FirebirdPhoenix87 — Sonic HotOR Ch. 17

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Published: 2019-01-03 01:18:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 2735; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 17 - Trials of the Jedi

Jumping out of hyperspace, the Ebon Hawk quickly made its way to the tranquil planet of Dantooine. Sonic looked outside in awe by how peaceful it looked when they crossed the atmosphere & saw its surface. "I'd almost forgotten what grassland on a planet looked like." Sonic muttered while Bastila flashed him a smile. In the distance they could see the Jedi enclave while Bastila inserted her own personal code & message to let the enclave know that Bastila had returned. After approving, they were instructed to land onto the landing pad with Bastila quickly getting out of her seat & rushing outside to the Council Chambers. Sonic on the other hand, simply & slowly walked down on the loading ramp, feeling the warm sun on his fur & skin, taking a deep breath from Dantooine's air. Man it feels good to be somewhere new! Dantooine kind of reminds me of Mobius, in a way. Sonic thought to himself, enjoying the feeling of being on another planet, before the thoughts of those he met on the way on Taris came back to him. But all those people....Zelka, Gadon, Gendar, Rukil....I can only hope some at least survived. Malak is not gonna get away with this!

Sonic was so busy being distracted that he failed to notice Bastila suddenly approach him & Carth, who was also waiting outside of the ship. "I've spoken briefly with the Council. They request an audience with you. We should go at once." "An audience with the Jedi Council??" Carth echoed. "That's pretty unusual for someone who isn't even a Jedi. What's this about, Bastila?" "I'm sorry, Carth, but I cannot tell you." Bastila refused, apologizing. "All I ask is that you trust in the Force & the wisdom of the Council." "Well, I don't like being left out of the loop, but I'm not looking to get you in any trouble with the Jedi Masters." Carth said. "We'll do things your way for a while." "Come, they're expecting us." Bastila instructed Sonic. "I will lead you to the Council chambers."

While on the way, Sonic spoke to a few individuals while following Carth & Bastila, heading to the Council chambers. However just before he could even get there, he was suddenly blocked by a female Jedi. "You there! Padawan! Why are you not wearing the customary robes of the Jedi? Do you mock the honored traditions of our Order?" "Are you a Jedi?" Sonic asked, taken aback by the Jedi's sudden outburst. "My name is Belaya." The Jedi introduced herself. "I have come here to further my learning in the ways of the Force. Many Jedi come here to train under Master Zhar. Any who belong to the Order should surely know this. You must be neglecting your studies, Padawan." "I believe you're mistaken." Sonic corrected Belaya. "I'm not a Padawan; I'm Sonic the Hedgehog & I came here with Bastila."

"Bastila?" Belaya echoed. "I have heard of her. They say she has already mastered the art of Battle Meditation, remarkable in one so young. Though I heard she has a foolish pride in her own talents. But as for you....you claim you are not a Padawan? I find this hard to believe. The Force is strong within you; I can feel its presence. If this is some type of jest, it is in very poor taste. The Jedi Order is not a subject for jokes!" "I'm telling you the truth." Sonic stated. "Please forgive the abruptness with which I first greeted you." Belaya apologized. "It was harsh & perhaps unfair. My master often warns me I must learn to control my emotions. I see I have much left to learn. I wish you a pleasant stay here on Dantooine. May the Force be with you."

Sonic nodded & rushed ahead to make it to the Council chambers. "They're waiting for you inside." Carth said to Sonic, pointing to the Masters inside. Sonic slowly walked inside, feeling a bit nervous to meeting the Jedi Masters face-to-face, even when one of the Masters, a red Twi'lek, spoke up. "Ah, so you are the one who rescued Bastila? It is appropriate you are here. We were discussing your rather....special case. I am Zhar, a member of the Jedi Council. With me are Master Vrook, Master Vandar, & the Chronicler of our Academy Master Dorak. Padawan Bastila, I'm sure you are already familiar with." "So....you've drawn me into your little trap, Bastila." Sonic smirked at the young Jedi. "What now?" "This is no trap." Bastila assured Sonic. "The Council just wants to talk to you. There is much that needs to be discussed." "Isn't the Jedi Council on Coruscant?" Sonic asked. "Yes, the High Council of the Jedi Order is on Coruscant." Zhar answered. "But we are the Council in charge of the training facility here on Dantooine."

