fbeds — Abstinence - Journey to the demon realm(TG+CD)

#anime #caption #crossdress #crossdressing #genderbender #lolita #tg #maletofemale
Published: 2021-02-05 07:09:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 23551; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 32
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"Oh ...... here is the demon world ...... even if I wear a layer of human skin, I can feel the strong filth ...... in such a place I can't exert my full power, it's dangerous if I venture to act." "If we find the ruler of the demon world, the charmed demon, we will be able to reduce the filth here." "Okay, so do you have any methods?" "I can feel the balance and imbalance, if the ruler of the demon world has great power, then the imbalance in her is strong and I can feel her, but I can't feel it now, maybe because she is too far away from us." "Then let's go around here and see if we can find her." "I'm afraid I can't ...... Now that the demon world is full of filth, the women in the demon world are so controlled by their sexuality that they will jump forward and backward once they see a male. You are disguised as a girl now, you should not be attacked by them, but I ......" "So why don't you disguise yourself as a girl?" "I only have one of that human skin, and I can't fool the demons just by wearing female clothes." "These bitches are actually so lecherous? Do they even attack married men?" "If a male has a lover, then they won't attack the male." "Okay, then take my hand and let's both come closer." "Milin ...... you want to ......" "Yes, let's disguise ourselves as couples. Stop calling me 'Milin', call me 'Milina', now we are couples." "Don't you hate anything to do with sexuality?" "I never said I forbade people to fall in love, did I? In fact, I encourage the inhabitants of the God Realm to fall in love. Don't you know that?" "I was banished by you years ago for refusing to remove the defilement from my body, so how would I know what happened after that?" "What I hate is defilement, which is created when people make love. And simple love creates holy love, which is pure and what I like. Although making love can also produce purity, most people in the end indulge in the pleasure of making love, resulting in the creation of more filth than purity. Making love in moderation can bring about purity, but the vast majority of people can't do it, so I forbid people from making love, but not from falling in love." "But when you think about it, after love reaches a certain point people must want to vent. Isn't it a little cruel of you to do that?" "But those residents accepted it and did it all." "Okay ......"
"Wait, Milin ......" "It's 'Milina'." "Milina, I feel an imbalance of power in this house ......" "What? You mean the ruler of the demon world is here?" "Maybe it's just a slightly more powerful demon, there's no way the ruler of the demon world would be living in an ordinary house like this." "How can we know without going to see? Don't miss a single possibility!" Milina flipped through the window and stepped into a magic formation. "What is this?" "Oh no! Milina, this is a magic formation used by the Demons to absorb energy!" "What! I feel my power weakening ...... I can't move ...... although that's not bad ......" At that moment, two men of the Demon race came out of the room. "Hmm? There will actually be a thief in the house? Wait! The power on this guy is not of the demon race! She's a human!" The man with silver hair said. "Darkness, I never thought I would meet a human girl when I came to your house as a guest! She looks so cute! I can finally release my desire! By the way, share some of the energy you absorbed with me." The blond man said. "Why, Light?" "Because I'm your friend." "Oh ...... okay, Light." The silver-haired man named "Darkness" gave a portion of the power he absorbed to his friend, the blond man named "Light". Suddenly, the two men let out a scream. "The power in this girl is strange! Why is my body changing?" "Me too!" The two men felt a shock to their brains, and many things related to sex slowly disappeared from their minds, replaced by some holy memories. "You guys really did it to yourselves." Milina said, "I am the goddess of abstinence! The power I have in me is the power of purity! When you guys full of filth absorb my power, you will become my dependents! Although my power is diminished ......"
After some time, the two tall men turned into short children. The man with silver hair turned into a cute boy, and the blond man turned into a pretty girl, and they were almost the same height. "Ah ...... what? Why did I turn into a child?" "Me too ...... but why is my hair getting longer? And ...... ah! I turned into a girl!" The girl with blonde hair screamed. Milina walked over, touched her head and said, "Pretty girl, you don't need to worry, you've just become more pure." "Pure?" "Do you remember the nasty things?" "Oh ...... I know them, but ...... I hate them ......" "That's right, now you're my dependant, a pure demon girl. Although you still have some filth in you, you are much purer than before. What is your name?" "Light." "Good, Light, you can call me 'Master Milina' from now on." "Uh ...... what?" The silver-haired boy on the side looked at them and let out a complaint, "Miss, why don't you talk to me?" Celine on the side walked over and said, "Generally speaking, girls are more willing to talk to girls, aren't they?" "Oh ...... that girl is the Goddess of Abstinence ...... are you her dependant?" "No, I am the God of Balance." "God of balance? Can you tell me why we became children after absorbing her power?" "You are now her dependents, and she likes things that are pure. Compared to adults, children are much purer." "Then can you explain why the light turned into a girl?" "From my point of view, a boy and a girl are more balanced." "............ But we are not your dependents." "Then I think it's because you became couples." "What? Me and Light became couples?" "A simple love affair brings more purity." "Oh ......" "What's your name?" "Darkness ......" "Got it, Darkness. Despite your name, I hope your heart is full of light ...... However, as the god of balance, I would say, 'One must have both light and darkness in one's heart in order to be a complete person.'" "Oh, I will."
Light and Darkness stood up, looking ridiculous in their completely ill-fitting clothes. "Not very willingly, but I have to admit that I'm becoming your dependant, Master Milina." Darkness said, "But I don't accept that Light and I have become couples!" "What? We became couples? ""Yes."" Uh ...... I'll leave that aside for now. Since we are now your dependents, can you give us clothes that fit?" "Okay, Light, you first." A moment later, Light put on a white dress, white leggings, white shoes and a red rose hairpin, holding a doll in her hand. "This dress is also too girly ......," Light looked at herself in the mirror, "but ...... I'm cute ...... also pure ...... Well, it's nice, I like the way I look now." Light gave a cute smile, which charmed Darkness, and now he was starting to think it would be nice to be couples with Light. "Uh ...... Master Milina, where are my clothes?" Celine took out a set of boys' clothes and said, "Here, you put them on." "No, no, no!" Milina interrupted Celine, "Is it normal in the demon realm for two boys and two girls to appear on the street?" "Uh ...... not normal, it's usually a man and several women together." "So, Darkness, please put on a dress too." "What?" "In the human realm, you can wear boys' clothes, but in the demon realm, please wear a dress. At least until some of the filth is removed from the demon realm, you'll have to wear girl's clothes." "Okay ......" Darkness changed into a dress of the exact same style as the one worn by Light, except that the color was on the dark side.
"So, let me ask you two some questions." Milina said, "What is the status of you two in the Demon Realm?" "I am the brother of the ruler of the Demon World." Darkness said. "I am a friend of the brother of the ruler of the demon world." Light said, "Ah, no, I'm the girlfriend of the brother of the ruler of the demon world." "............ Wow, I didn't think I'd find her so quickly! Do you know where she is now?" "Sister she has never returned home since she became the ruler of the Demon Realm, but I recently heard news that she went to the Human Realm." "The human realm?" "Ah ...... Darkness's sister is trying to spread filth to the human realm, right?" "What! Okay, then we need to act quickly!" Milina said. "Yes, the balance of filth and purity in the human realm must never be broken." Celine said. The four of them prepared to start their adventure ......
To be continued
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