for: AlkalineAkeail
Contraband Detective - Any TokotaAt ports of entry to the various regions of Tokotna, Tokotas are used to find and stop the smuggling of contraband. Each of them is trained in a specific detection such as finding smuggled puppies, goods, or people. Depict your tokotas being trained or on the job detecting contraband. (Do not depict any illegal substances or graphic scenes.)
Requirements: - A container must be visible in the image (at least 50%) or thoroughly featured within literature.
Ferris 61775
Saskia 67320
Rosalie 67406
Handler: "None"
Canon Location: Coastal Alonastia
Tracker: Fynder D991 Tracker
Attempt to tame wild: No
Relevant Items/Bonuses:
- Species Advantage
- Monthly Species Bonus : Worg
- Rainy Skies Event
- Warm Bindings
- Muddy Notes
- Horn of Beasts
- Fortunes Favor
- Treasure Hunter
- Legendary Resilience (HR3)
- Impy
- Panda Worg Puppy
- Will O Wisp