This is gonna be confusing, even for the Council on Coruscant. Sonic thought to himself. Or is that how this works? "I've got some questions for all of you." Sonic requested out loud. "Indeed, I'm sure that you do." Zhar agreed. "I assure you that we will have answers for you." "Why did the Sith destroy Taris?" Sonic asked. "Darth Malak seeks to destroy the Jedi Order." Vandar, a short elder frog-like alien with long ears, a bald wrinkled head, & dark greenish-gray skin, answered, explaining. "Our most effective weapon, perhaps our only hope, is Bastila's skill with Battle Meditaiton. With this power, she can swing the tide of nearly any battle in our favor, which is why malak was seeking her so fervently." "And if he could not have her, he would see her destroyed." Vrook, an elder human, added. "Taris was just in the way." "We need Bastila in our fight against the Sith." Zhar explained. "Indeed, we need every Jedi we can muster, since the Sith have been hunting us down at every opportunity. Which brings us to you."

"M-Me??" Sonic asked, looking behind him briefly before pointing to himself. "What about me?" "Bastila tells us you are strong in the Force." Zhar answered. "We are considering you for Jedi training." Wait, me?? Sonic thought to himself while an overjoyed expression formed on his face. You mean learn how to use those cool powers like Bastila & use a lightsaber like her?! Aw, yeah!! This is awesome!! I mean, it would explain a whole lot. "Nothing would give me greater honor than learning the ways of the Jedi." Sonic expressed out loud, his overjoyed expression still on his face. "Master Zhar speaks out of turn, perhaps." Vrook disagreed. "We need indisputable proof of your strong affinity to the Force before we would even consider accepting you for training."

"Proof?" Bastila echoed. "Surely the entire Council can feel of the strength of the Force within this man! And I have already related to you the events that took place on Taris!" "Perhaps it was simple luck." Vrook stated. "We both there there is no luck; there is only the Force." Zhar debated. "We all feel the power in Bastila's companion, though it is wild & untamed. Now that this power has begun to manifest itself, can we safely ignore it?" "The Jedi training is long & difficult, even when working with a young & open mind." Vrook debated. "Teaching a child is hard. How much harder will it be for an adult to learn the ways of the Jedi?" "If you'll have me, I am willing to try my best." Sonic said.

"Traditionally, the Jedi do not accept adults for training." Dorak explained. "Though there are rare exceptions in the history of our Order. But you are a special case." "I agree with Master Dorak." Vandar nodded. "Many of our own pupils are leaving the Jedi Order to follow the Sith teachings. We need recruits to stand against Malak! With Revan dead--." "Are you certain Revan is truly dead?" Vrook interrupted. "What if we undertake to train this one & the Dark Lord should return?" Wait, how can they train me & Revan should return? Isn't he dead? Sonic thought to himself. It doesn't make any sense. "We should discuss this matter more fully in private." Vandar recommended. "Bastila, you & your companion must go. This is a matter for the Council alone." Okay....maybe I'm not so sure about this. Sonic thought to himself as Bastila bowed to the Masters. Why do I get the feeling that they're not telling me something? "Come, Sonic." Bastila requested. "Okay." Sonic shrugged as he followed Bastila to the Ebon Hawk.

That night, Sonic had another dream, but unlike the previous ones, he was no longer on the bridge of Revan's flagship but....in a strange room, full of ruins, ruins that were older than anything Sonic had ever experienced. Behind him, he saw two individuals, one was the black-robed masked individual he immediately recognized as Revan pacing back & forth. The other was a man dressed in a tan & dark gray outfit whom Sonic immediately recognized as Eggman....but the figure who shared Eggman's face was much thinner & his mustache much smaller, although the egg-shaped torso was still present despite its smaller size. "The dark side is strong in this place." Malak in the vision suddenly spoke up. "I can feel its power!" Revan in the vision suddenly stopped pacing & slowly started to walk up to a door, raising his hand while using the Force to interact with the ancient mechanics. "Is this wise?" Malak in the vision continued, asking. "The ancient Jedi sealed this archway! If we pass beyond this door, we can never go back; the Order will surely banish us!"

Just as Malak finished, Sonic saw Revan wave his hand & the door opened, with Revan glancing at Malak before turning his attention to an unseen object beyond the door. "Are the secrets of the Star Forge so valuable?" Malak in the vision asked just as Revan started to venture forward. "Can its power truly be worth the risk?" Malak, realizing his words fell on deaf ears, began to follow Revan & Sonic saw a strange device in front of them opened & slowly began to activate just when he woke up & the dream end. "What was that?" Sonic asked himself as he rose from his bed, rubbing his eyes. Sonic slowly got dressed & looked around the ship to find that Bastila was nowhere to be found before walking off the ship.

