emayuku — Adelio y Jacinta

#adelio #anime #flowers #jacinta #princess #sombreros #stepfather #heymansbreda #timmarcoh #rebozo #ceniciento #trueheartedward #care_characters #adelio_mercado_martinez #whitecharrosuit #charrosuits #charro_suits #white_charro_suit #wicked_stepfather #wickedstepfather #birds #edelric #edwardelric #fiesta #fullmetalalchemist #funimation #godfather #jeanhavoc #mexican #mexico #pinkdress #redribbon #redribbons #romance #rose #roymustang #shawl #sombrero #spanish #winryrockbell #cinderfella #stepbrothers #edwardelricfullmetalalchemist #funimationanime #funimationentertainment #red_ribbion #carecharacters #carecharacterstogtheragain
Published: 2017-07-27 19:09:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 2638; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 1
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Adelio - a Mexican Cinderfella  story -

 The story begins with Edward is working at East City, trying to unclog the toilet. He uses the plumber to pull Ganta out of it.

"Thanks, Edward." Ganta said, walking away.

Edward try to fix the toilet, but the water splash at him.

"Edward!" yelled Mustang "Now the other toilet is clog."

"Damn it!" Edward grumbled, walking to the hall.

Stellaluna, Rosella and Bubulina watch him doing the hard work.

"Poor Edward." sighed Stellaluna.

"Yeah, He's works so hard." added Rosella.

."And never gets the break." replied Bubulina.

Stellaluna, Rosella and Bubulina singing about Edward's hardships in a montage of Edward doing ridiculous chores referring to him as "Edward Elric".

♪ Edward Elric, Edward Elric,
All day long Edward Elric.
Mopped the floor,
Washed the dishes,
(Can you feed Black Hayate!)
Now lift this, now lift that
(This uniform look fat.)
Poor Edward Elric never gets a break
How much more than the abuse
What Edward Elric takes. ♪ 

Next, The Care Characters and the State Military were in the cafe. Mustang sees Ganta bake some pastries with Bubulina.

"Say, Ganta. What do you come from the choux pastry cases?" asked Mustang.

"It's called Religieuse." exclaimed Ganta.

"How you bake it." thought Mustang.

"We didn't. For reason unknown. They look at the French recipe With him on the menu in the special. Now they're trail mark." said Hughes.

"Can you spare some sweets for me?" wondered Mustang.

"Are you sure we got this?" asked Ganta.

The Care Characters has to serve the State Military, however, as it's a female-exclusive guild, Vash, Renton, Edward and Alphonse have to dress up as such along with Kuroneko, Rosella, Stellaluna and Meowric.

"Here!" Edward angrily the glass of tea down on Havoc's table, causing the drinks to spill on the soldiers.

"The servers maybe terrible that drag is point. Once I got their wigs on is nearly fooled myself."

"Yeah, but if someone did notice." replied Ganta.

"Umm hmm," added Hughes. "If were got out they are girls in the member of the Care Characters were infiltrated by the course sex. They be disaster."

Vash and Alphonse laugh as Renton forded his legs

"I didn't order to swim! Breda yelled.

Edward got awfully mad and shouted. "SCREW THIS I QUIT!!!"

He causes the soldiers to flee.

"The Care Characters' reputation will never recover for this ever." said Hughes.

"Don't worry I know the drill," added Mustang. "We'll leaving now."

"Please, do," sighed Hughes.

Wondered around town, Edward stormed off in the building with Stellaluna. Tsugumi, Anya and Meme were passing by him and they notice him.

"Oh my god," said Anya. "Edward must quit his job. Never he thought to quit."

"Wow!" thought Tsugumi.

"Oh my," added Meme.

Soul and Maka were overheard what the girls were talking about Edward, but They both had a plan and went to tell Izumi Curtis what had happened.

At the food stand, Edward and Stellaluna meets Dr. Tim Marcoh.

"What's the matter?" Dr. Marcoh asked to Edward.

"I had a rough time. Colonel Mustang give me some hard work and treat me like a slave!" complained Edward.

"That's not true." said Dr. Marcoh.

