Evil-Wren — app Broken

Published: 2015-10-01 02:24:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 553; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 15
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"These days my time is very short so waste it and I will crush you."


Basic Information

Name: Broken Graveyard
Age: Unknown (appears early 20’s)
Height: 6’ 2”
Species: Negative experiment: apocalyptic war horse
Species Description: An unintentional result of experimentation by a high ranking demon attempting to make the perfect weapon.  (it’ll make more sense when you read his history…I hope)


  • He can control his blood (which s basically shadow mass)
  • Reasonable shadowmancy abilities at this point
  • Some shifting abilities (a dog and smaller version of himself)
  • Icemancy
  • Some fire control (cold flame)


Academic Information

Level: Expert…(I think…honestly I have no clue! Unfortunately I got behind on his ap and I confused myself. If he’s not I’ll change it and if he actual is…dear lord what a frightening thought!)

  • SHD 401
  • SHD 402
  • SHD 403

Passed Courses: SHD 101, SHD 102, SHD 103, SHD 104, SHD 201, SHD 202, SHD 203, SHD 204, SHD 301, 302, 303, 304
Experience: Don’t know haven’t checked in a while

Personal Information


  • Topaz and Jinx*
  • Jokes. Laughing, playfully messing people
  • FOOD!!! Like all dog based critters he loves food! You want an instant friend just bring food!
  • Music
  • Singing or howling
  • Hugs and snuggles
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • His shadow cat Button
  • Movies
  • Piercings
  • Star gazing
  • Actually Broken is pretty fond of a lot of stuff!In fact he’s more likely to like something then not.


  • Loud noises
  • Strong, overpowering smells
  • Anyone who hurts children
  • People being sad or upset
  • Being sick
  • Being thought of as a weapon
  • Anyone doing anything to his family*



  • Positive: As a rule Broken is pretty positive and upbeat. He’s willing to see good in almost everything even in those who seem completely hopeless.
  • He’s getting pretty good at shadowmancy and using his own shadow and other shadows to get things done.
  • Ice. In fact this is something he almost defaults too more than his shadowmancy.
  • Adaptation and evolution: He can evolve based on information and energy he aquires and he can adapt to it if it’s not to overpowering.


  • Family: This is Broken’s biggest weakness. Not just his own family but other people’s as well
  • Fire: Even though it has less of an affect now thanks to Kaine and mDrake it’s still something hard for him to recover from if it’s used against him and it’s still pretty scary to him
  • Heavy amount of silver
  • Children: any children but especially is niece Alana and now his son Topaz*
  • Jinx: he has come to realize how much the angel means to him and he wants to do as much for him as he can while he can*


  • Spend as much time with Topaz and Jinx as he can*
  • Break his family and other experiments free from their creator
  • Living long enough to get his diploma so his son has something that his dad earned*
  • Getting Jinx to say yes*


  • Losing himself in the evolutionary process. He doesn’t want to get ahold of something he can’t handle and become unstable again. It makes him crazy and forces him to become something he doesn’t like.
  • Becoming a mindless weapon that hurts others indisreminantly
  • Anything bad happening to his family
  • Having to confront his creator true creator


  • Calm
  • Focused
  • Loving
  • sweet

Broken has a very different attitude for this upcoming term. He is far more focused, determined and seems more mature then he has at any other point. Right now he is focused on his family and making the most of his time and not wasting it. Of course when around certain people he is still upbeat, happy and sweet. He is much more willing to do what needs to be done and takes things far more seriously.


    ·         during the tournament Broken learned what really mattered to him after sending Jinx and Vanilla on a vacation away from Otherworlde. He learned that Jinx meant everything to him. Broken also created a son named Topaz to leave behind for his family and before the stone died completely. While participating in the tournament he full awoke unfortunately his current physical body is dying so he can seal away the actual demon behind all of his families problems.

Broken originally started out as nothing more than a simple shadow. In fact he was nothing special at all. During the day he would sleep as the shadow of a dog statue located at the front of an asylums cemetery. In the evenings he would motor around the graves feeding on the energies and goodies that could be found there. Unbeknownst to him the asylum was a front for a demon named Seann to do his experiments. It gave the demon plunty of test subjects. Of course no one anticipated that the experiments would turn the mostly harmless little shadow into a parasite who began to have to feed off of all the negative energies and who was becoming self aware from the information he consumed from the entities in the cemetery. Of course Broken didn’t care. He lived there and was content to stay the way he had always been as long as there was food to be had. He liked his home until one night when everything changed.
The minute he woke up he knew something was different, very different. There was a heavy scent of blood and vauge feelings of life in the cemetery. Upon investigating he came across blood covered portions of his home which lead to the body of a small boy. The kid was in bad shape and it was obvious that his life was slipping away. Broken had no clue why, but he was moved by the child. He did all he knew how to do. He scooped the small figure up and wrapped the childs body in his shadow form trying to keeping him warm and from losing anymore blood. He talked to the boy and tried to comfort him as best as a shadow was capable. This was when he learned the boys name was Liam and that he was an unsuccessful experiment of Seann and that so were some of his friends including another boy by the name of Erin. Erin meant the world to Liam who even then wanted to try and protect him and save him. He made Broken promise to save Erin unfortunately the shadow had no way of doing so and Liam offered himself as Broken’s first true meal so he could have the form and knowledge to help Erin. Broken refused to hear any of it at first. He would never consume a living creator. Even the energy he ate was from the dead. However he finally relented when Liam told him that he knew he was dying and that he wanted to use his life to save his friends and the only family he had ever know. Broken consumed Liam however he didn’t absorb the boys soul. He couldn’t bring himself to end that innocence so keeps that safe inside him.

