At this moment you could be anywhere, doing anything. Instead you sit alone before a screen. So what’s stopping us from doing what we want? Being where we want to be?
Each day we wake up in the same room and follow the same path, to live the same day as yesterday. Yet at one time each day was a new adventure. Along the way something changed. Before our days were timeless, now our days are scheduled.
Is this what it means to be grown up? To be free? But are we really free?
Food, water, land.
The very elements we need to survive are owned by corporations. There’s no food for us on trees, no freshwater in streams, no land to build a home. If you try and take what the Earth provides you’ll be locked away. So we obey their rules.
We discover the world through a textbook. For years we sit and regurgitate what we’re told. Tested and graded like subjects in a lab. Raised not to make a difference in this world, raised to be no different. Smart enough to do our job but not to question why we do it. So we work and work, left with no time to live the life we work for. Until a day comes when we are too old to do our job. It is here we are left to die. Our children take our place in the game.
To us our path is unique, but together we are nothing more than fuel. The fuel that powers the elite. The elite who hide behind the logos of corporations. This is their world. And their most valuable resource is not in the ground. It is us.
We build their cities, we run their machines, we fight their wars. After all, money isn’t what drives them. It’s power. Money is simply the tool they use to control us. Worthless pieces of paper we depend on to feed us, move us, entertain us.
They gave us money and in return we gave them the world. Where there were trees that cleaned our air are now factories that poison it. Where there was water to drink, is toxic waste that stinks. Where animals ran free, are factory farms where they are born and slaughtered endlessly for our satisfaction. Over a billion people are starving, despite us having enough food for everybody. Where does it all go? 70% of the grain we grow is fed to fatten the animals you eat for dinner. Why help the starving? You can’t profit off them.
We are like a plague sweeping the earth, tearing apart the very environment that allows us to live. We see everything as something to be sold, as an object to be owned. But what happens when we have polluted the last river? Poisoned the last breath of air? Have no oil for the trucks that bring us our food? When will we realize money can’t be eaten, that it has no value?
We aren’t destroying the planet. We are destroying all life on it. Every year thousands of species go extinct. And time is running out before we’re next. If you live in America there’s a 41% chance you’ll get cancer. Heart disease will kill one out of three Americans. We take prescription drugs to deal with these problems, but medical care is the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. We’re told everything can be solved by throwing money at scientists so they can discover a pill to make our problems go away. But the drug companies and cancer societies rely on our suffering to make a profit. We think we’re running for a cure, but really we’re running away from the cause. Our body is a product of what we consume and the food we eat is designed purely for profit. We fill ourselves with toxic chemicals. The bodies of animals infested with drugs and diseases. But we don’t see this. The small group of corporations that own the media don’t want us to. Surrounding us with a fantasy we’re told is reality.
It’s funny to think humans once thought the earth was the center of the universe. But then again, now we see ourselves as the center of the planet. We point to our technology and say we’re the smartest. But do computers, cars, and factories really illustrate how intelligent we are? Or do they show how lazy we’ve become. We put this “civilized” mask on. But when you strip that away what are we?
How quickly we forget only within past hundred years did we allow women to vote; allow blacks to live as equals. We act as if we are all-knowing beings, yet there is much we fail to see. We walk down the street ignoring all the little things. The eyes who stare. The stories they share. Seeing everything as a background to ‘me’.
Perhaps we fear we’re not alone. That we are a part of a much bigger picture. But we fail to make the connection. We’re okay killing pigs, cows, chickens, strangers from foreign lands. But not our neighbours, not our dogs, our cats, those we have come to love and understand. We call other creatures stupid yet we point to them to justify our actions. But does killing simply because we can, because we always have, make it right? Or does it show how little we’ve learned. That we continue to act out of primal aggression rather than thought and compassion.
