FaceDownDagon — The Black Statuette, Part 4 (End) [NSFW]
#collegeboy #collegegirl #shortstory #femalemusclegrowth #succubusdemon
Published: 2020-05-13 04:21:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 9839; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description “W...wow....”

Ashira towered over the stunned young man before her, her ever-more-hulking frame displayed in its complete, naked glory. Her horns scraped the ceiling if she moved the wrong way, but she could still comfortably stand up straight in the college dorm room – at least for now. Her shoulders were wider than the bed that her inadvertent summoner was sprawled across. Every inch of her perfect, satiny skin was bulging with incredible amounts of dense muscle. Her spaded tail flicked about, as if it were a separate creature exploring the great contours of her body. She shivered as she failed to curl it all the way around even one of her mighty thighs, and she simply couldn't resist the urge to give her enormous quads a solid smack. Even the mere act of doing so caused them to swell with a few extra millimeters of raw, powerful flesh, thanks to the rapt attention of her audience of one. She had slowly been breaking down his inhibitions, and each advance she made had been protested a bit less vigorously than the previous one. Perhaps she had finally broken him in...

“Mmm. You look so scrawny now, little master Caleb! To think I was once slenderer than you...and now, your entire body is lesser than just one of my magnificent arms!”

She put her knees up on the mattress, causing the springs to groan in pain as they bore the weight of her improbably gargantuan physique. Slowly, she crawled toward her prey, cupping one of her pumpkin-sized tits enticingly. While her hands hadn't changed size, that made them look so small and delicate against the backdrop of her luscious, beefy, amazonian body.

“I'm so glad you opened my eyes to this...power. Even as new as this shape is, it already feels as though nothing else would suit me.”

“Ashira, wait...m-maybe...” He slid his arm back, but he was already backed against the headboard of his bed.

“Shush now. You know, it would all be so amazing for you if you'd just stop fighting me so much, Caleb. If I had wanted to, I could pin you down with one hand; I could force myself on you until your howls of ecstasy would be loud enough to wake the dead. I could break every bone in your body with a single buck of my hips. I've been so gentle to you. Just give in, and I could take you to such peaks of pleasure that angels would fear to tread!”

Her honeyed words came as slowly as her movements, as she eased closer to her quarry. Without even realizing it, soon Caleb was feeling her breath on his neck, her massive arms straddling him on either side, her torso engulfing his field of vision. Her voice seemed to come from everywhere all at once, pounding in his ears despite her whispers.

“Don't worry. Soon, all your cares will melt away. Now, give me MORE!”

With a hungry urgency, her finger – the last slender part of her body – hooked under the waistband of his pants. Rather than fumbling with undoing the button, she used just a tiny fraction of her strength to tug on the denim, bursting it into a frayed mess as her lips lightly brushed his ears...

Another loud bang soon followed, but from another direction. Ashira twitched in suppressed rage as their reverie was interrupted by the door being violently flung open.


The demoness composed herself before turning to face the young lady who had kicked the door open, forcing a cordial tone in an attempt to salvage the situation.

“Tara, darling! See, I told you she would come back. You caught us in an awkward spot, but you can always join in if you've had a change of heart. Come in, j-”

Rubati Ashansunu! I challenge you for the rite of binding via your summoner, Caleb Garholt!”

There was a stunned silence for a moment. Ashira blinked her eyes shut, even while cocking an eyebrow.

“Really? This is happening right now? Bloods...I suppose it was naive to think you'd come over for a nice chat, though. You have some nerve, girl. I almost admire it...almost.”

“Cut it out with the smug crap and put on some clothes, if you don’t mind.”

As Ashira pulled herself back to standing and began re-forming her clothes, Caleb meekly raised his hand.

“Um, whaaaaaat's going on?”

“Your little friend has invoked an ancient ritual. It's essentially a contest where the winner gains total dominion of the loser's soul.” Turning to Tara again, she added: “You do know mortals lose these challenges sixty-six to one, do you not?”

Tara started pulling a burlap-covered object out from under the crook of her arm. A burnished brass urn adorned with geometric symbols was revealed as she pulled away the outer cloth, eliciting a disgusted snarl from the succubus. “I am aware.”

It took Caleb a moment to catch up. “Hold on...contest? What kind of contest?”

