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Description .::The adventures of young Jack Sparrow::.

::Arabella Smith: also known as Bell, was a female pirate who was the first crew member recruited by Jack Sparrow, at the start of his quest for the Sword of Cortés. BiographyEdit
Early lifeEdit

"Let me guess. Ale, ale, ale and...oh, probably another ale?"
―Arabella Smith[src]

Arabella was raised by her father on Tortuga, and believed her mother, an infamous pirate named Laura Smith, had died. Her father owned the Faithful Bride tavern, in which Arabella worked as a barmaid during her teenage years. Her father was a drunkard, and did not provide a good upbringing for his daughter, though Arabella was known to have an almost-encyclopedic knowledge of Pirate Lore, even at a young age.

At around the age of fifteen, Arabella encountered a young Jack Sparrow in the Faithful Bride, where he started a fight with Captain Torrents after stealing a sack from the pirate. Arabella rescued Jack from the ensuing brawl, learning that he was attempting to retrieve his belongings, presuming Torrents' sack to be Jack's own property. The sack was not Sparrow's, though did contain the scabbard of the Sword of Cortés, which Arabella immediately recognized. Sparrow decided to set out to find the sword itself, and Arabella vowed to join him, realizing life in Tortuga held little future for her.[1]
Quest for the Sword of CortésEdit
Arabella faces Left-Foot Louis
Black CaesarAdded by Black Caesar

"Hello there! Even if this lot here does not want to complete this mission, it's still you and I, lass. You and I who decided to do this. You and I who found the scabbard. You and I who secured the Barnacle and set sail and defeated Torrents. It's you and I who are going to find this blasted sword, and keep it out of the hands of thieves, pirates, and most of all, Davy Jones. And it's you and I who will be free to do whatever we wish with its power."
―Jack Sparrow to Arabella[src]

The quest began on Salty Cove, where Arabella and Jack met Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III, with whom Arabella had mixed feelings, knowing that his handsome exterior belied something of a snob. She also has shown many feelings for the flirtatious Jack Sparrow. Arabella had managed to procure a small ship, the Barnacle, in which the three-strong crew set out. They braved a fierce storm conjured by Torrents, and reached Isla Esquelética intact. There, they encountered Tumen, Jean Magliore and his sister, Constance. They also discovered the City of the Dead and realized that Left-Foot Louis was in possession of the sword.

The crew also uncovered Stone-Eyed Sam's secret treasure stash. Arabella decided that with her share of the treasure, she would never have to return to her father again, though Jack ensured the crew remained focused on the quest. Before they could leave the island, however, the crew was confronted by Captain Torrents, ultimately defeated and left stranded by Jack. The crew, now with Jack as their true captain, set sail to track down Left-Foot Louis.
Arabella falls overboard
Black CaesarAdded by Black Caesar

When the Barnacle was assaulted by the song of the Sirens, Arabella became affected by it despite Jack's efforts to save her. She attempted to act upon her desire to find her mother, even if that meant following her into her supposed death. Arabella threw herself overboard in her dazed state, content to drown herself if death was the only means to be reunited with her mother. She was rescued from her watery fate by Jack, who struck a deal with the mermaids to spare the ship's crew—though at the cost of his freedom, whenever he truly found it. Arabella and the crew continued on their search for the Sword, now able to navigate with the navigational power of its scabbard.[2]
The Sun-and-Stars amuletEdit

"I thought ye were dead."
"Oh. Well, I wasn't."
―Arabella Smith and Laura Smith[src]

After finishing the quest for the Sword of Cortés, Arabella sailed with the rest of the Barnacle crew to Tumen's village in Yucatan. While there, they were accused of stealing the Sun-and-stars amulet and bringing bad luck. In order to clear their names, they tracked the thief to New Orleans. Once there, they stole back the amulet and picked up a new crew member, Tim Hawk.

On their way back to Tumen's village, they were taken aboard a pirate ship. To Arabella's surprise, the ship was captained by her mother, Laura Smith, whom she believed to be dead. She was hurt that her mother never thought to tell her that she was alive, but put aside her feelings long enough to help fight a mutiny against her mother.
Arabella and Billy Turner.
UskokAdded by Uskok

After putting down the mutiny, Arabella was asked if she would like to sail with her mother or return to the Barnacle. Before she could decide, her mother simply sailed away with her.

Arabella wasn't separated from her friends for long. Jack correctly predicted that Laura Smith would come to New Orleans to get revenge on her mutinous crew. Together, they battled Madame Minuit and her underlings.

Once the battle was won, Arabella announced that she was going to sail with her mother, at least for a while. Arabella eventually reunited with Jack when searching for the Trident of Poseidon. When Jack was reunited with Arabella, he brought along with him a young Bill Turner, whom Arabella displayed significant affection for.[3]
Later lifeEdit
Arabella as a pirate captain.
UskokAdded by Uskok

By the time of the Battle of Calypso's maelstrom, Arabella had become a pirate captain herself. The East India Trading Company has been on the hunt for her as well, trying to end her "family business". Sometime after the War Against Piracy, she returned to Tortuga and took over operations of the Faithful Bride. She evetually married a pirate and gave birth to a child which followed in her buccaneering footsteps.


::Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III was a well-bred aristocrat who, surprisingly, joined Jack Sparrow's crew at the beginning of his hunt for the Sword of Cortés. He became something of a rival for Jack onboard the Barnacle, often disagreeing with the captain. BiographyEdit
Joining a crewEdit
Jack Sparrow and Fitzwilliam in a duel at Salty Cove
Captain TeagueAdded by Captain Teague

"I am Fitzwilliam P. Dalton the Third."
"I don't care if you're Pope Fitzdalton P. William the Seventh."
―Fitzwilliam and Jack Sparrow[src]

Fitzwilliam hailed from a noble family, the Daltons. At the beginning of Jack Sparrow's quest, Fitzwilliam fled his home in order to avoid an arranged marriage. Before Jack and Arabella Smith left Salty Cove aboard the Barnacle, he insisted on coming with them, besting Jack in a sword fight to prove his worth. Dalton was with the crew of the Barnacle when they visited the City of the Dead and defeated Captain Torrents.
Adventures with JackEdit

"Boy, best give me yer watch or suffer the consequences at my hands. The hands of the captain of the Flying Dutchman. The hands of Davy Jones."
―Davy Jones to Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III[src]

When the Barnacle's crew fell under the sway of the Sirens, Dalton demanded that Jack take him to the nearest port, so he could join the British Royal Navy and bring honor to the Dalton name. Eventually, Jack was forced to tie Dalton to the mast, and later negotiated with the mermaids to release his crew from their delusions.

Dalton continued his adventures with Jack. He helped him find the Sword of Cortés as well as the Sun-and-stars amulet.

Ironically, at the end of a few adventures Fitz was the only crewmember to remain with Jack. His pocketwatch was actually the Timekeeper, which Davy Jones strongly desired in order to ensure he and Calypso wound up together. When Jones first forced himself aboard the Barnacle in order to take the timepiece, Jack cleverly used its power to escape safely with Fitz. The two rowed to a nearby island and were captured by unfriendly warriors dressed as Aztecs. Eventually they managed to escape and discovered they were back at the City of the Dead and had traveled back in time.

After traveling back in time, the goddess Chantico appeared to Fitzwilliam and Jack after they had been hurled into her volcano by Captain Torrents. She explained that their use of the Timekeeper has messed up time and gave them twelve hours to set it right. The two of them managed to find Tia Dalma who told them that the Timekeeper must be placed and removed from the grip of someone who doesn't belong to their time. Together, they managed to do this with Stone-Eyed Sam.
Jack Sparrow and Fitzwilliam on Isla Esquelética.
Captain TeagueAdded by Captain Teague

"Now, 'Captain'. Please, vacate this ship. It is the property of the East India Trading Company."
"Over my dead body."
―Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III and Jack Sparrow[src]

After the adventures with the Timekeeper were over, Fitzwilliam revealed that he was really a British Royal Navy spy who used Jack in order to find his father, Edward Teague, intending to ultimately deliver them both to their deaths. He dueled Jack, but this time lost as Jack had increased in swordfighting skill, and was knocked off the Barnacle. He was seen again onboard the Barnacle when Jack came back to reclaim it. They dueled again, but once again Fitzwilliam lost and Jack contemplated killing him, but was stopped by Teague. Teague then used his ring to put Fitz under his control and the three journeyed aboard a Navy ship. Fitzwilliam was sent to scope out the ship but the control wore off and he revealed their location. He then dueled Jack one last time which ended with both of them being too exhausted to continue. He was left behind by Jack and Teague with the Navy.

It is unknown of whatever happened to Fitzwilliam.


::Jean Magliore: was the brother of Constance Magliore, and a crew member serving under Captain Jack Sparrow aboard the Barnacle. When he grew older, he joined the crew of the Black Pearl. BiographyEdit
Early lifeEdit

"Constance leaped into the air and tore her claws clear across Louis's face. That gave me the chance to roll out from under his feet."
―Jean Magliore to Jack Sparrow[src]

Jean and Constance became sailors at a young age, but an encounter with Tia Dalma left Constance in the form of a cat. Jean continued to treat Constance as his sister, and was highly protective of her. The two met and befriended Tumen, and, around the age of twelve, they worked together aboard the Seraph. It was while unloading the ship's cargo at the docks of Martinique that the trio encountered Left-Foot Louis. Jean was carrying a crate of silk when Constance ran under his feet, accidentally tripping him. Jean tumbled onto the dock, at the feet of a man whom Jean took to be the foreman—until realizing the man had two left feet. Left-Foot Louis seemed ready to ensure Jean did not reveal his identity when Constance leapt at the pirate, scarring his face with her claws. Jean shoved Louis backwards, causing his wig to fall off and revealing his famous bright red hair. The rest of the crew attacked Louis, who swore revenge against the trio as they made their escape.[2]
Isla EsqueléticaEdit
Tumen and Jean captured by a pirate.
Black CaesarAdded by Black Caesar

The Magliores and Tumen sailed together for almost a year following their escape from Left-Foot Louis, and were aboard the Seraph when it was caught in a storm conjured by Captain Torrents. The trio were the only survivors, washed up on the shore of Isla Esquelética, where they were forced to eke out an existence, and began constructing a raft to return to their home port.[1]
Sailor on the BarnacleEdit

