ethmul — Joyous Reminiscence (Reader Insert TF TG AR MC)

#ar #carnival #hypnosis #kirlia #magic #mc #tf #tg
Published: 2018-02-26 07:42:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 52525; Favourites: 153; Downloads: 0
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Description    Hot, humid weather, somewhat shotty rides that are operated by underpaid workers, strange concessions and toys being sold or won by game at every corner: that could only mean one possible thing: the carnival was in town! You had always enjoyed the experience you had at it every year when you were younger, but nowadays it just kind of feels...cheap? Flimsy? You weren’t sure of the word to describe it, but you didn’t care, you weren’t having as good of a time as you thought you would. You do miss it though, the experience and the joy of it all.

   You had decided to go to the main stage the carnival had set up where they would be hosting many different events, such as a “Battle of the Bands” competition from a few local high schools, a magic show, and - the one that intrigued you the most - a live hypnosis show for the finale. You had sat down with your cheap tasting yet expensively priced hot dog and your favorite beverage of choice to watch everything they would have for the night.

   The bands were very good. All of them seemed to be rock and metal acts, but they played with a passion that you wished every facet of this event contained. A few songs that you could easily recognize, a few that seemed like some sort of “underground” songs that sounded less like music and more like primal noise and aggression, and you swore one of the bands did a song entirely in German. Despite the hit-and-miss quality of all of the performances, you had enough fun that, by the time the magic show was starting, you had already gone through both your food and your drink.

   The magic show was nothing special. Obvious illusions and tricks, one person getting sawed in half then magically being put back together by boxes - there were obviously two people in those boxes - and some other staple “cheap magic show” tricks.

   You felt like you were going to fall asleep from boredom by the end of it, but as soon as the magic show ended you felt yourself snap wide awake as you realized the hypnosis show was about to start. You didn’t actually think anyone was going to be hypnotized, but you got the impression that it would be some sort of comedy act where some guy is “convinced” he is a chicken, another guy is convinced the floor is made of spiders, and such other scenarios that could produce some good laughs for the whole crowd. The lights dimmed on the stage, and a voice could be heard over the carnival speakers.

   “Laaaaaadies and gentleman, boooooy and giiiiirls....we are proud and honored to present to you, the Amaaaaaaazing Alexandria!” The voice boomed out with a sense of bravado and hype, the audience around you reacting to it by clapping and cheering. A trapdoor could be visibly seen opening as a woman seemingly emerged from the stage, wearing your typical woman magician outfit that you have seen plenty of times before. The only stand out thing about how she looked was her hair; a stark silver in color, clearly contrasting against her young beauty that you could see all the way from the back of the crowd. She waved a little bit to the audience and began to speak.

   “Greetings and salutations! I hope each and every one of you have been having a wonderful day so far, and I hope that if you weren’t, that this short little show will help you,” She said. You could relate; you weren’t having the best time here, so you hoped that she was right in her claims. She continued, “Now, I think I’ll start with something a bit simple, or at least I think it is. But that is the fun of being a hypnotist: what the human psyche may think is complicated may be simple to the subconscious mind, and it is my job to show all of you how true this is. So, for my first volunteer, I think I will go with…” You could hear many different people shouting “ME! Pick me!” and raising their hands in the air, and after a few moments of contemplation from her, she suddenly had the lights illuminating the grassy crowd area all point to one person: you.

   “You! Come on up here!” Alexandria exclaimed. You reluctantly got up, not expecting to be called on so suddenly. You were expecting some actors to be stationed at the front of the crowd, but apparently this was not the case. You proceeded to walk up to the stage after a few moments, before climbing up and walking up next to her. You could notice some more features about her now that you had a good look at her: she had a well endowed figure, and that was obvious enough now, but she also had piercing, red eyes that stood out, and certainly could not have been the work of some cheap cosplay contacts. Something felt off now, but you didn’t think about it much.

   “So, how have you been tonight?” She asked you, and you responded honestly:

   “It could be better. I used to LOVE coming here as a kid but now it’s just...not the same, you know?” You responded. She frowned a little at you, but her smile soon returned.

   “Well, maybe we can help you have a better time,  can we?” She asked you, the audience responding with cheering and some whistling. She moved one of her gloved hands into her coat and pulled out a small, golden pocket watch held by a chain. You were now extremely skeptical. She was going to hypnotize you with a small pocket watch? There was no physical way she could pull this off. She held the chain by the end so the watch’s body would meet your eyes directly, and began to swing it back and forth.

   The watched seemed to shine in the bright lighting in such an interesting way that immediately caught your eyes. It made you feel a bit relaxed, but you knew there was no way it could actually hypnotize you. As such, you felt it was fine to just look at it for a bit to be relaxed, then tell her you couldn’t be hypnotized, then probably return to the crowd and buy some more food.

