put their life on the line if it meant seeing their family safe from harm.

    + Having grown up in a shrine, Raven is very much a providential individual, finding in things that might seem insignificant to those around them. They very much believe in fate and destiny, regardless of whether or not they know what lies ahead - everything has a purpose.

    = Raven is very much a cunning individual, regardless of what happens afterward, Raven enjoys outsmarting those around them. Pulling pranks and tricking others is their specialty, and they won't dare leave anyone out of the fun.

    = Growing up with such a big family of those who isn't related by blood, Raven is used to accepting those they care about and treating them the same as their found family back at the shrine. Especially with a daughter under their wing, their familial nature comes out frequently, and they'll be damned if they ever see their family hurt.

    = Raven will sometimes very unconventional ways to fix a problem or solve some strange rule. Being a very uneducated individual besides the basics, Raven will unintentionally do something beyond the norm that would better suit their purpose without a second thought or a bat of the eye, even if others look at them strangely for it.

    - Due to the hate of complete silence, Raven is very boisterous around company, laughing and generally being a loud individual either unknowingly or for their own comfort. The forest was never quiet, so they can't stand it when it is. They will only ever be quiet if they are on an important mission for the guild that requires them to be absolutely silent.

    - Raven finds it much easier to lie at times than to be entirely truthful, often employing a deceitful outlook and becoming a pathological liar over the years. They hate admitting to their faults, and when it comes to it, they'll absolutely illusion into someone else and run from that problem.

    -  They are bold and unafraid to let themselves be known to those around them, even at the cost of looking very strange or even downright feral at times. Living among nature and finding joy in mild chaos, Raven can come off as very unrestrained to the masses with their insistence of strange competition and wild demeanor. 

    - Often coming off as an extremely intense individual, they take every emotion they hold to the extreme and over the top, getting into people's faces at times or getting strangely serious about a mission at hand that makes them almost like a different person - almost to a somewhat uncomfortable degree. 

[ ☾ Preferences ☽ ]

"The guild dorms are too stuffy for me, I like the trees much more."
        + Their family
        + Playing with their siblings
        + Bonsai Trees
        + Gardening
        + Masks
        + Sleeping outdoors
        + The Moon
        + Bells
        + Hair Decorations
        + Braiding hair
        + Beads/Marbles
        + Tree climbing
        + Being pet
        + Jade

        - Large crowds
        - Lose who don't stick to their word
        - Disrespecting their family and beliefs
        - Being talked down
        - Losing/Having to remove their mask
        - Lack of privacy
        - Sensory overload
        - Lack of noise
        - Cramped spaces
        - Feeling lonely
        - Shoes
        - Tight clothes
        - Bugs
        - Buzzing sounds

[ ☾ History ☽ ]

"We must be linked by fate then!!"

        Adoptive Grandmother - Delphox - Sybil, The Eyes of Celebi [86]   
        Adoptive Father - Ninetales - Vulcan, The Guardian of Fate [57]   
        Adoptive Mother - Yamask - Psyche, The Masked Kodama [55]   
        Adopted Brother - Absol - Raiden, The Seer of Storms [26]    
        Adopted Sister - Lopunny ★ - Hana, The Spring Blossom [22] 
        Adopted Sister - Chingling - Belle, The Shrine Bells [16]   
        Adopted Brother - Ducklett - Caspain, The Canyon Stream [15]   
        Adopted Sister - Phantump - Willow, The Seedling of Yggdrasil [11]   
        Adopted Daughter - Eevee - Jade, The First Light [9]   

        Birth Mother - Zoroark ★ - Echo [DECEASED]    
        Birth Father - Samurrott - ??? [LOCATION UNKNOWN]   

    Hometown Yggdrasil Shrine, Emerald Island

            [A small shrine dedicated to the god, Celebi, located deep within the Emerald Island's dense forests. Long ago, it was said to be one of the first forests to be blossomed by Celebi and is now revered to be a place of healing for the god. The Shrine is home to a rather large tree and several natural springs within the center of the dense forest, placing itself as a landmark among the vast maze of trees. However, the outskirts are protected by its followers to discourage mon and ferals alike who come with ill-intent. Far from most civilization, besides a small port town outside the clutches of the forest, the shrine does not get much foot traffic besides the wandering souls who seek a safe haven.]

