Fae-CaptainofDreams — Dr. Light: BIO

#dc #drlight #teentitans #arthurlight
Published: 2018-03-11 01:20:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 2863; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 3
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Description My take on the lesser (yet still well-known) Teen Titans villain, Dr. Light!
If you don't like it, feel free not to tell me about it
I'm scrapping almost everything in his wiki information and COMPLETELY throwing out the Despicable Things he did in the more adult comics.
He's just a lovable idiot here.


~~Arthur Light~~

Born into a fanatically religious family, Arthur went to church every Sunday and Wednesday, aaand thought it was absolutely boring.
Although he accepted the idea of an Ultimate Deity, he just wasn't overly devoted to Him, or the teachings.
He saw more in nature and became interested in science at an early age, though his pursuits toward it were not taken well by his family, or his peers.
He was always the black sheep, daring to ask questions in a society that seemingly would not.
Over time he grew frustrated and had multiple spats with his parents, until such time that he became emancipated at 16, got an apartment, a job and took on schooling by himself.
He lost touch with his family soon after, having developed a coldness towards them, though would occasionally get a call from his grandmother.
She was seemingly the only one who cared, but gave up on him after about five months.

Despite the struggle of surviving on his own, Arthur did surprisingly well for himself.
Intelligent, innovative and offering unique methodology to whatever he approached, he did very well in school and caught the eyes of several professors.
They got him a job at a local university, which paid well enough that he was modestly comfortable in his apartment.
He would remain working there even after he graduated high school, and following that he went straight to college.
His family was not there to see his achievements, nor did he make an effort to share them with them.

He majored in chemistry and engineering, making his way towards a remarkable graduation.
He made a friend, Jacob Finlay, whom he worked with many days in the lab for the last year and a half of college.
Arthur and Jacob graduated together at 22 years old and decided to stay in touch, finding what were to-be permanent jobs at a research facility.
Again, Light's family was nowhere to be seen, and he hardened his heart; he would get on without them as he always had.

Arthur and Jacob became partners at the facility, and spent some time outside of work to hang out once in a while, too.
They worked there together for two years, until Arthur was 24.
But while they had teamed up to work on an experimental energy suit, Arthur made a fatal error that resulted in the death of Jacob, and it all happened right before his very eyes.
An investigation went underway.
Arthur was brought into jail and lightly interrogated, to which he answered everything honestly.
Despite his efforts and repeated honest answering, he couldn't help but feel as though he were being treated like a criminal.
Psychological help was offered to him by the facility, but Arthur declined.
After turning in his resignation to the facility, he attended Jacob's funeral as an outsider.

~~Descent into Criminal Life~~

After everything he'd done and seen, the last thing he wanted was to be found guilty and face prison.
Alarmed by the idea and not feeling as though he could trust anybody, he fled.
He used up what was left of his money to keep his apartment paid for until he could figure something else out, in a grand attempt to disappear off the face of the planet.
Frightened and out of options, he called for a U-haul and loaded up his things, cleaned out his bank account and, of all things, stole the truck full of his valuables.
After ditching the driver, he took off for God knew where, hoping to find someplace under the radar where he could lay low, and possibly start over.
Ditching cops and leading them down the wrong paths became part of his life for a short while.

A few days' travel led him to Jump City.
He looked around the outskirts of the city, in less populated places for something, anything to shelter him properly.
As if by some sort of miracle, he found a rundown, abandoned house in a wheat field.
More delightful yet, it had a large basement.
A disaster of a place and in desperate need of some care, but nothing he couldn't handle.
He emptied his belongings into the shack and disposed of the truck, then spent the next year of his life fixing the home until it felt just like that; home.

Living normally became impossible.
He had no electricity, no running water, and no food.
For a little while, his funds enabled him to buy food, but once that was gone he had to fend entirely for himself.
He began stealing, and selling some stolen items for more more money, which paid for food.
It also paid for laundry and accessories like hygiene supplies, and bottled water.
Without running water, he pretty much took a wipe-yourself-down-with-a-cloth-style "bath."
Not exactly lavish, but it was better than nothing.
        Arthur was remarkably good at theft, and even found it a little addicting.
It became the primary way to live, and the disguises he wore kept him very well hidden.
For the most part, he was great at evading cops.

