Firelance2361 — What If...Nova Saved The Neighborhood?

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Published: 2024-04-13 22:36:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 5304; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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Description Since I’ve been absent a little lately, here’s another full on What If...? scenario for all you viewers based on one of my earlier works. Apologies if it’s a little lengthy for some (again).

In this universe, Tony Stark's attempts to carry the nuclear warhead to the Wormhole failed when a Chitauri Sniper shot him in the Arc Reactor, causing him and everyone topside of Manhattan to perish as the nuke crashed into Stark Tower, unleashing a wave of Space Stone energy over the city.
Down in the subway system prior to this, Peter Parker was hiding with refugees while his Aunt May went looking for survivors, when he overhears Stark's efforts overhead on the surface. Managing to slip away from the guards, he runs to the entrance to get to May, only to be entrapped by the falling debris from the explosion. The wormhole, however, soon began to absorb the city underneath it, and Peter found himself being pulled up from under the rubble into it, colliding with the Tesseract and absorbing the energies of the Space Stone, before getting transported through time and space to the planet Xandar.

After a month of being stuck in a coma, Peter wakes up in a panic with his new powers, trying to escape the facility and return home, only to be cornered on the roof by dozens of Nova Crafts, thankfully, Rhomann Dey manages to talk the young boy down, convincing Peter to let the Nova help him.
Upon meeting and introducing himself to Nova Prime, Peter not only learns the unfortunate fate of his home city, but also that his exposure to the Space Stone gave him superhuman powers akin to Captain Marvel, only more potent since he was in direct contact with the infinity Stone’s energy, with additional powers including teleportation, hyper-speed, flight, and durability.
Later that evening, Dey ends up taking Peter to his family’s homestead, introducing him to his wife Karman-Kan and daughter Duranna, the latter of whom is excited to gain a new superhero brother. Upon settling into his new home and life, Peter makes a promise to his deceased Aunt May and Uncle Ben to put an end to Thanos’ reign of Terror.
For the next six years, Peter trains routinely to harness his newfound powers, working to help protect his new home and new family. He witness and aids in events like Ronin’s invasion and Ego’s Expansion, helping to reduce the damage and help save as many as he can. Finally, after years of effort and dedication, Nova Prime awards Peter the rank of Corpsman, gifting him with a special suit and helmet to harness his power. This comes in handy not a moment too soon, as soon afterwards, Thanos arrived on Xandar, gunning for the Space and Power Stones.
Unbeknownst to the Mad Titan, Peter and the Nova Corps have come up with a plan to combat his invasion: Using the Stones they have to project an energy field over Xandar, while Peter prepares the Nova Crafts behind the planet to lure Thanos fleet away from the Sanctuary II.
And so, as the Sakarran and Chitauri forces close in on the Nova Corps, Peter uses his Space Stone powers to teleport the fleet behind the Sanctuary II, allowing the Nova crafts to attack and entrap the warship and keep it from escaping as the Friendly Neighborhood Nova takes on the Mad Titan. As Peter tears through the ship, he also frees Nebula from her imprisonment, asking for her aid in defeating Thanos, to which she immediately says yes.
After breaking into the Throne Room and taking down all of the Black Order, both Nova and Nebula face off with the Mad Titan himself. The fight was a brutal, bloody, and deathly math, but in the end, the Young Nova emerged victorious, managing o cripple Thanos, leaving him defeated on the ground. Thanos was later tried and convicted of his charges, sentenced to life imprisonment under Max security management at the Kyln. The defeat of Thanos ushered in a new age of peace for the universe, as Peter Parker was praised for saving the planet and greater galaxy beyond.
The galaxy ushers in a new era of Universal Peace with Thanos’ defeat. 
* Peter’s reputation and helpfulness as the Friendly Neighborhood Nova spread to all corners of the galaxy, as people began to praise his active stance against galactic injustice. All the while Carol Danvers slowly fell out of favor in the eyes of many other worlds, especially in light of the New York Incident.
* The Guardians of the Galaxy, Ravagers, Kree Empire, Skrulls, Nova Corps, Sovereign, Eternals, and other galactic bodies have reformed into the Galactic Council, overlooking, and managing the maintenance of the cosmos against possible dangers and threats.
* Thanos’ Garden was turned into a refugee colony for civilizations without a world, like the Asgardians and Skrulls, who promptly moved to the planet following the Mad titan’s incarceration.
* Duranna spent some time at the Asgardian Colony, learning combat from Valkyrie, Sif, and the Warriors Three, as well as magic and sorcery from Frigga. She eventually donned the moniker of Moondragon, becoming an intergalactic Robin-Hood-esque figure.
* The Infinity Stones were all safely discovered and forged into the Infinity Matrix, allowing for proper universal resource distribution and environmental stability. This also helped with the emergences of new Celestials like Tiamut, allowing planets to safely extract the Celestials without destroying the planets.

