Ferry-chan — Mistsky

Published: 2012-07-27 21:13:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 880; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 10
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Description Name: Mistsky

Clan: HailClan

Gender: Tom

Age: 2 1/2yrs


Personality: Like his mother, Lilacshimmer, Mistsky is caring tom. His father was one of the largest cats in the clans when he was alive, and though Mistsky obviously shows his fathers height and build, he is very much his mothers son. Caring and soft hearted, this tom is likely yo become the unofficial father of his clan, just like his mother was the unofficial mother. He cares deeply for others and has the tendency to put himself in danger if it will help another cat and, because of the loss of his parents at his early ages, can't help but want to bond and become a father-figure to younger kits and apprentices without parents. He's a bit confused on his own looks though, for his mother was black and his father brown, yet his Aunt was gray, so it shouldn't be a big deal. He's mostly surprised that he has the darker spots on his back that came from his father and the lighter spots on his chest, tail, and above each paw that come from his mother. So, for the overall, without way too many words, Mistsky is just a big softie. But he can be stubborn, and when he thinks someone is in the wrong or doing something bad, you can bet he'll turn around to have a sharp tongue for the simple fact that he is his mother's son.

History: Born into a litter of three from Hawkflight and Lilacshimmer, Mistsky was the oldest. With his siblings Owlpaw and Leafpaw, Mistsky was doting and protective older brother. When he was born his father, Hawkflight, had heart problems and so was retired to the elders den early in his warrior life. If asked, Mistsky can say he remembers playing with his father and having the large tom pretend to eat him and his brother, for his sister was sick much of her kit life. But soon Mistsky started to branch out, wanting to know other cats and speak to them, and that's how he came into contact with a she-cat by the name of Dustsky.
Dustsky was a different cat in his eyes, small and scared, and he soon bonded to her. He wanted to follow this older she-cat everywhere, wanted to do everything with her. And she let him follow her and let him dote on her in the way kits do. They would talk and when Mistsky found out that she hadn't had a mate because most toms couldn't see past her scars, he instantly declared himself her mate, which he figured was another name for best friend. But Dustsky only laughed and Mistsky, still a kit, was intent on proving to her that he would be the greatest mate ever.
Tragedy struck the duo right before Mistsky could become an apprentice, though, when the river took the older she-cat and left the clan with a lifeless body. Distraught, Mistsky watched the camp entrance as she was taken out and spent a night in the rain sleeping on top of her grave. His best friend and closest companion was dead, and all without simple thing as good-bye.
And so Mistsky became apprenticed with his brother, Owlpaw, and went under the mentorship of Willow. All was good for a moon or so before the river took yet another cat he cared about; His father. Silently, Mistsky could only watch as his mother went into a severe depression and his brother wore himself out day after day searching for any signs of the large brown tom. But, of course, no sign was found. This caused a tense relationship between the brothers as Mistsky tried to take care of his family in his fathers absence and Owlpaw only made things harder. This caused several fights between them, but the final fight ended with Mistsky telling Owlpaw that he couldn't take care of everything on his own. It was Owlpaw's family too and he needed to be around to help them and care for them, especially since his mother wasn't eating and slowly starving. This helped to ease the tension between the two cats and they began to work together when they weren't training to take care of Lilacshimmer and Leafkit.
Of course, the river could never be trusted. First Owlpaw was swept away because of the flooding and then Lilacshimmer herself was swept away while out on a walk, the first one she had been on since his fathers disappearance and death. His only family left being Leafkit, Mistsky spent all the time he could with her when he wasn't training and worked that much harder to become a warrior. He felt he had failed the rest of his family to protect them and so wanted to be able to at least protect his younger sister, whose sickness kept her very small and weak. But the flood only got worse and worse so, with a heavy heart, Mistsky grabbed his sister and followed the clan out of the hills, leaving behind not just everything he had ever known, but also the cats who had been stolen from him by the water.
The journey was made, and through hardships and trails that not only tested the young tom's endurance, but also let him think about all the troubles that had happened to him before this time in his life. His first thoughts were about Dustsky and on the bond he had felt with her as a kit, such a strong friendship that lasted for such a small amount of time. Of Owlpaw and his brash ways, Lilacshimmer and her large and gentle heart, Hawkflight for his bravery and strength. So many good cats lost because of the river, and yet, he held nothing against the sweeping tide. It only did what it had always done, it swept things out of it's path as it moved on it's way to wherever the river ended. It was only bad luck that his family had been swept away by it.
