EmoSmoothie — Number 14: Chapter 1
Published: 2013-04-12 02:32:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 266; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Number 14-Chapter 1

    She woke up in a sea of bodies, her clothes stained with the blood of her victims. As she stood, her bones cracked and her muscles ached. She stretched, causing more bones to crack, and took a look around her, scanning the bodies. All the people that were against her, tried to bring her down, were dead. A smile danced across her lips. She spotted her reflection in one of the broken windows. The chocker on her neck glowed an iridescent purple, matching her eyes. A black "14" was in the middle of the chocker, which is what anyone who had ever spoke to her, called her. Her black hair went a little passed her shoulders and was messy. She combed her hairs with her fingers. She then stretched again, rocking onto her toes. As she exhaled, 14 spotted movement behind her, quickly grabbed her gun and spun around. No one was there, so she lowered her gun and headed towards the room in front of her. She gripped the gun tighter and entered the room. There were no windows, and the lights were blown out from the night before. Letting her eyes adjust to the dark, she moved farther into the room. There was a table in the middle of the room, and a green light came from underneath it. She quickly got on her knees, pointing the gun at a small boy who shook with fear. He wore a collar just like hers, only green with the number 5. She lowered her gun. She had never seen someone else who had a collar.14 felt an odd connection to the boy.

    "Get out from there," she ordered and stood up. The little boy scrambled to get out from under the table and continued shaking. In an attempt to make the boy feel better she put the gun away in its holster. She felt bad for the boy; a gun in the face probably wasn't the best way to start his day. Though, she was still confused. Where did the boy come from? Hadn’t she taken out everyone the night before? Before she fell asleep she even went through all the rooms, making sure that no one was there. 

    "Where'd you come from?" she said, voice cracking a little. The little boy replied,
    "My room," which only caused her to be more puzzled.
    "Show me,” she demanded. The little boy nodded slowly, walked passed 14 and out of the room. The boy led her down one of the long hallways 14 had gone through last night. They went into a room that brought back terrible memories to 14. The place that the man would take 14 and punish her for messing up. The chair he would strap her in was shattered to pieces, and some were in the chest of victims that had been in the room. She felt happy to leave the room and follow the boy through another hallway. The boy passed 14's room and came to the door at the end of the hallway, something she has disregarded the night before. The boy reached into his pocket and took out a card, which 14 was surprised to see him with. Normally the man and the masked people would have the cards, she never was able to access anything passed this door; therefore, she considered it pointless. The boy swiped the card and the door unlocked; a new hallway was now open to her. Her right hand slipped down to her gun, but she caught the eyes of
the boy, and took her hand off of it. 

    "No one's here, that's why I came out," 14 nodded, though she was still weary. The boy went in, and 14 followed cautiously. Every muscle in her body prepared to react if something were there, waiting for her. To her surprise, and relief, there seemed to be nothing dangerous behind the door. She held her guard though. The kid may have been adorable, but that didn't mean that he wasn't dangerous. He ran down the hall, leaving 14 behind in a bit of a shock, into his bedroom. She ran after him, and when she entered the room, became officially dumbfounded. The boy smiled at 14 and said with a big grin on his face,
    "This is my room!" 14's eye glided around the room. There were toys and books that covered the floor, and posters of people in funny outfits on the walls. The boy watched her. His confidence seemed to spark. "Those are superheroes, I'm going to be one when I grow up!" He jumped on the bed in the corner of the room, put his hands on his hips, and made his chest puff out. "I'm gonna be the incredible SUPER 5!!!" 14 raised her eyebrows at the boy.