Within a year he had his home repaired, though he didn't yet have water or electricity.
He had everything but; he even had appliances and had begun constructing a lab in the basement, but nothing to power it.
And then, he had an idea.
A terrible idea, really, but an idea nonetheless.
He considered the suit himself and Jacob had been working on, and the potential it possessed.
If he was going to do the wrong thing, he figured he was gonna do it the right way.
A most daring feat, but Arthur locked down his house, stole a run-down rental car and drove back to his old city.
He came in the night to the facility, broke in and sneaked around until he found the suit.
It was locked up in a high-security case, left untouched after the investigation.
It gave him grief to see it again, but also thrilled him.
The idea of having to steal something so powerful from such well-designed security put an extra spark of black in his already-darkened heart.
Smart as he was, he managed to disable the alarms, stole the suit and successfully bailed.
He got right back in his car, returned to Jump City, and cast the car into the same fate as the U-haul more than a year ago.

~~A Super Villain~~

After more than a year of spiraling further and further into dis-ease and unstable living, the sentimental value the suit once held was rendered mute.
He took it apart and studied it, then put it back together again and, through his own engineering capabilities, took inspiration from it.
He created his own solar-powered generator, finally giving himself electricity.
He even wised up and used off-grid methods to have a spare amount of running water.
He began to create small weapons and tools to be used when he went on thieving-sprees.
He started to become more bold and outgoing, and sunk further and further into instability.
After so long he became reckless, using less caution and even allowing his face to be shown.
He robbed jewelers, banks, and stole more complex machinery.
It wasn't long after this that he made his first great blunder (and a most embarrassing one at that), and was taken to prison.

Incarcerated, Arthur Light remained stuck in prison from the time he was 26 until he was 32, when he managed to break out for the very first time.
At first he ran right out of the city and hid for a week before slipping back into Jump and to the house he hadn't seen in six years.
It was surreal, to be back after so long, to find everything covered in dust, the solar panels on his generator non-functional, and dilapidation beginning to show again.
It felt like he was back to square one.
He regressed into petty theft with hidden identity for a short time until his home was fixed up again.
But this time, he was going to go big, or go home.

Before prison he had slowly become nocturnal, though six years in correction straightened that out.
However, after a few months of freedom, Arthur transitioned back into sleeping during the day and waking at night.
From then on, he spent entire nights going back to creating his advanced tools, and adding and taking away from the suit.
He called it the Light Suit, making it his almost entirely.
The night life didn't exactly do his mental status any favors, but as far as he was concerned there was no fixing him.

Arthur would be in and out of criminal activity until he was 38, spending another six years thieving and villaining, and using his tech.
He made prototype suits with certain, little amounts of power in them, too nervous yet to break out the real deal.
The chemist referred to himself as Dr. Light, since he did have an advanced degree and had been working his way up to an elite status.
He was experienced.
He traveled across cities do do his own bidding in new places, which kept authorities thrown off.
Until he got to Gotham City, and took on the Batman for the first time.
After just a few days of trying to drain an enormous power plant of its energy, he got into a big brawl with the Bat, and ultimately lost.
It was a shameful defeat.
He was imprisoned there, breaking out after four months and retreated to Jump under the radar.
That was the last straw, and that was when he finally got out the real Light Suit, polished and ready to roll.
This event would mark him becoming more well-known to Jump and its inhabitants, and news spread even over to Gotham.
Unfortunately the World's Greatest Detective didn't have time to hunt him down, as he had his own crooks to deal with.
For the next few years, Dr. Light spent much time building and designing new, bigger and better things and planning for the future, while coming out only once in a blue moon to rob banks and jewelers again, scrap big machinery and drain small power sources for his own gain.
He decided he wanted to take over the city just one time, for however long and display enough power to shake his opponents.
Perhaps if he succeeded, he would never have to live in shadow again.~