Once he had a form and the knowledge to navigate the asylum from Liam he went looking for Erin. What he found though was a teenage boy well along in the process of becoming a succeful experiment. He observed some of the things being done to the other and was determined to help the only way he could think of. He stole the other half of Erin’s soul and the other halves of the demon and angel souls that were being fused to Erin. He didn’t get very far before becoming cornered and in a panic he ingested the remaining parts in essence becoming the other half of Erin. Seann decided to use this to his advantage and Broken found himself being experimented on under the code name Graveyard. In time he and Erin became close and once both had become strong enough they laid waste to the asylum saving the remaining potential experiments. At the time Erin was too unstable to leave so Broken went after their creator alone which was a set of. Seann wanted Erin alone and once Broken found out he came back to protect the boy he had come to view as his twin brother. To his surprise though by the time he got back to Erin he had gained a stablazation factor and beat off their creator. They decided to set out together now that Erin was no longer a danger to anyone to continue their fight.

Many years later they tracked Seann to the site of Gunner’s pack unfortunately they were one step behind their creator. He had already turned Gunner and devastated his pack. As they searched through the devastation Broken found a small body of a wolf pup bearly clinging to life. It was Gunner’s little sister Snow. He didn’t have the heart to let her suffer so in an act he considered of compassion for both her and Gunner he consumed her taking on her ice abilities and dog like traits. Unfortunately his choice began to weigh heavy on him and began to drive him mad so in an attempt to keep him stable why he attended Otherworlde Erin sealed some of Broken’s mermories. Unfortunately this left the poor boy confused. He knew who Erin was and he had shadowy bits an pieces from the asylum. As he thought on it longer and longer he came to hate Erin and view him as an enemy following him to otherworld under the name Dark Graveyard since he remembered being called Graveyard previously. The time at the school though only made him more unstable so again Erin sealed memories but this time he took all of them and hid them in the realm between life and death were he thought he would be the only one who could get to them. With no memories at all Broken shifted into a dog and fled away from everything until he met a small sick girl who he eventually eased into the afterlife as well and in turn regained a human like form.

Again he found himself at Otherworlde. He did okay in the beginning mantianing some sense of stability so his brother’s left him be. Unfortunately mDrake and Kaine gave Broken pieces of themselves and since both were more powerful and had strong negtative energies as well as over all influence it created a scenario his body ultimately struggled to cope with. His body began to go beserk as it worked on the slow tedious process of adjusting, absorbing and incorporating the pieces of the new shadows he was given. Erin attempted to stabilize him in reverse this time slowly giving him back memeries. However the process made Broken very sick and in a weakend state Seann attempted to finish the process of destabliazation to finally achieve te perfect weapon. Unfortunately it didn’t go according to plan. Broken gained all his memories back and was partially satbalized.  It wasn’t a perminant fix though. His body was still at work processing through Kaine and mDrake’s contributions and everytime it broke through another barrier in the process he would once again become more unstable.

At the end of this term though Broken found his stabilization factor in his little niece Alana and the brothers discovered what it meant to find a stabilization factor. The factor is created when someone loves you enough to give up part of themselves for you. As a result he is now forever bonded to his niece. He also managed to finish the evolution and absobrtion of mDrake shadow bits and Kaine’s shadow bits also bonding him to them.  Of course he figures best not to tell them they have control over him if they really want it since they would probably have him do really terrible things to himself. He’s still working on earning their favor.
Misc. Information:

  • Broken now has a pink stripe in his hair to symbolize his bond to Alana. (which I forgot to put in this picture XD)
  • He has completely mastered his cold flame now
  • He wears a pink princess kitty watch on wrist given to him as a good luck charm when he headed back…touch it and he will end you.


Character Relationships

| - Likes | - Dislikes | - Unsure | - Interested By | - Saddened By | - Fearful Of | - Crushing On | - Love |

Alana: Broken’s niece and Erin and Jester’s first child. Broken absolutely adores her and she is his favorite person in the whole freakin world. He would absolutely destroy you if you tried to lay a finger on her.

Ghost: Broken’s younger brother. This is his best friend in the the history of anything. He enjoys spending time with Ghost and the two horse around and mess with each other all the time. He was devastated when he thought Ghost had been killed and wants to spend as much time with him as possible.

Erin: Broken’s “twin” brother. Their relationship is often serious and deals with the business end of what they are, but they are close and care for each other very much. There is no doubt in either’s mind that the other would have his back. Of course every so often they manage to get time to snuggle with each other and just have some true brotherly fun and go at each other like Broken and Ghost do.

mDrake: He only remembers mDrake as his teacher at this point since Seann earased everything else which Broken’s okay with.

Kaine: He only remembers what Kaine taught him in classes. Seann also earased this memories as well.

Jinx: Broken absolutely adores Jinx and Jinx is the light of his world. The boy is the love of his life and his mate and he would protect the angel to the end of everything. If you screw with Jinx he will kill you! You do not mess with his cute little cuddle bunny! (poor Jinx XD)

Topaz: Broken’s son that he created from his heart stone. He loves his kid and wishes he had more time to spend with him and it depresses him that he can’t.


Roleplaying Preferences

  • Where do you like to roleplay? Notes, comments, skype?
  • Preferences or limits
  • Would you like to join the OW Skype Group? If so, indicate Skype username or note it to viralremix


Script Sample
Sample goes here.

Lit Sample
Sample goes here.

Last but certainly not least BROKEN! I love this look so much, but I'm not gonna talk too much you guys are probably PISSED that I just overloaded your inboxes....this is the last one for tonight I swear. I'll post the whole pictures for all these guys tomorrow. I love you guys and Hope you enjoy!  Time for bed!!!

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bluryoutlines [2015-10-01 02:49:45 +0000 UTC]


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