[ TW: Orphanage, Death, Injury, Mention of Abuse/Abandonment, Heavy Themes ]

CHILDHOOD    Raven never remembered much before they were taken in by the shrine, but Nana always them the same story. One fateful morning, Nana had been blessed with a vision of night bearing a full moon, as a young woman ran through the forest running in search of salvation with a young baby in her hands that was much different than she. Yet, despite her aim for salvation - she ran from something she did not dare look back to see. Although being blessed with such clarity, Sybil could not help but feel as though it was an ominous omen. Days had passed until that fateful, familiar moonlit night had shown itself to Nana and her fellow guardians of the shrine, Vulcan and Psyche.

    The three guardians were on high alert until they found themselves upon the young skitty running with a young zoroark in her arms, much like Nana's vision. However, what Nana's vision had not shown her, was a Samurrott chasing after the young woman, ill-intent etched into his eyes. The woman was scared of him, and the man was intent on one goal - violence. Despite how exhausted the skitty looked, the Samurott was seemed to have energy and anger left to spare. And, despite how much she ran and how fast the guardians could react, the woman simply could not dodge the attack he threw at her - and it was until then that her true figure showed itself. After such a mighty blow, the skitty's figure dissolved away into the frail form of a zoroark protecting her child even in her pain. Before the Samurott closed the distance, Vulcan rushed in front of the water type and protected her from any other harm. As rage resurfaced through the Samurott, the two mon fought while Nana and Psyche took the zoroark and the zorua to safety. However, with the Ninetales fending the intruder off, the zoroark was in much more critical of a condition than previously thought. And despite all the treatment the two tried to give her, they could not manage that grave wound she suffered, and just as the moon rose highest in the sky, her life ceased to be. However, her last request - "Let my child grow..."

    As silence fell upon the room, the silently resting child cradled in the yamask's arms, the old delphox's blind eyes found direction towards the young zorua.

    "Raven, The Dark Side of the Moon."

    Years after that, Raven slowly but surely got used to their new family and their new surroundings within the forest shrine. The found joy in the simplest things, climbing trees, swimming in lakes, playing tricks on the guardians. They learned how to survive and to handle themselves, they learned how to be a guardian just like the family they surrounded themselves with. Sure, Psyche taught them how to read and write, but Raven found the most joy in learning how to live among the forest and how to fight alongside Vulcan. Raven did take trips into the nearby port town and experienced true civilization - but even still, Raven preferred the wild calm that the sacred forest provided them. Even though they knew the shrines inhabitants weren't their birth family, Raven still loved them like family all the same, for they were the only family Raven has ever truly known. However, Sybil, Vulcan, and Psyche were not the only ones that became their family. Year after year, more and more wandering souls found their way into the shrine.

    At first, it was Raiden, the absol who found their way to the shrine after running from the authorities that sought to lock him up for the crimes he committed.

    Then came Hana, the buneary who sought safety from those who did not agree with who she was and who she wanted to be.

    Afterward came Belle and Caspian, two childhood friends who ran from a home who did not desire them together - homes that did not give them the family they wanted.

    Lastly came to Willow, the phantomp baby who was abandoned within the woods in the dead of a cold winter night.

    All those who seek refuge by the shrine are taken in and accepted into the family, regardless of what past they have forgotten or want to forget. To the shrine, it's not about what lies in the past, but rather what awaits for them in the future. The past and the future is Celebi's domain, the present is for mortals. And despite their past lives, Raven didn't care one bit about who they were before - they were their new siblings, and that's all that should matter now.

