#barefoot #hypno #hypnosis #hypnotized
Published: 2017-07-04 17:02:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 2731; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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DAYTIME, EARLY MORNING. The Baron and his party are around a campfire.  Vrakor rides up to the Baron, he's been off scouting.




Nothing.  No signs of a camp.  If the gypsies are here, they must be in the mountain.  Still...I feel as if we are being watched.......

PETER (pointing): 

Baron...Look over there!

(They look where he's pointing.  Lisette, still barefoot and in her night gown, is running towards them.)


Baron....thank providence.....the gypsies....came to the tavern....I escaped through a window...


Why didn't you go to the Inspector?  Why come out here?


That old fool....I knew only the Baron can protect me.  Let me stay with you, Your Honor....I can clean and wash...(seductively) whatever you need me to do.


You're scared, yet you run into the wilderness.  That makes no sense....


Shut up, Vrakor.... Can't you see she's been through an ordeal.  Let us take her back to the lodge. Come, my dear..(he extends an arm and pulls her towards his horse).


Wonderful  idea.  I could use a night in a real bed.


And a good, hot meal!


Who said anything about you.  You and the rest head for the main cavern entrance.  In the morning Vrakor and I will bring the villagers and join you.


But Heinrich......


Shut up Peter.  All of you can go back to Vienna if you wish.  And I can forget about helping any of you out of your various troubles.  Is that what you want, "gentlemen"?

I thought not.  Now get out of here.

(The Baron and Vrakor wheel their horses and ride off, with Lisette clinging to the Baron and pressing her body against his.)




Someday what?  Peter.  He owns all of us.  Let's just get this done.

(The party rides off.

IN the caves.  Magda is sleeping uneasily.  CLOSE  on her face.  You see she is dreaming of her last contact with Occulus)

DREAM OCCULUS:  Magda...you must obey....do what's best for me.....for me....for me.....

(Occulus face changes back to his normal visage.)

Yes....Magda...what's best for me....for you.....you must stop the monster......helping the Doctor and the Inspector....that's best for all of us.....use his science...Magda....you must obey.......stop the monster....NOW WAKE!

Magda wakes up with a start. She seems confused for moment as she rouses fully from her trance.  After she gathers herself, she gets up and walks into the main chamber.  10 hypnotized women are lying on the ground as if asleep, all barefoot and short, black  shifts)


Slaves...open your eyes and listen.  Who am I?

The women sitting up and turning towards her. (in entranced unison):  You are the Master's first slave.




We obey.


Come with me then.  (She leads them to the caved in entrance and begins clearing rocks.)  Come on, get working.


Doctor Klein and Inspector are resting.  They have cleared some of the rocks, but still have much to do.  Exhaustion and thin air are beginning to take their toll.)


I think I hear something.


Peter, Johann, and the rest of party are on the road, on their horses.  Tanya, dressed like a barefoot peasant girl, carries a wine jug towards them.)


It's the tavern wench, Johann.  What's she doing here...(fearfully) maybe another gypsy attack?


Shut up. Peter.  Where are you headed, pretty one?


Figured it would be safer with my cousins in the country.  Their cottage is over there.  More fun, too.  Course it would be better with some nice gentlemen for company. 

(The men look at each other, tempted)


The Baron said.......


I know what he said, check out the cavern entrance.


The caves aren't too far at all..you can be back in time for supper.....we have plenty of food...and ale.  My cousins and me...we'd love some manly company.  (She slowly shifts her foot so her left leg is exposed through a slit in her dress.)  A good time for all of us, I reckon. (She puts her hand on Johann's knee.)


And your cousins...They look anything like you?

TANYA (smiling seductively): 

Strong family resemblance.  And those girls do love a good time...just like me, especially with fine gentlemen such as you.

JOHANN (smiling): 

We'll be there just after sundown.  Don't disappoint us, Woman.


Oh..we won't ( close up of her face growing blank and entranced as they ride off)

The cave holding the trapped Doctor and Inspector.  They are both back to pulling rocks, energized by the excavation sounds from the the other side.)

INSPECTOR (pointing at a round stone about at eye level): 

Look...that rock it's moving!

( the rock is pulled away.  Magda's face appears in the small opening.)


You're still alive!  We'll soon have you out.  Faster, slaves....faster!

The Inspector is squeezing through a small hole in the entrance.  The Doctor, already through, and is facing Magda, and the hypnotized women.


You're Occulus's gypsy woman, Magda....why are you .....


Hold your tongue a moment, Inspector!

MAGDA (the the other women): 

Slaves...our master wants you to go, wash yourselves...and rest.  Rest and forget about clearing these rocks or seeing these men.  Go.


We obey.


You control them?


Only because they believe I am still serving Occulus.  He has so many women under his spell now....he needs help supervising them.  He gave me limited will and ordered them to obey me in his absence.  He did not account for me waking.


How were you able to do that?


With the help of the good, kind man still within him.  He commanded me to do what's best for him.  I.....I know the man I love would never have wanted this much pain and death.  He came to me....the good part of him...and told me to wake...to save you so you can use your science to help me to destroy the monster.


What kind of poppycock is this....


No...it does make a kind of odd sense.  In Vienna, there's a former student of Charcot who says that there is  multiple levels of consciousness.  Occulus's higher state of mind may be dominated by revenge, but at a deeper level  he still has his sense of morality.  But Magda....how did he become the monster?

MAGDA (with great sadness): 

It happened because of my weakness.  My weakness when I was a young girl, when I allowed my witch grandother to teach me the Dark Arts, including the Rite of Vengeance.