“That's your concern? Not the total dominion of the soul thing?” Ashira chided, her sultry tones having completely evaporated from her voice.

“That's actually for you to decide, Caleb. See, the stone idol Ashira was imprisoned in had a safety feature - a spell-rune that would go off if she were ever released. That rune applied a minor curse which prevents Ashira from hurting anyone, or feeding off of other mortals as long as her ‘summoner’ is alive. As you're technically her 'summoner', her spirit is attuned to yours. And similarly, as her summoner, you have to choose some form of duel, game, or other competition for her and I to compete in.” Her voice then more somber: “The winner...gets to take the loser's soul.”

“Bravo. How keen! Such a scholar of the arcane you are.” Ashira’s patronizing tone was accompanied with an equally patronizing clap.

Caleb stumbled over his words as he grasped the gravity of the situation. “I...choose a...and the loser's...soul...” While normally perfectly conversational, the rapid barrage of overwhelming, yet opposite emotions had greatly reduced the freshman's ability to think rationally.

“Mmm, that's right, master!” Ashira pulled in close again as she implored the young man she had become entwined with, her voice sickeningly sweet. “Which means if I lose, she can take me away forever! Don't worry though, if you just choose something I can win, I promise we can take good care of Tara, the silly girl! Assuming she survives, of course...”

“Um. Wait, you can't just...that's like bribing the judge, what the heck?”

“Ohhh? A tiny little oversight on your part, girl. Did you think I’d learned nothing in all the ages I’ve spent on this earth?”

Tara prepared a retort, but Caleb raised his arms to quiet the two before they started on bickering with each other. “Alright. I've decided.”

A wicked grin pulled at Ashira's lips. “Oh, wonderful! I hope you picked something that can settle this quickly. This petty squabble irritates me so.”

She pulled the scruffy lad against herself, his head perfectly positioned to just softly bear some of the weight of her hefty bosom when they were both standing. He held her hand in his for his announcement while both women waited anxiously.

“Yeah. The contest will be...an anime trivia quiz.”

From the other side of the room, Tara just looked askance at Caleb incredulously. Ashira, however, instantly lost her composure, spinning the young man out from under her and picking him up by the armpits. She shook him slightly with each word as she practically shouted.

“WHAT? No, Caleb, you were supposed to...why? Why THAT? Why not arena combat or arm wrestling or...even a foot race would be a better choice! I could have easily won if you'd just picked something physical! Why did you do this, don't you want us to be together?”

“Of course I do! I wanted to pick something you could win at, but uh. I still don't want Tara to get hurt, though. So since we've been hanging out, I’ll make sure it's all stuff you've seen recently. I didn't think of the foot race though, that would have been a good idea...”

Tara couldn't help but crack up, her snort of laughter earning her a glare before Ashira refocused her attention on the young man she was trying desperately to prevent herself from murdering.

“I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION TO THAT DRIVEL, YOU CRETINOUS-...Right, sorry. Caleb. Dear. My precious little morsel. Perhaps you'd consider an alternative choice?”

“Nah, dude, he already said it. It can't be changed now, you're obligated by the ritual to participate in...an anime trivia quiz...for our immortal souls!”

It was impossible to keep a straight face for Tara as she broke out again in full rolling laughter. Caleb shrugged, which prompted Ashira to shake him again. Tara just shook her head.

“God bless you, you absolute dork.”


Ten minutes later...

“Right, so final question! For all the marbles! Even though...Tara literally can't lose at this point. But anyway, who was mysteriously transformed into a kitsune after picking up a fallen piece of the moon?”

Ashira's head was in her hands, completely despondent. Her dejected answer came out as a half-groan.

“I don't knooow. Why would I know that?”

Tara, on the other hand, was grinning like a maniac as she gazed at the ceiling, searching for the answer.

“Kitsune...that's from the one where all the protags gain the abilities of mythical Japanese creatures. And there's that badass Jorogumo chick and that adorable Nekomata dude, right?”

“You're on the right track!”

“WHY ARE YOU HELPING HER?!” Ashira screeched.

“Oh uh...sorry.”

“...what was her name? R-something. Ramu...no...Rit...OH! It's Ritsuko!”

“Correct! Final result: Tara wins, seventeen to one!”