One day, this sensation we call life will leave us. Our bodies will rot, our valuables recollected. Yesterday’s actions all that remain. Death constantly surrounds us, still it seems so distant from our everyday reality. We live in a world on the verge of collapse. The wars of tomorrow will have no winners. For violence will never be the answer; it will destroy every possible solution.
If we all look at our innermost desire, we will see our dreams are not so different. We share a common goal. Happiness. We tear the world apart looking for joy, without ever looking within ourselves. Many of the happiest people are those who own the least. But are we really so happy with our iPhones, our big houses, our fancy cars?
We’ve become disconnected. Idolizing people we’ve never met. We witness the extraordinary on screens but ordinary everywhere else. We wait for someone to bring change without ever thinking of changing ourselves.
Presidential elections might as well be a coin toss. It’s two sides of the same coin. We choose which face we want and the illusion of choice, of change is created. But the world remains the same. We fail to realize the politicians don’t serve us; they serve those who fund them into power.
We need leaders, not politicians. But in this world of followers, we have forgotten to lead ourselves. Stop waiting for change and be the change you want to see. We didn’t get to this point by sitting on our asses. The human race survived not because we are fastest or the strongest, but because we worked together.
We have mastered the act of killing. Now let’s master the joy of living.
This isn’t about saving the planet. The planet will be here whether we are or not. Earth has been around for billions of years, each of us will be lucky to last eighty. We are a flash in time, but our impact is forever.
I often wished I lived in an age before computers, when we didn’t have screens to distract us.
But I realize there's one reason why this is the only time I want to be alive. Because here today, we have an opportunity we never had before. The internet gives us the power to share a message and unite millions around the world. While we still can we must use our screens to bring us closer together, rather than farther apart.
For better or worse, our generation will determine the future of life on this planet. We can either continue to serve this system of destruction until no memory of our existence remains. Or we can wake up. Realize we aren’t evolving upwards, but rather falling down...we just have screens in our faces so we don’t see where we’re heading.
This present moment is what every step, every breath and every death has led to. We are the faces of all who came before us. And now it is our turn. You can choose to carve your own path or follow the road countless others have already taken.
Life is not a movie. The script isn’t already written. We are the writers.
This is Your Story, Their Story, Our Story.
V tem trenutku bi lahko bili kjerkoli, počeli karkoli
vendar sedite sami pred ekranom.
Torej kaj nas zavira, da bi počeli kar si želimo, da smo kjer bi želeli biti?
Vsak dan se zbudimo v isti sobi, sledimo isitim potem, ki smo jih prehodili včeraj.
Bil je čas, ko je bil vsak dan nova avantura.
S časom se je nekaj spremenilo, naši dnevi so bili neomejeni z časom,
današnji so tempirani.
Ali to pomeni biti odrasel? biti svoboden?
Ampak ali smo res svobodni?
Hrana, voda, zemlja.
Stvari, ki so pomembne za preživetje, si jih lastijo korporacije.
Ni hrane na drevesih, sveže vode v potokih,
ni zemlje na kateri bi si lahko zgradili domove.
Če bi poskušali vzeti, kar nam zemlja ponujabi nas zaprli.
zato ubogamo njihova pravila.
Odkrivamo svet skozi učbenike.
Leta sedimo, in skuašmo razumeti, kar nam govorijo. Smo testirani in ocenjeni, kot primerek v laboratorijih.
Vzgojeni, da ne prinesemo sprememb v svet. Vzgojeni, da si nismo različni.
Dovolj pametni, da opravljamo svoje delo, ne pa, da se vprašamo zakaj ga opravljamo.
In tako delamo v nedogled, toliko časa, da ne moremo živeti življenje za katerega delamo.
Dokler ne pride dan, ko smo prestari, da opravjamo svoje delo,
in man preostane samo še smrt.
Naši otroci prevzemajo mesta v igri. Za nas je naša pot edinstvena,
ampak skupaj nismo nič drugega kot gorivo. Gorivo, ki poganja elito.
Elitam, ki se skrivajo za znamkami korporacij.