~~Unsteady Life of Crime~~

When Arthur was 42, the Teen Titans finally emerged for the first time.
He hid from sight for a couple of months, made nervous by their dedication to catching baddies.
After all, he wasn't the only high-end criminal in the territory, and he'd watched them topple foes through teamwork and strategy.
But when he did finally emerge and face them for the first time, he proved to be a most worthy adversary.
He was cocky and confident, witty with one-liners and an attack to thwart each teen.
Things appeared to be in his favor, until he faced off with Titan Raven.
The heroine happened to be going through an internal crisis, and was enraged by Light's taunting of her.
Triggered into a fit of violence, Raven almost killed Dr. Light, traumatizing him with her dark powers and rendering him almost mentally destroyed.
When leader Robin attempted to even comfort him, he was irretrievable, and thus was admitted to a psych ward in a hospital.
After a week he finally snapped out of it, and was promptly put back in jail.

Every few months or so he would break out, tend to his home, then plot a big attack on a bank or power source in the city.
He'd fight the Titans, fail on a most embarrassing level, go back to prison and then repeat the cycle.
He was pretty used to it.
Light would never be the same after his encounter with Raven, as she would remain the most fearsome of his enemies.
His arch-enemy, in fact.
Ohhh how he despised that girl, but after being confronted with her again on her birthday, he immediately dropped what he was doing and asked to go to jail, preferring confinement over another run-in with the goth.

Over time he made more advanced suits, orchestrated more advanced attacks, tackled bigger targets and even joined The Brotherhood of Evil.
But every attack failed, and the Brotherhood couldn't hold his interest for long.
He tried to strike up partnerships within the ranks, but no one was interested.
He even tried to coerce the villainous magician Mumbo Jumbo, but the Big Bluedini revealed he'd only actually shown up for free food.
Light became frustrated, and assumed the Brain and his army of miscreants could take care of all the young heroes themselves.
He was wrong, and met his last, most ridiculous in-show encounter with them all at the same time while committing a robbery.
Yes, of course he went to prison.


Since his last fight, the now-45-year-old criminal chemist has escaped prison once again, and is back in his house.
For the time being, his more high-tech suits remain on display in the basement.

Arthur is criminal, and will most likely always be one.
He doesn't intend on changing or turning over a new leaf, having long accepted the idea that some people were born to do bad things, even if they are intelligent and could've had a promising career.
For now, he remains undetected once more, planning for the future in his little old house in the wheat field.

~~Home Status~~

Being nocturnal is part of how he keeps under the radar.
He spends most of his time in the basement, but will surface into the actual house to fix food, bathe and sometimes watch television.
The TV is small, old and uses an antenna that sometimes doesn't work.
Needless to say he doesn't have cable, and either way he mostly just zones out at the garbage that's aired while thinking about other things.
Even when he's winding down, his mind is ever-restless.

Arthur does his best to keep blinds shut and the lights off in case someone were to spot his house, but does also enjoy going outside and sitting in the grass to stargaze.


It's pretty clear that Dr. Light isn't the baddest of the bad guys.
He isn't a sexual deviant, he's not murderous and he doesn't do what he does simply because he thinks hurting people is fun.
However, he does have a sort of disregard for human safety, and couldn't possibly care less about how others feel or what they're planning.
What started as a mission to survive grew into a desire to conquer and show the world he's more than just a loner who accidentally killed his best friend, even if most people don't know he actually did that.

Successful (to his mind) as a lone wolf, Arthur prefers to do things his own way.
On the rare occasion he seeks partnership, it never works out, and thus he's left to his own ways again.
When alone he can be rather cold and jaded, at least when first waking up.
But as the night moves on, he will become more enthusiastic and typically start to do his worst around 11 p.m.
He wakes around sunset.

Arthur obviously centers his work around light, luminescence and a menagerie of puns to boot.
His idea of gaining control of the city (or more) for a short period of time involves him leaving his mark in light, with his signature being the light bulb pattern on his suit's chest.
He even once drove a vehicle shaped like a light bulb when attempting to win Robin's most prized possession in a race held by Ding Dong Daddy.
Needless to say, that thing is long gone and he has no intentions of reviving it.

