Emberoo — Trench [PP-AU Application]

Published: 2020-07-12 16:23:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 2813; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 0
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Description \\ G E N E R A L //

Name > Trench
Nickname(s) > N/A

Tribe > SeaWing
Occupation/Affiliation > Cartographer for the Alliance
Mentor/Apprentice (if applicable) > [Currently searching for a mentor for her history]
Talon/Order (if applicable) > Illumination

Appearance > Her scales are majority medium dark blue, with a still darker navy stomach plating. The underside of her wings are only a bit darker than most of her scales, tipped with the same color as her under scales on the edges. The dorsal side is a much lighter hue, edged with a pale teal. The membrane on her spines and her glowing scales share the same eerie mint coloration. Her eyes are a bright emerald.
Scars > None, or at least none large or noticeable enough to be mentioned.

Age > 13
Birthday > July 3rd
Sex > Female
Gender > Female
Pronouns > She/Her
Sexuality > Bi-sexual, leaning towards females

\\ A B I L I T I E S //

POWERS > +1 Strength
     - Water-breathing / Powerful Swimmer* (Powerful Swimmer: Gain the Swimming skill at Rank 8. (add Swimming > [8/10] to the Skills section of your character sheet) (major)
     - Darkvision (minor)
Given: Glowscales*, Aquatic: Gain the Language: Aquatic skill at Rank 5. (add Language: Aquatic > [5/10] to the Skills section of your character sheet)

SKILLS > She excels in written arts, as many SeaWings do. She however prefers cartography, drawing delicate and precise landmarks, down to the ripples on the water.

Survival > 5/8 (+3)
Tribe Abilities > 6/8 (+1)
Cartography > 8/8
Skill 2 > X/8
Skill 3 > X/8
Skill 4 > X/8
Language: Aquatic > 7/10 (SeaWing Bonus)
Swimming > 8/10 (SeaWing Bonus)

Education/Training: Trench was educated mainly by her mother Void, who learned most of what she knew from libraries all over the continent. Trench has also read hundreds of scrolls over her lifetime for additional knowledge. She also trained for several years in the Alliance to become an Illumote, and has access to their wealth of knowledge as well.


Level: 2
Tier: 1
Strength > [4/10] (+1 SeaWing Bonus)
Agility/Dexterity > [3/10]
Defense/Constitution > [2/10]
Intelligence/Book Smarts > [10/10]
Wisdom/Observation > [6/10]
Charisma > [8/10]
Stamina > [8/10]
Flying > [7/10]

\\ P E R S O N A L I T Y //


Trait 1 > Dedication: Trench will stop at nothing for the sake of knowledge, sometimes even getting her into times of trouble. Her dedication often takes many different forms, whether it be climbing to mountaintops where she can barely breathe to map out the land, or painstakingly redrawing every map to sell, or give to the Alliance. Her dedication can also bring her to find the most beautiful places, and the most interesting comrades.

Trait 2 > Optimistic: Belief in the good in dragons and finding the best in situations has always done her some good. Sometimes, even in the darkest of situations, a small bit of light can mean the difference. That's what her mother taught her. She always said while she tented her big dark wings over Trench, that even in the dark, then she lit up her scales, you could see something beautiful.

Trait 3 > Open-Minded: Trench is very friendly, and most find her easy to get along with, if you get past her quirks and questions. She never judges dragons on the choices they make, whether it be relationships, crimes they're trying to dig out of, or anything else.


Trait 1 > Secretive: For all her inquisitivity on others, she isn't always very open to other dragons herself. She hates talking about her past, and avoids talking about her father at all costs.

Trait 2 > Talkative: Trench is very chatty, especially since she hates silence so much. Usually, it can help her get a small conversation started, or make her a few friends, but occasionally it can anger someone. She's gotten into a few nasty fights (which she lost) because of her talkative nature.

Trait 3 > No fear: Since she wont stop until she has seen all that there is, Trench has developed a lack of fear. Whether she's launching herself into a fight to protect a friend even though she's absolutely horrid at fighting, or strolling through the Poison Jungle without concern to the thousands of dragon eating plants out there.


Trait 1 > Over-inquisitive: For her love of knowledge and quest to further understanding, she sometimes can be fairly bothersome to other dragons. She can pester others with her relentless questioning, and often will ask one too many personal questions.

Trait 2 > Touchy: Often she can be quick to anger, if prompted correctly. If you press to hard for information that she has previously refused to share, she tends to lash out.

Trait 3 > Gerenally Weak: If anyone were to wish harm on this friendly dragon, the first thing you would need to do is get in her head enough to convince her that she isn't good enough. She has copious amounts of anxiety, and is alway trying to make sure she is worthy of her position in the Alliance.

LIKES >> Mapmaking, drawing, and the taste of lightly smoked fish

DISLIKES>> Eels, Seaweed, and gore.


> The fact that her father left her and her mother and took her brother. Trench evades this topic, because she feels embarrassed to have a family that didn't care, when she always hears all this talk of having all family members. She says they died in a hurricane.


