FantasyMagicGirl — The Beast and His Boy Co-Special15
Published: 2011-11-30 23:47:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 4417; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 12
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Description The Beast and His Boy Co-Special 15

This is a special 'The Beast and His Boy' as it was co-written by DragonRoseFang and Me.

Warning: All these stories will involve ChaorxKaz so if you don't like that pairing please leave now.

Each mini story is not connected to another unless otherwise stated before or within the story.

Ratings will vary from story to story.

And please enjoy and comment.

22. Soft Touch (part 2 of Slave and Master)
Summary: In an alternate universe human's are slaves to the creatures of Perim, this is a story of how Kaz finds a hero and a new master.
Rating: T

Kaz face-palm and sighed he had forgotten to ask H'earring if he knew what a personal servant did. The human sighed again figuring he would know sooner or later, or work up the courage to ask Chaor and hope he didn't seem like a complete fool for it.

Kaz brushed off that thought for the moment as he kept looking around. He noticed that there was another door besides the one he had entered in, but figured it was best that he didn't explore that for the moment encase he wasn't suppose to go in there. And of course the bed was very large and covered in large fur sheets that looked very soft, Kaz walked up and confirmed the thought, by rubbing his hands over it.

"I wonder if I'm supposed to share this bed with Chaor?" Kaz wonder to himself.

Kaz turned and walked over to the desk, looking over the items that sat on top. It had papers, writing quills, mapping tools, and many more things. The desk was a mess. Out of habit Kaz reached over and started to organize the desk, placing things neatly to the side and then placed the papers in alphabetical order along the desk so Chaor could still find what he needs.

Before Kaz turned to explore more of the room he spotted something very odd on the desk. It looked like a crystal in a three legged stand but it had a strange red glow in the center of the crystal.

Kaz reached out to inspect it but flinched back when the crystal suddenly glowed brighter and a very clear picture appeared above the crystal, like it was projected. Kaz looked at the picture and saw a small red creature staring back at him with cute blue eyes and clutching a larger creature's tail, gently chewing on the tip. Kaz chuckled softly at this when he realized the little creature was a picture of Lord Chaor, when he was much younger.

He never heard the door to the room open.

Chaor took a quick glace around the room seeing Kaz was in front of his, oddly now, neatly cleaned desk. The Leader quietly closed the door behind him wondering what the human was so fixated on. To the point he didn't even notice the Underworlder entering.

Chaor walked closer to Kaz, the Leader knowing how to walk silently even with his large form. Soon seeing that the boy was looking into a crystal recording of his infant days.

Kaz laughed softly "who knew someone like Chaor used to be so cute"

Chaor huffed hearing this, causing the boy to almost jump out of his skin as he whipped around, slightly stunned seeing the Leader right behind him.

"I-I'm sorry Chaor, I didn't see you come in" Kaz said quickly bowing to the Underworld Leader.

Chaor chuckled down at Kaz before reaching out and patting his head.

"It's alright, you didn't do any harm." Chaor reassured his new servant.

He looked down at his desk and smiled as he looked it over.

"Very good" Chaor praised.

"oh, t-thank you Lord Chaor" Kaz said bowing his head, with a red blush played clearly across his face. The boy wasn't used to getting praise for his work.

Chaor smiled and patted Kaz's head again before the rest of the room over and saw that Kaz had already put his own belongings away. Good, now he was free to explain his duties.

"Kaz, do you understand what a personal servant does?" Chaor asked as he walked over to his bed and sat down on it.

Kaz stood next to Chaor not daring to sit on the bed without permission, not to mention he would probably look foolish trying to hoist himself up and onto the tall bed.

The boy looked up at the leader and shook his head at the question "No, I have heard of personal servants, but I don't know what their duties are" Kaz admitted blushing lightly as he felt he should know these things.

Chaor smiled and gestured Kaz to come over. Slowly the small human came over until he stood in front of his master. Chaor continued to smile at him.

"A personal servant is a servant that only does duties for their master and no one else. Personal duties like cleaning their quarters, bringing them their food, helping them with their paper work, and...Help make pleasure in the master's bed." Chaor purred the last part.

Kaz nodded to each of his duties understanding what a personal servant did, but the boy froze hearing the last requirement. Kaz was naive in many ways but even he knew what that meant, and simply thinking about it brought an embarrassed blush to his face.

