EvolutionsVoid — Benthic Ascension

#creature #kaiju #leviathan #monster #seamonster #seaserpent #kaijune #kaijune2020
Published: 2020-06-28 20:13:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 1756; Favourites: 75; Downloads: 0
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Description "Finally got the courage to talk to a washed-up fool like me, eh? You just had to know the sob story of this old pitiful drunk. Why does that idiot waste away his life in this crusty old bar? What's his story? Failed dreams? Lost love? Well, if you are buying, then perhaps I will share that tale with you. I am sure you already know that I used to be a sailor, any fool can tell you that. I may be a drunk, but I ain't stupid. I hear the talk, all the stories and jokes about me. Most of it is pure rubbish, brewed by a bunch of blind idiots who know nothing! Oh they laugh and guffaw at me, but that is because their skulls are too thick to understand! They say I am afraid of the sea! A sailor scared of the ocean! How they laugh at such an idea! But that is what they say, and you pay no mind to that! If you want the truth, then you listen to me! Am I afraid of the ocean? Well, I....you know....it's a....bit more complicated than that. It's not the waves or storms that keep me rooted to this seat, it is....well, probably best to just tell you." 

"It was three years ago, when I was sailing upon The Great Skua. We were running the trade routes like normal, crossing the endless sea with a hold bursting with goods. Our destined port was days away, so it was just business as usual for all of us. We kept the ship in tip-top shape and let the winds and waves carry us home. We had nothing to worry about, as our route was a safe one and we were miles from any shady territory. That night, though, we awoke to our ship suddenly tossing and rolling about, throwing the whole crew to and fro. The night watch was screaming their lungs out up above, ringing the bells and raising all kinds of hell. We all assumed that it was a freak storm, and we rushed up top to take our positions. But when we got onto the deck, their was no storm. The night sky was clear and calm, and the wind was nothing more than a soft breeze. There were no omens to be found on the horizon, the whole sky was filled with nothing but stars. A night sky like that one would be most welcome on most voyages, but the sea was all wrong. The waters churned and boiled around us, waves slammed into our hull and battered our ship about like a toy. We all struggled to keep control and stay on course, but no one knew what was happening. How could the sky be so calm, yet the ocean be so chaotic? We wondered if we were near a reef, but we were still out in the open ocean. Perhaps it was the wake of another ship, but we were the only ones for miles around. Well, we thought we were..."

"The man in the crow's nest spotted it first, a dark shape and a faint glow far off in the distance. We all thought it was a lighthouse, but that made no sense. There was no such thing to be found in this part of the route, unless we were terribly off course. Some of the crew believed that to be the case, and that the lighthouse should be used to help gather our bearings. We didn't have time to argue or make a plan, the violent sea had us in its grasp and pulled us towards that shape. But as we fought against the waves and water, we began to truly see what was out there. That light and shape in the darkness were not far away, and they were a lot bigger than we had imagined. We tried to flee, but the ship was at the mercy of the sea. We could only stand and stare at what was before us. It is a sight that I will never forget."

"You hear other sailors and folk talk about sea monsters. Big ol' octopuses and nasty serpents. Well, what we saw out there made all of those critters look like baitfish. I couldn't even begin to tell you how massive that thing was! What we saw sticking out from the water dwarfed our ship. Hell, we could have sailed right into its mouth without hitting a tooth! It was like a great serpent, but...it wasn't. We could only see so much, as we only had starlight and our own feeble lanterns. Parts of its coils stuck out of the black water, while the rest of it stretched endlessly into the dark depths. It seemed to be coiled up like a snake, with its head sticking out from the middle. What we could see of it was all wrong. Parts that shouldn't be and pieces that didn't belong to any fish or whale. The sheer sight of it almost killed me outright, I thought my heart was going to explode! Some screamed, some cried and some prayed. We all believed this to be the end. The ocean would serve us to this monstrosity and we would be devoured in an instant. But that isn't what happened. Or ship got caught in some current, and we were saved from colliding with one of its massive segments. I don't know how that even worked, it was like we were caught in some invisible grip. We couldn't move, so all we did was stare upwards with mouths agape. We were waiting for it to strike, to smash us to pieces, but it didn't. By the gods, it was somehow worse than that."

"Despite the churning sea and the colossal leviathan, it was....peaceful. It hardly moved, it just floated there. Even as the water boiled around it, it just calmly sat there. It couldn't be sleeping, as we saw the glow of those enormous eyes. It couldn't be hunting for food, as it was ignoring us and looking in the completely wrong direction. That titanic head was not watching the ocean or searching the depths, it was looking upward. It took us a moment to understand what it was even doing, but then the chilling truth dawned on me. It was looking at the stars. Now I know you are wondering why that would scare me, but I have to ask you this: You ever see a fish do that? You ever see any beast do such a thing? I have sailed the ocean for decades and have walked many different lands and I can tell you that such a thing does not belong in the realm of beasts. No whale admires the stars, no bear ponders about the heavens. Yet, here was this vast creature, looking up into the night sky and doing...nothing. Just watching the heavens. We didn't know what to do, what to even think. Everything seemed frozen, like time had turned into eternity. I don't know how long we were trapped there, watching this impossible stargazer, but it felt like days. All was silent and still, and then it moved."