> Silence. The stillness of the air, and the ringing noise that fills up the soundlessness terrifies her. This can cause issues when she needs to sleep somewhere where there's little sound, or when she is required to be silent.


> "I'll see all of the world some day! I'll map down everything, even the all the little riverlets of the Diamond Spray Delta!"

\\ H I S T O R Y //

Baby Dragonet > Her father left her and her mother to fend for themselves when she was too young to remember. Void, bitter about this, moved them away from the house on the reef to a new place, settled quietly on the shore of the Sky Kingdom. As she grew more, Trench learned to speak, read, write, and most importantly, she began to draw. This would root a love for the art as she continued to learn.

Dragonet > Trench never went to school like many of the other dragonets she befriended. Void was well versed in all the knowledge they taught in the classroom. They also didn't have much money to spend, since they collected most of what they needed themselves, whether it be food or building supplies. But, regardless, she learned everything she needed to know and more. She frequently borrowed books and maps from dragons that had them, always gazing at them with wonder and treating each object as if it would turn to dust at any hard tug.

But her life then didn't consist entirely of school. She made friends with all of the other dragonets around, her best one being a fiery HiveWing-SkyWing hybrid named Storm. Her family was poor- as most were around the area- but her family did little to help her. The only thing they ever did for her was send her to school, but everything else, Storm did for herself. They spent a lot of time together growing up, and Storm accompanies Trench upon many of her travels to this day.

Young Adult > Now as she got more talented with her drawing, she once had the whim to make a map of the small village she lived on the outskirts of. The map turned out wonderfully, and she was able to start selling these maps for any spare change that dragons had. She began taking long trips away from the village, soaring high across the different kingdoms, drawing maps, selling them, and using some of the money she earned to buy more parchment and waterproof parchment to sell in the palace. From time to time, more frequently as time went on, she would see a dark dragon that seemed to be watching her movemnets. One day, the strange dragon approached her, asking her to perhaps consider training for a peacekeeping initiative called 'The Alliance'. After looking into the matter more she accepted, and became a trainee, after heading home to pack her things on the east coast, bidding Storm and Void a farewell for now.

After years of long training, the day finally came. Trench was accepted into the Alliance as a full member. She was given the orb, and after a few moments, it glowed a beautiful shade of molten gold. Illumination was truly where she belonged. Her new life awaited- exploration, mapping, and the pursuit of knowledge.

\\ R E L A T I O N S H I P S //


>> Void (Mother) Even darker scales than Trench herself, with blue glow in the dark scales. She and Trench have always felt a strong need to stick together, and make sure no harm ever came to one of them while under the other's watch. Void is still alive today, living in the coral reefs in the Bay of a Thousand Scales.
>> Atlantis (Father) Lighter scales, with yellow glow in the dark scales, probably a reason for the odd coloration of his son. His left Trench and Void with Crab when she was young. She doesn't remember much of him. And hasn't seen him since.

SIBLINGS > Crab - An egg hatched about 5 days later than hers, Crab is a aquamarine dragon, with lots of white speckles all over himself. His glow in the dark scales are an odd red. Trench has never met Crab other then when she was too young to remember.

MATE (if applicable) > None

DRAGONETS (if applicable) > None


> Storm: Hive/Sky hybrid. Trench's best friend




Leather Satchel >
A medium sized leather satchel that is frequently coated with water-resistant substances to reduce wear when Trench explores underwater [MEDIUM, moderate weight]

Extra Parchment and Ink > With all her scurrying around the globe, Trench is nearly always drawing up new maps to sell, or give away to dragons who need them. [SMALL, lightweight](Fits in Satchel)


Quest: PPAU TOURNAMENT ARC?!?! sta.sh/0iw8gt5rdgb
Rewards Gained: 100 Dragon Tears

Quest: Title and Link (Link to screenshot of your Quest Success Confirmation) 
Rewards Gained: (List rewards here, and any notable Quest Completion details) 

Total Dragon Tears Gained: 100
Inspiration: None

Starting Stats: STR [4/10], DEX [3/10], CON [2/10], INT [9/10], WIS [6/10], CHA [8/10], STA [8/10], FLY [7/10]
Starting Skills: Survival [5/8], Tribe Abilities [6/8], Cartography [8/8], Aquatic [7/10], Swimming [8/10]

\\ E X T R A //

Bans: N/A
Character Creation Variants: N/A

Cheerful voice, with a slight British accent

\\ C O M M U N I C A T I O N //

DeviantArt Comments > No
DeviantArt Notes > No
Discord > Yes
Other Chats > Dependent on the chat

Base made by @/Biohazardia
Colored by @/Ytttrium

Application for
Made by @/Biohazardia
Background image drawn by Pandamonic (do not tag) for use of Pyrrhia-Pantala only.
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Biohazardia [2020-07-13 19:53:27 +0000 UTC]

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