They came home into the valley and soon Mistsky was made into a warrior, taking on the name with pride for it reminded him of his first dear friend. Perhaps it was a sign from StarClan that their bond meant something in the big scheme of things? Perhaps. Or maybe it was just simple luck that gave him that name. But whatever the case, it helped Mistsky in becoming a great warrior. One day Leafkit ran off with her friend Faithkit and Mistsky, horrified once more at the loss of family, went straight out in search for them. Only, he found something unexpected. His mother and his brother were back, on the edge of the territory talking to Wishdream, his aunt. He happily welcomed them back into the clan, but he told her about Leafkit's disappearance. She looked sad, but she told him she knew a she-cat from LightClan who would take good care of her daughter, in which she explained that she was also pregnant. It seemed that things had happened before Hawkflight's death, she was now very much pregnant with his last kit. Mistsky hurried them home and made her comfortable, bringing her all the food he could and helping his brother with his training from being gone so long.
By this point in his life Mistsky had grown large and strong. Hawkflight was said to be the largest cat in the clan, and it was apparent that Mistsky took from his father when it came to his body. Large and strong, he towered over most cats and hunted prey extremely well for the sole purpose of his mother and his brother. His training with his brother also increased his skills, and so he's become an adept fighter and fairly quick for his large frame. A gentle giant, one could say.
His mother gave birth and Mistsky saw his sister, Robinkit, and was reminded of his father and his mother both just from her. Instantly he felt protective and he would kit-sit when his mother wanted to go out and walk. But Robinkit wasn't the only kit born that day, no. Tigerkit and Oakkit as well, and Mistsky loved them all just as much. Things were getting tense in the clan though, as a murdering cat was running around and picking off their clan mates one by one. He came back from patrol one day to find his mothers limp body in camp, blood seeping from her and her fur marred by countless wounds. Though peaceful in her death state, it was hard to see that from the sheer amount of violence that her body had gone through. Not long after Tigerkit and Oakkit disappeared, leaving him with just Robinkit and Owlpaw. But it seemed all the loss was too much for even Owlpaw, and one night he fled from the clan, not bothering to finish his training and be a warrior like he should have been.
This left Mistskyr with only Robinkit to care for in CloudClan, as he didn't know how Leafkit was doing in LightClan and Robinkit had taken Lilacshimmer's death roughly. The once excitable and energetic kit was now quiet and snappish, quickly getting a barbed tongue and learning how to use it with smooth efficiency. But still, Mistsky didn't leave her and so they grew close to one another. Mistsky watched as she became the medicine cat's apprentice, and saw her anger seething from her quietly. He knew how much she wanted to be a warrior to avenge her mothers death, and so when she wasn't doing her medicine cat duties he took her out and began to train her how to fight. He had already lost so much family, the least he could do was give her the proper techniques and skills to properly defend herself in case the impossible did happen and she had to fight for her life.
Things went on this way for a moon or two before suddenly Acornrush stepped down from leadership. Usually Gleamfire would have taken his place, but StarClan apparently had other plans for their clan. Out of nowhere, Robinpaw stood up on the clan gathering point and said that StarCaln had chosen Mistsky to be CloudClan's leader. Shocked and awed, Mistsky could only pad up to her, not truly believing this was happening, and take on the role of leadership for CloudClan. And as leader, he's trying to get to know all the cats from his clan to better connect with them, to make them a true family of different individuals. He's still unsure of him being a leader, but he'll do whatever it takes to be a good one and is very intent on making his parents proud.
As he worked to be the best leader he could, Mistsky tried hard to keep peace between the clans. He made friends with cats from other clans and even attempted to put a stop to the war that was boiling on the fringes of the clans. One night, Mistsky awoke to Robinpaw nudging him, telling him that StarClan had sent her a message. Mistsky was to gather all the cats he could and leave the valley, to pad out across the mountains to their new home. StarClan disapproved of the drama and conflict between the clans and the loss of the warrior code upon all of their lives, which took many a leaders and deputies honor and warriors loyalty. Quickly, the tom got up and padded to the gathering point, calling a meeting to all the cats of his clan. He told them what Robinpaw had told them, and after sending his warriors who wished to go with him to other clans to gather their friends, they left.
For five moons he lead the cats across the mountains, gaining rogues, loners, and even kittypets joined their exodus. Upon the sixth month, they finally found where to make their new home. Three other cats had become close to Mistsky, who in turn were chosen to become the leaders of the new clans, each one having helped Mistsky with his choices in coming to this new place. Firedance, who was one of his warriors, now lead MistClan. Desertstorm , an odd looking she-cat who came across them in the desert, lead SunClan. Staghunter, his senior warrior, leading RainClan.
And so now, reigning in HailClan, this large tom hopes to lead the clan to what it was supposed to be, to what StarClan intended.