To je njihov svet. In najbolj pomembna surovina ni zakopana v zemlji.
To smo mi.
MI gradimo njihova mesta. Mi poganjamo njihove stroje. Mi se borimo v njIhovih vojnah.
Konec koncev ni denar tisti, ki jih žene, ampak moč.
Denar je samo sredstvo, ki ga uporabljajo za kontrolo ljudi.
Nič vredni kosi papirja, ki nas hranijo,
Premikajo in zabavajo.
Oni nam dajo denar in v vračilo jim mi dajemo svet.
Kjer so bila drevesa, ki so čistila naš zrak, so zdaj tovarne ki ga onesnažujejo,
kjer je bila čista voda, je zdaj strup, ki zaudarja.
Kjer so živali bile proste, so zdaj tovarne živil kjer se te rodijo in umirajo v nedogled za naše zadovoljstvo.
Več kot biljonov ljudi je lačnih pa čeprav pridelamo dovolj hrane za vse. Kam gre ta hrana?
70% prdelka, ki ga ustvarimo,porabljamo za pitanje živali, katere jemo.
Zakaj pomagati lačnim. Od tega ni zaslužka.
Smo kot kuga, ki se širi po svetu.
Uničujemo okolje, ki nam omogoča življenje.
Vse vidimo kot stvari, ki se jih da prodati. Predmeti, ki se jih da lastiti.
Toda kaj se bo zgodilo, ko bomo onesnažili zadnjo kapljo pitne vode in zadnji vdih čistega zraka?
Ko bo zmanjkalo goriva za tovornjake, ki nam dostavljajo hrano?
Kdaj bomo ugotovili, da denarja ne moremo jesti, da nima nikakršne vrednote.
Ne uničujemo planeta, uničujemo življenje na njem.
Vsako leto izumre na tisoče vrst in prihaja čas, ko bomo mi naslednji.
Če živite v Ameriki imate 41% možnosti, da zbolite za rakom.
Srčne bolezni ubijejo vsakega tretjega.
Jemljemo zdravila, s katerimi se soočamo z temi problemi.
Čeprav je zdravniška oskrba tretji vodilni vzrok smrti za rakom in srčnim boleznim.
Pravijo nam, da se vse da rešiti če investiramo v znanost, da odkrijejo tableto, ki bo odpravila naše probleme.
Ampak se farmacije zanašajo na naše trpljenje in bolezni za pridobivanje dobička.
Mislimo, da tečemo za zdravilo, v resnici tečemo stran od vzroka. Naše telo je produkt tega kaj zaužijemo in hrana,
ki jo jemo je ustvarjena izključno za profit. Polnimo se z strupenimi kemikalijami.
Z trupli živali, ki so okužene z strupi in bolezni.
Ampak mi tega ne vidimo. Majhna skupina korporacij, ki si lastijo medije nam tega ne želijo povedati,
raje nas obkrožajo z fantazijami, ki jih predstavljajo kot realnost.
Smešno je, ko pomislimo, da so včasih ljudje vrjeli, da je zemlja središče vesolja,
kakor zdaj mi vidimo sebe kot središče planeta.
Kažemo na našo tehnologijo in pravimo, da smo najpametnejši.
Ali resnaši računalniki, avtomobili in indrustija prikazujejo kako inteligentni smo?
Ali prikazujejo kako leni smo postali.
Nadeli smo si maske civiliziranosti.
Ko pa jo odstranimo se lahko vprašam gdo smo?
Kako hitro pozabljamo, da še pred 100 leti ženske niso imele pravice voliti,
in da so črnci enakopravni.
Obnašamo se kot, da smo bitja, ki vedo vse ampak je veliko tega, ki ne vidimo.
Hodimo po ulicah ignorantni na male stvari.
Na oči, ki strmijo in zgodbo, ki jo delijo.
Videt vse kot podlaga "mene".
Mogoče se bojimo, da nismo sami, da smo del večje slike.