"Pleasure in bed?" Kaz questioned, thinking he must have heard Lord Chaor wrong, or his master was playing a joke on him. He just couldn't believe that Chaor would really want someone that looked like him for such an important task. He'd knew of servants in the overworld that specialized in bring pleasure to the creatures of the palaces when asked, but they were all so beautiful compared to him.

Chaor smirked and nodded.

"Yes, and pleasure in bed, those are the duties a personal servant is given. In other words you're like a stand in mate until I see otherwise." Chaor chuckled and leaned down so his face was leveled with Kaz's.

"Any more questions?"

Kaz blushed deepen as Chaor came so close, and quickly shook his head he wasn't going to question Chaor's reason for wanting him for such a duty, simply hoping he would not disappoint his new Master since he had never done such a thing before.

The red head then remembered he did have a question and stopped shaking his head. "um... actually... I was wondering where that other door leads to" Kaz asked point to the other door in the room that was not the entrance.

Chaor followed Kaz's finger and saw the door he was pointing at and smirked.

"That's the private bath; would you like to see what it looks like?" Chaor asked, gesturing his hand towards it.
Kaz nodded his head with an excited smile "yes, please" he had never seen a private bath before. only a handful of servants; that he knew of, were ever aloud to be in private bath areas.

Chaor smirked before getting up off the bed and stepped over and opened the door. He turned and gestured Kaz to go in first.

Slowly Kaz stepped in and then gasped, It looked amazing. He had never seen a bathroom look like this.

The walls were what Chaor described the castle to be like. It had tiny rivers of lava running up, down and across the walls and floor, surprisingly it didn't burn Kaz's feet.

But what stood out the most to Kaz was the area where you would bathe. It was large hot spring, warmed by the lava and had a couple baskets of soups and scented bathing oils.

Kaz knelled down next to the bath reaching down, but stopped before touching the water glancing up at Chaor to make sure it was ok, when his master looks to have no objections he dipped his finger in first to test if the water was too hot, but was a little surprised when it didn't burn. Since it was heated by Lava he expected the water to reflect that heat. He then dunked his hand in, discovering it was very warm but not too hot perfect bathing temperature.

"oh wow this water feels wonderful" Kaz commented as he swished the watered around, watching the ripples of water bounce off the walls.
Chaor chuckled before closing the door behind him and stepped over to Kaz.

"Would you like to have a bath, to clean off all the grim and dust you got from cleaning in the Overworld?" Chaor asked.

Kaz looked up at Chaor his eyes shining with excitement, being allowed in such a wonderful bath "Really?" he questioned and the leader nodded the red head looked down at the water before glancing back up at his new master a little unsure "you don't mind me using your bath?" Kaz asked just to make sure.

"I won't have offer the bath if I did." Chaor replied and gestured towards him to go ahead.

Kaz grinned and without thinking stripped down to noting and slipped into the waters, holding onto the side since he couldn't feel the bottom.

Kaz momentarily dunked his head under water and pulled himself back up to wet his hair. making his spiking hair droop and curl around his face.

The boy sighed as the warm feeling of the water literally washed over him, "wow this water feels even better when you're in" he said giving another sigh it even eased the sting of the whipping marks on his back that probably still looked a little red.

Chaor smirked as he watched Kaz enjoy himself until he spotted the marks and frowned. He turned and walked over to a cabinet and opened it, pulling out a veil. He walked back over to Kaz and knelt down.

"Come here Kaz, I have something that may help heal those marks and scars."

Kaz pulled himself closer to the leader, turning himself so his back was facing Chaor but kept a hand holding the side of the tub.

"Will it sting?" Kaz asked, having a hard time hiding his worry in his voice, he had been given medicine  for his cuts before, and they often hurt more than the injuries.

"Maybe, but it won't for very long." Chaor relied before pouring a hand full into his hand and then reached down and started to spread it over Kaz's back.

Kaz let in a quick gasp as he felt the cream like substance touch his skin, but his muscles only stiffened a little as it stung slightly, but otherwise it wasn't too bad. Kaz released his breath with a long sigh, actually once Chaor started to gently rub, it felt almost nice.

Chaor rubbed the lotion into Kaz's back until it was gone.

"There, that should help with the healing and keep the pain away for today." Chaor stated before standing back up and walked back over to the cabinet to put the veil away.

"Thank you, Lord Chaor" Kaz said bowing his head.