"This morning's getting stranger by the minute." Carth commented shortly after Sonic departed from the Ebon Hawk. "First Bastila comes out looking like she saw a ghost, & now you." "Wait what?" Sonic asked, confused. "Well, Bastila did mention that you should go to the Council chambers before she left." Carth continued, ignoring Sonic's remark. "It is no doubt urgent, so you shouldn't keep them waiting." "I had a rough night...." Sonic commented. "Well, I can't say I blame you." Carth agreed. "I....I haven't exactly been sleeping well myself. Here I thought things would get better once we escaped Taris." "Did she say anything else?" Sonic asked. "No she didn't." Carth answered. "She didn't seem....well, as I recall....& for that matter, neither do you. Are you alright?" "As I said, I had a rought night." Sonic reminded him. "Let's go." "You got it." Carth nodded.

Mission joined up with the two just when Carth finished, appearing depressed. "Huh? Oh....sorry. I was thinking about Taris. I still can't believe it's gone! I mean, I grew up there & now it's....it's....it's just gone!" "Malak will pay for what he did, Mission." Sonic assured her. "Yeah, I know." Mission nodded. "The Jedi got rid of Revan, so I figured Malak's days are numbered too. But that doesn't make the pain go away, you know?" "I know the feeling." Sonic agreed. "Look, I'm not saying I can'g go on or anything like that." Mission reminded him. "It's just....it's a shock, y'know? I mean, I knew the Sith were evil & all, but the reality of it kinda slaps you in the face. But I suppose that's why we need to stop Malak, right? The more time I spend dwelling on Taris, the more chance some other planet will get wiped out. I guess that's what it comes down to. So don't worry about me; I'll be okay! And if you need my help against Malak & the Sith, I'll be there for you!"

"That's good to hear!" Sonic smiled. "Is this a good time to ask more about your brother?" "I'm sorry for the way I acted before." Mission apologized. "It's just that when it comes to Lena, I tend to get a little worked up." "Why do you hate her so much?" Sonic asked. "I mean, what did she do to you?" "My brother & me had a good thing going." Mission explained. "Sure, Griff had his run-ins with the law on Taris, but we got by okay....until Lena came & ruined everything! She was a dancer at the cantina where my brother used to go to play Pazaak. Griff could be a real smooth talker & it wasn't long before the two of them were dating. But Lena was used to dating rich Tarisian nobles; guys with mountains of credits. Griff could never give her the kind of lifestyle she was used to, no matter how hard he worked." "Did Lena dump him?" Sonic asked. "I thought Lena would brush Griff off when she saw how poor he was, but for some reason she stuck around. I guess she saw the potential for a big payday down the road."

"Sounds like you're jealous." Sonic sniggered. "I saw Lena for what she really was: a busty credit-grabbing cantina rat!" Mission yelled, nearly pulling out her Piko Piko Hammer. "She used Griff & took away the only family I had!" "Whoa, okay, put that hammer away, please!" Sonic requested. "So what happened next?" "After they've been together for a few months, Griff told me he was leaving Taris." Mission continued. "He & Lena were going to try & make their fortune off-world. He promised as soon as he made enough credits, he'd come back & get me & we'd all live like royalty! ....That was two years ago; I haven't seen him since! I don't even know where he went!" "Maybe something happened to him?" Sonic theorized. "Oh I know what happened!" Mission glared. "As soon as she got him off Taris, Lena sunk her claws into Griff but good! She twisted him around her little finger & made him forget all about me! I know I'll probably never see Griff again. But part of the reason I came with you was the hope that I could find out what happened to my brother. But don't worry, I won't let my search for Griff get in the way of what we're doing! Let's just get back to the task at hand! Is there anthing else I can help you with?" "Since we're on a new planet, what do you know about Dantooine?" Sonic asked. "I'm not the one you should ask about Dantooine." Mission shook her head. "I didn't even know there was a Jedi Academy here; I always thought it was just a bunch of settlers & farmers!" "What do you know of Dantooine, Carth?" Sonic asked him. "Dantooine's a boring place." Carth answered, sounding not so enthusiastic about the planet. "It's all plains, herders, & small settlements. Perfect for the Jedi to lose themselves in, I guess."