It was on Isla Esquelética, that the three met Jack Sparrow, Arabella Smith and Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III. They would join the crew of the Barnacle. Jack's crew was initially wary of Constance, and were dubious over Jean's claim that Constance was really his sister. Nevertheless, Jack allowed the Magliores and Tumen to join his crew, and together explored the City of the Dead, and survived a confrontation with Torrents.[1] They continued with Jack on his quests for the Sword of Cortés and the Sun-and-stars amulet as well as the Trident of Poseidon. Afterwards, he left to find a way to turn Constance into a human once more.
Sailor on the Black PearlEdit

"Jean, mate!"
"Captain Jack!"
"Of course."
―Jack Sparrow and Jean Magliore[src]

Jean later met up with Jack while searching for the Shadow Lord's gold. He convinced Jack to take him and his "cousin" Marcella on as crewmembers of the Black Pearl.


::Tumen: was a Mayan who grew up with his family in a village on the Yucatán Peninsula. He later became a sailor and made friends with Jean and Constance Magliore. After being marooned with Jean after a storm produced by Captain Torrents, the two encounterd a young Jack Sparrow and his crewmates, Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III, a runaway English aristocrat's son, and Arabella Smith, a former barmaid at the Faithful Bride on Tortuga. Tumen then joined Jack as part of the crew of the Barnacle, where he served for a long time. BiographyEdit
Early lifeEdit

"I am Jean, and this is my friend, Tumen."
―Jean Magliore[src]

As a child, Tumen was kidnapped by pirates. They sold him into slavery, and he worked aboard several ships. During his time as a slave, Tumen met Jean and Constance Magliore while they were working together on a ship. Along with Jean, he foiled Left-Foot Louis' attempt to steal the ship's goods, in the process incurring the pirate's wrath. The trio fled, and became friends, though Tumen longed to return to his village.

The friends ultimately reached Isla Esquelética, where they attempted to eke out an existence with no vessel to escape the island. It was here that Tumen and his friends met Captain Jack Sparrow, and helped him find Stone-Eyed Sam's City of the Dead. Jack's new acquaintances joined his crew aboard the Barnacle, where Tumen's knowledge of the stars made him a useful navigator.
Jean and Tumen captured by a pirate.
Black CaesarAdded by Black Caesar

Following the defeat of Captain Torrents, and the escape from Isla Esquelética, the crew fell under the spell of the Sirens, whose song lured the crew into acting upon their hearts' desires. Tumen attempted to leave the crew to return to the Yucatán, though Jack ultimately bargained with the merfolk to spare his crew, and Tumen remained aboard the boat. The crew subsequently located Isla Fortuna, where Jack was manipulated by the spirit of Hernán Cortés into wielding the Sword of Cortés. Tumen fell ill on the island, and died shortly before Jack unleashed the spirit of Montecuhzoma to battle Cortés. Montecuhzoma defeated the conquistador, and further used his mystical powers to bring Tumen back to life.

"Tumen wants to return home."
"Then it is off to the Yucatán! You never deny a man his un-dying wish."
―Jean Magliore and Jack Sparrow[src]

With their ordeal over, the crew journeyed to Tia Dalma's shack, and from there Jack promised to return Tumen to his home village, in part to make up for almost abandoning the crew back on Isla Fortuna. When Tumen returned, a celebration was held in his honor. However, the next day, the Sun-and-stars amulet was stolen by Madame Minuit, and Tumen's great-grandfather, Mam, fell ill. The elders of the tribe determined that it was the fault of Tumen and his friends, and exiled them from the village. Before they left, they found a clue; a voodoo doll of Mam with the mark of Madame Minuit.

Tumen went along with the rest of the crew to New Orleans to find the amulet and clear his name. They did find the amulet and fled the city, accidentally turning it bronze as they went.

While heading back to his village, Tumen and the rest of the crew were taken aboard the La Fleur de la Mort. They helped defend the captain against a mutiny and were allowed to return to the Barnacle, except for Arabella.

The crew of the Barnacle headed back to New Orleans. While there, they were able to recover the amulet and all of its gems. Tumen was able to get back to his village while sailing aboard Le Fleur. He also appeared with the rest of the Fleur's crew to battle Torrents for the Trident of Poseidon.
Later lifeEdit

According to Thomas Faye and his files, Tumen would become a tribal chief at the time of the battle of Calypso's maelstrom.[1]


(no appear in this picture)

::Constance MaBiographyEdit
A catEdit

"...a mangy catlike thing..."
―Laura Smith[src]

Constance and Jean became sailors at a young age, but an encounter with Tia Dalma left Constance in the form of a cat. Jean continued to treat Constance as his sister, and was highly protective of her. The two met and befriended Tumen, and, around the age of twelve, they worked together aboard the Seraph. It was while unloading the ship's cargo at the docks of Martinique that the trio encountered Left-Foot Louis. Constance accidentally tripped her brother while Jean was carrying a crate of silk, causing him to fall at Louis' feet. Constance leapt at Louis before the pirate could punish Jean, and tore her claws across Louis' face, marking him for life. The trio were able to escape after Louis was set upon by the crew, though not before he swore to skin Constance alive upon their next meeting.[2]
Constance Magliore
Black CaesarAdded by Black Caesar