    "How are you going to do that? You don't look anything like this guy here." She pointed at one of the posters, and she was right. The boy was way less muscular giving him a scraggly look, while the men on the posters were about as buff as the man. The boy
simply shrugged,
    "I dunno." 14 gave the boy another look, then continued looking around the room. Nothing looked appealing at all to her. She made her way to the door, hoping to find some clues on where she was in this building and what it's purpose was, when 5 jumped
off his bed and ran in front of her. "Where are you going? You're not gonna leave me, are you?" 14 thought it over. She didn't really want the kid with her, he'd probably hold her back, but at the same time he had a collar so he might know something about what was
going on over here.
    "No, you're coming with me," she told 5. The boy moved to the side so 14 could come out of the room.
    "Where are we going?" he asked, his face held a worried look.
    "To find some answers," was all she said. The boy followed 14 as she walked down hallway after hallway, looking for anything that might give her the information she needed. Sometimes the boy would point out what things were like the cafeteria, or the
nurse's room. 14 just kept going until she made a full circle. She had missed something, she was sure of it. Where were her answers? She turned to the boy,
    "Is there a room you're not supposed to go in?" 5 gave 14 a puzzling look and then nodded. "Can you take me to it?" The boy nodded once more, this time a bit hesitant and then took the lead. They reached a door that had multiple locks, one of which was the card lock.         "Give me your card," 14 told the boy. He took it out of his pocket and gave it to her. She ran it through the card swipe and the red light turned green. She tried the door handle, but it was still locked. 14 gave a face then took her gun and smashed the other
locks then kicked the door open. 5's mouth dropped open.

    "I don't think you were supposed to do that," he told her.
    "That's the point," 14 said with a big grin.
    14 had reached the spot. The room was nothing but a huge computer on one wall, and a bunch of computers on the other walls. Chairs were matched up with the computers, and everything seemed well organized. The big screen was red and displayed a picture of 14 as well as some security camera footage. 14 sat in the chair and started reading some of the things on the screen. She couldn't read all of the words, which frustrated her. She had never been all that well in her lessons, and not being able to understand what she was reading proved to her that she had ultimately failed her schooling. 5 came up next to her and started mouthing words. 14 looked surprised at him.
    "You can read that?" The boy nodded.
    "It says, 'red alert experiment 14 has escaped' then it looks like you can give directions to people here," he pointed to a picture of a microphone on the screen. "Then it gives some information about you." the boy read a little, and then giggled.
    "What's funny?" 14 said, glaring at the boy.