After chatting with several individuals & passing by Belaya, who thankfully left them alone, Sonic reached the Council chambers, who were expecting him with Vandar immediately taking notice of him the second he walked in. "Bastila has told us of a most unusual development. She claims you & she have shared a dream, a vision of Malak & Revan in the ancient ruins here on Dantooine." "These ruins have long been known to us, but we believed them to be merely burial mounds." Dorak added. "Perhaps they are more than we first suspected, if Revan & Malak had found something there." "What??!!" Sonic exclaimed. "How would Bastila know if we shared a dream?!" "She says that she felt your presence within the dream." Vandar answered. "The presence she has felt within you since--" "Master Vandar!" Vrook suddenly interrupted. "--Ever since Taris." Vandar corrected himself. "It is not unknown for this to happen between two people strong in the Force. Bastila has described this shared dream to the Council in great detail. We feel it is more than a dream; it is a vision. The Force is acting through you as it acts through Bastila."

"I'm having visions now?" Sonic asked. "You & Bastila share a powerful connection to the Force....& each other." Zhar explained. "This is not unheard of; connections often form between Master & student, but rarely does a bond develop so quickly." "Whatever dangers may lie ahead, we cannot ignore the destiny that has brought you & Bastila here to us. Together." Vandar added. "Are you saying I'm....joined with her??" Sonic asked. "You & she are linked, as is your fate to hers." Vandar answered. "Together, you two may be able to stop Darth Malak & the Sith." "But do not let your head be filled with visions of glory & power!" Vrook warned Sonic. "Such thoughts are the path to the dark side!" I am so sick & tired of hearing about power being the reason to fall to the dark side. Sonic thought. It's such a boring & overused excuse. Power is overrated anyway. "The way of the light is long & difficult, as you must learn." Vrook continued, breaking Sonic's thoughts. "Are you ready for such hardships?" "Yes, I'm ready for whatever awaits me." Sonic answered.

"Understand that there is little choice in this matter, for you or us." Vandar reminded Sonic. "Across the galaxy, the numbers of our Order dwindle. We have sent many Jedi in quest of a way to thwart Malak's advance....many have not returned. The Sith hunt the Jedi down like animals; ambushing & assassinating our brothers & sisters wherever they are found. We fear it is only a matter of time until they discover even this hidden refuge." "Other Jedi have fallen from the light & embraced the dark side." Vrook added. "Giving their allegiance to the Sith & Malak, their Dark Lord." "Wait, Jedi are turning to the dark side??" Sonic asked. "The lure of the dark side is not easy to resist." Vrook explained. "Malak's power grows as more & more planets fall to his conquering armies." "If Malak is not stopped, then the Republic will fall & the Jedi will be hunted to extinction." Zhar also added. "The galaxy will enter a time of darkness & tyranny not seen for a thousand generations!" "The Council has decreed that you & Bastila must investigate the ancient ruins you dreamed of....once the Council deems you ready." Vandar announced. "Perhaps there  you will find some clue." Dorak added. "Some explanation of how Revan & Malak were corrupted. And perhaps there you shall find a way to stop them."

"I'm ready now." Sonic announced. "I accept this mission." "The Force flows through you like no student we've ever seen." Vrook commented. "But you are willful & headstrong, a dangerous combination." "Before we send you to investigate the ruins, you must be trained in the ways of the Jedi so that you can resist the darkness within yourself....within all of us." Vandar recommended. "Otherwise you are doomed to fail." "As you wish." Sonic bowed. "We must begin your training at once." Zhar suggested, walking with the others & escorting Sonic to the training room. "You have a destiny upon you that you must be prepared to face. The entire fate of the galaxy is upon you." "I can only hope you will prove up to the task." Vrook added. "Don't worry!" Sonic assured them. "I won't let you down."

The first half of the week was Sonic learning how to deflect blaster shots from a single remote using a training saber, though as the week concluded, he learned how to deflect numerous shots from more than a few remotes easily. "The path you have chosen to walk is difficult." Zhar instructed him as Sonic ran through a training course the day after. "Intensive training will prepare you physically for the demands of the Order." Sonic had gone through the training course a few times more for the rest of the day, appearing content & proud that he mastered the obstacles in the course. "Too easy!" Sonic boasted. "Meditation will teach you to channel the power of the Force." Zhar instructed him the following week, with Sonic meditating & learning how to use the Force to lift his datapad, along with several chairs now "orbiting" around him by the end of the second week. "To truly understand the way of the Jedi, you must open your mind to knowledge." Zhar instructed Sonic on the third week in the Enclave's Jedi Archives below, with Sonic researching all he could. "Seek wisdom in the teachings of the great Masters of our Order." "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force." Sonic spoke out loud the Jedi Code, impressing Zhar.

