Fiddlezips — Rique Staines

Published: 2014-02-19 14:11:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 1649; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 5
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Description Profile of a greasy little man
Rique Staines

Name and Statuses
Name: Rique Tarquin Staines
Species: Memitim
Race: Human
Race Identified As: Symbol-human cross
Rank: N/A
Blood: A- Equivalent
DOB: 2591
Bounty: None
Sexuality: Bisexual (prefers women)
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Night club owner | Film producer
Planet of Residence: Kispria (frequently travels to Cruix)

Adopt Image: -
Detailed Face: -
Age Appearance: Early forties
Gender: Male
Weight: 120 pounds
Height: 5'1''
Build: Skinny
Eyes & Hair:
Eyes: Solid black with yellow pupils
Hair: Black with a white streak or two
Hairstyle: Fairly short, greasy, slicked back but with any number of messy strands in his face.
Facial Hair: Scruffy sideburns, thin moustache, a manner of stubble.
Skin: Olive
Scars and Marks: None
Piercings: Ear cuffs on both ears (not actually pierced)
Notable Features: Tired sunken eyes; constantly looks in need of a wash; always seems to be wearing something brown
Clothing: (from left to right)
Underwear: Whatever he fancies at the time
Typical: Brown pinstripe suit, casual trainers
Casual: Shirt, tie, braces, likely quite sweaty
Business: Big ol' leather jacket, very comfy, kinda heavy
Formal: The nicest brown suit money can buy (supposedly)

Dietary Notes:
- [Memitim] Amavore: Can only consume souls; any physical food or drink will make him sick. This doesn't stop him from frequently putting food in his mouth.
Medical Conditions:
- Allergic to physical medicines and injections
- Agnostic: Doesn't have much of an opinion either way.

Chewing gum: He has a habit of chewing things. It's not something he can really control, and gets worse if he's anxious or excited. Gum is good for this, and it's nice to taste it too.
Torch: Usually keeps a torch in his trouser pocket, just in case there's a power outage or something. Often causes raised eyebrows if anyone hugs him.

Life-Sight: [Racial Trait] Able to see the lifelines of sentient beings. Handy for finding a meal. Doesn't live in a great area, so it's not hard to locate a suitable target (and there's always the hospital if that fails).
Soul Sense: [Racial Trait] Can sense when another Memitim is around.
Agelessness: [Racial Trait] Stops aging when he looks fortyish and is, theoretically, immortal. He can still be killed by disease and injury, though, both of which seem quite likely.
Shadow Manipulation: [Birth Power] Able to manipulate existing shadows into a physical form. The bigger the form, the thinner the shadow is stretched, so the weaker it becomes. Cannot be used without a light source. Isn't amazing at this power (as he's a little frightened by it), but knows enough to get by.

Personality Cocky | Skittish
Basically, Rique's a greasy bundle of nerves. He's full of energy to the point of physical tremors, and as easy to spook as a mouse with a nervous disposition. His wide-eyed enthusiasm can come across as him being positively manic, and that's not really far from the truth; he's learnt to keep his energy bottled up most of the time, though it manages to seep out in the form of constant shakiness.

But being on edge all the time doesn't mean he's highly strung, far from it. All things considered, he's quite laid-back, once you get over the undeserved sense of accomplishment, at least. Yeah, he's a bit up himself; he tends to think he's God's gift to the current situation, at least until proven otherwise (which, really, is not a difficult feat). Still, he's not a bad guy, just kinda annoying.

- Small spaces: He wouldn't call himself claustrophobic, he just gets uncomfortable if he feels trapped.
- Needlessly large words: He's not too smart, so he gets annoyed if he can't understand what someone's trying to say.
- Uptight people: His business is all about relaxation. Maybe slightly hypocritical there.

- Being picked up: He is aware that he is small and doesn't like to be reminded in such a juvenile fashion, thank you.
- Being looked down on: Not just literally; he doesn't take kindly to people sneering at his career choices. No, he is not sleazy, not at all.
- Getting punched: Can easily be knocked flying.

- Darkness: Bad things can get you in the dark. He never got over a childhood fear of the dark, and knowing first-hand that shadows can hurt people doesn't help.

- Flavoured things: Sure, souls are satisfying, but there are so many other flavours to sample. Just because he can't physically eat stuff doesn't mean he can't enjoy it.
- Watching fights: So long as he's not involved, he can really enjoy someone getting their head kicked in. Very much enjoys seeing his mum beat people up.
- Smoking and drinking: Not enough to be an addict of either, but enough to have bad breath and several blank spots in his memory.

- His family: Just a big bunch of idiots, really.
- Making movies: It's just so much fun. He loves to go back and watch the things he's made (even the terrible cringe-worthy ones) and reminisce about the good times.
- Gorgeous people: Always nice to have something pretty to look at when you're talking to someone.
- Trips to the beach: Sun, sea, sexy people in bikinis!