    "It says you're 'difficult' and that you 'have problems taking orders from-'"
    "Don't say his name!!" 14 interrupted. She looked back at the screen. The man didn't deserve a name the way he treated 14. "Does it say anything about where," she pointed at a picture of the man, "he, is?" The boy read a little more and then gave a slight nod.
    "Kinda. It just says to evacuate to Base 9." 14 paused; she had no idea where that was.
    "Does it say where that is?" 5 shook his head. 14 scowled, disappointed.
    "The transporter probably knows though!" 5 said, excited. 14 looked at the boy in hopes of an explanation. 5 noticed her confusion and said,
    "It’s a big machine that takes you places! We're not supposed to take a transporter without permission though." 14 sighed; the kid just didn't get it. She kneeled down and grabbed the boy's shoulders.
    "Kid, what we're doing is the right thing. Have the masked men ever made you do things you don't want to?" The boy looked at the ground and nodded his head solemnly. "And did they hit you if you didn't do it?" the boy nodded his head again. "Well believe me, they did that to me too, but I realized that we're not the bad guys, they are 5, and we're going to be the good guys and take them down." 5 looked up at 14 with bright eyes.
    "Like a superhero?" 14 gave a big smile.
    "Yeah, kid. Just like a superhero." 5 gave a big smile back.
    A figure appeared in the doorway with a gun pointed at 14 and 5. 14 reacted by drawing out her gun and standing up, but slowly put it down as a glow came from the figure's neck.
    "That's right, put it down." The person barked.
    "It's ok. We're the same!" 5 said, also noticing the glow. The person lowered the gun a little, and stepped further into the room. He was a teenager, about two years older than 14, with reddish hair that covered one of his eyes. His collar had 17 on the side, and was glowing yellow. Suddenly 5 ran across and hugged his leg. 17 stood there confused. He pointed his gun at the little boy that was hooked onto his leg but 14 intervened before he could do anything else. She tore off 5 from 17's leg and snapped,
    "He could have shot at you!! Don't be stupid!" 5 just slumped off what she said and smiled at 17. 14 rolled her eyes and looked at 17, "It's fine, you can put your gun away."
    “We’re on the same side!” 5 inputted.
    "What side is that?" He asked the little boy.
    "The freedom side!” he said happily. “We’re gonna be superheroes! 14 said so herself.” 17 gave the two a look and hesitantly put his gun away.
    “So, who are you two?” 17 asked the pair, “and what are you two doing here.”
    "I'm 14 and this is 5.Where’d you come from?” she inquired. We were just talking about getting out of here. Where’d you come from?”
    “There’s a door that blends into the wall, my room is in there,” he explained. 17 shook his head. "I don't think it’s a good idea to leave, especially if you’re going there,” he said pointing to the building on the screen. “That's where they all go in case someone starts killing everyone,” he said giving a slight glare at 14. “They'll be expecting us, and terminate us without even hesitating." 14 grunted and put her hand on her hip.
    "Then where do we go? We aren't stay here. They're probably sending people right now to come after us." 17 went quiet and looked around, lost in thought. 5 spoke up then, breaking the silence.
    "If you're 14, and he's 17, where's 15 and 16." 14 looked at 17, hoping for an answer. She had no idea. Come to think of if there was a "5" then there must be a 1-4 and a 7-13.
    "I don't know, kid."
    "Does this make us brother and sister?" 14 became even more confused and the look on 17's face told her that he had no idea either. 14 turned to the computer.
    "Why don't we find out?"
    “Alright,” 17 said. He walked over to a chair and sat down. 14 went over and sat in the chair next to him. 5 went over next to her again, resuming his former position.
    "What do you want to look up?" 14 thought for a moment.
    "Well, earlier it called me 'experiment 14', so try 'experiment 1'. You might get better results that way." He nodded and typed in "experiment". Soon enough a page opened up that was just like the one with 14 on it, but instead a girl with short, blonde hair took her place with a red collar that had the number 1. 5 and 17 began reading her bio. Embarrassed, 14 asked 5,
    "What does it say?"
    "Oh! Right. It says that she is very focused and is very 'flirty' towards number 19." 5 turned towards 14. "What does 'flirty' mean?" 14 shrugged and looked back at 17 for answers. 17 cleared his throat, trying to figure out how to describe it.
    "Well, it means that you act 'playfully' towards someone you really like." 14 shrugged, and turned towards 5.
    "I get it, just means she has a crush on 19 and is trying to act all cute in front of him."
    "Ooh," 5 replied, then giggled. 17 addressed 14 then,
    "So you can't read this?" 14 shook her head.
    "I'm not the best with reading, never have been.”
    “Hm, that’s odd,” he said with a puzzled look on his face. They all turned their focus back to the screen and scanned over the page. 14 sat back in the chair a little more, hoping that they'd find something useful soon. She hated being useless like this. She
could shoot a gun and throw a punch, but reading was nearly impossible for her. 17 reached up and pointed at a section on the page.
    "There. It says she's at Base 4."
    "That must mean that there are multiple bases." 14 finished
    "I wonder if we're at one of them."
    "We're at Base 3, I remember the masked people saying that." 5 chimed in.
    "What's the difference between bases?" 14 asked.
    "My guess is security. If they're saying-"
    "Don't say his name. He's ‘the man'," 14 interrupted aggressively.
    "Ok. If they're saying 'the man' went to Base 9, then that's most likely a highly secure area."
    "Right. So we should head to Base 1." 14 determined.
    "Why?" 5 asked.
    "Because that's the least secure place." she said, and then turned to 17, "And I bet that there are more people like us there. More people means more chance of getting into Base 9." 17 nodded in agreement.
    "I think we should go for it," he said, gesturing towards 14 and him.
    "What about me?" 5 asked, disappointed. 14 and 17 looked at each other. It was 17 who answered,
    "We'll think of something. I promise, buddy." 17 messed up 5's hair and then turned to 14. "So are we just going to bust in there like no one's business and hope to find people?" 14 scoffed and rolled her eyes.
    "We'll head over there and then see what's up. We'll devise a plan there based on security, and then we'll attack a day later after getting some rest. Our goal will to be get the other people and then get out, take no prisoners and kill everyone in our way." 17
raised an eyebrow at 14.
    "Do you do this often?" he asked, a bit worried.
    "It’s a day job." She replied with a grin.

