EmpurrorMooks — GMG :: Beau Haywood

#anthro #gmg #pokemon #sawsbuck #goodmorningguild
Published: 2017-11-26 05:58:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 5482; Favourites: 142; Downloads: 11
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"Oh dear..."


 Twitter: BeautyBucks

[Flat Colors and Form Changes ]

GENERALBeau Haywood"It's a pleasure to meet you."
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (Joined @ 20)
Birthday: July 12   

Height: 5'3" / 160 cm
Weight: 105 lbs / 48 kg
Species: Sawsbuck ★       
Ability: Sap Sipper - [Boosts the Attack stat if hit by a Grass-type move, instead of taking damage.] 
Nature / Characteristic: Timid / Thoroughly cunning
PERSONALITY"I hope I'm not any trouble."
  Polite, charming, careful, gentle, empathetic
  Ambitious, untrusting, stubborn, intelligent, perceptive, anxious
  Cowardly, manipulative, vindictive, paranoid, selfish

    Beau is polite and reserved, and always does his best to come off as friendly and charming. He's never one to pick a fight and prefers to address others with kindness and respect. Staying on his peers' good side is a priority; He will always avoid direct conflict when possible. While timid in nature, he has a gentle disposition and tries to make sure those around him are comfortable. He's humble, and won't hesitate to seek help when it's needed or admit when he's afraid. His empathetic and perceptive nature makes him excellent at reading situations and people, often giving him a good sense of who to engage, who to avoid, and what words people want to hear from him. He's more sharp than his appearance lets on; His quick thinking extends beyond the social sphere, he's overall well-read and good at planning even in dangerous situations. He's well aware of his shortcomings and does his best to work around them. However, he's also rather idle, and doesn't like to get his hooves dirty if he can help it. He will only really speak his mind when he feels safe to do so (a.k.a., he knows someone will protect him from any potential backlash) at which point he'll display he actually is capable of being rude or dismissive. He's slow to trust and form genuine connections with others, but when he does he'll show far more distress over their well-being rather than his usual polite concern.

    Beau is powered by fear more than anything else. He can't stand pain or injury and will do anything to avoid it. His alert and perceptive nature backfires when everywhere he looks he sees danger; He is skittish, paranoid, and almost never truly at ease. Anyone bigger or stronger than him will surely beat him up if he upsets them, anyone who doesn't dote on him would surely abandon him when given the chance, every noise in the night is a serial killer, every shadow is a monster, every dangerous situation will lead to his death... etc. Beau knows he's weak and vulnerable. He knows he's a coward and a crybaby, unable to protect himself and utterly useless on his own. His poor self image has him convinced that he needs other people to accomplish anything, and leads him to be extremely reliant on others and his ability to control his interactions with them; If he doesn't have some level of control over someone else, he can't feel safe. The only things he has going for him are his wit and his looks- therefore the only thing that will help him survive is being liked or pitied by others more capable than him. Even when terrified, his dedication to caution means he will think before acting- Until he's alone or a situation is truly hopeless, at which point his anxiety will overcome him and throw him into panic. He can't trust others not to backstab him and because of this he is self-centered, looking out for himself above all else. At his core, he is desperate to feel secure- physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Beneath all that, Beau is a surprisingly stubborn deer. He is ambitious and driven towards his goals, though they're frequently selfish in nature. He wants only the best for himself, be it protection or money or affection or fame, and he will go to great lengths to get what he wants. Only his determination can overpower his timidity and get him to take risks when there's something coveted to be gained from it. Despite constantly reminding himself he's worthless, his strong desire for acknowledgment was what led him to Everstone in the first place. While not intentionally malicious, Beau has no qualms with manipulating others to get what he wants. He enjoys being doted on, protected, and allowing himself to sit back while someone else does the hard work. More than that, he enjoys the limited feeling of power and security he gets from knowing someone likes him too much to hurt him. He's selfish but not cruel if he can help it, and won't go out of his way to hurt or inconvenience others. He doesn't like the thought of others being in pain either- better them than him, but he should still avoid it if possible! The only exception is when he feels someone has slighted him. He's extremely vindictive when upset, and will hold a grudge for some time. Even if he can't express his displeasure right away, he will remember and express it at the earliest (safe) opportunity.