    Hana was the big sister that Raven never had, and even with how shy and self-conscious she was at first, she slowly warmed up and accepted the shrine as a family - and soon was finally able to develop into the beautiful lopunny she always dreamed she'd be. With Belle and Caspian, Raven showed them what true joy was all about. Often Raven would sing and dance with Belle, or go on grand pretend adventures with Caspain - pretending to be legendary heroes of old. Raven would also be found playing with Willow - planting flowers one day and climbing trees the next, showing her everything that life had to offer. But out of all the siblings they've acquired, they loved messing with Raiden the most. Raven wound often spook him while it was his turn to take a perimeter watch around the forest, trick him into doing things for them, challenging him to dumb competitions, and all in all being a general nuisance. Even when it was the two's turn to get monthly supplies for the shrine from the port town nearby, Raven loved causing mild chaos for the absol and running off to explore the surrounding area. Yet despite how much Raiden hated them at first, over the years two became almost inseparable even among their bickering - much like siblings would. Raven loved their siblings, and nothing would change that.

    Even for what came next.

DISASTER    September 12th, 1915, the day Yggdrasil was struck by lightning.

    The day was normal, at first, a cloudy day that threatened rain - but Raiden knew better, he always knew better. The storm was strange, abnormal - mystical almost. Every now and then, Raven swore that they saw flashes of pink and blue lightning out of the corner of their eye, yet each time they believed it to be merely a hallucination. After all, if it was something to worry about, Nana would have gotten a vision, right? However, as evening drew closer, the more lightning flashed. Until...

    Yggdrasil was split in two.

    It was so sudden, so unexpected as who bolts of pink and blue lightning struck into the towering tree that was the center point of their sacred shrine - the tree that was thought to be protected by gods. However, the lightning and the pouring rain was only the beginning - then came the ferals. Strangely aggressive, ferals poured in from every shadow, every crack, every crevice of the forest as they swarmed the temple, raging violence driving their consciousness. Despite the pouring rain, Raven and their family did their best to fight against the beasts. Deep into the night, they fought alongside each other. Yet, just as the moon found purchase in the pinnacle of the night sky - Raven got their first vision.

    It was vague and blurry, but Raven knew exactly when they had to do - and it had to be soon. Amidst the fighting, Raven felt themself being inexplicably pulled towards a direction, almost as if a string was pulling them deeper and deeper into the forest, and Raven didn't know what was happening until they were already halfway to their nondescript destination. Raven was unsure of their goal, until they happened upon a young skitty, holding a young child in her clutches that was different than she. A young eevee wailed and cried as the mother desperately tried to calm her as she ran from a swarm of ferals chasing after the noise. The skitty did her best to sing to the child, but the child could not hear it above the horrible buzzing of the swarm that followed them.

    Just as Raven appeared before the pair, a feral managed to pierce the mother's skin, poison pulsing into her veins as she collapsed. Raven did their best to fight off against the swarm and protect the mother and the ever-wailing child, even as the mother's life slowly began to fade. Enemy after enemy, Raven battered away the swarms - until their queen showed herself, it frightened Raven just from the sheer power she radiated. With its mighty wings emitting a deafening hum, it's mighty claws swiped down at Raven's face - shattering the mask that Raven held so dear and past its protection, the claw leaving a remnant on its destruction across their right eye. Seething in anger, Raven retaliated with a swift burst of flame, scattering the hive and killing their queen - yet even still, the poison remained potent within the Skitty. With the threat no more, Raven cradled the exhausted woman. Yet despite her clear pain, she smiled up at him. She was weak, Raven could feel it through their hands as her energy drained - yet her eyes remained bright all the while. Holding her child in her arms, she had only one request.

    "Please, let my child live, let my baby girl grow..."

    Raven, understanding her bond, smiled down at the woman - for the first time unafraid of the eyes that gazed upon their face. "I will, I promise", Raven reassured her, and by the growing smile on her face, they knew it was the right answer.

    "Thank you," She whispered as Raven took the Eevee from her grasp, "Thank you."

    Even as Raven ran back towards the shrine, the remnants of their broken mask alongside the child, the eevee would not stop her wailing. However, even with the attention that drew towards them, Raven was much more agile than the ferals that chased them. Drawing closer towards the shrine with the child in tow, Raven's family came into view - at first in anger for running off in such a dire hour, and then in understanding with the child in their grasp. Finding shelter within the shrine, the family did their best to calm the child, yet it felt as though none of their efforts were getting to her. That was, until Raven illusioned into the skitty they had promised. Quietly, Raven took the eevee in their grasp as they did their best to recall the song the mother had tried to sing, humming softly as they held the child. Slowly, but surely, the child calmed down - the calm tune they could not hear slowly lulling the child to sleep.

    All now peaceful, Raven held the eevee just as the light of dawn found their way into the broken walls of the shrine. As the streaks of radiant light fell upon the guardians - Sybil smiled, her blind eyes finding direction towards the eevee.

    "Jade, The First Light."

Post-Disaster    For 2 years, Raven and their family had done their best to recover after the initial attack. Over those years, Raven and Jade slowly developed a bond, and unlike the sibling relationships Raven developed with the other members of the family - this was much more akin to that of a parent and a child. Ever since the night they found her, Raven felt a great bond towards her - as if linked by fate, or at least that's what they believe anyhow. Raven wasn't scared of taking her under their wing, in fact, they wouldn't dare pass that torch onto someone else, even if it meant their own life. During those years, Raven taught her all they knew - everything from climbing the tallest trees, to planting a garden, and even learning how to control her moves - Raven taught her alongside the aid of their family.

    However, it wasn't all about training Jade, it was also learning this strange new blessing from Celebi - the blessing of Future Sight. Ever since the night of the disaster, Sybil has done all she can to understand the meaning of such a sudden blessing for one who could not naturally learn such a gift. However, despite how desperately they tried, Raven had not gained any more visions thereafter for the entirety of those two years. 

    Until the second harvest season dawned before them.

    While preparing for the upcoming harvest, Raven found themself gaining that strange, yet familiar flashes of images - their second vision finding purchase within their sight. Unlike their first vision, this one was one of flashes of travel, heading towards some unspecified location within the island. Although unclear, it was very much clear to Raven - they were blessed once more, but their purpose did not lie with the shrine anymore. Instead, Raven knew they were needed somewhere else - wherever that place may be. And, within the next day, Raven was set to be off for the horizon. However, despite their presumed destiny, they couldn't bear to leave Jade behind, and neither could she.

    Before they knew it, Raven and Jade were sent off by the family, not before being left with little trinkets and bobbles to remember them by in the meantime between they would come and visit. Carried off by a mild sense of direction and fate to guild their way, the two traveled and wondered all around Emerald Island. Every now and again, their Future Sight would show them images of a large building in the center of a massive city. Other days they were of powerful, courageous mon they have never seen before fighting ferals and coming out victorious, much like their family back at Yggdrassil Shrine. The next would be just of voices, scattered conversations speaking of a guild and what future awaits those who are apart of it. Raven listened, and they listened well to everything the vision shared, even with the lack of true information, insight, or direction it gave - they listened, and they continued to wonder. That is until they found themselves gazing upon the distant city in the sunset's horizon, Everstone City.

    Despite no vision coming to them at the time, Raven knew deep down that this was just the place they needed to be - they could feel it in their gut that it was true. Walking among the city and the people with Jade hoisted on their shoulders, Raven spotted familiar strangers, recognizable voices of previously faceless mon, and then - the grand building from their visions, Everstone Guild. With a beaming grin hidden behind their reformed mask, their gut swarmed in at the sight. They knew it, their fate was linked to this place.