   “Try to look away.” She told you, and you thought to yourself that you obviously could, you just wanted to watch for another second or so…

   There, now you can look away...mmm, maybe just one more second…

   Okay, one more second…

   One more second…

   She seemed to give a pleased smirk, though you couldn’t see it from how your attention was slowly and surely being drawn to the pendulum, which seemed to frustrate you a little, but you couldn’t exactly fight back as more and more of your brain power went towards watching the pendulum and listening to her voice.

   “Now, as you watch the pendulum swing, you will begin to feel all of your thoughts become focused on only the pendulum and my voice.” She told you. You began to think to yourself a bit:

   ‘Is she seriously RIGHT about this? I am LEFT shocked by...oh, getting RIGHT to think. It’s LEFT so tiring that RIGHT maybe LEFT she is RIGHT can’t LEFT think RIGHT any LEFT more RIGHT. LEFT. RIGHT. LEFT. RIGHT…’

   You could hear her suddenly giggle happily, and that giggle seemed to echo in your mind as if she were talking right into your ears. “Wow, you are quite willing. Now, just let the thoughts of the pendulum begin to make you tired. Sleepier, and sleepier, and sleepier…”

   Left, right...you felt your vision suddenly begin to grow blurry, any and all noise other than her voice seeming to fade away, grow distant. Left, right. Everything is starting to go black, and now everything is completely silent. Left, right. You feel your eyes suddenly close under the weight of their tiredness and…

   Snap! All of a sudden, any and all thoughts you may have had left are gone. The only things you can see is the pendulum, and the only thing you can hear is her voice.

   “Now, anything and everything I instruct you to do or tell you about yourself is and will be the truth.” She told you, and your mind suddenly felt much more open than before, as if it was a computer waiting to be programmed.

   “You have such lovely, light green hair, don’t you? It’s tied into twin pigtails by two red fins, and it even falls over your right eye, it’s just so adorable!” Your hair suddenly lengthened and fell down to your shoulders as it dyed itself a light green, most of it suddenly being held at the sides by two red clips, making it look like you have two pigtails at the sides of your head. Your vision of the pendulum also got cut in half by the hair that fell in one of your eyes, but you were so engrossed on the pendulum’s swing that your vision didn’t matter at this point.

   “And that hair is complimented by your young, feminine face, with those youthful red eyes you have.” You felt your skin on your face soften and any and all imperfections seemed to fade away. Your facial hair, if you have any, vanished as well, leaving it smooth. Your eyes grew a bit larger as well, the color of them turning the same shade of red that she had, the change being complimented by your nose growing a bit smaller.

   “Your voice is just so young, girly, and adorable too, it just fits your shoulders that are so narrow, and that lead down to your perfectly slim feminine arms that have your petite hands at the end of them.” Your neck suddenly slimmed down and your Adam's apple vanished, leaving you with a young girl’s voice. Your shoulders painlessly caved inwards, and you felt the smoothness of the skin on your face suddenly spread, your body hair vanishing alongside the spread of it as your arms slimmed down, and your hands became dainty and feminine.

   “Now, such female features must be accentuated by your admittedly small breasts, along with that still modest figure of yours.” You felt your chest suddenly push out a little into A-cup breasts, pressing against your shirt as your waist pinched in a bit, your hips pushed out a little, and your back barely arched to support the little amount of new weight you had.

   “Mmm, your manly features seem to not fit your female body now, don’t they? They’ll have to go.” Alongside your chest pushing you, you felt your manliness pull in entirely, reforming and restructuring your internal organs to become a new womanhood, making you a complete she.

   “Your lovely legs just seem to accentuate the rest of your body, along with your similarly petit feet.” Your legs slimmed down and your feet became petite and feminine, the same skin from the  rest of your body covering them, making you a full woman. However, your changes were far from over.

   “Now, all of the...small features...of your new body must mean that you are quite the young girl, aren’t you?” You suddenly began to feel yourself shrink and de-age, from your normal male stature and height to around a meager 4’8”, your body standing at around 11 years old now, forcing you to look up a little to keep your eyes on the forever present pendulum.

   “Mmm, your clothing is quite nice as well. It seems like you want to be a ballerina if your clothing matches your desires.” Your clothing reshaped and reformed a lot, the fabric of your shirt turning white and becoming a lot more comfy, the shoulders and sleeves vanishing from it as it wrapped snugly around your figure, the fabric popping out a bit as it looked more like a tutu now. A necklace with a red jewel in the center of it formed around your neck, the jewel falling right onto your chest. Your pants and socks seemed to grow more skin tight, the denim turning into a stretchier fabric that you couldn’t pinpoint as they became stockings, your sneakers turning into fancy ballet shoes.