"Perhaps one of us made a noise, or maybe it knew we were there the entire time, but it turned a part of its head and looked at us. Great glowing orbs that shone brighter than any lantern, and they stared right at us. Many of the crew fled from its sight, throwing themselves upon the floor or scrambling behind any crate or barrel they could find. Me? I couldn't move a muscle, I was still as a statue. As its huge eyes looked upon us, I stared back at it and.....gods....gods, no....I....we...we saw each other. Our eyes met, it looking at me and me looking at it. I don't even know how such a thing can happen but it did. Our eyes met for just a moment, but in that split second I understood it. Do you hear what I am saying? Do you even understand?! I saw its face and I knew. I could understand what it felt, I could read its eyes, despite the fact that they were easily twice the size of me. It was like reading the face of a friend or lover, where you understand them without even a word, but for some reason I could see into the eyes of that...thing. I saw it, I understood it and I will never forget it."

"After that brief, horrible moment, it simply stared at us for a few more seconds and then it just...left. There wasn't word or a sound, it just turned away and sunk back into the ocean. If the sea wasn't already thrashing about, I bet that thing wouldn't have created a single splash or spray. Its movements were so controlled and slow, it slid into the dark water with impossible grace. We watched as the coils unraveled and slithered, and they followed the rest of it down into the abyss. And like that, it was gone. A creature taller than a cliff and longer than town just disappeared without a trace. Seconds after the last of it melted into the dark, the sea grew still. The water was suddenly like glass, matching the serenity of the stars above. It was so calm, that we could hardly believe what we had witnessed. How could such a thing even exist in a peaceful normal world like this? It was impossible! Yet, we all saw it, there was no denying it. For a few minutes, we just stayed there in silence, not knowing what to do with such terrible knowledge. But then we all snapped to, rushed to our posts and pointed our ship at the nearest spit of land we could find. We shot straight to the nearest port and left our boat there. I rushed to the nearest bar to drown the memories out and I have been here ever since. Thought that enough whiskey and rum would stop my shaking hands and troubled mind, but unfortunately it isn't that easy."

"They say that the ocean is a strange and foreign place, and that is why it scares so many of us. They are mostly right on that, but they are missing one vital piece. We wish that the ocean was truly bizarre and incomprehensible, that it was impossible to understand. That would bring us some comfort, as we could write it off as place where we just don't belong. An impossible realm like that is certainly scary for some, but let me tell you that it pales in comparison to looking into this strange world and finding a shred of familiarity within it. To dive into the abyss and see a piece of humanity amongst it all, to understand that a part of us belongs down there. Be it our past or future, we can look into the depths and realize we are connected, we are destined. That is what I saw that day, and that is why I dare not venture back."  

"I don't know what that thing was and I am pretty sure that even if I lived for ten more lifetimes I still wouldn't know. It will plague me for the rest of my years, but that isn't what truly haunts me. Its the sight of it staring up into the endless heavens and knowing that it was wondering the same exact thing..."           


Though June isn't technically over yet, this is the last entry for Kaijune from me. I think I busted out a good amount for the month, and I think this fella is a good way to end it. This is actually a redraw of an old drawing that was brought to my attention by Xhodocto385 . A piece that is so old and ungodly terrible looking that I am not going to even link it. Just take my word that this is a serious improvement. Since not much was shown or even mentioned of this beast, it allowed me to change and add a lot of things to it. And by adding stuff, I mean to its design, because my description stills explains squat about it.  

Also with the themed months coming to an end, I can get back to posting some regular stuff! Which means more monsters! How different!
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firerockbird [2022-04-29 11:32:25 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to firerockbird [2022-04-29 19:40:58 +0000 UTC]

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DarkSideDuck [2020-07-05 14:00:16 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to DarkSideDuck [2020-07-07 23:44:18 +0000 UTC]

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DarkSideDuck In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2020-07-08 20:11:53 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to DarkSideDuck [2020-07-10 10:47:09 +0000 UTC]

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red-thorn [2020-06-29 23:48:25 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to red-thorn [2020-07-03 20:06:15 +0000 UTC]

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Xhodocto385 [2020-06-28 21:49:30 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to Xhodocto385 [2020-07-03 20:08:19 +0000 UTC]

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