The boy went back to bathing running his fingers through his hair, trying to get all the dirt out but only partly succeeding. Kaz glanced over at the basket along the edge of the tub, before looking up at the leader "is it alright if I use your soap, Lord Chaor?"

Chaor smirked again, very pleased the boy knew his place and asked before even thinking about doing anything before he nodded.

He watched Kaz dig around in the basket for a bit before he pulled out an orange and yellow bottle, one of Chaor's favorites and opened it to use.

Kaz poured some shampoo onto his hand closing and placing the bottle back in the basket before lathering the soap through his hair, running his fingers from base to tips of his hair. He had the erg to mold his hair into standing up using the soap but resisted doing such a silly thing in front of his new Master.

Kaz made quick work of washing his hair, dunking his head into the water rinsing the soap away, before scrubbing his arms make sure there were no bits of dirt left, that the water hadn't washed away on its own. Kaz would have liked to stay in the warm bath longer but knew lord Chaor probably had many better things to do then watch his servant wash.

Once making sure there was no soap left in his hair, he glanced around the tub but didn't see the object he needed "Umm Lord Chaor, is there a towel I may use?"

Chaor chuckled before cocking his head to the side.

"Why would you need a towel, it's better to air dry?" Chaor stated with a purr, trying to trick Kaz into letting him see him naked and so he could inspect him.

Kaz somehow managed to blush and gulp at the same time. He really hoped to have a towel so he could hide his body from Chaor's site, but he didn't want to question his new master either.

"Al-alright, if you say so Lord Chaor" Kaz replied failing miserably at hiding how nervous he was, fanatically wondering if Chaor saw his form and didn't like what he saw, Chaor would no longer want him as his servant.

The red head placed his hands on the edge and lifted himself backwards out of the tub, before lifting his legs out of the water. Kaz glanced behind him seeing Chaor eyes glued on him almost commanding him to stand and show his form with just his gaze.

Kaz looked away taking another shaking gulp of air before slowly standing. The boy wrapped his arms around his own waist before turning around to face his master his head turned away not daring to meet Chaor's eyes. He knew his skin was too pale, his body too slim and hair too strange to be considered attractive.

"S-sh-should I stay in here, till I'm fully dry?" Kaz asked running one hand through his hair, brushing droplets of water out of the red/orange locks.

Chaor's eyes widened as Kaz pulled himself up out of the water.

He never in his life would have ever thought someone would have such a body as Kaz did.

Almost flawless pale skin with a few scars and bruises here or there, mainly on his back and arms. Unnatural hair, but very fitting and a slim body too, with a slight outer lining of muscle forming in his chest, arms, and legs.

Kaz was very pleasing and perfect in Chaor's book. Ignoring Kaz's innocent question he stepped closer, watching the droplets slowly travel down Kaz's body being trailed by Chaor's eye.

He stopped in front of Kaz who still refused to look at him, ashamed of himself. Chaor reached out and caught Kaz's chin with his claw. Using his forefinger and thumb he gently forced Kaz to look up at him, in the eye.

Kaz nervously looked up at Chaor, his eyes met his master's, he could quite describe the look in his eyes, but could tell Chaor looked pleased, the red head's blush grew deeper, his eyes blinking up at his master simply at a lost.

"Lord Chaor" Kaz said, not sure what to say or do, hoping his master would guild him, or command him to do something.

Chaor smiled down at Kaz to reassure him before releasing his chin.

"Come find me when you're done drying." Chaor ordered before turning and leaving the room without another word.

A moment after Chaor closed the door behind him Kaz fell to his knees his cheeks blazing with a blush. A feeling he could barley describe fluttered around in his chest.

Words could not decrepit how relived he was that Chaor did not reject him, but the way his master looked at him... Just thinking about it, made that flutter in his chest worst.

The Red Head shook his head reminding himself that he should dry as quickly as possible, so he wouldn't keep his master waiting. He rubbed his skin to help dry as there were still no towels in site. Once he deemed his skin dry enough, even with his hair a bit damp, Kaz went to grab his old clothes only to find that they were not where he last placed, in fact they were nowhere to be seen in the whole room.

The Boy gulped, Chaor must have taken his clothes without his noticing. He looked towards the door, he would have to go into the room and grab another pair of clothes, but Chaor was most likely in the other room waiting and that meant Lord Chaor would see his naked form again and Kaz was beginning to feel embarrassed just thinking about it. But the human knew he would have to try and get over it quickly, considering what was required of him as a personal servant.