Arthur can be very callous towards others, and though he is so intelligent, he's not always particularly mature, which shows through his sarcasm.
He tries to be "adult," but immature moments have their ways of showing.
He can also be exceedingly cowardly, despite his best attempts with bold moves and brash attacks in the struggle to get ahead.
Unfortunately, Arthur does not excel at working smarter as opposed to harder.
His plans, though brilliant often lack substantial execution one would need to pull them off.
This leads to very embarrassing failures, but despite how many times he's been humiliated, he at least gets back up and tries again.
And again, and again, and again.
If there's one thing he's good at, it's not learning when to give in.
He throws in the towel and mourns his failures just like everyone else, but gets right back to work after a few days of pouting, drinking and listening to Rihanna...and Akon.
And sometimes watching cheap Soaps he doesn't care about on his crappy little TV.

Arthur is prone to occasional loneliness, depression and lethargy, but always finds a way to get over himself and carry on.
He likes the occasional beer, but doesn't rely on alcohol to cure his problems.
Besides, the hangovers are hell but if he intends to get drunk, he gets DRUNK.
Otherwise, just a buzz.

He dislikes most animals, children, pitch-darkness, religious enthusiasts and heights.
However, he does like octopuses because they're intelligent, fireflies because they make their own light and other bioluminescent creatures.


During his first stay in prison, after the third year he had an appendectomy when his appendix burst.
He still has the scar.

Arthur isn't a particularly dirty or gross person, but hygiene isn't his biggest concern.
He brushes his teeth and showers when he feels like it, cuts his own hair (and botches it), hardly brushes his hair and sometimes re-wears his clothes.
Except his underwear; the man has some standards.
Despite this, he is a tad narcissistic about his go-tee, so he tends to that and tries to keep the rest of his face shaven.
There are a select few times when the depression takes over and he stops caring about how his face looks.
Once he even allowed himself to grow a beard, but upon coming out of his funk he thought it looked nasty and went back to his usual look.


Arthur occasionally has dreams, and even real-time hallucinations of his old friend, Jacob Finlay.
To this day, he remains guilty and remorseful over the accidental death of his best friend and colleague, but pushes it down as he has for years now.
These guilt-induced hallucinations often lead to him throwing things at the figment and having cussing fits when they freak him out.
There are many times when he wonders what might have been, or what he could've done differently, but he knows the past cannot be changed.
Thus, he does his best not to dwell on it, and simply lives his lowly life.
He figures if he dies doing what he's doing, it'll probably be because he deserved it.


Arthur is straight as an arrow, obviously single and doesn't plan to settle down.
He's the nudie-mag type who owns a shamefully high stack of porn VHS tapes.
He thinks he's a ladies man, but rest assured, he is not.
The presence of attractive females can be quite distracting for him, but if he's on a mission he'll force himself to focus.

Unlike older, more cynical adult comics suggest, Arthur has never and WILL never take a sexual partner by force.
If he gets rejected he gets rejected, and trudges on.
In the event that he manages to hook up with a one-night stand, he's always very grateful, and sometimes even leaves a tip.
He's not romantic, not smooth and honestly scares off most potential sexual partners.
Deep down he knows it's him, but he pretends it's them to cushion his ego.


Well this is longer than i expected, but not too bad.



You read it right!
He'll never be redeemed.
Though actually, as sad as this sounds, i do imagine him finding a way to confess his sorrow of Finlay and admit that he knows he's done wrong most of his life, but only just before he dies.
Idk how he dies or when (it'll be a long ass time before then), but that's when i see it happening.
And of course i imagine him finding peace in his afterlife.



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Comments: 6

oboeshoes16 [2018-03-12 01:12:47 +0000 UTC]

Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fae-CaptainofDreams In reply to oboeshoes16 [2018-03-12 18:48:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NeversideFaerie [2018-03-12 00:08:07 +0000 UTC]

Now THIS is a much more believable bio for him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fae-CaptainofDreams In reply to NeversideFaerie [2018-03-12 18:48:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

candelediva [2018-03-11 19:41:37 +0000 UTC]

Very nice

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fae-CaptainofDreams In reply to candelediva [2018-03-12 18:48:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0