"It is true!" cried Edward.

While Edward, Stellaluna and Dr. Marcoh were arguing, a little girl ran towards them and said. "Guys, come quick. It's Izumi Curtis. She's telling a story!"

Edward, Stellaluna and Dr. Marcoh were running towards the crowd who gather around Soul and Maka, even Tsugumi, Anya and Meme join in.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" cried Izumi. "Did you heard the story of Adelio Mercado Martinez. It is a A Mexican Cinderfella Story. I read a story."

*********************************** *********************************** ***********************

Hace mucho tiempo – a long time ago – in a village in Mexico, there lived a merchant named Francisca and her handsome husband, Adelo.

One day, Francisca said, "Adelo, estamos esperando un bebé – we are going to have a baby."

"Francisca!" Adelo said. "Me hace muy feliz saberlo – I am so happy."

Then Francisca said, "We must send for Exuperancio. He will come and take care of me until the baby is born. And then he will help us with the baby." Exuperancio had been with the Mercado family since he was a young boy, and he had looked after Francisca when she was a baby.

But when the war began, Exuperancio came right away. He took good care of Francisca, but after the birth of the baby, Adelo was fighting in the war along of his men who at his side. But he did not come home, shorty after, Francisca held her little boy for the first and last time. Then, he died.

Francisca was heartbroken. She named her baby son Adelio – little Adelo, after his father. Francisca was sad for her Adelo and she missed him greatly, but gradually Adelio filled her heart with love.

Time passed, and Adelio grew into a handsome young man. La casa Mercado se Ileno de alegria – the Mercado house was full of happiness.

One evening, Francisca called Adelio and Exuperancio to his study. "My dear Adelio, my good Exuperancio, les tengo noticias – I have some news for you. I have met a charming man and I have decided to marry again. His name is Señor Milciades de el Fortuna. He is a widower and has two sons close to your age, Adelio. I know you will like Doñ Milciades and his sons, Valentino and Dulas."

Adelio was happy for his mother. Exuperancio wasn't so sure – especially after he met Doñ Milciades and his sons. "Que frias son – they're cold ones," Exuperancio said.

Life was happy, but different. Adelio had to share his mother's attention, but they still managed to have importantes momentos juntos – special moments together. Adelio didn't mind that Doñ Milciades favored his sons, even though Exuperancio complained.

"Es natural – it's natural," Adelio told him.

Then suddenly his mother died from an illness, and everything changed. Poor Adelio was an orphan. Doñ Milciades had always been jealous of Adelio. Now he no longer had to hide it. He moved Adelio from his beautiful bedroom to a small room in the attic. No longer did Adelio have new clothes. He had to wear hand-me-downs that smells bad than a dog. Worst of all, Valentino and Dulas were mean and hateful to him.

Adelio began spending all his time in the kitchen with Exuperancio. He helped him with the meals. He listened to stories about his mother as a girl and his father as a young bridegroom. Because he knew that Exuperancio loved him, Adelio's heart stayed as warm as the fire in the hearth.

One day, Doñ Milciades came into the kitchen and spoke to them. "I am spending too much money in this household. From now on, you, Adelio, will work in the kitchen. You are here all the time anyway. And you, Exuperancio – out! I want you to leave immediately."

"Oh, Señor de el Fortuna, please, don't send me away," Exuperancio pleaded. "I have been with this family since I was a boy. I will work for no money, just for a place to lay my head and a bowl of beans and tortilla."

"Oh, please, Papá," Adelio begged. "Exuperancio can share my room – and my food."

"Out!" shouted Señor Milciades de el Fortuna to Exuperancio.

Then, in an icy voice, he spoke to Adelio "And don't you dare call me Papá, again! I am Doñ Milciades to you." He turned and left, nose in the air.

Entre lagrimas y abrazos – amid tears and hugs, poor Exuperancio said good-bye to Adelio and left with his meager belongings.

Adelio was in despair. The days ahead held nothing but loneliness and hard work. Adelio had to prepare all the meals, clean the rooms, and fetch and carry for Valentino and Dulas, who became more like maldad y vinagre – meanness and vinegar.