STATS"Please, I-I'm sure you're much more adept at fighting than I am! (How brutish...)"
▶ -Member 1:   Beau Haywood
Personal Rank: Diamond

Skills: Navigation, strategy, healing
Beau's delicate nature leaves him more suited for healing and thinking than any sort of combat. He's practicing hard with his nursing skills in order to support those around him. He's a quick thinker with good intuition and a good sense of direction. He excels in planning and strategizing, but lacks the courage or muscle to carry them out alone. His moves drain him quickly, making him more of a liability in battle, so don't expect him to lift a hoof to help you unless the situation is dire. Instead, he utilizes his high speed to keep out of the way. He's quite careful and would rather avoid conflict and focus on treasure seeking or carrying out the mission as efficiently as possible.Moveset: (12 / 13)
 Fake Tears (Egg Move)
 Leech Seed
 Aromatherapy - A sweet scent is released from his horns, healing status conditions and slightly easing pain.
 Grass Knot (TM) - Beau attempts to trip the opponent. This is the most difficult move for him to use.
 Sand Attack - Pocket sand.
 Worry Seed (Tutor)
 Camouflage - When under stress, his type may change. The process will leave him exhausted for a few minutes, but the effects will last until he has time to relax or leaves the environment.
 Safeguard (TM)
 Attract (TM)
 Nature Power
 Energy Ball (TM)

HISTORY"I don't have any intention of going home until I've made myself useful."
Family:Mother - Holly Haywood - Sawsbuck [53] - Logger
Father - Edmond Haywood - Ursaring [57] [Deceased] - Overseer in Diamond Mines
Sister - Fayette Haywood - Sawsbuck [23]
Sister - Belle Haywood - Ursaring [22]
Sister - Bluebell Haywood - Ursaring [22]
Brother - Vivien Haywood - Sawsbuck [18]Hometown: Diamond Island - Iceford

[TL;DR: Physically and temperamentally weak, Beau was pushed around or neglected by his peers and family for most of his childhood. After any hope of physical prowess was crushed by his rushed and stunted evolution, he learned to rely on his wit and trust only himself. When the disaster struck Iceford, his survival and potential to be useful motivated him to join the Everstone Guild.]

    Edmond and Holly Haywood settled in a cabin far on the outskirts of Iceford, where the couple had and raised their five children. Holly's third pregnancy had been complicated and the little shiny Deerling, the second-youngest, turned out downright runty and very prone to sickness. The question of whether or not he would even make it was brought up more than once during his early childhood. By the age of 6, he was stable, just... sickly, and they hoped with enough perseverance he would grow into a healthy young buck.

    His parents' hopes were in vain. Born to a tough and hardworking family, Beau stood out even more with his physical weakness and emotional meekness. He was oversensitive, easily frightened, easily fainted, and easily brought to tears. While his older sisters would be out in the snow or learning their chores with their mother, he was often huddled inside with a book, a heavy blanket, and/or a runny nose. He could never keep up or try hard enough to do anything. It seemed Holly would only begrudgingly engage with him to ensure he could at least do household work like cooking and cleaning. He didn't see much of his father growing up due to his job, but when he was around Beau felt like Edmond just wanted to pretend he didn't exist in favor of his more capable siblings. By the time his little brother Vivien was old enough to take his place, Beau was an afterthought.

    His schooling had been delayed a year due to his health, but Iceford as a whole seemed to be just as unforgiving as his family. In school, his skittishness and aversion to conflict made him easy to push around and make fun of. He became extremely quiet around others, fearing anything he said would be an annoyance or a reason to tease him. It felt like anything he ever did was under scrutiny. Luckily bullying rarely got physical, if only because a Fake Tears now and then would make him too pathetic to be worth hitting. Attempts to confide in teachers were dismissed with the suggestion that he stand up for himself. He tried to talk to his mother about it only once, getting a similar response; He had better learn to fight his own battles, because no one else was going to do it for him. He resolved to keep to himself as much as possible, not giving people a reason to dislike him or notice him at all. He made few friends- mostly with other targets of bullying- and spent most of his time alone inside.

    As time went on his relationship with his siblings became more strained. He really was an embarrassment to have around, and their treatment of him ranged from aggression to bullying to just... ignoring him. Beau learned early on that asking his parents for help was useless. Holly and Edmond believed it was just the nature of sibling rivalry to be rough with each other. It was probably the only way to toughen him up! But Beau could only feel disliked and unwanted. By the time he was 13, he was undoubtedly the family joke. Still, jokes need to pull their weight too, and as much as Beau was not a fan of work, he at least appreciated the chance to be less of a burden. He picked up work waiting tables at a restaurant in town.

    Soon the next life hurdle reared its ugly head: Evolution, something he'd dreaded since childhood. Once his eldest sister evolved, the twins would be training hard and follow soon behind, and then all eyes would be on him. His family would remark that he'd be the last in his generation to evolve. Even his little brother would evolve before he did, insisting they battle afterwards only to humiliate him. His father would laugh at him- if he cared at all- and his mother would look at him as though she wanted to disown him. Everyone else in his class would evolve before him and the lone Deerling would once more have the bullying spotlight. He was doomed.

