The coils were tight. Tight and warm. Tight, warm and inescapable. They were comfier than any dog bed he had been in. Tighter too…
And the colours! They filled Gardogs mind with absolute bliss and pleasure as he sank into the comfy armchair of muscular coils that wound around his form, squashing and squeezing the fight out of him. Combined, they formed an inescapable prison for the buddyfight monster.
“Thessse Diety-dragon-tribe monssssters are sssso interesssting…sooo cute!” The horned serpent holding Gardog cooed, gently tightening the dogs bonds. His tail reached up and stroked Gardogs head. “Itsss almossst like dessstiny to have sssuch a good dog in my coilssss..isssnt that right Gardog?”
Gardogs snout curled up into a confident, blissed out smile. He was a good dog. A good dog for his master. All he had to do was sit there, coiled up nice and tightly and smile like a goofball for his master as his body was squeezed and squashed.
“Ruff! Yes Massster…” Gardog barked, his words mimicking his captors hissing. “Feelssss like…Doggone….dessstiny!”
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