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Comments: 11

TerramArmsXIII [2013-04-12 02:38:31 +0000 UTC]

err....this is good but is the main character the boy or the girl on the sea of bodies, i are confused, anyway goo d work, very gorey and i like it! so i hope you get to read my things but anyway that's not the point ,keep up the good work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmoSmoothie In reply to TerramArmsXIII [2013-04-12 02:40:23 +0000 UTC]

It's a girl. I will definitely get around to reading your stuff as well.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TerramArmsXIII In reply to EmoSmoothie [2013-04-12 02:43:35 +0000 UTC]

alright, so she's 14, so thne she goes in, finds a boy, the boy talks about wanting to be a super hero, then 5 shows up, then they're talking about some operation. I think that is all that happened. I could be wrong so tell me if i am, i have no right to ask for you reading of mine if i can't get it right, by the way i understand about the whole top of head thing, just find gorey things to inspire you, i had to write my best one: World in between twice, i got 40 chapters in, scraped it, went 20 chapters in, scraped that, and then now i have 60 plus, all of this in 2 years. so just think, use some music, and it'll come to you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmoSmoothie In reply to TerramArmsXIII [2013-04-12 02:48:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the tip! The whole jist of this is that the character's names are numbers. They're all experiments for a post-apocalyptic company, but the story will explain that in a later chapter. 14, the main character, has had enough of her life style (which is basically being locked up in a building) and decides to take matters in her own hands. She ends up killing off everyone in her building only to find that she wasn't the only one living there. That whole idea intrigues her and she goes off trying to find everyone and kill the man who wanted to keep her in the building her whole life.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TerramArmsXIII In reply to EmoSmoothie [2013-04-12 02:51:25 +0000 UTC]

cool as fuck...wow...that's good....i hope their is blood powers.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmoSmoothie In reply to TerramArmsXIII [2013-04-12 02:52:07 +0000 UTC]

Haha we'll have to see. That would definitely be awesome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TerramArmsXIII In reply to EmoSmoothie [2013-04-12 02:56:08 +0000 UTC]

nice, again, i have an idea, okay, so their experiments for aptopalytic region and stuff, okay....they had experiments that gives them the power to use their blood, like in skills, like one would have the ability to grow blood wings, the other the ability to shoot a blood gun, one a blade hand, and one like armor, based on number, 14 could have her own ability, i'd say the blood blade or something like that, she could use her blood as weapons, like if she got cut she could form a blood blade, oh, and let's not forget the ability to use human weapons with this stuff, just some ideas i had in about 3 seconds

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmoSmoothie In reply to TerramArmsXIII [2013-04-13 15:46:51 +0000 UTC]

They're really good. I'll see what I can do.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TerramArmsXIII In reply to EmoSmoothie [2013-04-13 15:48:53 +0000 UTC]

GGREAT!!!! Comment if you please, the feed back, I'm hungry for it, i need itt!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmoSmoothie In reply to TerramArmsXIII [2013-04-19 03:37:32 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, school has been SUPER busy! I will definitely read one of your stories this weekend.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TerramArmsXIII In reply to EmoSmoothie [2013-04-19 03:45:50 +0000 UTC]

its okay, i've learned to be patient. take your time, but please read the one you like or interests you most

👍: 0 ⏩: 0