"A Jedi is never alone." Zhar instructed Sonic on the fourth week. "Others in the Order will always stand by you." "Well, where I come from, teamwork is invaluable." Sonic said with a smirk as he entered a cave with Bastila, seeing hundreds if not thousands of kyber crystals inside, although he noticed a particular one glowing & he quickly snatched it. Back at the Enclave, Sonic meditated on the parts slowly orbiting his kyber crystal & it slowly came into place into a light-gray cylinder hilt & activated it, a blue blade coming to life & lighting up the training room. "You & Bastila share a special bond." Zhar instructed Sonic as he was practice sparring with Bastila. "Do not be afraid to turn to her when you need help in your training." Bastila managed to knock Sonic down with her lightsaber, & just before he pouted, he saw Bastila slowly pick him right back up as they resumed the sparring match. "The way of the Jedi is difficult." Zhar continued. "It requires great discipline." At the end of the week, Sonic had already managed to beat Bastila in practice matches three times, impressing both her & Zhar. "Yet even though you are a mere apprentice, your potential is unlimited....& your progress amazing!" Zhar was watching Sonic fight not only training remotes but also practice droids at the same time. Everything Sonic had learned under the few weeks during his Jedi training had culimated to this one match & Zhar was surprised to see Sonic take down the training remotes & the practice droids at the same time....all without breaking a sweat! Sonic bowed to the impressed Zhar before resuming his meditations.

"In all my years, I have never seen one who has mastered the initial training so quickly!" Zhar commented to Sonic at the end of the fifth week. "You have done in weeks what many cannot do in years!" "Hey, thanks!" Sonic bowed, flashing a smile to Bastila, who was standing nearby, who flashed a smile at him in return. "I am honored to welcome you fully into the Jedi Order!" Zhar congratulated Sonic, shaking his hand. Later, in the courtyard, Sonic was looking out, seeing the sun rise. "You're up early." Bastila commented as she walked outside to join him. "The early bird gets the worm." Sonic explained, holding up his lightsaber. "What do you know about these lightsabers?" "The lightsaber is the traditional weapon of our Order." Bastila explained. "It is a symbol of a Jedi's skill, dedication, & authority. Each lightsaber is as individual as the Jedi who wields it. The blade is made of pure energy; focused by a kyber crystal in the hilt. Although the crystal you are already aware of." "No doubt." Sonic chuckled before turning his attention outside of the Enclave. "But....there's something not right here." "What do you mean?" Bastila asked. "I feel....cold....death!" Sonic whispered. "I feel it too." Bastila also whispered. "There's a place not far from here that has been tainted by the dark side." "What place?" Sonic asked. "What's in there?" "I do not know." Bastila answered. "Perhaps Master Zhar could have more answers."

"Ah, apprentice, I was searching for you." Zhar said just before Sonic & Bastila entered the Council chambers' entrance. "As were we." Sonic added. "We can sense the dark side out there somewhere." "For every Jedi, the threat of the dark side is always present." Zhar instructed. "You must see the corruption of the dark side for yourself. Even here on Dantooine, there are places where the dark side holds sway, twisting & tainting nature itself. The ancient grove once used for deep meditation by the Jedi is now tainted; a wave of darkness perverts the region around it. The kath hounds have become savage & ruthless; they have become a threat to the settlers, a threat the Jedi have promised to stop." "What's causing this corruption?" Sonic asked. "The kath hounds are but a symptom of the true problem." Zhar answered. "You must journey into the grove & confront the true source of the darkness." "Do you have no other guidance?" Sonic asked. "I can say no more." Zhar refused. "Some things you must see for yourself. None of the other Jedi at the academy are permitted to help you in this task. But remember this, my young apprentice: a Jedi acts with patience & care & those on the dark path are not always lost forever. The dark side still taints the ancient grove. Your lessons cannot continue until the spreading corruption of the dark side has been stopped. This is your task, apprentice. May the Force be with you."

"You coming, Bas?" Sonic asked. "I think he meant I'm not allowed to join you either." Bastila corrected him. "But don't fret; it shouldn't be anything you couldn't handle." "Nothing I can't handle?" Sonic repeated with a smirk. "We'll see about that. I'll be back in a flash!" Sonic then took off like a bullet, causing the other Jedi to yelp & hold onto their robes from the sudden gush of wind caused by Sonic's speed. "Maybe I should've taught him to use less of his speed." Zhar said to Bastila. "Patience will come later." Bastila assured him. "At least, I hope so. He's always on the move." "I hope you're right." Zhar said to Bastila before turning around & returning to the Council.
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