Vendar ne uspevamo uspostaviti povezave.
Sprejmemo pobijanje prašičev, krav, kokoši, ljudi drugih držav ne pa naših sosedov, domačih živali tistih,
ki jih imamo radi in jih razumemo.
Druga bitja imamo za neumna,
s tem pa kažemo na njih, da upravičujemo svoja dejanja.
Ali je pobijanje upravičeno samo zato ker to znamo in smo to počeli od nekdaj? Ali je to odraz tega kako malo smo se naučili.
Nadaljujemo z obnašanjem primitivne agresivnosti, namesto z mislijo in sočutjem.
Nekega dne nas bo senzacija, ki ji pravimo življenje, zapustila.
Naša telesa bodo zgnila, naše premoženje razdeljeno.
Pretekla dejanja bodo vse, kar bo ostalo.
Smrt je na vsakem koraku, vendar se nam zdi, da je daleč od naše trenutne realnosti.
Živimo v svetu na robu propada.
Vojne prihodnosti ne bodo imele zmagovalcev.
Nasilje ne bo nikoli odgovor, bo samo učenje kakršne koli druge rešitve.
Če vsak pogleda globoko v svoje želje, bi ugotovili, da nismo tako zelo različni,
vsi si želimo srečo in veselje.
Uničujemo planet v iskanju zadovoljstva ne, da bi to iskali v sebi.
Večina najsrečnejših ljudi so tisti, ki imajo najmanj.
Ali smo res srečni z našimi telefoni, velikimi hišami, in najboljšimi avtomobili?
Postali smo odtujeni, idoliziramo ljudi, ki jih nikoli nismo srečali.
Smo priča neverjetnih stvari na zaslonih in vsakodnevnih stvari povsod drugje.
Čakamo na nekoga, da bo prinesel sprebembe ne, da bi spreminjali sebe.
Predsedniške volitve so kot met kovanca, dve stranice istega kovanca.
Odločimo se za obraz katerega si izberemo, in tako nam predstavijo iluzijo izbire,
ampak svet ostaja isti.
Ne zavedamo se, da politiki ne služijo nam ampak ljudjem, ki jih financirajo.
Rabimo vodje ne politikov. V svetu zasledovalcev smo pozabili voditi sami.
Nehajte čakati na spremembe in bodite sprememba, ki jo želite videti.
Nismo prišli do sem kjer smo z poležavanjem.
Ljudje niso preživeli, ker bi bili najhitrejši ali najmočnejši, ampak, ker znamo sodelovati.
Osvojili smo pobijanje, zdaj moramo osvojiti še radost življenja.
Ne gre se za reševanje planeta, zemlja bo tu če bomo mi na njeja ali ne.
Zemlja obstaja že biljone let, mi smo lahko srečni če jih bomo doživeli 80.
Smo trenutek v času ampak naša dejanja ostajajo za večeno.
Internet nam daje možnosti, da delimo svoja sporočila miljonom po svetu.
Dokler lahko, moramo uporabiti naše zaslone, da nas povežejo med sabo, ne razdvojijo narazen.
V dobrem ali slabem, naša generacija bo odločala o prihodnosti našega planeta.
Lahko se odločimo za nadaljne uničenje dokler ne ostane nič od našega obstoja.
Ali pa se lahko zbudimo in ugotovimo, da se ne povzdigujemo ampak padamo,
in da imamo zaslone pred našimi očmi samo zato, da tega ne vidimo.
Do tega trenutka nas je pripeljal vsak korak, vsak vdih, vsaka smrt v zgodovini človeštva.
Smo obraz vseh tistih, ki so bili pred nami in zdaj smo mi na vrsti.
Lahko začrtamo nove poti ali pa sledimo poti, ki so jo prehodili že mnogi.
Življenje ni film in konec ni napisan.
Mi smo pisci, to je tvoja zgodba, njihova zgodba,naša zgodba...