extremecaterpie — Antimatter Matters
Published: 2013-12-01 00:07:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 1674; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description Antimatter Matters
Giratina TF
“Congratulations.” Something said to him, and he awoke in a room that seemed to be made of pure light. “My most sincere apologies, Brian, but seeing as your memories were unnecessary, I was forced to remove them.” Brian got up and looked around, but he could see nothing, save for the neon glow of his cell. “You have been chosen, out of all humans across time and space, to serve me for all eternity.” The voice continued, making Brian scowl. “What if I don’t want to?” The voice merely laughed. “This is not a question. You should be honored, to be able to serve your creator.” The voice commanded, forcing Brian down. “Stubborn fool, you and your race have always had trouble with understanding even the most basic of orders.” The voice sighed. “FINE! Return to your dimension, but I will not restore your memories. If you change your mind, I swear I will give them back.” The voice chided, and a seemingly ordinary-looking doorway appeared. Brian thought for a moment, trying to understand his captor’s intention. He stared at the doorway longingly, but he slumped down after a few moments. “Fine, I’ll play your game.” He sighed, getting up. “I am glad you finally see reason.” The voice chided, and the doorway vanished. A bright- even brighter than the room’s walls- flash appeared, revealing a huge white creature. Brian involuntarily stepped back, taking a defensive stance. “Play my game, Hrm? Very well, let us play.” Arceus laughed, and it released another flash of light, stunning Brian.

When he next awoke, Brian was in a forest. Arceus was hovering next to him. “You wanted a game, did you not?” It asked Brian. It shot an arrow of light past him, deep into the forest. “Follow this.” Arceus said, and began dissolving into nothingness. “Good luck…”It continued ominously.

“Follow this…” Brian mumbled quietly, reaching the beam of light. Heading the alpha Pokémon’s advice, he began walking next to it. Brian soon came to a clearing with what appeared to be a temple rising from the ground. “Climb it.” Arceus said unseen. Brian grudgingly heeded and began to walk up the huge steps. Once inside, Brian could see what appeared to be hieroglyphs on the walls. Only when they began ripping off did he realize that they were in fact unown. Thousands upon thousands of unown. They began forming words- H-E-L-L-O B-R-I-A-N W-E H-A-V-E B-E-E-N E-X-P-E-C-T-I-N-G Y-O-U F-O-R S-O-M-E T-I-M-E M-A-S-T-E-R A-R-C-E-U-S E-X-P-E-C-T-S G-R-E-A-T T-H-I-N-G-S F-R-O-M Y-O-U W-E W-I-S-H Y-O-U L-U-C-K O-N Y-O-U-R T-E-S-T “What test?” Brian asked. W-E C-A-N-N-O-T T-E-L-L Y-O-U The ground began rumbling- Brian assumed it was the “test”. Under Brian’s feet, a perfect square lifted up right out of the ground. It seemed paper-thin, but Brian jumped upon it a few times and it felt rock solid. “Make it to the end.” Arceus called, and several more plates of stone floated up randomly. “The unown may help you, but only to bring you back to the start.” The unown floated down, almost like a net. This wasn’t much consolation, but Brian abided. With a short running start, he managed to jump as far as possible and barely grasp the edge of the slab. Breathing heavily, Brian managed to get up shakily. “I hate you.” Brian shouted, but there was no response- save for a few unown flying away angrily. Y-O-U S-H-O-U-L-D N-O-T L-A-S-H O-U-T A-T T-H-E M-A-S-T-E-R F-O-R Y-O-U-R F-O-O-L-I-S-H-N-E-S-S They spelled, floating away. “Great, my life-savers just quit on me…” Brian muttered, and jumped once more. This time, he managed to land on the square, but fell down. Grumbling, he jumped again and again, eventually making it to the end. By now, Brian was so tired he proceeded to collapse, uncaring of the hard stone. “Whatever’s next, can I take a little rest…?” He muttered, and proceeded to fall asleep…
“Enjoy.” Arceus spoke, and summoned a small meal of sandwiches and a pitcher of lemonade. Hungrily, Brian dug in. “You are of a suitable level of health to continue. Feel free to eat as much as you like.” Arceus appeared and summoned another doorway. “When you are finished, follow me.” Arceus teleported through the wall and appeared on the other side.

“You, like all your kind, have the freedom of choice. I have always done my duty, never wavering.” Arceus said, sounding a little wistful. “I have honored your freedom by allowing you to choose your destiny. There is no going back once you have decided, so choose wisely.” Several beams of light cascaded downwards, illuminating fifty podiums. Two were empty, but all the others had an item on its top. One had a meteorite on it, while one had a flower floating a few inches above it. Four, all next to each other, had swords embedded in the rock. One even had a shimmering sphere of pure darkness, like the night sky. Brian circled each podium individually inspecting the item on each. He almost chose a stone that seemed blazing with fire, but he settled on a strange orb that seemed carved of pure gold. “Have you made your decision?” Arceus asked, floating over to Brian. “Yes.” Brian said quietly, enthralled with the orb’s beauty. “Hold it, and feel its power flowing through you.” Brian obliged, feeling the cool gem against his hands. “Giratina- an excellent choice.” Arceus spoke happily. “G-Giratina!” Brian yelled in surprise, dropping the orb. On his foot. “Yes. You have earned this. Eternal life, limitless power- some would kill for a chance like this.” “Please, no! I never wanted this. Do I have a family, are they worried?” He pleaded, getting on his knees. “The change has already begun. I cannot stop it. You had your choice; you could have walked out at any time.” Arceus disappeared, leaving Brian alone and confused. “You will soon learn to enjoy your new form. I swear upon it.” Brian was gripped with a splitting burst of pain; he felt horns protruding from his cheeks. The horns grew and grew, moving past his head and covering his mouth. His hair fell out, replaced by a crown-shaped protrusion. His eyes turned a devilish crimson, rimmed in deep black. He suppressed a scream as his arms and legs became useless stubs, a thick, dark gray, tail erupting from his back. More stubs sprouted, tipped in yellow. His neck elongated; the front shading in a pattern of black and red. He yelled once more in pain and surprise as some of his neck bones emerged from the back of his neck, black plume-like wings trailing behind. More rings of black and red appeared on his snaky body, and red spikes appeared on his thin wings. He even grew until he was enormous. He floated about a foot off the ground and moved a little, trying to get the hang of his new body. “Your memories, as promised.” Arceus said, filling Brian’s eyes with visions of his life. Brian saw his earliest memories, his childhood, college, meeting- His wife! His eyes filled with tears at this, and he collapsed on the ground. “Please… Make it stop…” Brian croaked, his eyes closed in terror. The visions faded, but Brian would- or could- not get up. “What is the matter; did you not want these memories?” “I… I can’t… please, take them away… all of them… I can’t take them…” Brian began muttering incoherently, his wings covering his face. “P-Please! T-TAKE T-THEM!” He yelled, shooting a burst of blue fire into the air. Arceus obliged and started glowing white. “Are you sure?” “Make me forget, I beg you!” Arceus stood over him, looming over like a sun. Brian’s eyes went blank and glassy, then fluttered a few times before he went out cold…

Everything was blank. Not black, not white, just pure nothingness… His head was swimming, he couldn’t think straight. He could make out something… was it white? He was sinking back into oblivion. “Awaken!” A voice called, banishing the inky blank back. His mind was clearer, but he couldn’t remember anything. “Giratina, are you alright?” He managed to wake up fully, and stretched to his full height. “G-Giratina?” “Yes, you have been created for the purpose of protection of this world.” Giratina looked around, surprise filling his eyes. “There is an exact clone of you, who is currently in the distortion world, watching over as well. Its DNA was used to create you. I am sure it is proud of you, for assuming part of its duty. I am Arceus, the guardian of this world.” Arceus floated away and vanished, leaving Giratina alone. “The unown will show you the way to your quarters.” A group of letter-shaped creatures floated in front of Giratina, and started moving away. Giratina, at a loss, followed. Silently, the unown brought Giratina to a large pavilion, where he could see the night sky. “We are miles above the planet, above the cloud line. It almost does not matter; this monument is invisible to all but a select few.”  They said in monotone, all at the same time. It was quite surreal. Giratina curled up and was quickly seeped into thought. Who am I? he asked. And what is my purpose? He felt as if he were missing a piece in a puzzle, the biggest and most important one. But before he could think any more, he was asleep…
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Comments: 1

ProcLaim0 [2019-10-07 04:55:57 +0000 UTC]

Well rip memories

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