= Unsure
= Acquaintance
= Friend
= Good friend
= Crush
= Love
= Discomfort/Despise
= Family
= Dead

My mother. My beautiful, soft hearted, loving mother. You birth kits weren't the only cats you cared about, you cared about all. You taught me that I must accept things I cannot change and to help those when I can. You adopted kits and apprentices who had no parents for you knew what it was like and gave them someone to call mother, someone to go to in times of need for help or anything else. I only hope I can be as great as you were.

Dearest father. We had such great times when I was a kit and an apprentice. You taught me how to be strong for others and to do what I felt was right no matter what others say. Now that I'm leader, I guess I should say I'm glad I won't have to worry about you eating all the kits, but that was perhaps the most entertaining times we had together, wouldn't you agree? I hope you and mother are proud of me for how far I've come...

My brother. Such strong tensions between us as we both tried to do what we felt was right. We used to be so close but then we drifted. I'm leader now, isn't that great? You were the one that wanted to be leader, I always said you were crazy and that being a warrior was better any day. You weren't even a warrior when you left us, and here I am, as a leader, and I am without you to help me along. But... Maybe I'll get better at this. I sure do miss you though.

My darling sister. I haven't seen you since you up and ran away. Are you alright? I hope LightClan is treating you well and that it was all worth it. I miss you, you know. Our mother was murdered and you have a sister you should meet. She looks like a combination of mother and father, but I have no idea where her attitude comes from. You might enjoy it, if you can get around her insults.

My youngest sister, the little one. You have such a strong will and a fiery temper, hard headed and maybe a little brash, but you're also so blunt that it doesn't really matter. You speak whats on your mind and you have no qualms about if it hurts others. Might have been better off being a warrior, but you can never tell what StarClan's plans are when it comes to choosing cats for their job, and I know you'll do your job well.
You were such a great she-cat during the journey. You took on Hawkpaw as your apprentice and earned your name when you saved many of our cats from dying from infection. I am proud to be both your leader and your brother, and I believe you will serve this clan well, even with your harsh attitude. I pray that you'll continue to stay with the clan for many seasons to come.

Little sister, I don't know where you went. Were you kitnapped by the vile creature that killed our mother, did you and our other sister walk off without a backwards glance, or did something else entirely happen? I miss you so much it makes my heart ache, and I don't know if you're alive or dead. I hope you're alive and I hope that I can see you eventually.

Just like with Oakkit, I worry. You both disappeared and I haven't seen any signs of you. What am I supposed to do? Did I fail you both and not protect you enough? Was I a bad brother and could I not keep you both happy? Where are you now? I hope you're happy, I truly do. So much loss so early in your life, you deserve to be happy. You both do...

This kit is... I don't know. I was bored one day and tired of the stress of being a leader, so I went out for a walk outside of the CloudClan territory, out into no-cats-land. Next thing I know, I hear wolves and the sound of screeching cats. I don't know why I felt the need to, but next thing I know my paws are carrying me as fast as possible to the sounds. The wolves, four of them, were circling two adults and a kit. The father raced forward and attacked a wolf while the mother picked up the kit and ran. Another wolf attacked her, but she sent the young kit flying into a bush before the wolf... While the huge beasts were distracted I got the kit out of the bush and climbed into a tree for safety. The parents... They didn't make it. There was nothing left of them, not even a whisker. So I brought this young kit back to camp... I feel strongly responsible for him. If he can learn to accept me, I'll adopt him as my son, just as my mother adopted kits without parents. He'll... He'll be my first son. I hope I can raise him correctly.
I have brought you with us from CloudClan and the valley to HailClan and the desert. I hope you don't hold it against me, my young tom...

Dustsky... I miss you so much. Memories of my kithood with you always keeps me going, no matter how hard it is. I hope you've found peace in StarClan and I hope you're with cats who accept you, scars and all. Looking back at calling you a mate as a kit... I... I can't help but wonder if maybe, possibly, it could have happened as I grew older. I suppose there are just some things you can never know. I miss you a lot sometimes, but you helped to show me you must always continue, no matter what life throws at you. And now, as I am leader... It's a good lesson I gained from you. Thank you, for everything.