The Magliores and Tumen sailed together for almost a year following their escape from Louis, and were aboard the Seraph when it was caught in a storm conjured by Captain Torrents. The trio were the only survivors, washed up on the shore of Isla Esquelética, where they were forced to eke out an existence, and began constructing a raft to return to their home port.[1]
Jack SparrowEdit

"What in the Greater Antilles is that?"
"That is Constance."
―Jack Sparrow and Jean Magliore[src]

It was on Isla Esquelética that the three met Jack Sparrow, Arabella Smith and Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III. Sparrow's crew was initially wary of Constance, and were dubious over Jean's claim that Constance was really his sister. Nevertheless, Jack allowed the Magliores and Tumen to join his crew, and together explored the City of the Dead, and survived a confrontation with Torrents.[1]

"Diego, where are you?"

Shortly before Jack Sparrow's quest for the Shadow Gold, Constance was turned into a human again. When the Black Pearl docked in New Orleans, she joined the ship's crew, but she started to introduce herself as Jean's cousin, Marcella, to hide her previous participation in Jack's adventures. Later, she fell in love with the ship's cook, Gombo, who later became the Pirate Lord of the Atlantic Ocean, Gentleman Jocard. gliore: was the sister of Jean Magliore, and a crew
member serving under Captain Jack Sparrow aboard the Barnacle. She was transformed into a cat by Tia Dalma.


::Jack Sparrow: was an infamous pirate captain in the Caribbean. The son of Captain Edward Teague, Jack was born onboard a ship caught in the middle of a typhoon, off the coast of India. In his childhood, Jack had embarked on many adventures and quests. Sometime later, Jack was employed into service for the East India Trading Company, and was given command of the Wicked Wench. However, after he set free a cargo of slaves, his employer, Cutler Beckett, had Jack branded as a pirate and the Wench to be set aflame and sunk. After failing to rescue the Wench, Sparrow struck a bargain with the ghostly captain of the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones, to resurrect his beloved vessel, renamed the Black Pearl, and began a new life as a pirate. At some point in his career, Jack obtained the title of Pirate Lord, his domain being the Caribbean Sea.

After two years of being captain, Jack lost the Pearl by a mutiny led by his First Mate, Hector Barbossa, while searching for Isla de Muerta, which hid the treasure of Cortés. With the aid of William Turner and Elizabeth Swann, Jack had the Pearl in his possession once again, after lifting the curse of Cortés and defeating Barbossa. Jack later began his search for the Dead Man's Chest in order to settle his debt to Davy Jones in his favor, which ended with him being taken to Davy Jones' Locker by the Kraken. Jack escaped from the Locker to help the resurrected-Hector Barbossa rally the Brethren Court to stand up and fight against Cutler Beckett's armada, which included the Flying Dutchman. After the War Against Piracy, Jack lost the Pearl again and began a perilous quest to find the Fountain of Youth, where he was reunited with Angelica. Throughout the voyage, Jack encountered many dangers along the way, including zombies, mermaids, and Blackbeard, the captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Over the course of time, Jack became the stuff of legend and many tales were told of his exploits, with most of these tales however were fabrications concocted by Sparrow to bolster his reputation. Despite his many deceptions though, Jack did embark on a great number of adventures, many of which involved the supernatural and various legends of pirate lore. Indeed, Jack's ultimate ambition was to achieve immortality and the freedom to sail the Seven Seas as a legendary pirate for eternity.

Early lifeEdit

"You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of!"
"But you have heard of me."
―Commodore James Norrington and Captain Jack Sparrow [src]

Jack Sparrow's wanted poster.
KickAssJediAdded by KickAssJedi

Jack grew up in a tumultuous household full of outlaws at Shipwreck Cove. He spent most of his youth unsure whether Edward Teague was really his parent, frequently referring to him as "The-Man-Who-Might-Be-Father". Despite Jack's resentment of Teague, he respected the fact that Teague was always there for him when he needed him most, such as when he nearly got his hand cut off by the pirate Rusty Knickers or when he was almost sold into slavery by Captain Lucille Graven. Jack was determined to follow in Teague's footsteps and become a captain of a ship, rather than just some ordinary pirate like the majority of his relatives (explaining his insistence on being referred to as "Captain" well into adulthood).

As a teenager, Jack became fed up with his hectic life in a pirate family and the torturing of his Grandmama. One night, he snuck by candlelight into the study to consult the Pirata Codex, and, coming upon a section on freedom and the need for pirates to make their own decisions, decided he was completely justified in running away. After escaping out the window, Jack stowed away aboard a merchant ship to reach Tortuga.[2]
The Sword of CortésEdit

"Teague, this boy, he is sharp one, he is. Won't be long before he will be Pirate Lord himself, da?"
―Boris Palachnik to Edward Teague, regarding young Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Sparrow during his teenage years.
Captain TeagueAdded by Captain Teague

Jack had few worldly possessions, and even these were stolen on the island. In attempting to reclaim his property, Jack accidentally stole a sack containing the scabbard of the Sword of Cortés from Captain Torrents, a vicious pirate captain with the ability to control storms. Learning of its magical nature from a barmaid named Arabella Smith, Jack set off to track down the Sword of Cortés itself.