The Rite of Vengeance?


A spell from my people's darkest past.  One who seeks revenge invokes a dark spirit which possesses him.  What ever special skill or trait that person has becomes magnified so to make them invincible creatures, no longer human.  A strong man becomes an ogre.  A thiefs' ears and fingers change to improve lock picking. 


And a mesmerist becomes a hypnotic monster.

MAGDA (nodding): 

In his pain and torment from his wounds and humiliation, he commanded me to do the rite.  He used his art....but I think deep down....I wanted to do it...I hated the Baron for what he did to me...my people....my love....But now I see.......my Thomas has become an abomination, and deep down he suffers.  You must help me, Doctor, help me free my love...and his victims.


How do we stop him?  Can he even be killed?


Killing him is not the challenge.  He's as vulnerable as any man.  But if he is not killed correctly, the women will never be free.  Without his will to propel them, they will go to their grave empty shells...the walking dead.  I must do it, while saying sacred words, by plunging this ceremonial dagger into his eye.  (holding up the dagger she used in the ceremony creating Occulus.)


What happens when he kills the Baron...doesn't that end the spell?


Yes...but then he can make a further dark deal...by commanding me to perform another rite....a rite of mass sacrifice.


Now you are out of your trance, you should be able to take him unaware.


No....as soon as I'm in his presence, he will sense I don't belong to him and he will again enslave me.  He will command, and I will perform the rite and kill most of these women.


So there is no hope...


But there is... The Doctor and his knowledge is our hope.....(to the Doctor) The Inspector's wife told Occulus that you mesmerized Lisette.  Put me under your power, and and help me defy him long enough to perform the act.


My wife told Occulus...that would explain the missing firing pin for my Mauser.  But you said it yourself, Doctor....your scientific mesmerism is no match for his mystical powers.


No, but the difference is that at the deepest levels of consciousness, Magda will want to obey my commands because they are what she...and her Master, want at the deepest levels of their minds....theoretically, it could work.


There's no time for this...

DOCTOR (coming to a decision): 

Magda, sit here.  Inspector, give me your watch, and hold that torch where I show you.


(Interior of a rustic cabin.  The Baron's men are there, drinking, each with a barefoot peasant girl in attendance.  There is much merriment.  Tanya is on Johann's lap)


So...were we worth riding back for, my handsome knight?


I would say so (they begin kissing,)


When do we eat...something smells delicious?

(Girls enter, bringing the men bowls of food and spoons)

PEASANT GIRL 1:  It's a simple Hunter Stew.  It has rabbit...wild mushrooms.

( the men devour the food.


The cave. Magda is on the ground, leaning against the wall with her legs stretched out and the soles of her feet to the camera.   The Doctor, kneeling next to her swings the watch slowly, camera goes to close up of Magda's face and her eyes slowly close.)


Magda, can you hear me?

MAGDA (murmuring): 

Yessssss....I hear you...


You love Thomas, don't you?




He needs our help, Magda.....your help.....only you can free him.....you know that, don't you?

 Yesssss...must free Thomas.


The evil monster will try to stop you...he will hypnotize....I mean mesmerize you....I will tell you what you must do...but you must bury this command into the deepest level of your mind.  The monster must not know of it.  Do you understand?  Even under his mesmerism, you must keep it hidden.


Must keep it hidden.  Yesssssssss


Yes, hidden.  Hidden until you hear me or the Inspector say the words:  "Wake up, for Thomas".  Then you will know what to do to free your love.


Interior, he rustic cabin.  The men are all dead or dying in great agony clutching their stomachs. The women watch without emotion.  Tanya enters the room with a sack which she empties. Long, sharp knives spill out onto the floor.  Wordlessly, the women each pick up a knife.


Exterior.  The Baron's hunting lodge.  Interior.  The Baron and Vrakor our looking at a map on a table.  They turn and see Lisette enter the room.  She is cleaned up and dressed as a household maid. She carries a tray )

BARON (smiling): 

Much better, my dear.  (looks down.  Close up of Lisette's bare feet)  But where are the shoes?  (slightly sarcastic) Were they not to your taste?

LISETTE (flirting): 

I'm sorry, Your Honor ..they didn't fit very well.....I hope you don't mind, Your Honor.


Once a peasant....


Don't be tiresome..Her ankles are as lovely as the rest of her...What's that you bring, my dear?


I remembered Your Honor enjoyed the Tavern's mulled wine.....I took the liberty of preparing some...Your Honor deserves refreshment  all you have done for the people of the valley.


The cave tunnel.  Close up of Magda's sleeping face.)


One...two...three....(snaps his fingers in front of her face)  Wake up, Magda!  (Her eyes slowly open).


What.....Did it work?


We won't know until we do it for real.  I don't feel right sending you back to him.  He's sure to be angry with you.


I told you... No matter how enraged he is...he needs me for the sacrifice.  I will show you the way out of the caves. 


How will we know where to be?


By the ravine....our wagon is there.  It's where he was created....the sacrifice is best performed there.  Now we must go.

Lodge.  Interior.  The Baron is Face down on the floor, unconscious.  His goblet in on the floor next to him.  Vrakor is still up, and is stumbling towards Lisette with his hands stretched out as it to choke her. She stands impassively, a blank look on her face.  Just as he reaches her, he falls forward, his hands falling on her feet as he passes out.  Lisette kicks his hands away and pads to the front door.  She opens it, and entranced women wearing the short black shifts begin walking into the lodge.  The nurse walks in with a bloody bag.

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