Five years into the Galactic Peace, Peter and Duranna are off on their ship, The Solaris, with their crew of Eros, Pip, and Valkyrie – formally known as the Starjammers - to help with the negotiation of the new Kree-Skrull Treaty, when suddenly an unknown escape pod appears out of nowhere. Upon taking in the pod, they find out the unconscious pilot’s name is Vance Astrovik - codenamed Major Victory -  from the year 3006.
After awakening Astrovik from his slumber, the five fighters interrogate the young pilot, with Duranna using her magic to confirm his story. Vance tells Peter that he was born in Saugerties, New York in the 31st century, and that he was sent back in time to help Peter stop the catalyst of what would become the Annihilation Wave in his timeline; this happened due to their forebearers, the Tyannan’s attack happening at the Treaty signing on Hala. The forebearers of what would become battled the forces of the Galactic Council for supremacy, until they used the Infinity Matrix to exile their fortress planet Tyanna, through a black hole.
He goes on to say that the galaxy believed the forebearers dead, until they emerged 900 years later mutated and evolved into some type of insectoid-like species, with a massive armada beyond anything the universe had seen before. The Annihilation Wave decimated the forces of the Galactic Council in a tragedy known as Annihilation Day and ruled over the universe with an iron fist for over 100 years, fighting off a fledging resistance that Vance was a part of as the hero Major Victory.
When the Resistance realized it was fight they could not win, they decided to try and end it before it began. Using their best scientists and old history logs, they recreated the work of the Pym Particle, creating a one-way device that could send someone back in time to 2023 to prevent the attack and prevent the Annihilation Wave from coming into existence. Vance was given a specialized suit to protect him from any Quantum Disequilibrium, and sent back a thousand years to this date, with orders to find Peter Parker and inform him of everything about to happen unless they stop it here and now.
Upon hearing the of Annihilation Wave, the Starjammers travels to interrogate Carol Danvers, believing that she could likely be the cause as the “Annihilator”, only find her ship decimated and ransacked. All they find is Goose, who survived thanks to her Flerken biology. Believing this was no accident, the gang radio into the Council, who give them permission to investigate further, telling them they will bring additional reinforcements to the Treaty signing.
Soon afterwards Peter and Duranna calls up Dey about the situation, who gives them a tip about a rumored old and hidden Black Order base that was believed to still be in operation but somewhere unknown to the broader galaxy. Dey also tells them about recent visits at the Kyln’s Maximum Security Block, three weeks ago, believing someone may have been trying to pry information out of a certain someone.

Upon arrival at the Kyln, the groups goes down into the Maximum-Security Block, finding Thanos still sitting calmly in his cell. After a few moments of strife between him and Parker, he reluctantly tells him that the masked visitor arrived to ask about navigation towards the hidden base, threatening both Gamora and Nebula’s lives. When asked about who else could know about the location, Thanos said he had it built after the Battle of New York as a secret failsafe shelter for his armies, saying only he knows where it could be located.
Figuring that was the case, Peter radios in for Valkyrie to do it. Suddenly, tentacles appear out of nowhere as Goose and Val drop in from one of Goose’s pocket dimensions, sucking up Thanos and the rest of the group before he even has a chance to respond. The four with Goose pop into the Solaris, with Goose restraining the Mad Titan before he can move against them. Peter informs the mad Titan that he is going to help them find the base one way or another. Thanos reluctantly agrees, though not happy to be present with his brother Eros on board.