Kaz was brushing his hair nervously, as he approach the door trying to make his hair dry as possible. He took a slow breath before pushing open the door. "Lord Chaor, I am dry"

Chaor looked up from reading something on his desk and smirked when he saw Kaz standing shyly near the door.

"Good, and if you're wondering where your old clothes are. I've had them destroyed, their Overworld and I don't like my servants wearing Overworlder clothing or armor." Chaor stated before standing up and walked over to his bed to pick up a box that wasn't there when they went into the bathroom.

"I had this made for you while you were getting use to the room," Chaor said over his shoulder to Kaz while he opened the box and turned to Kaz so he could see what was inside.

Kaz peered into the box see what looked to be very fine fur clothing, much higher quality then a servant would probably ever wear. He reached in the box and pulled it out, it was amazingly soft to the touch. The boy noticed the clothing seemed to have come it two different pieces.

Kaz slipped on the top in his hands before pulling out the bottom piece feeling that it was equally soft as the top before slipping it on. Kaz ambit, that it seemed to be a little skimpy. As he looked down at himself, the top only covered his chest leaving his waist exposed, and the bottoms only laid down to mid tight leaving most of his legs bear. But it was none the less an amazing gift, the fur felt so soft and comfortable against his skin, much too nice for a servant such as him, and the size was most likely due to the heat of the underworld to stay cool.

"Thank you, Lord Chaor, this is an amazing gift" Kaz said bowing to his master.
Chaor smiled and put the box down before reaching out and gently pulled Kaz closer to him. He held him loosely around the waist as he looked him over, purring louder the longer he looked.

The purr became so loud that it started to feel like it was rumbling in Kaz's own chest, the boy couldn't help but look away as his master's gaze kept traveling up and down his body. Kaz wasn't used to being 'check out' like this, particularly with the look Chaor was giving him.

Kaz's hand was brushing over the fur on his chest the other doing the same along his hip, just to give his hands something to do besides fidget, embarrassingly in front of him.

"Do you like them?" Chaor asked with a purr as he watched Kaz's hands play with his new clothing.

Kaz blushed and nodded. Chaor smiled and leaned down and started nuzzling his face, neck, and shoulders. Making the little human gasp and blush even more until he was almost the same color as Chaor.

"ye-yes Lord Chaor" Kaz said once he found his tongue "this…this is the greatest gift anyone has ever given me" the boy didn't lie he had received very few, true gifts in his life, and this was by far the greatest.

The red head gasped and let out a small moaned when Chaor nipped his neck. Kaz quickly covered his mouth, surprised by the sound he made "s... sorry" he apologized.

Chaor chuckled once again and reached up and pulled his hands down.

"Don't be… and don't be shy about letting your voice out....it's beautiful." Chaor purred and started nibbling and nipping at Kaz's neck and shoulders again.

Kaz could not imagine his face becoming any redder then it was now, he wanted to thank his master for the compliment but when he opened his mouth only a moan escape his lips.

The boy wasn't sure what to do, he wasn't sure if he should simply allow his master to have his way. Or if he was supposed to return the action in some way, but he didn't know how, the red head had no experience. It was also getting increasingly harder to think, and his body was getting oddly hotter too.

Kaz shyly reached up and caressed up along Chaor's arms tracing over the ridges of his muscles.

Chaor glanced down to see what was touching him, smiling when he saw his young servant had gained some courage and started touching him, willingly.

"Is it alright that I touch you" Kaz asked shyly when Chaor looked down at his arm, he also saw the Underworlder smile and wasn't sure if it was from approve or amusement for his naive move. When he was suppose to be doing something else.

Chaor purred as he leaned down and nuzzled Kaz's cheek lovingly.

"I don't mind, in fact I really enjoy you touching me. It feels so nice, relaxing, and....arousing." He purred.

Kaz's face turned brighter red then his hair, mind stalling at those words not believing Chaor said something like that and merely about his touch "R...re...really?"

Chaor grinned and lightly nudged his nose against Kaz's cheek.

"Oh yes, why would I lie to you for something that is fact?" Chaor chuckled before he released Kaz from his hold.

Kaz looked to his lord as the leader nudged his cheek, his blush dyeing down somewhat from the sheer honestly of Chaor's words that both somehow calmed and flattered him.