A sob-scream was the only thing that could be heard from the demoness as she pushed her face into the floor. Caleb rubbed her broad back and attempted to comfort her.

“Hey, at least you got the one about Ishtar right! I knew you would get at least some of them!”


“Uh, how about no?” Tara interjected, stepping confidently in front of the much larger woman. “You lost. I have the right to bind your ass. You are not going to do anything until you get in that urn. Hope you like being a genie.”

Without warning, emerald bands of crackling energy formed around Ashira's meaty forearms and chunky calves, before solidifying into jade shackles. Wisps of her essence began to form trailing streams, being sucked as if by an invisible wind into the urn Tara had brought. She grated her teeth in impotent rage as her body gradually faded, until she disappeared entirely.

When the urn shut, Caleb reeled as if he'd just stepped off a spinning carnival ride. He grasped his head and started to stumble, but Tara deftly moved in to catch him before he fell to the floor.

“Whoa there! Dude, are you OK?”

“Yeah...yeah, I think so. Jeez, it feels like I was half-asleep and suddenly got a shot of caffeine injected straight into my brain. Was that because of her?”

Tara nodded, her long black hair bouncing slightly. “Mhm. Apparently Succubi have a sort of corrupting mini-mind-control aura thing going on.”

“Dang. I'm really sorry Tara, I guess you were right all along. I was being used, and it's my fault for not listening to you. Even then though, I still feel a little bit bad for Ashi. I mean, she was clearly doing some bad stuff to my mind, but she didn't actually hurt anybody, and we straight-up deleted her from existence...”

“Huh? First off, yes, you botched one bad, but I accept your apology. From what I was reading, it's actually pretty incredible that you managed to 'resist' for that long. If Ashira had actually gotten all the way with you, she would’ve been able to munch your soul; and once that happened, she wouldn’t have had anything stopping her from becoming an overpowered tyrant-queen. So in a way, I guess I should be thankful that you're a huge dork. Seriously though, an anime quiz? My guy, what were you thinking?”

Caleb hung his head in shame. “Yeah, I guess I'm kind of a loser...”

He was stung by a light slap on the cheek. “Hey! No moping. I already said I forgive you, and if you weren't so tremendously bad at picking up on women's advances, we'd probably be way worse off. So, it worked out, but you should probably take this as a lesson for not being a dead fish when a gal is sending you signals. Especially if she's been subtly trying to get a reaction for weeks. Like, for example, if she's literally me. It's me. You dork.”

It took a moment to sink in before Caleb reddened like a beet with sunburn. Instinctively he tried to pull away, but Tara pulled back, causing him to gush out in a panic.

“Oh god. Oh god I'm so sorry! I was trying to be cool but you saw all that stuff and oh god you must think I'm some kind of freak and-”

He looked down. Tara was squeezing his hand, and just looked at him knowingly. “Hey. Breathe. I'm the same gal as before. I'm not gonna push you to do something you're not comfortable with, alright? And the muscle stuff? I'm actually pretty into it. Heck, as soon as I found out, I started busting ass at the gym, since I didn't have to worry about being 'too big to find a guy' anymore. You didn't notice that either, huh?”

Something about the way she spoke made him feel at peace. For the first time in a while, he really looked at her. Actually, she did look thicker, and more defined...there's no way her shorts were always that tight, and thin creases of separation had given her some pretty sweet definition.

“I...no, I didn't. You look good, Tara.”

“Thanks dude. Oh, and that brings me back to that earlier point!”

She reached over, grabbing the lid off of that strange urn she'd brought in, the one that consumed Ashira. Except, once it was opened, there was Ashira again, swole and beautiful as ever, but with the addition of those jade shackles and an annoyed expression on her face.

“Apparently genies are just a type of bound demons. What's up, Ashi?! Welcome back. I got a few things I want you to help me with, now that you're safely bound to my command and all.”

“...Yes, mistress. What is your will?” she said, her tone making it clear how much she despised the words she was uttering.

“Don't be such a downer. We're gonna be together for a long time, after all. Anyway, that thing you've been doing where you can absorb lust and use it to shape bodies and grow stronger? I want that.”

Ashira sighed. “Yes, mistress. Of course, mistress.”

As the now bound Genie-Succubus cast a spell, projecting a thick, bright purple stream directly into Tara's chest, Caleb felt his heart quickening again. Once it was done, he piped up.