After fleeing the Kyln and jumping out of the system, Thanos begrudgingly leads them through a secret pathway in the UNTN to the deserted planet where the hidden base is located on, NZ-526, which Vance confirms as the Annihilation Wave’s origin planet of Tyanna. When the crew asks why it hard to get to, Thanos explains that he hid the planet behind an artificially-generated cosmic nebulae, so big that the amount of jump points to navigate through it could kill someone unless their ship had the proper protection.
Peter says that he will use his energy to help them navigate through the jump point, but Thanos says that even Parker’s Space Stone Energy would not be enough to protect them through the full journey, not unless he had some way to boost his energy levels. Peter gives a look of agreement at Duranna, with both having the same idea in mind: Use a combination of Duranna’s magic and Peter’s energy to protect their ship through the journey to Tyanna, to which rest of the group reluctantly agrees.
After Peter locks onto the Solaris from the outside and Duranna prepares her magic from within, Val and Eros take the helm as the jump point path opens, while Pip and Goose keep an eye on Thanos. As the jump point opens, Duranna enchants the Solaris as well as Peter in her magic, as Peter lightspeeds them through the UNTN pathway. The trip is mind-disorienting and almost tears them apart, but after going through the 1500 jump points within the path, the group finally arrives at Tyanna in one piece, though they do take a minute to recover from the aftershock.

Upon arriving at Tyanna and landing on the planet’s surface, the Starjammers, with Thanos in tow, scour through the surface of the planet, finding it seemingly deserted until they come across the hidden base, still operational, with sleek robotic guards operating and handling the technology on the base, preparing for an attack of some kind.
After sneaking through a gap in the guards’ defenses, Val manages to open the control panel to the inside of the base, finding the coding scarily familiar. As the Starjammers navigate through the base, they stumble into what appears to be a trophy room of some sorts. Peter removes his helmet as he realizes in shock that the trophies here in this room include the relics of the original Avengers. Thanos explains that he found and recovered some of their equipment after the New York incident, keeping it here as a reminder of his mission.
After an emotional examination of the room, Peter manages to find Captain America’s original shield, which Vance inquires about. After explaining the history of Steve Rogers and the other Avengers to him, Peter lets Vance keep the shield, figuring it makes sense since Astrovik and Rogers were both equally men out of time.
Suddenly, the group hears a faint moan coming from the nearby cell block. Goose follows the scent, directing them to the detention area, where Peter finds a seemingly weakened and injured Carol Danvers in holding. After breaking open the cell door to break her out, Peter and Val attempt to help Carol to her feet, leading her back to the group, only for Goose to suddenly become defensive in sight of her former owner, which Duranna notices, realizing it’s a trap.
Just then, the lights go off as Carol eyes light up, suddenly going Binary and knocking everyone back against the wall and unconscious. The last thing Peter sees before he falls asleep is Danvers standing menacingly over him.
As the group wakes up, they find themselves inside a holding unit of a Sanctuary ship, restrained and floating in place, with Peter depowered thanks to the use of a Photon Inhibitor. That’s when Carol walks in, clad in a black and red version of her suit, now deranged.
Peter figures it all out; Carol had been working on this since she fell out of favor, and only enacted her plan when Vance entered the picture. She faked her capture to get them to break out Thanos, to lure them to the base to rescue them, and bring her a scapegoat to use on the Attack of the Peace Treaty, letting Thanos take the blame for Annihilation Day while she gets off Scott-free, getting vengeance for the universe abandoning her.
Peter attempts to call out Carol for her actions, to which Danvers retaliates by calling Peter a cheap Nova-knockoff of her, going on a spite-filled rant of how people like Peter could never understand what it takes to keep this ungrateful universe in order. She storms off as the PA system announces their arrival at Hala.
As the Annihilator arrives at the bridge, her troops bring forth the reluctant Mad Titan, clad in his armor and held at gunpoint as Carol holds a Universal Weapon in her hands. As the warship arrives at Hala, they send out a live broadcast signal over the planet’s communication system, where Thanos recites a scripted speech by Danvers, calling out the Kree for problematic and imperialistic ways, telling them they deserve neither peace nor mercy from anyone.
As Thanos is about to continue on the speech, he glares over at Danvers, which prompts him to use the rest of his time on air to call out Danvers for starting a Galactic war that would destroy everyone out of spite for what happened to her, which angers her enough that she knocks him to the ground with her hammer as the feed shuts off.

