" Kip Aetheon hear, this discussion is about a product being manufactured hear at Aetheon Company, The Daikin Industries "P.S.",,,. or Prisoner Suit,. That's right, not to much thought put into the name but it says what it is! And that's the point, important! This ankle biting jump suite means business,. Developed for females, this suit uses plate cloth from our very own MCRS projects seen in white. It's soft loose, form fitting and dense, the crotch is splayed thickly an engulfed in four inches of none compressing amounts of it, makes for a nice diamond shape between the thighs,... and indeed makes for some hobbled walking but fear not ladies it's chafing free due to it's softness. That's right these poor prisoners well have plenty of grinding to figure out what they did wrong while in there cells.,. Lotsa red cheeks that's for sure! The second material is a patent pending form fitting material viewed hear in dull teal, and our patented color graphite. This stuff is as a thin as paper, un tearable, and breaths, which just adds to the frustration element it conforms tightly and stretch's. We're just not going to call it P.S. material,,no,no,no....nooo "
" Before I go onto the second part, there are a few of you that have me confused with this person Cave Johnson,. I'm Not Cave Johnson! I'm Kip Aetheon, first of all, We have many more products then Aperture secondly if I was going to develop a product that made holes in space fabric I would include more options of colors then orange and blue,. ohh yeah,.....Chariots, Chariots. "
" In proper specs, the harness that works it's way right into the form of the Daikinskin P.S. is a proud work of our research and fabrication team. It's the PDD12 or Preemptive Deprivation Device Twelve,. Where's the twelve come from you ask? Well the first eight test subjects suffocated from choking and well the three just flat out suffocated. Turns out the inflated collar had to much compressed air in it's rotary blatter, who would have thought?. It's not easy being a test subject that's why we pay them a wopping sixty dollars a day! Well earned test subject well earned.. But we got it right! and once we did, Michelle was our subject, blue eyes!, pony tail! knock out figure makes for a great test subject, our corporate secretary runs our phone bill up with none corporate calls and never shuts up,. This image pays for those bills let me tell you,... haha!. The PDD12 engineered and developed in Daikin Industries uses a remote pneumatic control to compress air into a gagging high collar raising blatter which is fixed to a harness held fast to the upper torso,. When activated it creates a deafened, gagged and blind environment. The subjects head is fixed into the collar, this device may cause nausea, lack of direction, balance and under long term conditions could cause hallucinations,. Good Luck Daikin Industries! given we own a profit share in some of materials used we could certainly use the extra dollar,.. at bare minimal to pay off the advertising department and our escalating secretary's phone bills."
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