“You...You have Ashira's power now? You'd do that? Holy crap...”

Tara smirked, already feeling subtly stronger as Caleb's mind raced with possibilities.

“Hold up cowboy. This ain't just for you. Since this is still technically all your fault, first, you gotta do something for me. Is that a deal?”

“Oh. Sure? I guess that's fair. What do you want?”

“Just stand still and trust me, that's all...”

Suddenly, Caleb felt an itching sensation at the top of his head, which quickly was joined by similar feelings in his feet and at the base of his spine. He felt an odd trickling in his ears, but when he went to touch them, he felt only smooth, flat skin. Instead, there was a sound like a bristly brush being rubbed as he felt something push outward from his scalp. Dashing to his closet door's mirror in a mild panic, he rubbed the two triangular growths that had emerged, covered in fuzzy blonde hair...

“You turned me into a...catboy?” As he spoke, a growing, furry tail popped out near the top of his pants, swishing back and forth behind him. But he didn't get too much time to gawk, as he was swept off his feet and picked up by the person who he'd need to start calling his girlfriend.

“Yuuup! You're not the only one with kinks, guy. It looks good on you!”

She was practically chirping now, grinning ear to ear as she experimentally scratched behind his new cat ears. Caleb subconsciously felt his chest starting to rumble. Was he...purring? Surreal as it was, his focus was more on the strong arms of the woman who had been with him all along. Her voice dropped to a lower, more sultry tone as she addressed him.

“Alright, we've got you transformed. Now let’s start on me...”


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Comments: 18

Person-san [2020-11-29 02:51:33 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

isoycrazy [2020-06-18 10:33:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaceDownDagon In reply to isoycrazy [2020-06-18 16:16:52 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

isoycrazy In reply to FaceDownDagon [2020-06-18 16:22:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

spar1988 [2020-05-16 15:49:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaceDownDagon In reply to spar1988 [2020-05-18 03:15:08 +0000 UTC]

Nah, you're fine. It seems a lot of folks are interested in that bit. An who knows what the future may hold?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

spar1988 In reply to FaceDownDagon [2020-05-18 16:44:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

seldomlasts [2020-05-14 03:32:08 +0000 UTC]

Great story, very fun read, well-written, and true to both the fetish as well as the spirit of an anime!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

FaceDownDagon In reply to seldomlasts [2020-05-14 18:51:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

seldomlasts In reply to seldomlasts [2020-05-14 03:32:58 +0000 UTC]

One thought I had, it would be fun to explore more of Ashira's motivations and perspective, perhaps in a sequel or side story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ultimaweaponffx [2020-05-13 20:08:45 +0000 UTC]

Just finished reading the whole story in one sitting, and it was pretty good. The descriptions were on point, especially all the... relevant... stuff I was expecting from the tags, and it even had me chuckling with some of the humor. I like how Caleb is self-aware enough to wish that he isn't a harem protagonist, yet has that signature cluelessness - what with him completely failing to notice Tara's advances until it's spelled out for him.

Bit of a shame that Tara's transformation won't described, but oh well. I got what I wanted from the story, and I enjoyed it!

Hope to see more of these stories from you. Well, either that or more content for your game! Cheers!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaceDownDagon In reply to ultimaweaponffx [2020-05-14 00:35:02 +0000 UTC]

A couple of people have asked for a bit of a follow-up on the characters now, so who knows? It might be in the cards!

Thank you so much!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

ArkhamAsylum1505 [2020-05-13 17:58:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaceDownDagon In reply to ArkhamAsylum1505 [2020-05-14 00:35:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! With multiple people asking for more, it might be possible some time in the future.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sperics [2020-05-13 16:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Caleb turning into a catboy definitely isn't up my alley, but I'd still like to congratulate you on a magnificently written story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaceDownDagon In reply to Sperics [2020-05-13 16:16:06 +0000 UTC]

To be clear, it's not really my thing either. However, it is Tara's thing, and I thought it would be kinda cute and wholesome to have a little bit of give and take in the interaction.

Thank you very much for the praise!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

HK-1988 [2020-05-13 14:11:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaceDownDagon In reply to HK-1988 [2020-05-13 16:16:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I hope it was an enjoyable read!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0