fanficgirl26 — Forbidden Union Comic - Pg 8

#comic #vampire #animestyle #vampirehunter
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Description Elizabeth and Vincent danced gracefully together.  Elizabeth couldn't help but smile.  She felt happy for once in her life.  Being near Vincent gave her this feeling of confidence and joy.  The dance felt like it went on forever, but Elizabeth didn't mind at all.  It wasn't until her husband yanked her away that she remembered who she was with.  

Husband: "What are you doing, dancing with my wife!?"

Vincent: "It's... a gala. People dance with married partners all the time."

Husband: "Well, she's MY wife! She only dances with ME!"  

Elizabeth: "Honey, stop. This is-"

Husband: "Shut your mouth! It's the only thing you're good at!"

Vincent: "Hey now. Let's not be rude to the lovely lady."

Husband: "Shut up, you blue-haired bastard child!"

Elizabeth: *horrified* "HONEY! STOP! This is Lord Vincent!"

Her husband's face turned white when she said that.  He looked at Vincent and finally realized that she was right.  

Husband: *scared* "Oh, shit. I'm so sorry, your Grace. I-I didn't realize..."

Vincent: (sternly) "Bastard child? To a Lord? Wow, what a low hit."

Husband: (sweating nervously) "Your Grace, I'm so so sorry! I didn't realize you were of such high status!"

Vincent: "Please leave this poor woman alone. I don't care if she's your wife, she deserves to have a good time and not this absolutely disrespectful behavior. To be fair, the wife is the ruler of the house because she has the power to spit in your food if she so chooses."

Husband: "Yes, your Grace. I'm sorry."

Elizabeth: (with an aura of confidence & annoyance) "Now go sit your butt down or go drink yourself into a stupor, you pig."

Her husband is shocked by her sudden confidence to talk back and stand up to him, but he was too scared of Vincent to care.  He sheepishly walked away.  Vincent looked at Elizabeth before clapping.

Vincent: "Bravo, madam!"

Elizabeth blushed and giggled.  

Elizabeth: "Oh, stoppit!"

They went back to dancing and when the dancing ended, they ended up hanging out together.  Chatting, getting punch, even being out on one of the balconies and making each other bust out laughing.  Eventually, Vincent was approached by Nicodemus.  

Nicodemus: "Vincent, I must speak with you."

Vincent: *nervous* "Oh, Father! Uh, o-of course." (to Elizabeth) "Pardon me, madam."

Vincent was dragged away from Elizabeth to an empty room.  Nicodemus turned to him.

Nicodemus: "The magic and gasing will be begin in three minutes. If you still wish for that hunter girl to live, you better do something about it. I'm not giving you any more warnings."

Vincent: (nodding frantically) "Yes, Father. Thank you."

He then quickly left the room and headed back towards Elizabeth.  As he did, he saw her parents approach her, both looking VERY angry.  Then they started shouting at her, grabbing her wrist and trying to drag her back into the ballroom.  He immediately quickened his pace, trying to get to Elizabeth before she was dragged back into the soon-to-be gassed ballroom.  Then he heard Mrs. Pratt scream at Elizabeth.

Mrs. Pratt: "YOU ARE THE MOST WORTHLESS EXCUSE FOR A DAUGHTER I'VE EVER HAD! You are PATHETIC! You bring SHAME to the family name! I tried doing you a FAVOR, getting your husband! He happily said he would train you and protect you and now you go dancing with another man and tell your husband that he's a pig!? You are an ungrateful, disrespectful, worthless, shameful CUNT!"

Vincent: (shouting) "ENOUGH! I won't allow you to speak to her like that!"

Elizabeth's parents whipped their heads towards him, surprised.  

Mrs. Pratt: "Pardon?"

Vincent: "You heard me. I refuse to let you speak to her that way. As one of the lords of this castle, I order you to apologize to her and leave her ALONE."

Their faces went pale from shock, but never said a word.  They only turned and walked back into the ballroom.  Vincent turned to Elizabeth.

Vincent: "Are you alright?"

Elizabeth suddenly burst into tears.  Vincent took her to the study and sat with her while she sobbed and told him everything, the abuse from her husband, the abuse from her parents, the desire to run away, everything.  All he did was listen and console her.  Soon she had calmed down.  Vincent had been supplying her multiple handkerchiefs as her make-up, tears, and snot had used up so many of them.  He patted her back.

Vincent: "I'm so sorry your life has been nothing but misery. You didn't deserve any of that."

Elizabeth: (stuttering) "Th-Th-Thank you. I-I-I th-thought I would n-never be able to tell anyone."

Vincent: "You can always tell me anything. I won't judge."

Elizabeth: "Thank you. Really. I didn't think I would be able to release all that baggage... at all."

Vincent patted her back and gave her another clean handkerchief.  Elizabeth reached for it and grabbed it while also touching Vincent's hand.  She pulled her hand back quickly, her face turning pink.  Vincent's cheeks also gained a pink color.  

Elizabeth: "S-Sorry."

Vincent: (small smile) "It's alright."  

Elizabeth smiled and took the handkerchief.  As she blew her nose, Vincent thought he could hear something.  Something... different.  It wasn't music, that's for sure.  He stood up.

Vincent: "Excuse me a moment."

He left the study, following the sound.  As he drew closer, he realized what it was.  It was the sound of people SCREAMING.  He ran towards the ballroom, panicking.

Vincent: "Father, for the love of God, no..."

He turned the corner and saw the glass paned doors to the ballroom closed with the families of the Bullvecs, Harrings, and the Pratts screaming and running in circles in fear.  The gas within was gray and occasionally blocked Vincent's vision into the room.  His face went white in shock and horror.  

Vincent: "Father..."

Suddenly, Mrs. Pratt threw herself onto the door, screaming in terror.  Her eyes were wide and her pupils were the size of needle tips.  Her face had nothing but sheer terror on her face.  

Mrs. Pratt: (screaming) "HELP! HELP ME! HELLLLPPP!"

Then she was dragged back into the gas.  Vincent backed away from the door before running back towards the study, tears welling up in his eyes.  Then he ran into the head butler, Mr. Radisson.

Mr. Radisson: "Master Vincent? Why are you not in the ballroom with your family?"

Vincent: "I..."

Mr. Radisson, being an old vampire, saw right through him.

Mr. Radisson: "You're hiding a hunter?"

Vincent: (shouting) "SHE'S DIFFERENT!"

Tears running down his face, Vincent ran past Mr. Radisson and towards the study.  He threw the door open, startling Elizabeth, who was sitting on the couch.  

Elizabeth: "Vincent??"

Vincent: "Lizzy, we need to leave. Now."

Elizabeth: *confused* "Wha? What are you talking about?"

Vincent: "Please, we need to go. I can't explain it all right now."

Elizabeth, confused and a little scared, followed Vincent's instructions to leave. The two of them ran away from the castle and into the village, all the way to Henry's house.  

Vincent: "Henry! Open the door! Henry, please!"


Page 8 of Forbidden Union.

Made with Manga Creator - Vampire Hunter Page 8
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