- Something to chew on: Gum, a glove, a pencil... The insides of his cheeks get a bit gory if he can't find an alternative.
- Light: As well as being scared of the dark, he can't use his power without light (and he needs a night-light to sleep).

[Small stature:] He's a shrimpy little thing with next to no muscle mass. Is no good at all in a physical fight and gets a bit defensive if he thinks his size is being mocked.
[Restless:] Can't sit still and is always fiddling with something. Has ruined many shirts by tugging on loose threads and chewing through the sleeves.
[Show-off:] He's pretty good at singing and dancing, but can get irritatingly smug about it if he gets the chance to display his talents.
[Jumpy:] His nervousness makes him a little unpredictable at times. He's no good at all with scary films or darkened buildings.

[Shadows:] Although his power is used mainly as a defense mechanism, it's very useful for dealing with unpleasant people and making cool shadow puppets.
[Confident:] If he knows he's right, he'll go all out to prove it.
[Competent:] He's actually pretty good at his job and knows his industries well.
[Charming:] Very very rarely, he can come across as being charismatic. Sure, it's just well-disguised sleaze, but it fools people occasionally. At least he's friendly.

Brief Bio:
Marsha Staines, a mere office worker for some faceless company, was indeed a relatively ordinary human. She took her pet MEDs for walks, tended to her pristine spice garden, and... occasionally participated in underground cage-fighting matches. They were a bit of harmless fun (in a sense), mainly, and it gave her something to do when there wasn't anything good on at the cinema. It was through this that she met a fellow fighter, a large chap called Flek.

The two hit it off, went out for a few months, and even got kinda serious. They both wanted kids, though once successful, realised that their relationship wasn't going to work long-term (Flek wasn't the marrying type and Marsha hoped for a proper little family). Still, no harm done; Marsha was happy to have a baby on the way and Flek was delighted to see how his spawn would progress. Soon enough, Marsha gave birth to a healthy baby boy: Rique.

Of course, Rique wasn't a normal boy. If it wasn't for Flek's guidance through the boy's early life, Marsha would've been at a loss; it turned out the kid was unable to eat physical food, and instead had to eat the life force of plants or something. Had Flek not been so adamant that this was indeed the case, Marsha may very well have not believed it. Sure enough though, the boy remained healthy and happy, and – after passing on a few further words of guidance – Flek took his leave from the family's life.

Growing up, Rique was an energetic, inquisitive little thing. Due to his mother's love of cooking, their home was frequently filled with all sorts of interesting aromas. It was really quite a shame that the boy couldn't actually eat the food, and he often begged to try the clearly delicious concoctions that Marsha made. Once or twice he was able to sneak a lick of a spoon and was delighted by the wonderful taste, though spent the rest of the day gradually fearing that he was soon to die. However, he miraculously survived, and decided that tasting things was safe (the worst side effect being the occasional stomach ache and vomiting bout).

As for school, that was no problem really. Rique may not have been as big or as strong as most of the other children (in fact, he was small and nervous), but he managed to avoid trouble, despite constantly fearing it. He had a small circle of friends, all of whom had a love for films and television shows. As such, the group often got together to make little movies for their own enjoyment. Of course, these were largely quite dreadful, though sparked a passion that would remain in Rique's heart forever after. Indeed, school had been good to him, though it did nothing to calm his exuberant liveliness.

A small change did occur when Marsha finally married her boyfriend, Teddy. Teddy was a good guy, friendly as anything, and more than happy to be a father to Rique. The little family was very content and, a few years later, there was another addition to it: Jamie. The human girl was, undoubtedly, quite annoying, but the two children got along just fine.

Once Rique was near enough done with his schooling, the family had plans to move to Kispria. A few days before they were due to leave, however, Rique found a large man sitting in the kitchen. The boy had heard about Fleksrah from his mum, but had never had a chance to speak to him. The ordeal was... slightly frightening. Flek explained how Marsha had mentioned they were leaving the planet a while ago, and that he felt compelled to talk to his son before relocating. To be honest, Rique found it difficult to pay attention when he feared that his head may be bitten off any second, but he got the gist of it. Something about a meeting at some point, a tremendous power, and to take care.

Anyway, soon the family moved to Kispria, where they met up with Marsha's sister, Bick. To put it simply, Bick was awesome. She owned a chain of nightclubs on the planet, she had loads of cool friends, and she swore like Hell. Whilst Rique took a film production degree (having a desire to get into that business), he hung around with Bick as much as possible, clinging onto her every word with rampant adoration. He had become cocky with age, not helped by Bick's reinforcement of his actions, and soon asked to help Bick with her job.

Meanwhile, as Bick was still considering the request (and constantly coming up with new excuses to avoid answering it), some strange things happened to Rique. The discovery of his power was probably the thing he enjoyed least.