    And so he waited, sick with anxiety, for the moment one of his parents or sisters would approach him about training for his evolution. And waited. And.. waited? As months passed and the confrontation never came, he was convinced they hadn't even bothered thinking about it. He was a lost cause, they already knew he'd fail to evolve, and they didn't care. Perhaps he should've been relieved, but it only hurt worse.

    Full of spite, the Deerling had a new plan: If he could evolve on his own by the time he was 15, he would've evolved the fastest in his family. He could be big and strong like the rest of them or at least get close, and wouldn't that be worth something? It was draining but he learned Grass Knot, hoping that by learning one offensive move and practicing it in spars with his friends or even just slashing it against trees, he could slowly build up his strength. He did whatever he could think of to force his evolution, working his body to its limit more than once until, miraculously enough, it worked.

    One moment he was on his own, lashing out at a sturdy tree, and the next moment he was waking up after collapsing in the snow. Evolution had finally come, and he'd fainted from the effort, but it worked! Yet as the 15-year-old Sawsbuck looked himself over, disappointment quietly flooded back. He was... bigger than before, but not big. Taller than before, but not tall. He barely felt any stronger, just cold and out of breath. Suddenly he noticed the weight- or rather, lack thereof- of his antlers. When he reached up to feel them he could feel tears making their way up to the surface. He was humiliating, and felt sick at the prospect of dragging himself home that night, or going to school the next day, or letting anyone see him again. As expected, his family was disappointed. His weak body hadn't been ready- he had evolved too early, and now his growth would likely be permanently stunted.

    Thankfully enough, his situation in school didn't get too much worse than it was before. Over time Beau had become something to ignore rather than something to openly jeer at. He'd slowly grown out of his fearful silence and adopted a policy of "kill them with kindness" that, when combined with his abuse of Charm and/or Fake Tears, made him difficult to harass without guilt or someone standing up for him out of pity. Genuine friends were few and far between- he trusted no one but himself, after all- but his growing skill with words got him a social circle that he could call friends at least in name. If nothing else, he had tools. His evolution was simply another thing to feel bad for, and even a benefit to some of his peers as at least he'd become prettier. He was never respected, but he could be liked or even fawned over, and that was enough.

    Years passed with little change. Beau finally graduated but continued to live at home out of fear of the world beyond. Sure he knew things would probably be better off on Sapphire or Emerald, but Iceford was all he knew and despite his resentment of them, his family was the only group of people he knew how to trust. Iceford jobs paid good money anyway, perhaps if he saved up enough he could work up the courage to leave Diamond, go to a college on another island, and be something useful. Belle and Bluebell moved out, followed by Vivien as soon as he graduated, leaving only Beau and Fayette with their rarely-home parents.

    As Diamond was rocked by blizzards, meteors, and extreme cold, the Beau and his mother and sister could only huddle up inside during the 24 hours of hell with no clue as to how the other half of their family would survive. Bright pink and blue flashes coming in through the window at one point as what he later found out were gods passed overhead. Thankfully the cabin was undamaged, but when things finally went quiet, the cervine Haywoods were stuck inside by all the snow piled up. For days they were unable to leave, having to ration their food and supplies. Little did Beau and Fayette know that their mother had the smallest rations of all, giving up most of her food to them. By the time they could force their way out of the cabin, Holly Haywood had fallen ill, and the family was in desperate need of firewood and food for her. Fayette and Beau, still in one piece, left to find supplies.

    However, the path from their cabin to Iceford had been changed beyond recognition. The area had never been friendly for travel, but now even the trees seemed to bend and twist around them and before long they had hostile ferals at their heels. They tried to run through, only to become separated. Beau was terrified to find himself alone in such an environment- he wanted his sister back, any of his sisters, he wanted his parents, he wanted anyone. Panic gripped him and led him to hide in the nearest grove of trees, certain that he would die if he moved an inch... It was only when hunger and the cold began to claw at him that he could gather the will to move. He was terrified, but he couldn't die like this either. Sheer will to survive dragged him out and he was soon rewarded as he made his way further into the hellish forest- Berries. Berries and apples. Food. It shouldn't have existed in this landscape, but it was here- and that was when his memory clicked. Was this somehow a Mystery Dungeon?

    After a series of gathering, running, crying, and hastily Grass Knotting the small enemies, he found Fayette again, and the two were able to escape the dungeon with much-needed food and firewood and get back to their mother. The experience left Beau thoroughly shaken, but also with a strange sense of... pride? Somehow, he had survived. He had helped. In the coming weeks, Holly improved enough that they were able to make it to Iceford and find that Beau's other siblings had made it through the disaster. His father had not been so lucky, dying in the mines during a cave in. Although Beau felt a little guilty, it was difficult for him to feel the despair that the rest of his family did... He felt only minor grief, and buried it beneath his studying up on Mystery Dungeons and what had happened to the rest of the Igneous Region.