While Danvers executes her plan, Peter tries to find a way out of the cell, finding a small panel of exposed wiring in the device overhead them. Thinking quickly, Eros releases his Celestial Sphere, sending into floating upwards through the exposed panel and into the device; once inside the Device, the Sphere unleashes a massive feedback wave, short circuiting it and freeing everyone else.
After removing Peter’s inhibitor and retrieving their equipment and weaponry, the Starjammers free Goose from imprisonment, the group fight through the hordes of Tyannan soldiers, until they make it to the bridge, where Danvers stands over the Mad Titan, ready to kill him.
Peter tries to reason with his fellow Terran, but she rebuffs him, telling him that he’s too late. Suddenly, the ship rumbles as a massive energy cannon, powered by Danvers’ own energy unleashes upon the planet. They all watch as Hala is engulfed by the beam, wiping it out entirely as the beam fades away, leaving nothing in its place.
As the other Starjammers watch in horror, Danvers then raises her weapon at the young Nova, telling him he’s next, only to find herself surprised as Peter doesn’t even look fazed. Suddenly, alarms begin to flare up as a massive cosmic surge of energy appears in front of them.
A massive multicolored light emerges as the group is blinded by the rupture in energy; the light fades as everyone is shocked to see Hala, still intact and standing where it once was.

As everyone stands there bewildered by the reveal, Carol asks how this is even possible, to which Peter explains that he suspected that she had some involvement from the minute Vance mentioned the Annihilation Wave, which only was further expounded when they found her ship abandoned with only Goose left behind. Upon further examination of the blast holes, he found that the marks were about 3 weeks old, around the same time Thanos was paid a visit in the Kyln.
As they were headed for the Kyln, Peter secretly contacted the Council on a secure channel, warning them that whatever was on Tyanna had Danvers involved in some capacity, so they should prepare accordingly. So as the Starjammers were travelling to the Kyln and then to Tyanna, the Council covertly moved the Infinity Matrix with them to Hala, temporarily integrating into the planet’s defense systems to protect it from the attack.
As she stands there in disbelief, Dey’s voice comes over the speakers, telling the Annihilator that she is under arrest by order of the Galactic council, as dozens of Nova and Kree crafts approach the warcraft, surrounding them.
Carol angrily inquires as to why Peter would defend people like the Kree, people like Thanos, especially after everything that they had done. Peter says he could have, but it was his Aunt May and Uncle Ben who taught him that everyone deserves a chance, and the family he found here that taught him to seek the light in everyone.
The Starjammers engage with the Tyannan forces, causing a full-on battle of energy and magic, blasts and blades, until Carol blasts them back and escapes out the window attempting to finish off the Kree herself. Peter gives chase, and young Nova engages in a heated dogfight with the Annihilator, trying to keep her away from the planet.
As the two blast each other with their power, Carol grabs Peter in a chokehold, attempting to squeeze the life out of him, only of Peter to grab her hands and hold her in place, as he begins to counteract her energy with his own, causing a massive explosion of power that sends them both crashing to the planet’s surface. As a beaten-up Carol wakes up, she finds herself trapped as a sharp beam is about to impale her. The beam breaks off heading straight for her, only for it to stop as Peter catches it right before it stabs her. He throws the beam away, standing over the defeated Annihilator.

Later, both Danvers and Thanos are both sent back to the Kyln with their forces, and the Peace treaty proceeds without any issue, ushering in a new alliance to the Galactic Council. The Starjammers are rewarded for their act of valor by the Council, officially becoming the Universe’s Mightiest Heroes.
While Vance tells Peter that he is unsure if they stopped the Annihilation Wave or merely prevented it, the young Nova tells him and his crew that no matter what comes their way, they will fight it together. As Peter and Duranna bids goodbye again to Dey and Karman, the Starjammers heads off again to find any trouble where it needs them.

Sorry this one took so long, but I thought this would be a fun idea to both incorporate a more obscure What If...? idea into the greater Multiverse Saga as we gear towards Secret Wars. Plus, since including it’s no secret having Peter Parker in the MCU as Spider-Man is a costly matter, including a variant of him as a different kind of hero would be a fun workaround to that issue.
And before I forget, here’s the roster for this version of the Starjammers.

Peter Parker/Nova
Vance Astrovik/Major Victory
Pip the Troll
Let me know what you guys think, and I hope you like it!
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