"oh" Kaz said at a lost for any other way to reply to his lord's words. Blinking several times; in confusion, when Chaor released him from his hold. Wondering if Chaor was testing him or just easing him into the new territory of sexual actions.

Chaor couldn't resist once again reaching up stroking Kaz's soft and silky hair, before leaning down and kissing Kaz's forehead.

"Are you hungry?" Chaor asked softly against Kaz's warm skin.

Kaz closed his eyes the feeling of Chaor stroking his hair gave the human a soothing feeling. He opened his eyes when this asked him a question.

"A little" Kaz admitted, not having a speck of food since breakfast.

Chaor smiled down at him before he walked over to the door and opened it. He called for another servant and told them what he wanted before he walked back over to Kaz. He suddenly picked him up into his arms, which Kaz squeaked in surprise, as he carried the human over to the bed and sat down with the boy in his lap.

Kaz blushed as he was placed on Chaor's lap, still not used to close contact treatment; he couldn't even remember anytime as a child and being placed on someone's lap that didn't involve some sort of childish punishment.

Once gaining a bit more of his composer he glace up at his leader asking a question he knew was naive, but couldn't help but to ask "Is underworld food much different from Overworld food?"

Chaor nodded before answering "in a way yes. Underworlders' prefer to eat meat more then vegetables and fruits like the Overworlders' but we still need to eat those now and then to keep healthy." He explained.

"oh" Kaz said with an understanding nod "Lord Chaor, If you don't mind me asking. What did you request the servant to get?" he asked wondering what kind of food he was about to eat, he wasn't a picky eater, just someone who was always curious.

"A platter of meat for myself, and a mix of underworld and overworld food for you, we have a stock of the overworld food in stock… just in case." Chaor replied.

"Oh, thank you Lord Chaor" Kaz said slightly surprised that the leader would give him overworld food of what must have been a limited stock. "But there's no need to go through the trouble of giving me overworld food, I don't want to be a nuisance"

Chaor smiled and chuckled softly at how innocent and caring Kaz was.
"You're no nuisance to me Kazzy, not one bit" Chaor replied with a purr.

Kaz looked down a blush creeping onto his cheeks "are you sure?... I don't want to cause you any trouble, after… you've been so kind to me"

"Kazzy if you were a burden to me, then I wouldn't have made you my personal servant, and I wouldn't be doing these things for you… In other words I would had ordered you to do it all yourself, but I don't see you as one so now hush." Chaor explained.

Sudden a knock at the door sounded after the Leader finished speaking.

Kaz jump slightly the knock on the door catching the boy off guard. Kaz was about to jump off of Chaor's lap to get the door; out of habit. But the leader caught him before he could do so, and placed the boy on the bed before standing to answer the door himself.

At the door stood the servant Chaor had ordered for the food earlier along with another. One was carrying Chair's food while the other carried Kaz's. Chaor stood to the side to let them in, watching as they walked over to the desk in the room, placed the food down, and turned and left with a bow to Chaor.

Chaor closed the door and walked over to see if the food was acceptable before he called Kaz over.

Kaz watched as the food came eyeing it as the servants place the food on the desk. The boy stayed in his spot until his lord waved him over, and Kaz quickly scurried over to Chaor.

Looking between his lord and the food, he stood besides Chaor, not daring to touch the food till he was given permission.

Chaor chuckled at him and reached up and patted his head.

"Go ahead Kaz, I know you're hungry, your way too thin for your own good." Chaor said as he gently nudged Kaz closer to the food.

"Thank you Lord Chaor" Kaz said with a bow towards his master, before grabbing a bright yellow color fruit, taking a bite a little surprised by how juicy it was. The boy licked up the juices that were sliding down the corner of his mouth before taking another bite of the fruit.

Chaor smiled as he watched Kaz eat before he turned and started eating his own meal.

Kaz eat the variety of fruits trying to savor each of their flavors, but his hunger was making him a bit faster then he intended too. The Boy finished his meal before his lord, so he waited quietly next to Chaor. His eyes gazing downwards most of the time, but couldn't help gazing up every once in awhile watching the way his lord devoured his food.

Kaz for some strange reason, blush each time he caught himself glanced up at Chaor and made himself looked back away, but he never noticed Chaor had caught him looking at him but didn't mind one bit.

Kaz shook his head lightly trying to get rid of the strange almost bubbling feeling that kept creeping into him every time he looked at his Master.