After Arabella leads Jack to an abandoned ship, the Barnacle, he was given command, and, following a sword fight that Jack lost, found his second crew member in a man named Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III. Having braved a storm conjured by Torrents, Jack, Arabella and Fitzwilliam soon encountered two more sailors, Tumen and Jean Magliore—the latter providing one further crew member in the form of his cat, Constance Magliore, who was once Jean's sister before being transformed by Tia Dalma.

With a ship and a crew, not to mention part of the treasure of Stone-Eyed Sam, a now-dead former pirate king with a fabled stone eye who was said to be holding the Sword, Captain Jack Sparrow set off to find the elusive Sword of Cortés. The crew was confronted by Captain Torrents, though Jack was able to counter his control of lightning by splashing him with rainwater collected in his appropriated hat. He claimed that he had taught a young Benjamin Franklin this trick, and hoped "Benny" would remember it.[2]
Fight for freedomEdit

"I regret nothing, ever."
―Jack Sparrow to Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III[src]

Jack with the spirit of Hernán Cortés and his Sword.
Captain TeagueAdded by Captain Teague

Jack's crew later happened upon a group of Sirens whose song made most of the crew act upon their deepest desires. However, Jack proved immune to their song, since his only true desire was freedom. Unfortunately for Jack, poorly-thought-out negotiations with the Sirens' minions, the merfolk, forced him into a deal that would cost him the thing Jack valued most — his freedom — should he ever find the Sword of Cortés. For the time being, he continued his search for the Sword, ultimately finding it in the possession of Left-Foot Louis on Isla Fortuna. Jack helped defeat Louis, and stopped Arabella from killing the pirate out of revenge for the supposed murder of her mother.

With the Sword and its scabbard in his possession, Jack was able to recite an incantation that unlocked its power—but also caused the spirit of Hernán Cortés to materialize. Jack, wishing to use the Sword's full power, was unaware that Cortés, in teaching Jack how to correctly wield the Sword, was ensuring he, Cortés, would ultimately regain control of the weapon for his own dastardly use. Jack was sent to collect the eye of Stone-Eyed Sam, recently given to the merfolk, meaning Jack was forced to return to Isla Sirena. There, he fought two iguana monsters for his freedom, and obtained the eye from Tia Dalma. Tia Dalma also reminded Jack that a dangerous foe was still pursuing him, a thought that Jack did not savor.

Sparrow returned to Cortés, and unlocked the eye, freeing the spirit of Montecuhzoma, who fought and defeated Cortés. Jack decided to give the Sword to Tia Dalma, realizing it contained too much power to wield. After a further meeting with her, who warned him of dangers he would yet face, Jack and his crew set out for Yucatán Peninsula, home of Tumen, and further adventure.[3]
The Sun-and-Stars Medallion Edit

"Proceed carefully, Jack Sparrow. You've already drunk a sip of what the sea has in store for you."
―Tia Dalma[src]

Jack with the crew of the Barnacle.
J FanAdded by J Fan

Unfortunately for Sparrow and his crew, Tumen's village held its own set of challenges. The crew became the main suspects when the Sun-and-stars amulet was stolen from the village, and were banished from the island. Jack resolved to track down the real culprits, whom they happened upon in a hotel in New Orleans. The thief, Madame Minuit, fought for possession of the amulet—a blow from which turning some of Jack's teeth bronze—though her slave, Tim Hawk, turned on her and helped Jack's crew escape. Jack welcomed him aboard the Barnacle.

Moments later, the ship was confronted by La Fleur de la Mort, captained by Laura Smith, Arabella's long-lost mother. The crew was brought aboard, where Jack was confronted by Silverback and Left-Foot Louis, both of whom launched an attack on Jack's crew. The fight was broken up by Laura, though Jack remained suspicious of both pirates, and eavesdropped on a conversation between them, uncovering their plans to mutiny against their captain. This led to a fight, during which Jack stole Silverback's gem, connecting it to his medallion and making both Silverback and Louis disappear. Jack was happy to return to the Barnacle, though Laura kept her daughter aboard La Fleur de la Mort.

Following this, Jack was confronted for a final time by Madame Minuit, Silverback and Louis, who merged to form a giant, three-headed serpent that Jack barely managed to defeat. Jack's teeth were turned into gold when the Sun-and-stars amulet was destroyed. With the battle won, Jack's crew decided to return to their respective homes, leaving only Jack and Fitzwilliam aboard the Barnacle. Suddenly, the vessel was confronted by the Flying Dutchman, and Jack met Davy Jones for the first time.[4]
The Dance of the HoursEdit

"Dangers of Isla Esquelética are as follows. Stone-Eyed Sam: check. His booby-trapped temple: check. Jungles, heat, vicious insects and animals: check."
―Jack Sparrow[src]

Davy Jones was after Fitzwilliam's watch, which was able to stop time. Using the watch's power, Jack and Dalton escaped to a nearby island. After wandering for a few days, they were captured by angry natives and sacrificed to Chantico. They escaped again using the Timekeeper and ran to an Aztec temple. There, they discover that they are on Isla Esquelética while Stone-Eyed Sam still reigned as king. They were captured and taken to Stone-Eyed Sam. Once again they escaped using the Timekeeper and escaped the temple.

