Ellygator — Son of Earth

#court #earth #elements #knight #man #tarot #tarotcard
Published: 2016-10-21 12:17:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 915; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 14
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(2016), pencil on paper, 5.5"x10.5" backed with digital frame.

The court cards are leaving space for a number of interpretations in a spread. Often they are read as actual people having an impact on the querent's life, who share characteristics of the element they are associated with and hold a certain social or familial "rank". However, they can also be aspects of the querent's personality that either define him or her or that are currently suppressed.

The Rider Waite deck shows us a knight mounted on a black horse. He holds a gold coin in his right hand and his horse stands fast with its front legs planted firmly on the ground before a still, golden sky. In the Thoth deck the card is painted in mostly black and bronze tones. A young man drives a chariot drawn by a bull. He wears a black helmet and holds a globe in his left hand and a scepter in his right.

For my own card I chose another Caucasian character to represent the element of Earth. The Son of Earth looks calmly and steadily at the viewer. His somewhat fastidious get-up shows that he is putting stock in the material and in his own appearance.

In a spread the Son of Earth represents a calm and practical young man. He is steady and dependable and rarely deviates from his path once he’s committed to a course of action and his mind is made up. He has great skill with his hands and pays attention to details. He is a loyal friend to those he cares about. He can be stubborn and does not deal well with emergencies or last minute changes that require quick decisions or a flexible approach.

For a relationship-related question the card may indicate that this is a time to put a partnership or a friendship on a firm foundation. This is not the time where you are feeling the buzz of a new infatuation, but rather the steady glow of a solid connection where you both rely on each other to face the world together. You know each other well, but the familiarity is comforting and reassuring, not boring. It does not mean that your passion is fading and can instead lead to a deeper connection where you trust each other.

If the card comes up for a business-related question it means that you are asked to act with deliberation and will need patience and perseverance to master a problem and achieve your goals. Take time to assess the situation and draw up a careful plan with clear and achievable goals in mind. Take a practical approach – this is not a time for hunches, crazy risk-taking or lofty dreams and novel ideas. Look at strategies that have worked for you in the past and rely on the tried and tested. Be wary of change and of unforeseen obstacles.

If the card stands for yourself it means you should rely on your innate common sense. Stick to your guns and keep a level head. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results from your efforts right away. Be assured that patience and small steps will eventually get to where you need to be. Ensure that your solutions have a firm grounding in reality and are practical and carefully planned. Pick goals that are achievable and choose a pragmatic approach to reach them. Rely on trusted relationships and loyal friends and reciprocate in kind.

If the card is uncovered in an adverse or blockage position it could mean that you are stubborn and inflexible and a stickler for the rules, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. You are so fixated on your own comfort zone and your narrow circle of interest that you become ignorant and phlegmatic. Chances and opportunities can pass you by, because they are outside of your focus. Others get frustrated with your inflexibility and fussiness and your unwillingness to compromise or change. You have little pity and compassion for others, who you expect to fall in line and meet your demands and follow your rules. Alternatively you are stuck in a situation where you feel you cannot get any traction. You are scattered and unable to stick to a course of action and achieve anything. It is hard for you to make up your mind, formulate a plan and handle any kind of set-back. You start a thousand projects and none of them ever get anywhere. People accuse you of being flaky and unreliable.

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