    Their destiny lies with Everstone Guild, and they had to be apart of it.

| ☾ Stats ☽ |

"I could crush you in an instant... Haha! Just Kidding!~"    

            Nature Quirky [ N/A ]
            Characteristic Thoroughly Cunning [ +Sp. Attack ]

            Ability Illusion
                [When a Pokémon with the Illusion ability switches into battle, it takes the form of the Pokémon in last place (6th) of the player's party. Illusion will not activate if the Pokémon in last place is the same species or is fainted. The effect is aesthetic only; Illusion does not change the Pokémon's type or moves. Any direct attack will break the illusion. ]

       Night Slash [LV]
[The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily.]

       Night Daze [LV]
        [The user lets loose a pitch-black shock wave at its target. This may also lower the target’s accuracy.]

       Thief [TM] 
        [The user attacks and steals the target’s held item simultaneously. The user can’t steal anything if it already holds an item.]

       Agility [LV]
        [The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. This sharply raises the Speed stat.]

       Copycat [EGG]
        [The user mimics the move used immediately before it. The move fails if no other move has been used yet.]

       Substitute [TM]
[The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user’s decoy.]

       Flamethrower [TM]
[The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.]


       Future Sight [DM]
[Two turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target.]

    Team [Solo]
           ↳ Rank: N/A
           ↳ Rank: Bronze



              Prayer Beads Uses them in spiritual practice, prays to Celebi in hope for its safe return after the disaster era ends.
              "Full Moon" Fox Mask Gift from Psyche to symbolize their link to the family and to the shrine, never takes it off around company - extremely attached to it.

           Explore Pouch:
                   Carrying Capacity - [4 items]

               Twist Band Prevents paralysis by putting you in a constant state of yoga.
               Escape Orb Lets you escape the dungeon without losing any items/Poke.
               Oran Berry Restores 100 HP.

[ ☾ Extras ☽ ]

"Haha!! I can't believe you fell for that!!"


  • Raven was inspired by traditional Japanese shrine keepers as well as demon/yokai hunters.
  • Heavily based on the show Kimetsu no Yaiba, specifically the characters Tanjiro and Inoske.
  • His village never went with last names, as it was a place of sanctuary for those who wanted to leave their past behind.
  • When needed to use a last name, Raven will use "Yggdrasil".
  • Often takes a form of a Ninetails when feeling masculine and a Skitty when feeling feminine. Raven will also often switch into an Umbreon on occasion!
  • Raiden used to be apart of a criminal gang until he fled into the woods being chased by cops and finding a safe haven in the shrine in which they lied of his whereabouts within the area with the aid of Raven's illusory abilities.
  • Hana is trans! She fled into the woods in order to escape the bullying she faced before finally accepting who she was and finally evolving.
  • The feral that had appeared before Raven was a Vespiqueen.
  • Raven is very prone to shapeshifting into different people, either for their own comfort or for their own amusement, and when they dawn such a physique, they'll lie and pretend as much as they can to suit them as they please. 
  • They are especially good at mimicking certain sounds and behaviors, mon and feral like, whether it be the call of an alteria or the specific body language of a bystander.
  • Due to their illusions, they can actually change the mask to mimic their own emotions! These include anger, happiness, sadness, pain, etc.

| ☾ RP Info ☽ |

"...What's a radio?"


  •  Eastern USA - EST | -5 UTC


  • Discord (eldritchink#8597)


  • I highly prefer to do Lit style text, but I can do Script if it's really fast encounters and HC if we are just coming up with future ideas too!!


  • Hell yes


  • I'm usually available after college classes, on weekends and on holidays except if I have special things going on.

*Note: I like knowing who I'm RPing with first, cause I feel really uncomfortable just going into something with someone I barely know. Also, I'd like to hear about your intentions and ideas first!! If you want them to be rivals/lovers/friends/etc. I first have to be okay with it and also insist that it happens naturally, not spontaneously - especially lovers, I don't want to force any of my characters into something if it just doesn't feel right. If I know you though, feel free to ask me anytime!!

Raven (c) InkyRainClouds
Zoroark (c) Nintendo

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Comments: 1

BeingHappy2 [2019-10-30 04:42:49 +0000 UTC]

Wow, damn I love their design! The amount of background info is also staggering! What a cool character!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0