By now the island was completely disrupted; there were prehistoric creatures roaming around and Stone-Eyed Sam was very much alive and in control of the Sword of Cortés and, to make matters worse, Captain Torrents was around and wanted his revenge on Jack. After escaping being killed by the lava of the island's volcano, Jack and Fitzwilliam were told by Chantico that they have twelve hours to set everything back to normal or she will kill them. After getting down the volcano by way of hitching a ride on the pterodactyl, the two of them needed magic of Tia Dalma's kind and headed back to the Barnacle by traveling underwater with a tipped over boat over their heads for air. Once they were on the Barnacle, they were quickly captured by Davy Jones and thrown into the brig of the Flying Dutchman where they ran into Tia Dalma who helped them get out and gave them a clue as to how to return time back to normal, that the watch has to be in the possession of someone who doesn't exist in the present time and also that the person has to drop the watch when it chimes twelve. After getting back to the island, and realizing that there is only one hour left, a sword fight starts between Stone-Eyed Sam and Torrents for control of the Sword of Cortés. During their fight, Jack realized that he has to get Sam to hold the watch to set everything back so he gets the attention of both him and Torrents when Jack remembers that the both of them want revenge on him. Things escalated into a three-way sword fight with the Sword of Cortés changing hands several times with time running out. Jack carefully throws the watch so that it wraps around Sam's wrist as the watch starts chiming. Just as Jack was knocked down and Sam about to kill him, the watch chimed for the twelfth time and Tia Dalma pulled it off Sam's wrist and time was quickly set back to normal, with Stone-Eyed Sam turning into a skeleton, the buildings crumbling into rubble, and the plant life of the jungle taking over. After Tia Dalma met with Davy Jones and Chantico met with Tia Dalma, surprising Jack and Fitzwilliam by bowing to her, Jack noticed a pirate ship in the distance and panics. Both he and Fitzwilliam got back to the Barnacle where they see that the pirate ship was being chased by British Royal Navy ships. Fitzwilliam then held his sword to Jack's back and reveals that he had been working with the Navy in an attempt to track down Jack's father, Captain Edward Teague, to arrest and hang him.[5]
Sins of the FatherEdit
Young Jack Sparrow
Regor4kAdded by Regor4k

"Do you want to come back?"
"Very well, then. We can leave you at our next port—Tortuga."
―Edward Teague and Jack Sparrow[src]

Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III is really working for the Royal Navy as a spy and has led Admiral Lawrence Norrington and the whole Royal Navy, to Jack and his father, Captain Teague (Keeper of the Code), himself. Jack and his father are taken off of Teague's ship, the Misty Lady, and sent to the brig of Norrington's ship. Aboard the ship is a rum-lover and ally of Teague's, Joshamee Gibbs. He frees Jack, Teague, and his crew. Jack boards the Barnacle to take off a Royal Navy flag and to sail away when Fitzwilliam shows up and they then battle rapidly back and forth. When Jack finally wins, he's about to kill Fitzy when his father stops him. Then the Royal Navy wakes up and begins to attack The Misty Lady. Meanwhile, Fitzwilliam somehow follows Teague's commands and the three of them end up on the Admiral's ship once more. The aristocrat then turns in Teague and Jack, who are hiding behind barrels. A fight breaks out between the two crews and Jack and Fitzy take at it one more time. Teague and the Admiral fight and when Teague successfully knocks down the Admiral, his son, James Norrington, is frightened and backs up only to fall overboard. Teague rescues James and his father chastises him about being saved by a pirate. Teague tells Jack the Fitzy only did as he was told because of the ring that makes anyone do anything you'd like. He gives Jack the ring and then takes him to Isle Hermosa. In the story's epilogue, Jack gets a new boat, only large enough for one or two people, and sets sail for a new treasure.[6]
Poseidon's PeakEdit

"Jack Sparrow..."
"Yes. Yes. You know my name. What do you want, a blue ribbon?"
―Bill Turner and Jack Sparrow[src]

After acquiring a new boat, Jack sets off to find the fabled Poseidon's Peak and the treasure it holds. He arrives on a deserted island and runs into a sailor who is badly hurt and has amnesia. Following a night of fitful dreams the sailor remembers that his name is Bill and the two of them trek inland to find any clues to where Poseidon's Peak might be. Before long the two are captured by the natives, with Bill inexplicably able to translate what they're saying and are challenge to fight for their lives. Jack cheats and the both of them run into someone very familiar, Constance Magliore, who the natives worship since she swam out of the sea.

After getting away from the natives, Jack has the idea of lashing logs together to make a raft to escape the island and while they search, they unearth a chariot covered in sea life. They get on the chariot and it prompt takes them out to sea where the jump off it before it submerges and end up on a small rock in the middle of the ocean. Jack, in a fit of anger, tosses Constance off the rock which causes her to lead them to an underwater cavern. Constance proceeds to lead them through tunnels that seem to go in circles until Jack meets a group of people that are very familiar to him, the formercrew of the Barnacle (sans Fitzwilliam), along with Arabella's mother and her crew.

