Evimo — ASAGAO || Uyeta, Daichi

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G E N E R A L // I N F OName|| Uyeta Daisuke
Gender|| Cismale (Him/He)
Age|| 16
Height|| 6'0''
Weight|| 195lbs
Year|| Second
Club|| Basketball
Dorm Number || 
Voice Claim || [link]


+ Hard-Working, Perfectionist, Loyal, Mature, Natural Leader
+/- Competitive, Independent, Strict, Simple-Minded
- Stoic, Insensitive, Secretive, Hot-Headed, Unsocialable

Daisuke does things the correct way, not the easy way. Hot-headed and with a short temper, Daisuke often as little tolerance for nonsense and is very objective and straight. Often taking the lead whilst expecting perfection and his best work in all that he does. That is to say, as a highschooler, Daisuke has learned to not accept anything but perfect. Naturally, it makes him an incredibly diligent individual who works to give himself the brightest future. In other words, Daisuke is willing to work harder than anyone else to achieve the most. That is, however, he only ever sees himself in any situation. When he acts, he often acts for the benefit of himself instead of other people and he is not one to let others get in the way of his objective. It makes him an incredible cautious and rational thinker, able to make mature and thoroughly thought out decisions by himself. However, the combination of his extreme objectivity, little tolerance for nonsense, and straight-forward and pragmatic thinking makes him rather unbearable in social situations. While the boy may be able to find himself some popularity through his hard work, his incredibly, painfully, honest demeanor makes him difficult to communicate with. In addition, his stoic and secretive means of connecting with others makes it hard to empathize with him. Rather, he is quick to judge and fears introspection, not wanting to dwell on the past and only objectives ahead of him.
Though deep down, he truly longs companionship. While social inept in every way, Daisuke's diligence permeates beyond his athleticism as he dreams of becoming less of a recluse, and easier to talk to. Like his many other skills, Daisuke strives to become an easier individual to talk to and finds the most fun in playfully teasing others. Striving to organically gain more relationships that are genuine even though he may struggle to do so himself.


+ Pokemon!!
+ Fire starters of course
+ Collecting, such as shoes and Pokemon cards
+ Secretly loves board games
+ Spicy food
- The dark, spooky!
- Being unable to trust himself to perform something
- Relying on others/Asking for help
- Having to be introspective...
- Uncool shoes //HAHA

B I O G R A P H Y  Originally born in urban setting Osaka, the divorce of his parents obligated his mother to send him to his grandparent's while she worked back in the city. Being a single-mother, she struggled to make ends meet while connecting her son with his family to which her parents would take the role of parental figures in his childhood. In the mountains of rural Kanto region, Daisuke recalled spending entire summers with his grandmother in the morning, tending to chores, and his grandfather in the vening exploring the mountains. In the beginning, Daisuke was reluctant to leave his mother. Unlike his stoic and intimidating demeanor as teenager, he was incredibly timid and fragile as a child. Often locking himself in his bedroom, missing his mother when she was at work. What eventually warmed him up to living away from home was the enviornment around him. When the sun set, his grandfather would encourage him to take a hike, he would constantly encounter all forms of nature-- bugs, birds, rodents, predators. He was fascinated with the idea of being able to explore and find new creatures only ever seen on television and books at home.
It wasn't until his late primary school years did he stumble upon a peculiar creature collecting game that would inspire his upbringing. During the school year, moving back to urban Osaka, a new monster catching game was all the buzz amongst children his age. It was exactly what he needed when the forest wasn't with him, rather in his pocket. Before he left for his grandparents for the summer, he recieved a parting gift from his mother, the very monster collecting game. Naturally, Daisuke was inquisitive. Not only was he observant of the rare ecology surrounding him but even in his games. What would usually be a teary-eyed trip away from home became an mountainous adventure he awaited with baited breath.

Alas, as he grew older, his long lanky figure had become an uncomfortable sight. He was like most young boys in which his peculiarly skinny, long extremities had made him look more like a doe than a regular bustling young child. Quiet and dormant, his mother worried for his well-being as Daisuke had ever only persued animals over people. It wasn't until he met another boy similar in his age, Iwamoto, Seiya, his mother's colleagues child. The two seemed to click and the meeting was a transformative process for Daisuke in particular. Leaving his games at home, he spent his evenings playing outside with his new friend. The two would spend hours outside in the sun at a nearby basketball court, playing pretend as star-athletes. In those moments, he felt like he did back when he was with his grandparents, carefree and inquisitive about life.

When middle school approached, it was easy to see that Daisuke had receeded back into his shell. While he had opened up to his rambunctious childhood friend, he could not deny that he was socially incapable, only ever being able to explore his digital and ecological pursuits, and not that of other humans. Naturally, Seiya began to connect with others more easily than he did. In addition, the two had begun to pursue other sports in the meantime, which meant the long summer days they had original spent playing on the same field was just a long memory. Likewise, the two grew apart, parting ways in an explosive disagreement that shook Daisuke into being introspective of who he was as a person... What were his motives? Why did he want to do in the future? Life is not full of catching digital monsters or butterflies, he soon had to grow up like Seiya. Alas, Daisuke struggled immensely in his classes, his social circles, and became a recluse. At his lowest point he graduated alone realizing his years in middleschool were wasted, not kindling any meaningful memories. Rather, he stayed in his head, constantly replaying his childhood and never opening his eyes to the future. It was then he worked up the courage to reconnect with the person who had helped him grow the most, Seiya. The two spent an entire night sharing their time apart, and rekindling what had been broken. It was the topic of highschool that scared Daisuke the most, he could not go back to who he was in middle school...
"Why not enroll into Asagao with me?"
His friend's voice had sounded so unsure, and yet to Daisuke, this was exactly what he needed.
"Do you remember those long summer days?" Daisuke added....
In his time in Asagao, he had enrolled himself in his sport once again but as a means of not chasing after the feelings he had in the past, but working to find those bittersweet memories as ignition to find out what he wanted in life. While he struggled, Daisuke continued to try and find what about his past he could reconnect with to give him that sweet childlike feeling, yet simultaneously not repeating the past, and letting his youth go to waste. This time, he would make things better.

- Isn't afraid to hide he's a total Pokenerd, he often seeks out the closest friendships with those who share this similar interest
- Total sneakerhead
- Has an amazing eye for birds and animals!
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