EspyTop — Nemaru Redesign

#sevensins #sloth #sevendeadlysinssloth #demonoc #ocredesign #slothdemon #redesignoc
Published: 2020-02-22 00:23:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 523; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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I am finally back with another Seven Sins redesign! It only took 500 years, didn’t it.

I don’t feel like much really needs to be said, I’m not gonna keep you for any longer than I have to lol.

The only thing I will say is that the next sin character might be a while longer, as I have a few other projects I’m working on at the same time(including the new colour series), and some take a little more time than others. But I don’t plan to take so long again like before lol.

Onto design changes!

Since I made Nemaru and Aiko sisters, I felt it only made sense to give them both the same skin colour(though technically they all have the same skin colour bc am lazy), which I personally feel suits Nemaru more than the pale skin did. I also got rid of her shapka, instead I replaced it with a far less bulky-looking eyemask. I feel like, despite the simplicity of the shapka, it made it a bit too much. It felt too...I dunno, heavy?
I also changed the shape of her eyes to make her look sleepier.

Also I changed the reference images! You can also check out Aiko and Clove’s references where I updated the images. Links will be after the bio.

Name: Nemaru Nine Shimizu

Nickname/s: Sheep, Cloudy, Nem

Gender: Female

Age: Physically 22, chronological age is 2242

Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic

Species: Demon

Abilities/Powers: Like the other sins, Nemaru is capable of black magic, levitation, and has heightened senses(touch and hearing especially). Like her younger sister, Nemaru’s element is water, and ice by extension. She also requires sleep, though does not need to eat. Out of the other sins, Nemaru has the least amount of stamina, only able to be active for about an hour before requiring rest. Like Aiko, Nemaru can emit a special powder from her mouth, though instead of creating strong attachments, those who breathe it in become incredibly drowsy and will fall asleep after a short while. This powder also has a special scent, depending on what scent relaxes the victim the most. She can also create mist or clouds from this powder, or even a thick fog that is incredibly difficult to see through.

Occupation: Demon Ambassador of Sloth

Personality: True to her sin, Nemaru is very docile and calm, usually always remaining relaxed even in extremely stressful situations. Of course, she is also very lazy, often preferring to just loaf around and sleep in her spare time. Despite this, however, she is very serious when it comes to her job as a diplomat, and she tends to find herself having to keep the others in line in order to get work done. She is usually rather blunt, hardly one for joking around, though she does show a softer side to her whenever she is around Aiko. She doesn’t care for conflict, preferring to stay out of any arguments and just be by herself, though if she were to somehow become involved, she tends to become rather passive-aggressive in her mannerisms. She can also be rather strict towards the other sins, earning herself the “parent” title from the others as a joke. Not that she cares.

Likes: Soft things, clouds, keeping Aiko close, sleeping, silence, blue

Dislikes: Noise, rough fabric, bright things, conflict, balloons, coffee

Appearance: Nemaru has dark tan skin and is relatively tall and thin, with black markings covering her body. Her horns are similarly shaped to a sheep’s, and are the same black as her markings. Her tail is longer than a regular demon’s, and has a soft, spherical tip that can glow in the dark. Her eyes are a deep blue with black scleras, and she has long, messy pale ice blue hair, which is usually kept loose and untamed. Her usual attire consists of a large, dark blue jacket with a soft, darker blue trim around the collar that resembles clouds. The trim has tiny white spots scattered throughout it, resembling stars. Underneath her jacket is a plain midnight blue nightgown, with white stars as well as the sloth symbol decorating the top, however this is covered up by her jacket. She also has a dark blue sleep mask that usually rests atop her head if she is not sleeping, white knee-high socks, and she is almost never seen wearing shoes.


  • Mother – Nemaru loves her mother, but sometimes finds her to be a little too affectionate. She doesn’t seem to register that this has rubbed off on her as well. She acknowledges her mother’s intelligence and as such has respect for her, but other than that she is neutral.
  • Father – Nemaru is neutral to her father as well, but still admires his talent, despite his constant tiredness. She tends to follow his steps more due to her admiration.
  • Aiko Shimizu – Nemaru loves Aiko dearly, and is incredibly protective of her, to the point of becoming overbearing sometimes. The two are rarely seen apart, and whenever they are, Nemaru’s thoughts tend to consist solely of worry for Aiko’s well-being. She hardly trusts anyone else around her, not counting the other sins, and has a weird tendency to try and monitor other people’s behaviour around her.
  • Clove Fisher – Nemaru likes Clove, despite his more chaotic nature, and he is one of the very few people she fully trusts to take care of Aiko in her absence. Usually when he starts acting a little out of line, Nemaru knows exactly how to reign him in, though she sometimes can’t be bothered to, due to being so accustomed to his actions. She has a tendency to constantly remind him of things, regardless of whether he remembers or not.
  • Ulyssa Martinez – Nemaru likes Ulyssa, and will sometimes assist her father in mentoring her as the next Wrath Ambassador. She sees Ulyssa as a niece to her, but as a result tends to worry about her. She will often take charge when Ulyssa’s anger levels rise, allowing her to relax easier and help her to rest. There are times when she’s annoyed by Ulyssa’s more childish side, though.
  • Jin Trump-Martinez – While Nemaru likes Jin, his pranks are not things she is a particular fan of. She’s more keen on keeping him near if he promises to be quiet. She does like to give him little gifts occasionally, though this is usually because she isn’t as fond of shiny things as him.
  • King and Prince Royale – Nemaru likes the twins well enough, though she believes that they work too much than what is healthy. She likes to allow them ample time to relax whenever possible, and often finds herself wishing their parents didn’t push them to work for most, if not all of their lives.

Backstory: Nemaru was born and raised in a rich, high-class family, her parents both previous Sin Ambassadors, her mother being Lust while her father was Sloth. Nemaru began to train to take her father’s place at age 501, and trained alongside Aiko when she began her own training. While at the beginning it was hard for her, as she couldn’t help falling asleep at every given opportunity, she managed to figure out a way to help her learning and was able to succeed her father at the age of 1932. She also assisted her parents in training Aiko at times.
Before her training, she had met and befriended a young human woman named Lena, and the two were very close. The two were very close, however only a year had passed since their initial meeting when Nemaru found Lena inexplicably dead in her home. When her parents announced that she was going to have a little sister, Nemaru promised herself that she’d protect her with her life, as to not have someone she cares about die again.

Extra Info:

  • Like her sister, Nemaru is nocturnal.
  • Nemaru cannot pass through clouds.
  • Nemaru has slight misophonia, though it is unclear why. It’s speculated that this started when Lena died.

If there’s anything more you want to know, please ask me in a comment and I’ll answer as best as I can. :3

More Sins –

Aiko: www.deviantart.com/espytop/art…

Clove: www.deviantart.com/espytop/art…

Ulyssa:  www.deviantart.com/espytop/art…

Jin: www.deviantart.com/espytop/art…

King and Prince: www.deviantart.com/espytop/art…

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