Jack is especially glad to see Arabella but is dismayed when she runs up and kisses Bill who has regained the rest of his memories and says that he was rescued by Captain Smith's ship sometime after they had split from Jack. Not too long after this, a group of mermaids, of a higher level than the ones Jack has met before, ask them to keep the items belonging to Poseidon (his trident and chariot) away from Davy Jones who would use them to manipulate their kind, and in exchange they would show them how to escape the cavern. Shortly after the request, an unwanted face shows up riding the chariot and wielding Trident of Poseidon, Captain Torrents.[7]
Bold New HorizonsEdit

"As you were. Carry on with your little back-and-forth."
―Jack Sparrow to Torrents and Laura Smith[src]

In order to retrieve the chariot and trident, Jack challenges Torrents to a duel to the death, in which Jack is ultimately victorious. The Sirens are then reunited with the chariot and trident and in gratitude show Jack, the former captain of the Barnacle, Laura Smith, captain of La Fleur de la Mort, and Smith's crewmen the escape route. Upon returning to the surface, Jack farewells his ex-crew for the last time and departs, thus ending his teenage adventures.[8]
Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom follow.

The Price of FreedomEdit
Return to Shipwreck CoveEdit

"Mistress Ching, I see we have another gentleman and a young lady present. May I prevail upon you to provide an introduction?"
"Don Rafael, Doña Esmeralda, allow me to present to you, Jack Sparrow, Captain Teague's...protégé."
―Jack Sparrow and Mistress Ching[src]

Following his teenage adventures, Jack returned to Shipwreck Cove. He became known to all Pirate Lords, though Teague wasn't yet prepared to officially recognize Jack as his son. Despite that, Jack joined Teague on several voyages on his ship, the Troubadour. In the late 1720s, Jack was a good friend with the French pirate captain Christophe-Julien de Rapièr. Around that time, he obtained a magical compass from Tia Dalma.[9]

When some mysterious pirate ships began to attack both merchant ships and pirate ships, a meeting was held in the Pirate Hall in Shipwreck City. During that meeting, Jack met Don Rafael, the Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, and his beautiful granddaughter Esmeralda, with whom he developed a friendship. He also met Hector Barbossa, a pirate captain whose ship, the Cobra, was destroyed by these mysterious rogue pirates.
Breaking the CodeEdit

"Captain. I believe I've found the vessel that sank Cobra. I'd like you to come with me and see if you can identify her."
―Jack Sparrow to Hector Barbossa[src]

A few months later, Jack discovered which ship destroyed Barbossa's ship. It was the sloop Koldunya, captained by Boris "Borya" Palachnik, the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. Thanks to Jack's information, Barbossa also identified the ship. To quickly solve the case, Captain Teague summoned Davy Jones, the Lord of the sea, who identified Borya as the leader of the rogues. Trapped, Borya revealed the names of other rogue captains, identifying Christophe as one of them. The rogues were quickly imprisoned in the dungeons of Shipwreck City. However, Jack believed that Christophe was innocent, and so he helped him escape. But by doing this, he broke the Pirate Code, making himself an outlaw in the eyes of the Brethren. During their escape from Shipwreck Island, Christophe's rogues kidnapped Jack, taking him with them.
Escape from the roguesEdit

"Jacques, I have been thinking. Now that most of Borya's fleet is gone, perhaps I shall become the new commander of our little venture. Have my own fleet, eh? And in that case, I'll need captains for my vessels. Would you like to be one of them, Jacques?"
―Christophe-Julien de Rapièr to Jack Sparrow[src]

Press-ganged into a service on La Vipère, Jack involuntarily served under Christophe for a few weeks. Christophe even started to make plans for making his own fleet, and he asked Jack to join him as captain of one of his vessels. Jack participated in the Attack on the Dutch flute, and after the battle, he met Pharaoh Taharka, the ruler of the mythical island of Kerma. Mortally wounded, the old Pharaoh gave Jack the magical talisman. Christophe took the talisman from Jack, and decided to find Kerma. Not wanting Jack with him anymore, Christophe left him in a longboat on the open sea. Robert Greene, a young pirate onboard La Vipère, jumped into the sea and joined Jack in the boat. After they reached land, they joined the East India Trading Company.
The East India Trading CompanyEdit
First MateEdit

"Young, naïve, inexperienced in the ways of the world...lads like yourself tend to have rampageous imaginations. They want adventure, danger, they imagine themselves swashbucklers. So they envision peril in every new sail."
―Nathaniel Bainbridge to Jack Sparrow[src]

When he was 25 years old, Jack sailed aboard the EITC brig Fair Wind as the First Mate under Captain Nathaniel Bainbridge. When Bainbridge was killed in a battle with pirates led by Jack's old love interest Esmeralda, now a Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, Jack took command of the Fair Wind and managed to save the ship and most of its cargo from falling into the hands of Esmeralda's pirates. Cutler Beckett, an EITC Director for West Africa, was so impressed, that he offered him to take command of Marlin, a slave ship of the Company, as her captain. But Sparrow refused to transport slaves, and Beckett gave him command of the Wicked Wench, a merchant vessel of the Company.[9]
Captain SparrowEdit