The boy couldn't put a finger on what the feeling was, he found himself glancing back up at the leader, but quickly caught himself and looked back down a heated feeling crossing his cheeks. Kaz gave himself a minor mental scolding, what would Chaor think of him if he caught him staring at him, servants weren't suppose to stare at anyone especially a leader.

Chaor chuckled, when he saw the gears in Kaz' head turning and reached up and stroked his hair.

"What are you think about?" He asked.

Chaor petting Kaz's head snapped the human out of his thoughts.

Kaz brown eyes looked up at his Master the warm feeling on his cheeks returning before the boy's gazed looked downwards again.

"ohh...It's nothing you should concern yourself with Lord Chaor."

"Kaz, you can tell me." Chaor chuckled softly to reassure the shy human.

"...Alright" Kaz said softly looking up at his Master "it's probably just something silly, but every time I look at you... recently, my cheeks get warm and I have this odd feeling string inside of me, I can't explain it any better, than it feeling sort of bubbly." Kaz looked down after his silly explanation "so I'm just trying to figure out, why I have those symptoms and what they mean"

Chaor smiled wide down at Kaz and wrapped his arm around his waist and gently pulled him flushed against him.

"Kaz, those feelings your feeling means you like me." Chaor replied gently, so he would not frighten the human.

"O-oh" Kaz said his blush becoming redder from embracement he wished he'd figured out on his own so Chaor wouldn't think he was a fool.

But what Chaor said did make sense, the underworld Leader had done so much for him, more than anyone else in his life had ever done for him. "Thank you, Lord Chaor"

Chaor purred as he leaned down and kissed the top of Kaz's head.

"Anytime, my sweet Kazzy."

Kaz whole face turned to a redder color hearing Chaor nickname for him, Kazzy he understood but... "Sweet?" he asked with a puzzled tone.

"Yes, you're my sweet little Kazzy. You're sweet because you are so innocent and..."

Chaor leaned down and pecked Kaz on the cheek.

"You taste so sweet on my lips after a kiss."

Kaz looked up at Chaor surprised, his cheeks turning to a more pink color as he absentmindedly place a hand over the spot Chaor had just kissed "I've never imagined myself tasting sweet" he said blushing more a moment later when he realized he said the words out loud and looked away from his Lord. "Please forget I just said that"

Chaor chuckled and reached up and cupped Kaz's chin.

"How can I when your taste lingers on my lips?"

The boy swore his face must have been the same color as his lord's skin. His cheeks felt like they were burning. He averted his eye's away from Chaor, merely guessing how foolish he must of looked.
Chaor only chuckled softly once again before he kissed Kaz's forehead again to reassure him.

Kaz felt himself relax a little as his master softly kissed his forehead, his cheeks cooling. The boy looked up at his master giving him a soft smile.

Chaor purred as he leaned down again and nuzzled Kaz playfully.

"Are you ready for bed?" Chaor whispered.

"Whenever you are, Lord Chaor" Kaz said, although he didn't feel tried right now, he would turn in for the night whenever his master wanted to.

Chaor nodded before he straightened himself and walked over to the bed. He pulled the fur blankets back and turned around to Kaz, gesturing for him to come over which he did without argument.

Chaor smiled down at him as he picked the human up and put him into the bed, tucking part of the blankets around him before he climbed in next him pulling them over himself.

"Good night, Lord Chaor" Kaz said, looking up at his master with a smile. It felt a little odd to share a bed with someone since he hadn't done such a thing since he was a small child, but since it was Chaor he did not mind, and the bed already felt like heaven to lay on.

Chaor purred as he wrapped his arm around Kaz and pulled the servant to his chest.

"Good night Kazzy, sleep well." Chaor whispered back and kissed Kaz's head before he laid his head down to sleep.

Kaz smiled as Chaor kissed his head, he felt a little nervous being held so close to his master, worried that he would disturbed Chaor's sleep if he moved to much.

He did his best not to move as he closed his eyes and let sleep take hold of him.

After sleeping for some time, his body had forgotten not to move as he shifted to lay on his side placing his arm over Chaor's.