My Aunt. You went insane for a time and attacked our leader, and yet I still went out to bring you back. You're family, and though we aren't close nor have any real bond, I still care about you and hope for the best from you. Didn't you used to be leader or deputy of this clan? Are you proud of me, Wishdream? I hope so, I hope I'm doing you proud. You were always a proud she-cat. I hope those StarClan cats are treating you well, also. You deserve it after all you've done for the clan.

My mentor. Well, you were my mentor. But you left with your mate and his family when they left the clan behind, and sometimes I wonder how you are. Can you believe that I'm a leader now? It's amazing, isn't it? I couldn't believe it, I still can't. Did you ever imagine that one day I might be the leader of this clan? I sure as heck didn't! But you taught me well and I wont let the power go to my head. All thanks to you and your teachings.

I don't really know what to think about you. You're a fellow leader and I spoke to you about the SpireCaln problem that apparently was going on, but I also asked for help as a new leader to these clans. I don't really know you, but from what I've seen you're a pretty decent she-cat.

:buttletwhite: Softpaw
Well.... I don't think you like me. I guess I should have payed more attention to the clan, especially since you're the family of my deputy but... Like... yeah. Sorry. I'll try harder, I promise. Just... Please don't hate me.

You helped me a bit right after I became leader, and I think you so much for your help. I was just so confused and I didn't know what to do, you helped me get my head on straight and gave me a basic 'What to know' for the job. Once again, thank you so much.

Such an adorable young she-kit. So happy and full of life. She came along with myself and Brokengaze to the desert. She's a strong willed young kit and I hope to see her grow into an equally strong and confident warrior.

:bulletbulletorange: Brokengaze
This tom who was a loner that refused to hurt a kit or let her get herself hurt. He is the 'mother' of Lightkit while I seem to be her father. This blind tom spends his time in the nursery or with the queens, staying with Lightkit, but he's a swell tom.

If anyone has RPed with my character and I've forgotten you, please comment below so that I can add you XD
Special thanks to my friend Nyla for drawing him for me <3 Everyone go watch her and give her some loving!!!
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Comments: 19

FaPingMulan [2012-07-28 01:52:04 +0000 UTC]

Awwww Miststar is so sweet and Willow would be so proud of her former apprentice and all he has accomplished. He doesn't have to worry about Oakkit or Oakdance as she is now called as she is enjoying the happy life of a kittypet being watched over closely by her mother, Echolight, who lives in an abandoned home in the neighborhood caring for strays and loners ;3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to FaPingMulan [2012-07-28 02:09:25 +0000 UTC]

They should come back sometime ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaPingMulan In reply to Ferry-chan [2012-07-29 19:09:32 +0000 UTC]

yeah they should lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to FaPingMulan [2012-07-29 19:13:56 +0000 UTC]

<3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Xx-TwisTed-SaniTy-xX [2012-07-28 00:04:08 +0000 UTC]

wow <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to Xx-TwisTed-SaniTy-xX [2012-07-28 00:37:27 +0000 UTC]

My friend drew him XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Xx-TwisTed-SaniTy-xX In reply to Ferry-chan [2012-07-28 04:21:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Leopychan [2012-07-27 23:16:09 +0000 UTC]


You forgot Lightkit and Brokengaze B'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to Leopychan [2012-07-27 23:56:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh, that's right XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leopychan In reply to Ferry-chan [2012-07-28 05:55:08 +0000 UTC]

Yush XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to Leopychan [2012-07-28 05:59:41 +0000 UTC]

Added <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leopychan In reply to Ferry-chan [2012-07-29 00:19:13 +0000 UTC]

Yay XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to Leopychan [2012-07-29 00:29:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

eyooo-xx [2012-07-27 21:35:38 +0000 UTC]

Ooooooooooh gurl

that is some serious sexy going on there

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to eyooo-xx [2012-07-27 21:44:46 +0000 UTC]

lmao XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mikan1011 [2012-07-27 21:18:24 +0000 UTC]

he's very well done! i love it! *adds to favorites*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to Mikan1011 [2012-07-27 21:31:41 +0000 UTC]

My friend :iconFelideaK: Drew him for me <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Prickly-Padawan [2012-07-27 21:16:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh look, sexy is back //shotdead//
nah I kid but seriously I know you didn't draw him but his design is still awesome xD I'm really excited to have him as a leader once more

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ferry-chan In reply to Prickly-Padawan [2012-07-27 21:31:48 +0000 UTC]

XD I know, right?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0