"I have another ship. It’s one I actually own. It’s an older ship. The shipwrights have told me that converting her hold to haul slaves would be expensive, and rather time-consuming, so I bought her for hauling other cargos. She’s called the Wicked Wench. Would you like to sail her for me, Captain Sparrow?"
"Yes, I would, sir. I’d be pleased to do that."
―Cutler Beckett and Jack Sparrow, after Jack refused to captain Marlin, the slave ship[src]

Jack Sparrow and the Wicked Wench were an unbeatable team, and Jack sailed on many voyages for the Company. One day, Beckett proposed to Jack to organize a search for the lost island of Kerma, and the Shining City of Zerzura with the treasure-filled labyrinth. Jack embarked on a voyage, assisted by Beckett's house slave, Ayisha, who was actually princess Amenirdis, a member of Kerman royal family.

Jack and Ayisha sailed for the Bahamas, where they liberated Ayisha's brother, prince Shabako. After they sailed back for Africa, the Wench was attacked by Boris Palachnik's rogue pirates. Ayisha's magic destroyed the pirate ship, but the Wicked Wench was badly damaged. Jack and his crew were saved by Esmeralda, whose crew helped Jack to repair his ship. A few days later, with the help of his compass, Jack found Christophe-Julien de Rapièr, whose help he needed to open the gates of the Zerzuran labyrinth.

The Wench and La Vipère sailed for Kerma, where Jack, Amenirdis, and Christophe entered the labyrinth. They found the treasure, and Jack tricked Christophe into taking a rock instead of the Heart of Zerzura. Beliving that he has the famous jewel, Christophe sailed off. Jack, who developed atraction toward Amenirdis, decided not to reveal the location of Kerma to Beckett, knowing that Beckett would enslave the inhabitants of the legendary island.

A few days later, the Wench returned to Calabar. Beckett, angry that Sparrow had betrayed him, ordered Sparrow to carry a cargo of slaves to New Avalon in the Caribbean for Viscount Penwallow, Beckett's immediate supervisor and patron. Jack Sparrow set off with the Wicked Wench's hold filled with slaves following his pick up, but he couldn't stand the idea of humans beings as "cargo," so he resolved to free them. Jack sailed back to illusion-hidden Kerma, and the island's ruler, Pharaoh Shabako, agreed to give the slaves asylum there. Furious at being disobeyed, Cutler Beckett sent five EITC ships after Jack, and when he finally caught him, had Jack thrown into prison.[9]
An outlawEdit

"You're going to destroy your own property? Just to get back at me?"
"She’s not just a ship to you, Jack. And yes. That's precisely what I am going to do."
"You’re like a child. An overgrown, angry child. Just because you can’t have what you want, you do this. It’s...twisted. Mad."
"And what is it that I want, Jack?"
"Fear. Love. Respect. None of which you will get from me."
―Jack Sparrow and Cutler Beckett[src]

After languishing for a couple of months, he ordered him brought within sight of the Wicked Wench about a mile off the coast of Western Africa. Beckett and his operative, Ian Mercer, branded Jack with a "P" brand on his right forearm, marking him forever as a pirate. Then Beckett ordered his ship to fire on the anchored Wicked Wench, using inflammable "carcass charges." Seeing his beloved Wench in flames, Jack Sparrow broke free from his captors, dived into the ocean and swam for his ship, hoping to rescue her. But it was lost, as Jack was trapped in his own cabin and went down with his sunken ship. Neither dead nor alive, Jack found himself in a strange place. Knowing that he's on the path to the Land of the Dead, Jack spoke the magical incantation, thus summoning Davy Jones, the Lord of the sea.

Jack struck a bargain with Jones. In exchange for resurrection of the Wicked Wench, Jack promised to give up his position as captain of the Wicked Wench in thirteen years time to serve for a century aboard Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman. Jack, however, had no intention of keeping his end of the bargain, having become too attached to his ship. Inspired by the Biblical parable of "the pearl of great price", he rechristened it the Black Pearl, and set out for a life of adventure as a pirate.
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Comments: 7

mattjohn1992 [2019-09-16 05:55:35 +0000 UTC]

Great Job, Nice, Hi

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

always-aub [2012-08-25 19:26:09 +0000 UTC]

Did you make all of this up???

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

feline927 In reply to always-aub [2012-09-05 23:08:52 +0000 UTC]

I made this but I'm not drew. I used one page, is veeeery easy ^^ thanks for watching !!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ReinbewPastel [2012-06-20 20:30:37 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

feline927 In reply to ReinbewPastel [2012-07-18 20:11:20 +0000 UTC]

really?? Oh!! Thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ReinbewPastel In reply to feline927 [2012-07-18 20:20:08 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

feline927 In reply to ReinbewPastel [2012-07-18 23:15:05 +0000 UTC]

thanks for all! ^^ hey friend if you want you can watch this (ifyou want) ^^ thanks for all again: [link]

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