Chaor purred in his sleep and wrapped his arm more securely around Kaz and nuzzled his soft hair.
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Comments: 28

rumpelstiltskinrocks [2019-10-08 01:46:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

rumpelstiltskinrocks [2019-10-08 01:29:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ArtemisDragonheart [2012-12-02 14:04:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FantasyMagicGirl In reply to ArtemisDragonheart [2012-12-05 00:53:25 +0000 UTC]

Awe thanks ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArtemisDragonheart In reply to FantasyMagicGirl [2012-12-05 13:20:26 +0000 UTC]

your welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OMFGacurtain [2012-04-06 20:16:11 +0000 UTC]

Please tell me your going to make another fanfic sooooon!!!! There is a slight possibility I have grown addicted to this pair... TomxMaxxor doesn't hurt either.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FantasyMagicGirl In reply to OMFGacurtain [2012-04-07 02:07:54 +0000 UTC]

yes I am it's just that studying for exams is consuming a lot of my time right now, but after those are over I'm going to try and jump back into writing more fanfics.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OMFGacurtain In reply to FantasyMagicGirl [2012-04-09 01:54:19 +0000 UTC]

Sweet. Your writing is quite unique and extremely addicting. And if it makes you feel any better, I know all to well what its like staying up late studying. Hope you do well on your exams!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FantasyMagicGirl In reply to OMFGacurtain [2012-04-09 03:50:54 +0000 UTC]

thank you for your understanding, and yes I hope I do well too ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

whitebloodyrose12 [2012-03-16 00:02:05 +0000 UTC]

Ah, nothing better than air drying and being watched by a hulking red creature that owns you as a servant and wants to have you in bed.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FantasyMagicGirl In reply to whitebloodyrose12 [2012-03-16 01:23:18 +0000 UTC]

hehe, you protary it like it's a everyday thing, like drying in the sun after swimming.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whitebloodyrose12 In reply to FantasyMagicGirl [2012-03-16 01:47:16 +0000 UTC]

It's similar.
But your fic sounds a tad better than the everyday skinnydip.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FantasyMagicGirl In reply to whitebloodyrose12 [2012-03-16 01:54:11 +0000 UTC]

hehe thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

whitebloodyrose12 In reply to FantasyMagicGirl [2012-03-16 02:04:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LadyLeomon [2012-01-29 15:54:53 +0000 UTC]

Another cutesy part with nothing OTT, sometimes those are my fav!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FantasyMagicGirl In reply to LadyLeomon [2012-02-21 04:54:45 +0000 UTC]

well if it's done right, and adds to the characters' relationship I think cutesy parts are necessary =3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

20drew20 [2011-12-13 18:27:49 +0000 UTC]

Why am I so Horny from this
Because its FREAKIN HOT

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FantasyMagicGirl In reply to 20drew20 [2011-12-22 20:42:14 +0000 UTC]

hehe I think you answered your own question there

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grenncandel [2011-12-01 11:43:17 +0000 UTC]

i loved it you and your friend truly are gifted i can't wai...... actualy i have 2 waite hahahaha, but still it will be even better to wait for the goooood parts............sorry i like mating scean a lot hehehehe i thin its realy cute tha chaor is treating him well i totaly loved the bath scean i thoug 4 sure tha chaor was going to take him there, but sadly no, O' an the new outfit tha chaor gaved to him, sond like tha one pic of kaz when he saids and i quot " com and get IT" good work

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FantasyMagicGirl In reply to grenncandel [2011-12-01 19:05:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^ these fics wouldn't be as good with out Rose's hand it them.
And the outfit was based after the one from picture "come and get it".

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Inya-spring [2011-12-01 03:10:04 +0000 UTC]


that was great!
All I can say is more, more, more!

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FantasyMagicGirl In reply to Inya-spring [2011-12-01 06:45:10 +0000 UTC]

hehe happy you liked it.

and for the moment there isn't a next part to this story,
actually the next story is most likely going to be a little fluffy Tom/Maxxor story since I've been getting so much request for one.

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Inya-spring In reply to FantasyMagicGirl [2011-12-01 12:40:52 +0000 UTC]

that's cool

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Coolterra342 [2011-12-01 00:09:23 +0000 UTC]


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FantasyMagicGirl In reply to Coolterra342 [2011-12-01 06:22:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^^

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Coolterra342 In reply to FantasyMagicGirl [2011-12-01 13:01:46 +0000 UTC]


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DiamondHeart31 [2011-12-01 00:07:22 +0000 UTC]

Aww, this was a really cute fluffy chapter

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FantasyMagicGirl In reply to DiamondHeart31 [2011-12-01 06:21:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ^^

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