He had been at home with Jamie whilst Marsha and Teddy were out at the fights (Marsha having discovered a new place to play in), and had found a late-night horror film to watch. Having never been a fan of such things, Rique protested, but Jamie insisted (mainly via crude taunts) that they sit through it. Everything went fine, at least until a jump scare made Rique shriek and Jamie suddenly swear. After his heart rate returned to normal, Rique noticed that Jamie was bleeding from a cut on her arm, something that made no sense whatsoever. He apologised profusely, panicked, though was no closer to understanding. It wasn't until their parents arrived home that the situation was explained somewhat.

After patching up Jamie and calming Rique down, Marsha reiterated something that Flek had said: something about some sort of power. Learning that he may have been responsible for his little sister's injury really wasn't great to hear but at least he knew to watch out for it in the future. Since he theorised that his power was triggered by shock, he set about to scare himself further in an attempt to figure out what it was. This – combined with his already shaky disposition – likely did him no good, though he did eventually learn that he could manipulate shadows. Amusing, really, considering he suffered from a fear of the dark that had persisted since childhood.

The other thing that happened was the meeting that Flek had mentioned years before, which started with Rique finding the large man in his kitchen once again. As surprising as it was, it was thankfully less terrifying this time. Rique introduced himself with an air of confidence, though couldn't keep himself from jittering as he attempted to shake his father's massive hand. They had barely exchanged words before Flek was grinning widely and literally carrying his son out the door. Okay, it was actually more terrifying.

It turned out that Flek was delivering him to a meeting that would explain a lot of things. Before long, Rique met with a tall, beautiful man: Samaet, the Charon. Samaet apologised for any discomfort that the journey may have caused, and Rique just couldn't help but smile and say everything was fine. Soon enough (once the sparkles were cleared from his vision), information was given and minds were blown. Samaet was incredibly helpful, able to answer the questions that Rique had about his own existence and provide him with a fascinating new outlook on life; he was a Memitim, a soul-eater, and actually pretty special.

And with that inflation to his ego, Rique returned home to see Bick and demanded to finally be considered for a job. She agreed, and a very enjoyable training period began, no doubt improved by the thoughts of Memitim and secret things dancing in his head.

Eventually, once Rique had proven he knew what he was doing (and when he actually looked old enough to handle the job), Bick pretty much gave him one of her clubs and told him to keep it going. After a bumpy first couple of years, Rique got the hang of things and made the club his own. It was a fun job and suited him down to a tee, as well as giving him enough spare time to work on his films.

[2591] Rique born
[2600] Marsha and Teddy get married
[2602] Jamie born
[2613] Moved to Kispria
[2620] Powers manifested
[2624] Met with the Charon
[2626] Became manager of 'Body Shots'
[2631] Rique officially an adult

[Night club owner:] Rique's main income comes via his Kisprian nightclub 'Body Shots' (it's technically a strip-club). It's part of the chain that Bick owns, and Rique is tasked with managing it and making sure it stays afloat.
[Film producer:] Really more of a hobby than anything, but he likes to proclaim he's officially successful at it. To be fair, he's been involved with a  few films that have had box office releases, and there may be a scandalous video of him on the Internet somewhere still.

- Fleksrah Sen: [Biological Father] Pretty big and scary, but nice enough to those he cares about. Rique doesn't see the man much, though knows that Flek helped out a lot during his childhood.
- Marsha Staines: [Mother] Pleasant for the most part, though a thrill-seeker at heart.
- Teddy Humpen: [Step-father] A huge doofus. No respect for Rique's 'don't carry me around' policy.
- Bick Staines: [Aunt] Super cool, kind of a bad influence, but who cares?
- Jamie Staines: [Sister] Very annoying, just like a little sister should be. Still, there's some love there, deep down.
- Amadeus Constantine: [Half-brother] Doesn't know about him until late into the 2600s. Rique is not too fond of his brother.

Friends: [Will add as met]
- Monty Chou: [Friendly Medic] Met at one of Marsha's fights. An alright guy, great drinking buddy.
- Anden Slope: [Kinda Boyfriend] A professional skier who is really cool and kinda angry but pretty cute.

Enemies: [Will add as met]

Persons Met: [Will add as met]
- Samaet: [Charon] So tall and so pretty.

- He pees a lot for a Memitim. He has theorised that it may be due to how much he salivates from chewing stuff.
- Make fun of his height and he will get in a huff.
- He always appreciates new chewing gum and interestingly-flavoured stuff.

Memitim; Samaet (c) Tenor
Rique (c) Fiddlezips
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Comments: 4

silentmoon913 [2014-02-19 21:41:35 +0000 UTC]

He seems cute, in a slightly gross sort of way. c: (I'm a fan of Bick though ;D)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fiddlezips In reply to silentmoon913 [2014-02-22 21:26:08 +0000 UTC]

That's what I was going for pretty much so that's excellent. 8D (yeah she's kinda cool >83)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

forestfairyunicorn [2014-02-19 15:52:44 +0000 UTC]

I think I like this guy. Not too sleezy, and a total goofball.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fiddlezips In reply to forestfairyunicorn [2014-02-19 19:47:36 +0000 UTC]

That's good to hear. |3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0