In the meantime, with Martin in front of the Editions house:
Martin (crying): Even my own girlfriend forgot!
Dr. Fred (off): What is he doing? Over!
Evil Martin: He thinks his girlfriend has forgotten and judging by his path, he's on his way to the park.
Superhand: How did you find out?
Evil Martin: I learned to read body language.
In the multifunctional accommodation, the others prepared things. A Frosch set up his phone and the Ausrastelli twins finished decorating and Dr. Fred and Pomm Fritt were almost finished eating:
Pomm Fritt: Nice job with the currywurst decoration, you two.
Marcello & Luciano: Uh... Thankse.
At that moment Dr. Fred with a decent cake from the kitchen and put it on a table:
Märtin: Hey, pretty good cake, doctor!
Benzin: What kind of taste is it?