   “Now, listen to me very carefully. Your memories just will not be able to match this body, so I’m going to correct them for you. Your name is Kaitlin. You’re 11 years old, and you are cheery and super girly. Your parents, Mona and David, are rich, and as such you are a bit spoiled. Despite this, you’re still kind to pretty much everyone you meet. Your favorite things to do include play with toys, be with your friends, and do ballet, which you hope to turn into your job when you get older. Now, could you repeat that for me?” She asked you.  You didn’t know why she was asking you to repeat everything she just said, maybe she thought she got something wrong, but you did anyways, repeating her exact words as if they were the complete truth.

   “Great. Now, when I say 3 you will fall into a deep sleep and you’ll wake up when your parents come to get you. One...two...three.”


   “...Kaitlin?” You heard your mother say, nudging you a little as you slowly began to wake up. You noticed you were backstage at the carnival. You had no idea how you got here. The last thing you can really recall is watching an amazing magic show: you had no idea how they managed to saw someone in half but it was incredible! Everything after that seemingly is...nothing, like you turned the page of a book and it’s all blank.

   “Ah, mom!” You said, hugging her happily as she returned the hug. You looked up at her. She looked pretty close to you, dark green hair, red eyes, a beautiful face that you felt safe next to, Although she was dressed in a much more seemingly normal attire, a white shirt and some normal jeans with sneakers “I had such a great time! The rides were so much fun, the food was sooooo good...but why couldn’t you and dad come with me?” You asked her, looking over to your dad, a strong looking man with black hair, red eyes, and a mysterious yet gentle face, who was wearing a black and red t-shirt with a logo on it of some band that he likes, along with dark blue jeans and sneakers.

   “Dad was busy with some of his business friends again.” He said to you. Sometimes he had to go see those friends for whatever reason, but he was still around a lot, so you couldn’t complain much right now. You yawned a bit.

   “Ah...I’m tired.” You said. Your mother responded by picking you up, surprisingly much stronger than she looked - though she always claimed that strength came from her ‘mental prowess’, though you had no idea what that meant. She simply said she'll tell you when you’re old enough.

   “Alright, sweetie, we’ll take you home and get you to bed then. You’ve got school tomorrow after all.” Your mom replied in a calm, gentle voice, walking beside your dad and taking you back out to the fancy car they owned, putting you in the back seat and buckling you in as you saw your dad sit in the driver's seat.

   “Mom...dad...can we come back here every year? I had so much fun…” You asked them. Your dad smiled and replied:

   “Of course! Anything for you.” He said, your mother nodding in agreement. With that, you smiled and felt yourself suddenly drift off to a comfy sleep as you felt the car pull out of the carnival’s parking lot...
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Comments: 28

Dylan613 [2020-06-29 17:34:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ron512 [2020-06-20 22:21:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-18 19:09:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-18 20:10:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-18 23:16:26 +0000 UTC]

Hey, what are you foingf!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-18 23:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Uh...nothing much?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-19 01:32:59 +0000 UTC]

You wanna continue our RP in noteds!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-19 01:56:13 +0000 UTC]

I think I lost the note. Actually...we can RP about that other story in notes, the reality change one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-19 03:06:25 +0000 UTC]

Sure, let's.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-19 03:12:01 +0000 UTC]

Okay. Want me to send the note?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-19 03:59:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-19 04:04:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-23 11:41:04 +0000 UTC]

Ok. How.is the sumo Lucario story going?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-23 13:48:49 +0000 UTC]

I still haven’t started on it yet.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-23 13:53:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh, that's fine. I.understand.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-23 14:00:47 +0000 UTC]

I’ll get on to it when I have the opportunity to do so.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-23 14:43:08 +0000 UTC]

Ok. Sorry about missing you earlier

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-23 14:46:07 +0000 UTC]

It’s fine!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-23 15:09:23 +0000 UTC]

That's good. You on all day today?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-23 20:36:14 +0000 UTC]

Well I have school and such, plus an eye appointment and dinner but I’ll be on around the evening.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-24 02:13:33 +0000 UTC]

Ok. Like now?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-24 04:07:31 +0000 UTC]

I can now, yes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-24 06:52:54 +0000 UTC]

Ok. You on today and tomorrow?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to deathbustereudial103 [2018-03-24 06:55:52 +0000 UTC]

Tomorrow not all day. Gonna go see a movie at 4 PM

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

deathbustereudial103 In reply to ethmul [2018-03-24 07:43:10 +0000 UTC]

Ok, that's fine

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Phoenix-Dominic [2018-02-26 11:16:27 +0000 UTC]

This was awesome! You should do more of these.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ethmul In reply to Phoenix-Dominic [2018-02-26 13:46:10 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thank you very much for the kind words ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Phoenix-Dominic In reply to ethmul [2018-02-26 17:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0