"Mis hijos – my sons," Doñ Milciades said one morning as Adelio was serving breakfast, "el Señor and la Señora Gordillo have sent us an invitation to una fiesta en su hacienda – a party at their ranch – to celebrate the homecoming of their daughter, Jacinta."

"OOOOOH, Papá," Valentino and Dulas twittered.

"And," Doñ Milciades said with a smile, "se rumora – rumor has it – that she will be looking for a husband!"

The sons nearly fainted. Secretly, each wanted to be the husband of Jacinta. And each would do anything to get her.

"Doñ Milciades," Adelio asked as he poured the hot chocolate, "may I go, too? I knew Señora Jacinta when we were young. I would love to see her again."

"Are you serious?" Doñ Milciades asked. "Look at you! So poorly dressed – such a dirty face and you're smelling. I would be too embarrassed to have you in our company. You will stay here – Y punto! – that is final!"

Adelio went back to the kitchen.

The next days were busy. Adelio did not have a minute to himself – washing, pressing, sewing suits on, taking lace off, at the mercy of every little capricho – whim – of the brothers as each tried to outdo the other.

So, when Doñ Milciades, Valentino and Dulas left for the fiesta, Adelio went to the kitchen and sat by the fire. Suddenly, disappointment swept over him, and he began to weep. He missed his mother. He missed Exuperancio. He missed being at the fiesta.

Tap, tap, tap. He heard a soft knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Adelio asked.

"Soy yo – only me." It was Exuperancio!

"Oh, Exuperancio, I have missed you so much!" Adelio cried.

"Don't cry, mi pequeñita – my little one," Exuperancio said. "I am here. I had un sueño – a dream – that Doñ Milciades would not let you go to the fiesta, so I have come to help. I have borrowed a cart to take you there."

"But I have nothing to wear," Adelio said.

"Come with me," Exuperancio said.

They went to the cuarto de tiliches – storeroom. "Over there, behind those boxes, is your father's trunk. The key is behind the crucifix."

Adelio unlocked the trunk. Inside he found an old-fashioned, beautiful white suit. Under the suit was a

magnificent rebozo – shawl – embroidered with birds and flowers. "Oh, mi padre – my little father,"

Adelio whispered.

Adelio washed and dressed. Exuperancio fixed his hair and put a sombrero with ribbons and flowers into it. "Oh, Exuperancio," Adelio said, "Doñ Milciades will be furious when he sees me!"

"Don't worry. He will never recognize you," Exuperancio assured her. "Now, vamanos! – let's hurry!"

The fiesta had already begun when Adelio arrived. He walked into the room. Everyone turned to look. The room fell silent. Who was this stunning young man?

Señora Gordillo went up to Adelio. "Who do we have here?" she asked.

"I'm in disguise," Adelio said with a twinkle and a sweet smile. "Just call me Ceniciento – Cinderfella."

"Jacinta, everyone," Señora Gordillo said. "Come meet our very own Ceniciento!"

Jacinta took one look and fell in love! She danced every dance with Adelio. She brought his refreshments. She never left her side.

Adelio's heart was full as well, and all the meanness he had suffered over the years began to melt.

But, at midnight, when Jacinta have him a sweet kiss and declared her love, Adelio was frightened. How could he explain who he was? Her family would never allow her to love a kitchen valet!

So Adelio ran away and found Exuperancio. They hurried home.

"I will never forget this night as long as I live, Exuperancio," Adelio said. "Gracias – thank you!"

"If you ever need me, mijito – my little son – just call my name and somehow I will hear you," Exuperancio told him.

The next day, all Doñ Milciades and his two sons could talk about was "the mysterious Ceniciento" who had appeared and then disappeared from the fiesta, just like the fairy tale. They were jealous of his charms and even more jealous because they knew that Jacinta had fallen in love with him.

"I'm glad no one knows who he is," Valentino said.

"Or where he is," Dulas said.

"And no zapatilla de cristal – glass slipper!" Doñ Milciades added.

