Greetings, how have you been? I hope fine!
Me as well! Ever since the last piece, I wanted to practice my cel shading techniques, therefore I started to resume a technique that I used seldom. I missed creating fake screenshots, I didn't remember they were so nice to create. Maybe the technique for the lines and the eyes is not exactly accurate to what the art style used to be in reality but it may be a way to differentiate my style further.
To practice I wanted to draw some characters from someone else and I chose gatula 's OCs, Moira and Lavenda, since their designs are fire. I also wanted to draw some witches and practice darker skin tones, so they're the perfect characters. It also compensates my absence from Art Fight, which I would've partecipated if I'm not really slow at drawing. I would have been sorry if I did not reciprocate everyone's drawings. Ever since it seems that Lavenda likes to play videogames and Moira is fond of soccer, the theme of this piece came accordingly on my mind.
Despite a few nitpicks I overall like this piece. For the first time drawing a darker scene and an arcade cabinet I'm proud of this drawing. Maybe I should open art trades or commissions in this style, even though for now I'd rather dedicate myself to other drawings.
I hope gatula will like it and you as well! I hope to see you soon!
Hen dude: