FaceDownDagon — The Black Statuette, Part 3 [NSFW]
#collegeboy #collegegirl #shortstory #femalemusclegrowth #succubusdemon
Published: 2020-05-13 04:20:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 5192; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description Ashira stood calmly in the doorway, grasping the threshold on either side as she gazed down smugly at the pair of college students. Caleb passed by with a simple “hey,” but Tara hadn't yet seen the last few days’ changes to the succubus' hulking form, so she froze for a second.

“Good grief. You're...taller now, too?”

Ashira bared her bright white fangs in a smirk. She shifted on her heels, emphasizing just how much she filled the doorway with her imposing body. There were only perhaps two or three inches separating the crown of her head from the frame now, and the amount of clearance her flaring hips and tree-trunk thighs had wasn't much greater in the other direction. Heck, she probably had to be careful not to scrape her shoulders as is!

“Mmmmm, you noticed! Jealous, little girl?”

“Ashi, be nice,” Caleb called out half-heartedly.

“Yes? I know you're trying to tease me, but literally just...yes. I've been killing myself at the gym for one percent of the reward you seem to get for free, but I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, 'Ashi'?”

“It's not my fault you've been made so fragile. I'm sure for a human, you're considered...adequate.”

“Suuuure, 'adequate.' Whatever, can I come in now so we can start?” She waved a DVD case with an intricate geometric logo on the front.

Unexpectedly, though, Ashira's purple claws darted out, plucking it from Tara’s hands. She began reading it aloud:

“Summoner’s Seal? Ha! These amateur runes wouldn’t be able to seal an imp, much less a magnificent being such as myself! Your treachery is exposed, and all for naught. Master, look how your so-called friend conspires against us!”

Tara blinked, stunned. “Um, no. That’s the title of the anime. It’s entertainment.”


They settled down around Caleb’s computer screen (neither student owned a TV), and began watching. She’d already watched the full season twice, so while it’s something she might have enjoyed, Tara focused much of her time observing the other two. Caleb kept trying to explain the show to Ashira, and Ashira constantly tried to pull Caleb’s attention - usually in a very forward manner, to Tara’s chagrin. She’d just have to power through it so she could properly evaluate the increasingly strange situation since the succubus’s accidental summoning.

Ashira had not once left the dorm room since she’d been released. So, when Ashira started exasperatedly repeating to Caleb that no, she had no idea what an Ushi-oni was or if they were real, Tara decided it was as good a time as any to snoop around, while the succubus was at least preoccupied. She didn’t know what she was looking for - she didn’t even know if Ashira had any possessions besides the clothes on her back - but for all Caleb’s messiness, he did keep a fairly minimalist dorm, so hopefully anything unusual would be easy to spot.

It wasn’t much use though. The only thing Ashira had left was the broken chunks of the black statuette she had been sealed in. Caleb had collected them in the small wooden bowl he kept his keys in rather than throwing them away. Quietly, she browsed through the pieces. The material was completely unremarkable; just a black granite or marble that had been polished to a shine. Under the intact base, though, there was a symbol; perhaps it was the maker’s mark?

“Looking at something, dear?”

Tara nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt the cold claw on her shoulder. Apparently, in addition to being smolderingly gorgeous and crushingly strong, Ashira was sharp as a whip when it came to keeping track of her surroundings.

She recovered quickly, however. “I was just curious if Caleb was going to try to put this thing back together. Kind of a shame for it to go to waste, y’know?”

“Hm? Ah, yeah. I need to swing by a craft store to get some glue for it, though.”

Cupping his cheek in her hand, Ashira stared into the young man’s eyes. “Oh, but I wish you wouldn’t, though. It’s an awful reminder of being trapped for all those years. Wouldn’t you rather get rid of it?”

He hesitated, before capitulating. “Alright. If it’s painful for you, then we can get rid of it I guess.”

No sooner had the words left his lips then Ashira picked up the pieces. Rather than flinging them into the trash bin, though, she balled them up in her fist. A single vein bulged out on her arm, and she began to squeeze. There was the sound of stone grinding across stone, punctuated by loud pops that gradually faded into a coarse rasp as she ground her fingers back and forth. When she released a handful of black sand from her grip, the pump from her exertion didn’t fade; rather, it even pushed out a bit as it became part of her. Caleb must have been ‘impressed,’ but Tara couldn’t help but cringe as the hulking demoness locked eyes with her right afterwards. Her intent was communicated clearly without a word.

“Master, I’ve grown hungry again. Let’s postpone this little show. Tara, give us some privacy. Unless you want to stay and watch?”

“But you 'ate' just this morning…” His mouth suddenly dry, Caleb ran his tongue across the roof of his mouth. He looked pleadingly at Tara, but she just shook her head.

“Don’t look at me for help here, dude. If you want to be her plaything, that's on you.” Tara spared one more glance, then grabbed her bag when she was met with no response. “Yeah…later. Keep the disc. ”

As she briskly left the room, she shut the door perhaps a bit harder than she should have. Caleb just laid there, a pained expression on his face.

“I...Ashi, I think I made a mistake. I should go get her...”

“Shh.” Ashira pulled him back towards her as she whispered sultrily. “Relax. Don't worry about her. She’ll be back. Now, look at me...”


Tara gently turned the page of the book she was holding, the stiff, yellowing paper threatening to release from the spine at any moment. With her memory of the strange symbol she’d seen as her only lead, it had been frustrating to try to find information about Ashira, or even succubi in general.

While the unusual books and tucked-away occult websites hadn't yielded anything very specific thus far, she'd still learned a lot – and what she'd seen wasn't encouraging. The longer a person spent with a succubus, the more they would fall under her thrall. Worse still, a succubus grows in strength proportionate to the lewdness of the acts that mortals performed with her, with orgasm granting a power boost far beyond that of anything else - enough to pull out and devour a mortal's soul. While lesser succubi were mostly manageable with enough caution, more powerful succubi could absorb sexual energies more readily. The most potent and ancient succubi would quickly grow beyond control if left allowed to ‘fully feed’ even once - and judging by the descriptions in the sources she read, Ashira was certainly in this latter category.

Still, there was a question nipping at the back of Tara's mind, and she’d continue on until she could answer it. She fully believed that Ashira was using Caleb to further her own power - and she hated it! - but if that was the case, why would she stick with him at all? Why HIM, of all people? Why not just hit up every guy on campus? Other than being the one to free her, there was nothing special connecting Caleb to Ashira.

Well, perhaps the next old tome would prove more useful. “Runes and sigyls for the prolifick summoner.” It at least sounded promising. She glanced at her clock, and immediately wished she hadn’t as it read out more than three hours past midnight. She had to remind herself that the sooner she got that demon’s claws off of Caleb, the better.

“You better be grateful that I’m tanking my grades for this, Caleb,” she muttered to herself, before reaching again for the energy drink on the corner of her desk.

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