Jacinta had told everyone that she would not rest until she found her Ceniciento.

"She is coming to town hoy mismisimo – this very day," Doñ Milciades announced. "She will stop at each house and look for him. This is a chance to show once more what charms you have, my sons, so prepare yourselves. Who knows, maybe one of you will make him forget this Ceniciento."

"Adelio," they screamed, "come help us, quickly."

"I will be right there," Adelio answered. But before he went to Valentino and Dulas, he ran to his attic room

and hung his father's rebozo out the window.

He helped the two brothers to get dress. Then he went back to his room and slyly peeked out the window.

Soon, he saw Jacinta coming down the street on her horse. Suddenly, she saw the rebozo. She humped down, ran to the door and knocked.

Señor Milciades de el Fortuna opened the door.

"Ah, Señora Jacinta! Pásele, por favor – come in, please," he said.

"Señor, where is he? I know my love is here," Jacinta said.

"Do you mean one of my sons?" Doñ Milciades said. "Valentino, Dulas, come here. Señora Jacinta would like to see you!"

The brothers appeared in the doorway, giggling foolishly.

"Buen dia – good day – Señora Jacinta," they chimed in unison. "Do you remember us? Are you looking for us?"

"Yes, gentlemen, I remember you," Jacinta answered, "but it's another that I'm looking for."

"There's no one else here," Doñ Milciades said.

"Yes, there is," a voice said. "Are you looking for me, Señora?"

There was Adelio, standing at the top of the stairs in his father's suit and rebozo.

"My Ceniciento," Jacinta said.

"Who – what – what's going on?" Doñ Milciades asked, while Valentino and Dulas looked at Adelio in astonishment.

"It's only Adelio, Doñ Milciades," Adelio said as he came down the stairs. "Only Adelio."

"Who are you?" Jacinta asked.

"I am Adelio Mercado Martinez. We knew each other when we were children."

"Oh, Adelio, of course. I remember you as a little boy," Jacinta gasped. "I am so happy to have found you again."

She smiled. "I have come to ask my Ceniciento to marry me. Will you?"

"I am an orphan, Señora Jacinta," Adelio said. "Perhaps you should ask Doñ Milciades if he will give his permission."

"Will you, Señor?" Jacinta asked.

"Why, I don't know – I don't know what – I mean – well, of course. We shall be honored, Senora Jacinta," Doñ Milciades said. Valentino and Dulas glared at Adelio.

"Then it will be," Jacinta said, taking Adelio's hand in her.

In his sweetness, Adelio invited Señor Milciades de el Fortuna Mercado and his sons, Valentino and Dulas, to the wedding. Of course, Exuperancio was there, too. He was going to take care of Jacinta and Adelio, just as he had done before.

"And just like Ceniciento and his Princesa – Princess – we shall live muy felices por siempre – happily ever after – too!" Jacinta said.

And they did.

*********************************** *********************************** ***********************

A large round of applause could be heard after they heard the story from Izumi. Edward learn to have courage and be kind and he must had to do as he returned to East City.

"Guys, I had something to say. I'm so sorry!" he apologized.

"We're sorry too." Mustang said as he and the State Military were feeling very bad for not be nice to Edward.

"We sorry for way we treating you." said Hawkeye

"We have to make it to you so we have to be nice to now on." said Hughes.

"And that's want I heard a long time ago in Spanish." said Edward.

They all laughed.

MY COMMENTS:   The is an anime version of a scene from the cartoon of "The Legend of Adelio Mercado Martinez" in Care Characters: Together Again episodes.  I just learned about this tale last night and really liked it - I like both Edward and Winry - best of both.  So, yeah, I had to make an art piece of this story.    

The picture was drawn and colored with MS Microsoft Paint.

COPYRIGHTS / DISCLAIMERS:  Adelio and Jacinta drawings were inspired from clip art,
and the background was inspired from the scenery in the cartoon of this tale...

REQUESTS / COMMISSIONS:   I DON'T TAKE REQUESTS / SUBMISSIONS. I am serious about this! If you send me notes asking for them, the note will not be replied to and will be deleted.
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