    When it was announced that the guilds of the past would be reopening, including the one in Iceford, Fayette, Bluebell and Vivien all signed up soon enough. Beau, to his own surprise, was actually considering it... Exploring was dangerous, but if he had a strong enough team he could be protected at all times. He was fast, he could navigate and strategize well enough, and if his team was good he could achieve wealth and rank.

    And then the announcement came regarding Everstone. Everstone on their mission to travel and save the world. If they succeeded, they would have eternal fame and go down in history. Imagine that... Pathetic, weak, cowardly Beau Haywood playing a part in the world's rescue. Everyone who had ever looked down on him being forced to acknowledge him. To respect him. To thank him. He could have fame and knowledge and countless treasure. Or he could die, but that would be of little consequence to anyone besides himself.

    Beau made up his mind, making sure to inform all his friends and family of his decision. After garnering concern from some and amusement from others, he packed his belongings and savings and left for Diamond Port. It was a long (and harrowing) travel to Emerald, but he genuinely found it enjoyable, and his savings were more than enough to get him to Everstone. He'd never left Iceford, never even experienced changing forms from his winter form, and was delighted to see tan-colored hues in his fur during his weeks spent abroad. Even the nature of Everstone was so much friendlier than Iceford had been.

    More determined (and more nervous) than ever, he set out to join the Everstone Guild.
OTHER"Erm... Do you mind?"
Notes / Fun facts:


  • True to his species, his appearance changes with the seasons. His antlers aren't much to look at but they can still sprout flowers and leaves. They often fall out easily though.
  • Somewhat prone to fainting.
  • When he's in particularly good spirits, he sprouts more flowers/leaves.
  • Stomps his hoof and huffs or snorts when annoyed/frustrated. It's a bad habit.
  • Holds his liquor surprisingly well. A virtue of being from Iceford, perhaps..?
  • As a child he used to pray to the Swords of Justice for strength and courage. Eventually he dismissed the idea of praying to Legendary Pokemon because they likely didn't exist. Now that the disaster happened, he dismisses the idea because he's certain that prayer isn't going to stop capricious gods.
  • He's terrified of being alone. Even scary company is better than isolation.
  • Bisexual. Falls pretty easily for pretty girls.
  • He's a crybaby even without Fake Tears. It's usually not full on crying, of course, but he tears up easily at nearly any strong emotion.
  • Would like to attend university, provided the world doesn't end.
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Comments: 14

Vaizelli [2018-09-23 14:13:29 +0000 UTC]

hello! this cutie came up as I was looking through a friend's collection, and I've just fallen in love?? do I have permission to draw him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmpurrorMooks In reply to Vaizelli [2018-09-30 22:15:03 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for the delay, but thank you so much and yeah go ahead!  no pressure ofc, but I'd be honored!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Celestial-Hearts [2017-12-31 02:11:01 +0000 UTC]

Im sorry to ask this and I hope im not being rude but may I copy the description format of your application? Its just so clean and organized QwQ If I offended you by asking im so sorry!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmpurrorMooks In reply to Celestial-Hearts [2018-01-01 03:56:30 +0000 UTC]

That's alright! go right ahead, I'm glad you like the format ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Celestial-Hearts In reply to EmpurrorMooks [2018-01-01 05:02:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kuroyami-san [2017-12-15 14:57:11 +0000 UTC]

He's so adorable, I love him ;w; Is he already on a team? I have a boy who is looking for team mates! Here is his app: Oliver Dawnson .:GMG:.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmpurrorMooks In reply to Kuroyami-san [2017-12-15 19:52:02 +0000 UTC]

he doesnt have a team actually eVe i feel like he and beau could work really well together so im open to teaming them up!! id love to RP them some time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuroyami-san In reply to EmpurrorMooks [2017-12-15 21:06:09 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!
I would love to! ;o;c Do you want to rp them and see if they work together well as a team? I'm more active through discord! We could discuss it through there if you want to? ;3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmpurrorMooks In reply to Kuroyami-san [2017-12-15 21:23:44 +0000 UTC]

yeah sure thing! you can @ me in team-discussion or DM me when you have time to discuss stuff, whichever works better for you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kuroyami-san In reply to EmpurrorMooks [2017-12-15 22:22:42 +0000 UTC]

Ok, I will do it! Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CaptainClovey [2017-11-26 12:12:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow he's adorable and beautiful!! What a gorgeous character o0o <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shayxy [2017-11-26 12:10:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

InterstellarStardust [2017-11-26 06:14:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness he's sO PRECIOUS

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SintelDragon [2017-11-26 06:04:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0